UDC: 371.30
Almatova N.A. teacher
department of foreign languages faculty of agro engineering and hydro melioration Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agro technologies
Andijan, Uzbekistan
Abstract: The article examines the possibilities of the formation and development of leadership qualities of a modern university student through the system of student self-government. Potential possibilities of student self-government as a social institution are analyzed.
Key words: Student self-government, social leadership, personality traits, socialization, development, methods, motivation, learning languages, communication, teaching.
At the present stage of development of society, there is a revival on a new democratic basis of student organizations, which build their activities based on the educational, professional, social needs of the youth, whose interests they represent, correlating them with the socio-cultural context of the development of youth as a stratum and a higher education and social institute. In this regard, it is extremely important to form a new educational field in higher education, its focus on the development of student self-government, deep actualization of its pedagogical potential, active inclusion of students in social processes and support at all levels of student public initiatives. The formation of such a field is impossible without a theoretical understanding of the essence of modern student self-government, the study of significant conditions for the effective implementation of the pedagogical potential of student organizations.
The participation of students in student self-government contributes to the development of all socially significant personality traits demanded in the modern labor market (social responsibility, leadership, initiative, creative approach to problem solving, collegiality).
Student self-government as a social phenomenon has recently been actualized in the works of scientists, legislative acts, and federal programs, it is said that in order to further improve and increase the efficiency of work with students, strengthen the social component in the system of higher professional education, and also in connection with the need to train young specialists who, in addition to professional, managerial and business skills, it is necessary to actively support the development of student government bodies in universities.
Assessing the degree of theoretical elaboration of the problem of self-government of student youth in pedagogical science, it should be noted that it was the object of serious attention at various stages of the formation of national education.
"Student self-government can be viewed as a special kind of social institution, which is defined as a stable complex of formal and informal rules, principles, norms, attitudes that regulate various spheres of human activity and organize them into a system of roles and statuses that form a social system. With this open dynamic system, synergistic processes take on a special role. Due to the fact that the principle of variability and creativity is dominant in the system of student self-government, we can confidently assert that this system meets the laws of self-organizing systems. "
Student self-government is characterized by connections with the external environment, expressed in interaction with the management bodies of the university, the teaching staff, economic services, with other educational institutions, public and state organizations. The external environment can be various forms of student amateur activities, interest clubs, public student organizations, sports clubs and other public and structural formations of the university that do not have systemic ties with student government bodies.
The presence of self-government bodies, expressed in the creation of its bodies at each level of the hierarchy of student self-government: councils of study groups (triangles), councils of faculties, student dean's offices, educational student commissions, councils of interest clubs, headquarters of student teams, councils of dormitories, etc....
Amateur, which involves creative activity in the implementation of management functions (planning of activities, organization, motivation of participants, control and leadership), bringing to the implementation of decisions. Amateur performance also provides for the presence of certain powers, the involvement of direct performers in the development and decision-making processes.
This system must also include the principle of electivity, the presence of the principle of electiveness democratizes this institution, and only in this case it allows us to speak of achieving such a "strategic goal" as "training a citizen who is able to participate in government, make and implement socially significant decisions, fully implement his the right to elect and be elected to government bodies.
This system must also include the principle of electivity, the presence of the principle of electiveness democratizes this institution, and only in this case it allows us to speak of achieving such a "strategic goal" as "training a citizen who is able to participate in government, make and implement socially significant decisions, fully implement his the right to elect and be elected to government bodies "
Leadership has a special meaning in understanding organizational activity. In recent years, this phenomenon has been especially intensively discussed in connection with the problem of training managers, as well as the intensified development of the problems of nomination and training of politicians. Despite the available research in the field of training student activists, the pedagogical literature does not pay enough attention to the development of technology for managing the development of the organizer's personal qualities, a system of criteria, indicators and diagnostic tools that allow tracking and improving the personal development of students in the course of activities to implement the ideas of student self-government.
With the correct and justified application of new info communication technologies, they open up enormous opportunities:
• improve the methodology and strategy for selecting the content of education, quickly make changes in teaching both basic and special disciplines in accordance with the requirements of the time;
• to increase the effectiveness of training, its individualization and differentiation, to organize new forms of interaction in the learning process and to change the content and nature of the activities of teachers and students;
• to optimize the management of the educational process.
Considering all of the above, the use of info communication technologies can qualitatively transform the educational process in higher education due to the following factors:
• educational and cognitive activity becomes more personal, poly motivated, individualized, free from the influence of a number of didactic and psychological barriers;
• the influence of motives of professional and personal self-development and self-realization of students is increasing;
• negative factors that inhibit the cognitive process (protective motivation, the influence of social, age, sex, individual-personal, role and other characteristics of students on learning outcomes) decrease.
Among the positive didactic possibilities of using info communication technologies as a condition for optimizing the educational process in higher education, one can note:
• the possibility of obtaining and storing diagnostic information about the results of educational activities, accounting for educational achievements and errors (including in their dynamics);
• a combination of skills development and creative, cognitive-search activity in teaching;
• training in an authentic educational and professional environment.
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