THE DEVELOPMENT OF GLOBAL LEADERSHIP AND THE CULTIVATION OF GLOBAL LEADERS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Chenxi Wang

This article examines the development of global leadership literature, and finds that through a lot of research, many scholars have found that global leadership has an important impact on the success of global organizations. Nonetheless, even though considerable progress has been made in the theoretical research and practical development of global leadership, this area of study is still an immature field since researchers have not yet formed a consistent point of view, and many issues are still in heated debate, which need to be discussed in depth. The article includes the competencies that a successful global leader must possess in order to select and cultivate suitable global leaders. Furthermore, this article discusses the pathway to the cultivation of global leaders in the modern economy.

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DOI: 10.24412/2309-4788-2021-5-330-336

Chenxi Wang - (a) Southern Federal University, 105/42 Bolshaya Sadovaya Str.,Rostov-on-Don, Russia, (b) Henan University of Economics and Law, 180 Jinshuidong Road, Henan, China, chv@sfedu.ru,

Чэньси Ван - (а) Южный федеральный университет, ул. Большая Садовая, 105/42, Ростов-на-Дону, Россия, chv@sfedu.ru, (b) Хэнаньский университет экономики и права, улица Цзиньшуйдун, 180, Хэнань, Китай, 20101173@huel.edu.cn.



Abstract: This article examines the development of global leadership literature, and finds that through a lot of research, many scholars have found that global leadership has an important impact on the success of global organizations. Nonetheless, even though considerable progress has been made in the theoretical research and practical development of global leadership, this area of study is still an immature field since researchers have not yet formed a consistent point of view, and many issues are still in heated debate, which need to be discussed in depth. The article includes the competencies that a successful global leader must possess in order to select and cultivate suitable global leaders. Furthermore, this article discusses the pathway to the cultivation of global leaders in the modern economy.

Keywords: global leadership; global leader; roles and abilities of global leaders; competencies of a successful global leader; leadership competency

Аннотация: В статье проводится литературный анализ источников по глобальному лидерству, на основе которого делается вывод о том, что благодаря многочисленным исследованиям ученые пришли к выводу, что глобальное лидерство оказывает важное влияние на успех глобальных организаций. Тем не менее, несмотря на значительный прогресс, достигнутый в теоретических исследованиях и практическом развитии глобального лидерства, эта область исследований все еще остается недостаточно проработанной, поскольку ученые еще не сформировали последовательную точку зрения, и многие вопросы все еще находятся в дебатах, требующих детального обсуждения. С учетом этого в статье раскрыты компетенции, которыми должен обладать успешный глобальный лидер, чтобы отбирать и готовить глобальных лидеров. Кроме того, в работе рассматриваются способы культивации мировых лидеров в современной экономике.

Ключевые слова: глобальное лидерство; глобальный лидер; роли и способности мировых лидеров; компетенции успешного глобального лидера, лидерские компетенции.

Managing a global enterprise requires global leaders. And the lack of competent global leaders has become one of the bottlenecks in the growth and development of enterprises in this globalized economy. In order to have and maintain a competitive advantage in today's economy and achieve true globalization, companies must do better in attracting, hiring, and cultivating global leaders. Therefore, the study of professional competency of global leaders constitutes a substantial part in the labour economic research concerning human capital development. And for companies that are either on the threshold of, or deep in to, the process of globalization, it is equally important to cultivate global leaders, and it will become an important guarantee for those companies to go abroad and achieve true globalization.

Global leadership is a combination of "global" and "leadership" (some researchers use leadership competency or leadership competence). Gessner and Arnold (1999) defined global leadership as the leader's ability to create an ideal global organization characterized by "tolerance" and "hope" [1]. Most researchers agree that global leadership is very different from "d o-mestic leadership", which presents a stronger multiplied effect. Global leadership with the chara c-teristics of the times includes dealing with complex interpersonal relationships, understanding and synthesizing views with multiple meanings, building common values in a diversified context, and paying more attention to cooperation in business processes and results. The global leader has the

responsibility to create a more harmonious culture and to promote the unification of cross-cultural and cross-regional humanistic elements.

Dorfman (2003) defines global leadership as an influence that crosses geographical and cultural boundaries, and provides a more in-depth explanation of this influence [2]. He believes that this influence is not limited to global affairs. This kind of influence can also be felt when going abroad; and the source of this influence is not limited to individuals and their knowledge, skills and behavioural abilities, but also includes teams and the broader organization and social culture; Furthermore, the influencer is not limited to the Chief Executive Office (CEO). Individual members and teams in the organization have the opportunity to exert such influence [2].

