THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE DOMESTIC ORGANIC MARKET IN THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
Organic agriculture / market / agricultural economy / production / certificate

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Tsebro T.V., Darashkevich I.N.

Modern conditions for the development of the agricultural economy of the Republic of Belarus make it possible to ensure expanded production of goods and raw materials not only to ensure basic food security, but also form an urgent agenda for improving the quality and safety of such products for citizens. In recent years, the production of environmentally friendly or organic food products has become a particularly relevant area. Such production is aimed both at achieving a certain specified quality and at harmonious development of agricultural production in conditions of formation of a safe environment.

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а также разработки методов проектирования и внедрения информационной образовательной среды в учебный процесс с целью дальнейшего повышения эффективности обучения, расширения сферы экспорта образовательных услуг и адекватной реакции на возрастающую динамику изменения знаний.


1. Andryushkevich O.A., Denisova I.M. Features of the formation of national innovation systems // Analysis and modeling of economic processes / ed. V.Z. Belenky, N.A. Trofimova. Moscow: TsEMI RAN. 2013.S. 24-48.

2. Balatsky E.V., Ekimova N.A. Innovative and technological matrices and national strategies for economic development // Manager. 2019, T. 10.No. 5.P. 919. DOI: 10.29141 / 2218-5003-2019-10-52.

3. Gray C.F., Larson E.W. Project management. A practical guide. - M .: Business and service, 2003. -528p.

4. Zhukovskaya I.E. The main directions of improving the methodology for the application of advanced information and communication technologies in the statistical activities of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the context of the formation of the digital economy. Statistics and Economics. 2020; 17 (5): 68-80. https://doi.org/10.21686/2500-3925-2020-5-68-80.

5. Dolzhenko A.I., Shpolyanskaya I.YU., Glushenko S.A Analiz kachestva mikro-servisov infor-matsionnoy sistemy na baze nechetkoy modeli // Pri-kladnaya informatika. 2019. №5 (83).

6. Lapidus L.V. Tsifrovaya ekonomika: upravleniye elektronnym biznesom i elektronnoy kommertsiyey. Monografiya. - M.: INFRA-M, 2018. -381 s.



Tsebro T.V.,

Graduate student Grodno State Agrarian University Tereshkova St., 28 Darashkevich I.N.

Candidate of Economic Sciences Grodno State Agrarian University Tereshkova St., 28


Modern conditions for the development of the agricultural economy of the Republic of Belarus make it possible to ensure expanded production of goods and raw materials not only to ensure basic food security, but also form an urgent agenda for improving the quality and safety of such products for citizens.

In recent years, the production of environmentally friendly or organic food products has become a particularly relevant area. Such production is aimed both at achieving a certain specified quality and at harmonious development of agricultural production in conditions of formation of a safe environment.

Keywords: Organic agriculture, market, agricultural economy, production, certificate.

Organic agricultural products in Belarus are grown on agricultural lands, and wild on the lands of the forest fund. The lack of a developed national organic land certification system makes it difficult to obtain reliable information.

As of November 20, 2020, in Belarus according to the national system, only 1 enterprise was certified -Zdorovaya Strana LLC (LLC «Zdorovaya Strana») (Grodno region) for one type of organic products (rye food) [4].

In the conditions of lack of official statistical information for our research, we analyzed national farm-

ers and agricultural organizations with an organic certificate according to EU requirements, as well as farms in the process of certificate renewal or transition period [4].

In Belarus, there is a positive trend in the number of organic farms engaged in the production of agricultural products: in 2014 there were 2 units, in 2017 - 15, in 2020 - 29 units [2].Thus, every year 5-7 new organic farms of various profiles appear in the country. The number of organizations engaged in the procurement and processing of organic products is also increasing (Pic.1).

20 15 10 5 0

21 1




3155 1













■ Producers 58 Processors

Pic. 1. - Dynamics of organic producers and processors in the Republic of Belarus

As of 01.08.2019, there were 21 certified producers in Belarus, including 13 farm and 3 personal subsidiary farms of the population. However, according to the Center for Environmental Solutions in 2020 in the Republic of Belarus, the number of certified manufacturers increased to 29 units.

The area of organic land is also increasing: in 2014 it amounted to 213 he, in 2016-2017 - about 1400 he and in 2020 (according to preliminary estimates) -2,500 he (Pic. 2).

