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Science and innovation
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heterocomposite polymer materials (HCPM) / roughness / glass transition temperature / plasticizer / filler / epoxy composition

Аннотация научной статьи по химическим наукам, автор научной работы — A. Zaparov, R. Mullajonov, A. Zafarov

The mechanisms of the formation of composite materials by the technology of high-energy sputtering of a mechanical mixture of components are investigated. This technology makes it possible to form single-layer or multi-layer composite materials with various combinations of polymer, metal, mineral components, including multilayer coatings on machine parts and mechanisms. This will make it possible to develop modern high-tech compositions of composite materials based on using local raw materials and resource-saving technologies for their production and processing into products.

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1Zaparov Abduqakhor, 2Mullajonov Rustamjon, 3Zafarov Akhmadbek

1Professor, Andijan State University 2Associate professor, Andijan State University 3Senior teacher, Andijan State University https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8305787

Abstract. The mechanisms of the formation of composite materials by the technology of high-energy sputtering of a mechanical mixture of components are investigated. This technology makes it possible to form single-layer or multi-layer composite materials with various combinations of polymer, metal, mineral components, including multilayer coatings on machine parts and mechanisms. This will make it possible to develop modern high-tech compositions of composite materials based on using local raw materials and resource-saving technologies for their production and processing into products.

Keywords: heterocomposite polymer materials (HCPM), roughness, glass transition temperature, plasticizer, filler, epoxy composition.


Nowadays, silicate-containing modifiers and mineral particles subjected to functional modification are widely used in modern composite materials science. At the same time, it is necessary to carry out systemic studies of physicochemical mechanisms, their influence on the structure and properties of matrices, both in the process of obtaining PCMs and in creating products from them. Of particular interest are the studies of the formation mechanisms of composite materials using the technology of high-energy sputtering of a mechanical mixture of components. This technology makes it possible to form single-layer or multi-layer composite materials with various combinations of polymer, metal, mineral components, including multilayer coatings on machine parts and mechanisms. Thermophysical processes in the coolant medium, which determine the kinetics of heating, melting of components, thermolysis, thermooxidative destruction, and the formation of a homogeneous composite layer on a solid substrate, require a systematic study. This will allow developing modern high-tech compositions of composite materials based on various combinations of components and resource-saving technologies for their production and processing into products[1-4].

Research methods.

The protective ability of anticorrosive compositions was assessed by comparing the densities of corrosion currents obtained during the polarization of the investigated electrode recommended in the work[2].

Compositions (№1, №2, №3, №4 of Table 1) applied to metal plates were investigated as an anticorrosive coating. It was found that the most promising is composition No. 4, the proof of which was the comparison of the protective ability of the films, which was carried out in accordance with GOST-380-71 on metal plates made of steel grade St-3 (width 70 mm, length 150 mm, thickness 0.8-0.9 mm) under the same conditions and methods of maintaining the test modes.

Table 1

The compositions of use for corrosion tests.

Composition №1 Composition №2 Composition №3 Composition №4

According to the technological regulations of production ЭA-20 -100 wt.h.; ^EO+rC-20 wt.h; ronA-10 wt.h; AKC-30-30 wt.h. ЭA-20 -100 wt.h.; ßEO+rC-20 wt.h; ronA-10 wt.h.; AKF-78-30 wt.h. ЭA-20 -100 wt.h; AE0+rC-20 wt.h; ronA-10 wt.h; AKT-10-30 wt.h.

To conduct a comparative analysis, we carriec out comparative experiments (Table 2).

When comparing the obtained values with a standard film produced according to the technological regulations of production, it was revealed that:

- anticorrosive coating of composition No. 4 is not inferior in its performance to the standard film according to GOST.

- significant reserves and low cost of raw materials - determine the economic efficiency of production when using composite materials.

The results of experimental studies and their discussion.

Tables 2, 3 show the anticorrosive properties of composite polymer materials in different environments and in tables 4-6 the effect of polarization resistance in different environments over time.