The author believes that, for companies, global leadership can be defined as the comprehensive use of corporate and personal resources to influence across geographic and cultural boundaries that corporate managers face in different levels of globalization. According to this definition, most leaders working in multinational organizations or leaders with multinational customers are global leaders in a sense. However, many of them currently do not realize that they are assuming the role of a global leader. Even if they have this awareness, it is relatively weak. According to the research of "Personnel Decisions International" (PDI), even managers of multinational organizations are reluctant to think too much about the issues involved in globalization. On the contrary, they tend to pay more attention to their own work. Therefore, at present, the understanding of global leadership is not very clear.

So far, the classification of the different schools of global leadership is confusing. For the sake of comparison, the author roughly divide the global leadership research schools into two major ones, one is the differentiation theory school and the other one the integration theory school.

In the research on the development of global leadership, the theory of differentiation has made the most progress. Differentiation theory researchers mainly pay attention to the differences in the factors that influence the composition of leadership in the process of globalization. Specifically, it can be divided into cultural difference theory, gender difference theory and strategic difference theory.

Most scholars believe that cultural differences between countries are the most troublesome obstacle to leading globalization, and the research results on cultural differences in the process of leading globalization are also the most eye-catching. Dickson, Hanges, and Lord systematically reviewed the 25-year development of cross-cultural and leadership research since Barrett and Bass published "Cross-Cultural Issues in Industrial and Organizational Psychology", and found that society and organization are two factors of cultural differences at different levels that are inseparable from the formation of global leadership [3].

The manifestation of gender differences between men and women in leadership is an enduring topic with the development of human society. This topic has received more and more attention in recent years. However, most of the relevant discussions focused on practice and application, and academic discussions were almost obscured by the theory of cultural differences. The well-known female leadership researcher Nancy J. Adler elaborated on the nature of global leadership and the role of female global leaders from a historical perspective, and believed that female global leaders will encounter more pressures and challenges in the process of achieving equal status. Two years later, Adler and her two colleagues used case analysis to complete a study that showed that female leaders have the advantages of being more democratic, introverted, participatory, interactive, and rational. They believe that these advantages will enable female leaders obtain more room for development in the 21st century [4]. At the same time, Schein used psychological research methods to clarify the importance of studying the relationship between gender roles and management traits on the global stage, and analysed the psychological barriers that affect the development of female global leaders.

Although the theory of strategic difference is also a theory of differentiation, it actually subverts the theory of cultural difference and gender difference. This theory believes that cultural and gender differences are not important influencing factors, and the key elements of global leadership depend on the globalization strategy adopted by the company. With different strategies, the

required global leadership will be very different. From a strategic point of view, globalized companies can be divided into four categories: multinational companies, global companies, international companies, and transnational companies. For globalized companies, the three major sources of competitive advantage are national differences, economies of scale, and differences in economic development levels. On this basis, Ghoshal and Bartlett gave the basic framework of globalization strategy (see Table 1) [5].

From this framework, there is a relationship between the source of advantages of different globalization strategies and the leadership role, which shows that there is no single type of ideal global leader. The globalization strategy adopted by the organization determines whether it can win the competition, and whether it has a specific type of leader is crucial.

Table 1 - The basic strategic framework and leadership roles of different globalization strategies [5]

Strategy type multinational global international transnational

Strategic advantages cater to the needs of the local market efficiency of global cooperation transfer knowledge to the local market obtain support and improve efficiency by effectively transferring knowledge to the local market

Leadership role market-responsive leadership overall efficiency leadership worldwide learning leadership co-integrated leadership

The second school of global leadership research is the school of integration theory. There are relatively few scholars and research results of this school, but a research trend has basically formed. According to Friedman, the globalization process can be divided into the following three main stages [6]. The first stage is from the discovery of the New World by Columbus in 1492 to around 1800; the second stage is from around 1800 to 2000, which was interrupted by a depression in the middle and the two world wars; the third state began since the beginning of the new millennium in 2000, the world has changed from "small" to "tiny" at this stage, and the playing field is also connected as one. Friedman believes that the driving force of the first stage of globalization comes from the state; the second stage comes from enterprises; and the third stage comes from individuals. In the third stage of globalization, the power of individuals has greatly increased. Individuals can not only directly engage in global cooperation, but also participate in global competition. Therefore, scholars of this genre believe that most of the existing studies overemphasize the impact of various differences on global leadership. In fact, with the acceleration of global economic integration, the world is becoming a global village, and the problems faced by each enterprise and manager are becoming more and more similar, and thus global leadership is becoming more and more integrated [6].