Organic land area, he

3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0






1376,6 1340,1

■ ■


2015 2016 2017 2018

Pic.2. - Dynamics of organic land area, he



Organic production is developing in 4 of the 6 re- he) regions are leading, which account for 83% of all gions of the country. Minsk (1007 he) and Brest (723.8 organic lands of the republic (Pic.3).

Vitebsk region 2%


region 15%

Brest region 35%

Minsk region 48%

Pic.3. - Structure of organic lands of the Republic of Belarus by regions, %

The largest number of manufacturers with a certificate is registered in the Minsk region - 11 units, which is more than twice the same indicator in the Brest region.

Significant differences are observed in farm sizes. In Brest region, the average size of organic farm is almost 1.5 times higher than the average republican level

(100.1 hectares) and is located at 144.8 he. Vitebsk region has the smaller average organic farm size - about 51 he.

Farms engaged in organic production specialize mainly in crop production. The list of crops cultivated in the republic contains over 55 items.

The biggest territories belong to grain and leguminous crops, under which 349 hectares of organic land were occupied. The largest share in the structure is rye - 93.2 he and buckwheat - 62.3 he, the gross collection of which in 2020 was 176 tons and 78 tons, respectively (Pic.5).

Spring-sown field; 6,5

Spelled; 8,0 Peas; 10,0

Lupine; 12,0

Pic.5. - Structure of organic areas under grain and leguminous crops in the Republic of Belarus, 2020, he

About 25 types of certified organic vegetable crops are produced in the republic, but the total land area occupied by them does not exceed 32 hectares. The largest areas are occupied by carrots (13.0 he), cabbage (8.6 he) and potatoes (5.9 he) (Pic.6). The volume of production of these crops in 2018 was 280 tons, 236 tons and 90 tons, respectively.

The country is actively developing an organic fruit and berry direction. The area of perennial fruit plantations is 0.4 hectares, including 0.1 he - apple trees, 0.3 he - cherries, in addition, 0.5 he is planted with hazelnuts.

The total area under berry crops is about 90 hectares, in the structure of which 35% is garden strawberries (31.6 he), 17% black currants (15 he), (Pic.7). In terms of production volumes, garden strawberries are

the leader - over 55 tons, and blueberries - over 16 tons, the volumes of raspberries and black currants are at the level of 4 tons [3].

Strawberry garden; 31,6

Blackcurrant; 15,0

Grapes; 0,2 Blackberry; 0,3

Honeysuckle; 1,5

Strawberry Alpine; 2,5

Pic. 7. - Structure of organic areas under berry crops in the Republic of Belarus, 2020, he

A promising segment of organic products is flax, for the cultivation of which the republic has favorable soil and climatic conditions, long traditions and a scientific base.

Recently, Belarusian farmers have begun to offer organic livestock products: eggs, poultry. In 2018, 3,000 pieces of certified eggs, 3,000 liters of goat's milk, 1600 kg of beef, 150 kg of honey, 15 kg of wax and 6 kg of pollen were received. Animal husbandry is well developed in the country and subject to the introduction of the principles of organic production as a new vector of development.

Considering the resource base for the production of organic berry products, it should be noted that it includes both organic berries grown in farms and wild berries, the reception system of which is established in the population throughout the country.

According to the World of Organic Agriculture-2018 handbook, 2742 hectares of Belarusian land are organic, on which wild berries and mushrooms are harvested [1].

According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus, 27.8 thousand hectares have been certified for the production of organic products in Belarus, of which 21.2 thousand hectares are areas under wild plants in forests, 1.6 thousand hectares under agricultural plants.

However, these data, according to domestic experts, are far from complete. The total area of the forest for harvesting wild plants and birch juice is 576 thousand hectares or about 8% of the total area of forests in Belarus free from radioactive pollution. The lands of the Belarusian forest have significant potential, for example, up to 50 thousand tons of berries and fruits, about 60 thousand tons of edible mushrooms and about 90 thousand tons of medicinal raw materials grow on them annually; biological resources of birch juice amount to 480 thousand tons [5].

The maximum resources of fruit and berry plants are located in the Minsk (28%) and Gomel (26%) regions. In the whole republic, the largest reserves are estimated for blueberries - 33 thousand tons (66.0%), and cranberries - 11.2 thousand tons (22.5% of the biological reserve of all main species).

