THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SCIENTIFIC AND INNOVATIVE IDEAS OF THE YOUTH IN THE PERIOD OF GLOBALIZATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
innovation / pedagogy / technology / modernization / education

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Turayeva D., Ergasheva M.

The article reveals the need to make innovative changes in the professional training of students, since one of the main problems of modern education is to improve the quality of functioning of any educational system and guarantee this quality is closely related to innovation.

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UDK 37.02

Turayeva D. teacher

Ministry of public education of the Republic of Uzbekistan Fergana regional department specialized school № 1 on exact and social sciences

Ergasheva M. teacher academic lyceum № 3 Uzbekistan, Fergana


Annotation: The article reveals the need to make innovative changes in the professional training of students, since one of the main problems of modern education is to improve the quality of functioning of any educational system and guarantee this quality is closely related to innovation.

Key words: innovation, pedagogy, technology, modernization, education.

Innovation is the future. If we start building our great future today, we should start with the same innovative ideas and innovative approaches. " The genesis of socio-cultural technologies in scientific management of society is the development of science, the rise of human thinking and scientific knowledge. The solution of existing problems in the society is related to innovative activities.

It is not a secret that the current processes in Uzbekistan's new stage of development are inevitably accompanied by strong social and political activism, and many view the process as a natural state. This is a natural occurrence that comes with some difficulty in the lives of members of society, especially in the lives of young people whose minds and minds are not fully formed. Since the issues of developing the social and political consciousness of the youth and formation of a new worldview are reflected in the processes of cooperation, solidarity and understanding based on spiritual maturity, prevention of various crises and conflicts. This leads to the evolutionary evolution of development.

One of the important directions of education system reform is systematic integration of the educational process with information and communication technologies. As a strategic issue, the organization of the educational process and its cardinal renewal of the content, the organization of the pedagogical activity of the teacher in the field of information and communication technologies and the improvement of the education of students.

In modern society, the issues of harmonizing one's inner and outer culture, establishing their objective criteria, are extremely important. We can say that this is evident in the rapidly evolving globalization process. The struggle for a worthy place in this space does bypass Uzbekistan. Globalization is the process of

"MnpoBaH HayKa" №3(36) 2020 science-j.com

increasing interconnection between different countries and regions of the world. The convergence of countries of the world in the socio-economic, political and cultural spheres, the integration of events into one country on the universal scale. It is no wonder now that a lot of money is spent on processing information, delivering it to a designated space, and being the first to deliver it. After all, young people have a perception that it is always right to provide information. This will allow them to disseminate any information they want from their own interests.

In the ideological landscape of the world, regardless of how much money is spent, the issue of education and training is important. This is the fourth priority of the "Strategy of Action for the five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021", adopted at a new stage of development of Uzbekistan. The establishment of effective mechanisms for the implementation of innovational achievements in the information society is highlighted.

Today's globalization process, along with the modernization of society, bypasses any society or state. Therefore, their positive and negative effects are seen in social life, especially in the case of young people who have the power to influence the country's future. Particularly the currents that are trying to influence our youth in various ways, the so-called "mass cultures" are aimed at provoking youth in such a way as national identity, patriotism.

The ability to withstand such modern threats is a time-consuming use of national spiritual heritage and Islamic culture, which is a national idea and its basic principles in the implementation of the country's strategic goals and objectives. After all, "... we should not allow any ideological gap so that we do not lose our way in the moral, spiritual life, and in pursuing a policy that is in line with our national interests," said the First President Islam Karimov.

Promoting research and innovation in our country, creating effective mechanisms for the implementation of scientific and innovation achievements in a global ethical culture in the image of a global-minded future person: - the formation of such important qualities and qualities as self-education, self-improvement. At the same time, it envisages significant changes in the global community from the principles of ethical culture and the traditional way of life to the modernization of young people. It is important for the individual to feel the importance of individual, self-awareness and self-organization qualities and abilities, worldview and cultural breadth and openness and tolerance, especially for young people. Promoting research and innovation, creating effective mechanisms for the implementation of scientific and innovation achievements occurs when the youth abandons life, cultural and behavioral stereotypes that keep them engaged in professional, political and social progressive processes. For example, the penetration of globalization under the guise of "popular culture" creates dangerous ideas among young people such as moral corruption, violence, and enrichment at the expense of foreign ideas. Against it, "combating innovative ideas and modern mechanisms" will dramatically reduce crime and crime among young people. It helps us to "see" what is happening around us and not to be calm and indifferent.

"MnpoBaH HayKa" №3(36) 2020 science-j.com

The current stage of development of society and the state requires that scientific and innovative ideas comprehensively increase the overall literacy of the participants in the relationship. To date, the harmonization of education has become an important task. Because, if education is separated from education, that is, to educate young people, and lag behind in applying this knowledge, values such as patriotism, patriotism, responsibility to parents and mahallas will be neglected. That is why we should never forget that encouraging research and innovation, creating effective mechanisms for implementing scientific and innovation achievements requires a great responsibility of young people.

Building human relationships is accomplished by the managers demonstrating and demonstrating the elements of management, ie managerial leadership, motivation, and leadership style.

From the foregoing, in our view, innovative activity in the concept of scientific management of society is the solution of professional tasks within the limits of professional competence and competence through self-normalization, self-control, self-organization of the elements of management.

In this regard, innovative activity will be connected with the results of the general business of the society, the solution of tasks assigned to the complex of management of the professional society. This, in turn, will be developed in conjunction with the promotion of socio-cultural technologies of scientific management of society.

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"Мировая наука" №3(36) 2020


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