Understanding the mission of global leaders is to explore the foundation of global leadership. The tasks of global leaders can be divided into general tasks and specific tasks.

The key task facing global leaders is to effectively listen to the important opinions of their superiors, colleagues, and direct subordinates in a complex cross-regional and cross-cultural environment, and integrate their opinions to make their judgments and decisions consistent with domestic and foreign companies as well as supporters (such as the local media, government, and of various special relationship groups.

Dalton et al. (2002) compared the personalities, experiences, roles and abilities of "high -level global leaders" and "lower-level global leaders" [7]. They believe that the "low-level global leader" assumes the role of liaison, spokesperson, and monitor, while the "high -level global leader" is the innovator and negotiator; the "low-level global leader" controls information and relationships, and "high-levle global leaders" control actions and execution. At the same time, Dalton et al. (2002) compared domestic and foreign jobs by comparing technical and capability requirements [7]. They found that the two are very similar, but overseas work is generally more demand-

ing. The biggest difference is reflected in the social insight, self-control and achievement/effort level required by overseas work [7].

In addition to the overall challenges faced by global roles, leaders under different globalization strategies also shoulder different specific tasks (see Table 2). [8]

Table 2 - Leader tasks under different globalization strategies [8]

Strategy type Multinational Global International Transnational

Leadership role Market-responsive leadership Overall efficiency leadership Worldwide learning leadership Co-integrated leadership

Specific tasks Responsible for ensuring that products or services meet specific market needs, maintaining sensitivity to local opportunities and threats, forming local resources and capabilities, contributing to the implementation of global strategies and becoming active participants in global strategies. Focus on globalization efficiency and formulate Organizational strategy, coordinate assets on a global scale, coordinate cross-border transactions lead personnel from different cultural backgrounds and regions, develop and share the best methods on a global scale, promote innovation, provide cross-border business opportunities integrate and balance multiple markets and/ Or business scope, promote the effective transfer of knowledge, and promote efficiency

In addition to the tasks stipulated by the globalization strategy, it is also very important to understand other types of strategic roles that global leaders may be suitable to assume. Many global companies have developed and expanded their influence through mergers, acquisitions and alliances, and global leaders must manage the resulting more complex relationships.

Once the role of the leader and its mission, challenges and responsibilities are clarified, it is possible to determine the competencies that a successful global leader must possess in order to select and cultivate suitable global leaders.

Many scholars have conducted research in this area. Black et al. constructed an effective global leader personality model, which includes four components: the first one is curiosity [9]. Leaders should respond to uncertainty with an open, knowledge-seeking, and exploratory attitude, and take the initiative to understand and explore the unknown. The second one is insight. Leaders should be good at summarizing and mastering the law of development of things, and mastering various uncertainties. The third one is personality. Leaders should be able to maintain a leadership style that is acceptable to others. And the last one is comprehension. Leaders should be good at deeply understanding the cultural rules of different countries and organizations, master various business know-how, and be able to draw inferences from one another [9].

Research on "International Personnel Decision -Making" (PDI) related scholars found that leadership ability can basically be divided into four types, the thinking leadership, leadership ability to people, result-oriented leadership ability and self-leadership. Sloan et al. (2003) conducted a comparative analysis on the difference between global leadership and general leadership based on this (see Table 3) [8].