The volume of birch juice harvests does not exceed 3-4% of its total biological resources. The main producers of this type of products are organizations that are part of the system of the Ministry of Forestry, which do not position their products as organic due to the lack of certificates. These enterprises procured in 2016 -15.4 thousand tons, in 2017 - 18.9 thousand tons; in 2018 - 13.0 thousand tons of birch juice. The decrease in procurement volumes in 2018 to 70% of the 2017 level occurred due to the short-term movement period due to specific natural conditions. Certified harvesters, according to expert estimates, harvested only 852.2 tons of birch juice in 2018.

In terms of annual harvests of wild berries, blueberries (up to 5 thousand tons) and cranberries (1 thousand tons) occupy a leading position. At the same time, in 2018, organizations reporting to the Ministry of Forestry harvested 155.8 tons of wild fruits and berries, and certified traders - about 1056 tons of only one blueberry [5].

Thus, the production and circulation of environmentally friendly (organic) products in the Republic of Belarus is in the initial stage of formation. The main certification burden is borne by farms that produce a variety of products over a total area of about 2500 hectares. Organic production is developing in 4 of the 6 regions of the country. The leaders are Minsk (1007 he) and Brest (723.8 he) regions [5].

Despite the availability of production capacities for processing wild plants, it should be noted that the existing potential is not used to enter the market for organic products, since processing enterprises do not separate ordinary berries grown by the traditional method and organic ones, including wild ones, when harvesting raw materials.

Currently, regional authorities, represented by regional executive committees, are developing measures to organize and develop the production of organic products, taking into account the peculiarities of each region.


1. FiBL& IFOAM - Organics International, 2018: The World of Organic Agriculture. Frick and Bonn. [Electronic resource]. - Publ. date 10.03.2020.

https://shop.fibl.org/CHde/mwdownloads/down-load/link/id/1202/?ref=1 1202 - Date of access: 29.01.2020.

2. Batova N.N. Development of the concept of "green" economy//" Green "economy: problems and ways of development: materials of the international scientific and practical conference (Minsk, April 5, 2017). - Minsk: AZHUR Group LLC, 2017. - Page. 11-17.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

3. Batova, N.N. Organization of sales of organic products in Belarus: actual channels and promising forms of promotion/Technology and technology of food production: materials XIII International. scien. -tech. conf., April 23-24, 2020, in 2 vols., Mogilev/Educational Institution "Mogilev State Food University"; redcol.: A.V. Akulich (ed. ed.) [et al.]. - Mogilev:

MGUP, 2020. - T.2 - Page. 314-315.

4. Doroshkevich I.N., Tsebro T.V. Specifics of the development of the organic production market in the Republic of Belarus/I.N. Doroshkevich, T.V. Tsebro//Modern scientific research: topical issues, achievements and innovations. Collection of articles of the XV International Scientific and Practical Conference. Penza, 2020. Page. 117-120.

5. Portal of the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Belarus, 2019. Use of secondary forest resources. [Electronic resource] Access mode: https://mlh.by/our-main-activites/forest/ispolzovanie-vtorostepennykh- resources-lesa/- Access date: 18.02.2021.



Xashimxodjayev S.I.,

PhD in Economics, Tashkent State University of Economics Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Islam Karimov Avenue 49 Belalova G.A.

Senior Lecturer Tashkent State the University of Economics Islam Karimov Avenue 49



Хашимходжаев Ш.И.,

Кандидат экономических наук, Ташкентский государственный экономический университет проспект Ислама Каримова 49 Белалова Г.А.

Старший преподаватель Ташкентский государственный экономический университет проспект Ислама Каримова 49


This article examines the features of the formation of the digital economy in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The author shows that today it is information and communication technologies that are the main factor in economic growth, a lever for the development of strategically important industries, a means of improving management efficiency, and an important condition for increasing the competitiveness of the economy. The article formulates tasks, the solution of which will ensure the formation of a single information space in the country, as one of the stages of the transition to the digital economy.


В данной статье рассматриваются особенности формирования цифровой экономики в Республике Узбекистан. Автором показанно, что на сегодняшний день именно информационно - коммуникационные технологии являются основным фактором роста экономики, рычагом развития стратегически важных отраслей, средством повышения эффективности управления, важным условием повышения конкурентоспособности экономики. В статье сформулированы задачи, решение которых обеспечит формирование в стране единого информационного пространства, как одного из этапов перехода к цифровой экономике.

Keywords: digital economy, information and communication technologies, blockchain technology, e-gov-ernment, efficiency, quality, openness, optimality, workflow, databases.

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