Научная статья на тему 'The discussion on allergic shock during perioperative period caused by cefuroxime'

The discussion on allergic shock during perioperative period caused by cefuroxime Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Текст научной работы на тему «The discussion on allergic shock during perioperative period caused by cefuroxime»

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[13] Tang Chunying, Zhang Kouxing, Lou Tanqi, et al. Bioequivalence Study of Cefotaxime Sodium for Injection[J]. Chinese Journal of Nosocomiology, 2004, 18(4): 847-849.

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Wang Haiyan, Wang Ying, Cheng Wei

Hei Longjiang University of Chinese Medicine, 24 He Ping Road, Xiang Fang District, Harbin, 150040, xiaoha-


Hei Longjiang University of Chinese Medicine, 24 He Ping Road, Xiang Fang District, Harbin, 150040,wyviolin85@163.


Harbin Commercial University, 1 Xue Hai Street, Song Bei District, Harbin, 150028, chw@hrbcu.edu.cn

The purpose of this paper is to probe into the characteristic and regularities of allergic shock caused by Cefurox-ime and discuss the relativity between the drug and Patients under anaesthetic and anesthetics combination.

The method of this paper is to retrieve all the documents about Allergic shock caused by Cefuroxime from China National Academic Magazine Data-base (CNKI), Wan-fang database and Pubmed database. The matching degree is fuzzy with 'cefuroxime' and 'allergic shock' in Chinese as key words. Taking 'cefuroxime' and 'allergic shock/anaphylactic shock/ shock anaphylacticus' in English as key words, there are 29 documents, including 25 in Chinese and 4 in English. With another 4 documents collected from clinic experience, there are totally 34 documents to be taken statistical analysis.

In total, there are 29 documents met the inclusion criteria. In 34 of the patients, 63.4% appeared the symptom in 30 minutes after medication. 6 of them are delayed type. 12 patients had the allergic shock during perioperative period, among them, 6 patients shocked after medical anesthesia, 10 patients got negative cefuroxime skin test.

In conclusion, it is difficult to prognosis the allergic shock caused by cefuroxime, which is apparently related with allergic physique. Side chain structure is the main antigenic determinant of allergic shock caused by cefuroxime. It will also increase the risk with the application of the combined anesthetics during perioperative period.


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Wang Wei, Song Lei


Abstract The incidence of gastric cancer is high, to better study the pathogenesis of it,developing new medicine, improve the effectiveness of the diagnosis, all need to apply gastric cancer model. Through heterotopic transplantation and think about immune system effect, how to build a better gastric cancer model, to make it more clinical.

Key words ICR mice; BALC mice; gastric cancer

Introduction Gastric cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors, and is the second leading cause of death,It is necessary to establish a reliable animal model of gastric cancer, in order to explore the etiology, pathogenesis and prevention and cure of gastric cancer.There are two kinds of modeling methods in the experimental animal model of gastric cancer, long-term induction and rapid transplantation.Long - term induction experiment has a long period of time, and now it is transplanted into less model,the problem of immune rejection should be paid attention to in the process of rapid transplantation into the model making method[1].Nowadays, most of the models of gastric cancer were made by mice, and the grafts were divided into two groups: human and mous. According to the different immunity of mic,such as the representative of immunodeficient nude mice,and immunocompetent mice, such as ICR mic, and also some inbred strains of mice.Nowadays, many Chinese herbal medicines have been put into effect in the immune syste,in this case, nude mouse model has some limitations. In this paper, ICR mice and inbred mice were used as recipients,heterotopic transplantation model was established by human and mouse cells,the comparison model is established to provide reference for related research.

Material and methods

1.Cancer cell:MFC rat gastric cancer cells and BGC-823 human gastric cancer cells buy from Boster Biological Technol-ogyCompany,MFC cell number:CX-211,BGC-823.No.CX0046.

2.Animals :20 ICR mice, 4-6 weeks old, weight 18-20g. 20 BALC/C mice, 4-6 weeks old, weight 14-16g. Both male and female.

3.Experimental method:After cell culture, the transplanted tumor was inoculated.The cell concentration was 2*106/ ml. Mice axillary inoculation.Animal grouping: 20 ICR mice were divided into 2 groups, namely, MFC mouse gastric cancer cell line inoculation group and BGC-823 human gastric cancer cell line; 20 BALC mice were equally grouped. After 1 weeks, the mice were sacrificed after 2 weeks, and the changes of the naked eye and the microscope were observed.

Results The BALC mice inoculated with MFC cells had a better survival condition, a slight degree of activity, and no obvious inflammation and adverse reaction.1 weeks when the naked eye visible swelling of the armpit, palpation of the quality of hard, poor mobility, anatomy, only visible under the armpit 5 new creatures. Continued feeding for 1 weeks, we can see a new increase in the armpit of new organisms, hard texture, anatomy can be seen with the same new biological.The second remaining mice and found that the new biological anatomy, and the surrounding tissue tightly, without complete capsule, the mobility of small, nodular, infiltrative growth, invasion and muscle adjacent tissues, after 1 weeks the average diameter of 0.8cm, maximum diameter of 1.2cm; 2 weeks after the mean diameter of 1.0cm, the maximum diameter of 1.5cm. Light microscopy showed squamous cell carcinoma. After MFC inoculation, the BALC mice were visible at the same 82 Амурский медицинский журнал №3 (19) 2017

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