Table 3 - Comparison of general leadership and global leadership [8]

Type General Leadershp Global Leadership

Thinking Leadershp Judgment Analysis Judgment and decision-making ability in more complex environments

Decision making Strengthen the thirst for knowledge and the ability to accept new things

Planning and excution planning planning, execusion and management capabilitiess in more complex environment

Managemnt and execusion

Management and improvement procedures

Business insight Stratedy Grasp globalization strategy

Financial ability Respond to global financial fluctuations

Innovation Innovation promotion ability

Customer first Grasp global customer needs

Market knowledge Understand the market knowledge of different regions

Organizational knowledge Cross-regional organization and control ability

Leadership Ability Leadership Influence Influence in the context of multiculturalism

Participation and incentives Different incentives

Good at cooperation Cross-cultural cooperation

Gather talents Gather talents from different cultural backgrounds

Communication Effective communication Co Communicate in multiple languages

Eloquence Explain ideas in common language

Listen to others Listen to voices from different backgrounds

Promote open communicatil Promote cocmunicatio n i n different cultural contexts

Handle differences Find out the cultural and other differences behind the differences

Interpersonal relationships Build relationships Build relationships in more complex environments

Handle differences Learning from othersCulture (multicultural and/or local culture) perception

Culture (multicultural and/or local culture) perception

Result-oriented leadership Motivation Outcome-oriented Not just simple result-oriented, the situation is more complicated

Encouragement Stable and durable physical and intellectual abilities

Self-leadership Self-management Win the trust of subordinates Win the trust of subordinates in a more complex environment

Adaptability Strong adaptability and a more optimistic attitude

Self-development More need for self-development

Stable personal lifespan More need for a stable personal lifespan

As mentioned earlier, most leaders working in multinational organizations or leaders with multinational clients are global leaders in a sense. However, Hazucha's research found that even managers of multinational organizations often think that understanding the issues involved in globalization is far less important than the tasks they are trying to accomplish. This shows that many global leaders are working for global organizations, but their work is not global. Therefore, it is necessary to cultivate the global perspective of global leaders and help global leaders find appropriate development paths. There are many differences in global culture, which increase the complexity of global leadership training. Graen and Hui pointed out the skills that global leaders must master to deal with cultural differences in

consideration of global cultural differences. Firstly, to transcend the culture they have been accustomed to since childhood and respect completely different cultures; Second, to build mutual trustful, respectful and responsible cross-cultural partnership; Third, to adopt cross-cultural innovative methods to resolve conflicts; Fourth, to promote the establishment of a third culture in diversified operations [10].

Also out of consideration for global culture, DiStefano and Maznevski (2003) summarized previous research results and proposed the MBI (map-bridge-integrate) model for developing global leadership in a cross-cultural context, believes that the basic path to develop global leadership is: understanding differences-communication-management differences. Understanding differences is the basis for leaders to conceptualize important environmental issues and understand their models. Communication means to achieve consensus by exchanging different opinions and perspectives, and management differences means to resolve conflicts by fusing different perspectives to achieve better performance [11].

Cultivating global leaders does not only involve differences in personal abilities, skills, and attitudes. Whether an individual adapts to corporate strategy, organizational structure, development stage, and environment is also the key to success. In addition, individuals, companies and related backgrounds are not static. Therefore, experience learning and cultural adaptability are important prerequisites for the formation of global leadership.

In addition, there are other scholars who have conducted useful research on the development of global leadership and the cultivation of global leaders systematically summarized the views of many researchers, and put forward the following views on the development of global leadership and the training of global leaders. It is stated by some scholars that excellent global leadership is a mysterious and complex phenomenon, and intensification of globalization has increased the mystery of this phenomenon. At present, there are no more reference standards for global leaders to refer to. While it is necessary to formulate and implement strict and formal training programs, and invest a lot of time and funds to cultivate and develop global leadership. It is also essential to put the focus of the global leadership development plan to cultivate globally recognized good leadership skills. But due to the huge cross-cultural differences, there are almost no universal guidelines, policies, and rules for cultivating global leadership. Moreover, the work experience of global leaders and the ability to learn at work play a very important role in their own development, that is, global leadership is largely "self-generated" rather than "trained" or "cultivate" [12].

To sum up, this article examines the development of global leadership literature by firstly scrutinize the concept of global leadership and the different schools existing in global leadership research, then, it looks at the tasks of global leadership research before making a detailed study of global leadership within a globalized strategy. Finally, this article discusses the pathway to the cultivation of global leaders in the modern economy.


1. Gessner M.J., Arnold V. Introduction to conceptual perspective // Advances in global leadership (Vol. 1) / ed. Mobley W.H. Standford. CT: JAI press, 1999.

2. Dorfman P.W. Introduction // Advances in global leadership (Vol. 3) / ed. Mobley W.H., Dorfman P.W. Stanford. CT: JAI press, 2003.

3. Dickson M.W., Hanges P.J., Lord R.G. Trends in cross-cultural leadership research // Advances in global leadership (Vol. 2) / ed. Mobley W.H., McCall M.W. Stanford CT: JAI press, 2001.

4. Adler N.J., Brody L.W., Osland J.S. Advances in global leadership: The women's global leadership forum // Advances in global leadership (Vol. 2) / ed. Mobley W.H., McCall M.W. Stanford CT: JAI press, 2001.

5. Sumantra Ghoshal, Bartlett C.A. The individualized corporation : a fundamentally new approach to management ; great companies are defined by purpose, process, and people. New York, N.Y. Harperbusiness, 2004.

6. Friedman T.L. The world is flat : a brief history of the twenty-first century. Bridgewater, Nj: Distributed By Paw Prints/Baker & Taylor, 2009.

7. Dalton M.A., Center For Creative Leadership. Success for the new global manager : what you need to know to work across distances, countries, and cultures. San Francisco, Calif. ; Great Britain: Jossey-Bass, 2010.

8. Elaine B.S., Hazucha J.F., van Karqyk P.T. Strategic management of global leadership talents // Advances in global leadership (Vol. 3) / ed. Mobley W.H., Dorfman P.W. Stanford. CT: JAI press, 2003.

9. J Stewart Black, Morrison A.J., Gregersen H.B. Global explorers : the next generation of leaders. New York: Routledge, 1999.

10.Graen G.B., Hui C. Transcultural global leadership in the twenty-first century // Advances in global leadership (Vol. 1) / ed. Mobley W.H. Standford. CT: JAI press, 1999.

11.DiStefano J.J., Maznevski M.L. Developing global managers: Integrating theory, behavior, data and performance // Advances in global leadership (Vol. 3) / ed. Mobley W.H., Dorfman P.W. Stanford. CT: JAI press, 2003.

12.Mobley W.H., Dorfman P.W. Conclusion // Advances in global leadership (Vol. 3) / ed. Mobley W.H., Dorfman P.W. Stanford. CT: JAI press, 2003.

DOI: 10.24412/2309-4788-2021-5-336-341

Zhang Chunlei - a) 3d year Ph.D. student, Southern Federal University (SFedU); b) Junior fellow, Office of International Exchange and Cooperation, Henan University of Economics and Law, China, chc@sfedu.ru,

Чжан Чуньлэй - a) аспирант 3 года обучения, Южный федеральный университет (ЮФУ); b) Младший научный сотрудник, Управление международного обмена и сотрудничества, Хэнаньскийуниверситет экономики и права, Китай.




Abstract. The development of the digital economy does not necessarily reduce the size of employment, but rather the substitution effect and the suppression of the substitution effect co-exist, resulting in the digital economy not reducing employment. However, the labor market is characterized by a combination of technological unemployment and competition for talent. On the one hand, technological unemployment includes not only low-education groups but also highly educated people; on the other hand, the competition for talent is not limited to highly educated people, but also to some low-education groups. This has a definite impact on current education. This paper focuses on the substitution effects of the digital economy on employment, and also explains the two-way influence mechanism between the digital economy and education in the context of new employment.

Аннотация. Развитие цифровой экономики не обязательно приводит к сокращению занятости, скорее, эффект замещения и подавление эффекта замещения сосуществуют, в результате чего цифровая экономика не приводит к сокращению занятости. Однако рынок труда характеризуется сочетанием технологической безработицы и конкуренции за таланты. С одной стороны, технологическая безработица охватывает не только группы работников с низким уровнем образования, но и высокообразованных людей; с другой стороны, конкуренция за таланты распространяется не только на высокообразованных людей, но и на некоторые группы с низким уровнем образования. Это оказывает определенное влияние на современное образование. В этой статье основное внимание уделяется анализу влияния эффекта замещения на занятость в цифровой экономике, а также объясняется механизм двустороннего влияния цифровой экономики и образования в контексте новой занятости.

Keywords: digital economy, employment scale, substitution effect, educational needs, employment in the digital economy.

Ключевые слова: цифровая экономика, масштабы занятости, эффект замещения, образовательные потребности, занятость в цифровой экономике.

The epidemic has had a huge impact on the global economy and has widely affected the stability of employment. The digital economy, as a new economic form of the new global technological revolution and industrial transformation, with technological advances represented by artificial intelligence, digitization and the Internet at its core, can provide new opportunities for economic

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