Table 2

Anticorrosive properties of composite polymer materials and coatings made of them,

depending on the type of kaolin grades in a saline medium of 3% NaCl

Ecm ,B I, mA Y, braking ratio Z %,

Coating Stationary potential corrosion rate Degree of protection

Without cover 0,78 893 - -

KPM without 0,65 45,3 2,19 84,00


KPM + kaolin 0,50 16,59 53,82 89,00

KPM + AKT-10 0,44 3,89 22,90 99,00

KPM + AKS-30 0,45 13,98 224,30 93,00

KPM + AKF-78 0,48 15,40 5,63 81,00

Table 3

The degree of protection and the coefficient of inhibition of compositions based on kaolins

in an acidic medium 3% H2SO4

Coating ecm ,B Stationary potential I, ma corrosion rate Y, braking ratio Z %, Degree of protection

Without cover 0,28 1584 - -

Compound without filling 0,35 876,3 21,19 80,00

KPM + kaolin 0,32 616,59 5,82 83,00

KPM + AKT-10 0,29 36,89 2,90 95,00

KPM + AKS-30 0,31 130,98 4,30 91,00

KPM + AKF-78 0,34 155,40 5,63 86,00

Table 4

Time dependence of the polarization resistance of compositions filled with kaolins in a 3%

NaCl solution.

Coating Time in days

5 days 25 days 55 days 75 days 100 days

R, Om

Without cover 157 125 125 110 110

KPM + AKT-10 158 167 168 170 171

KPM + AKS-30 157 161 161 160 160

KPM + AKF-78 159 165 165 166 166

Table 5

Time dependence of the polarization resistance of compositions filled with kaolin in a

solution of 3% H2SO4.

Coating Time in days

5days 25 days 55 days 75 days 100 days

R, Om

Without cover 110 45 40 30 30

KPM + AKT-10 137 161 160 160 156

KPM + AKS-30 161 154 139 138 137

KPM + AKF-78 140 149 154 154 152

Table 6

Time dependence of the polarization resistance of compositions based on kaolin in an

aqueous medium.

Coating Time in days

5 days 10 days 15 days 20 days 25 days

R, Om

Without cover 1310 710 130 69 68

KPM + AKT-10 1410 1270 220 135 134

KPM + AKS-30 1370 1290 300 272 270

KPM + AKF-78 1370 980 400 320 318

The dependence of the polarization resistance on time was stud ied in saline, acidic anc

aqueous media in the presence of a two-component coating (Tables 4-6, Figs.1-3) based on an epoxy binder filled with kaolin AKF-78, AKS-30, AKT-10.

It can be seen that the polarization resistance of the steel probe in an uncoated aqueous medium based on gossypol resin compositions is more than an order of magnitude higher than in acidic and saline media. In an aqueous medium, the polarization resistance in the presence of a coating changes insignificantly after 10 days, which indicates its effectiveness. When the probe is kept for up to 15 days and further, the polarization resistance decreases, but the presence of the coating in this case also has a noticeable effect. This effect is especially noticeable in acidic and saline environments, that is, after even 25 days, the values of the polarization resistance remain almost unchanged.

Recently, much attention has been paid to the production and use of combined coatings. Gossypol resin [5-10] waste of fat and oil production is of great interest for use in anticorrosive technology.

Figure: 1. Dependence of the polyarization resistance on time in 3% NaCl in the presence

of a coating:

1 - uncoated; 2- composition filled with kaolin AKS-30; 3 - composition filled with AKF-78 kaolin; 4 - composition filled with AKT-10 kaolin.

Figure: 2. Dependence of the polarization resistance on time in a 3% H2SO4 solution in the

presence of a coating.

1 - uncoated; 2 - composition filled with AKS-30 kaolin; 3 - composition filled with AKF-78 kaolin; 4- composition filled with AKT-10 kaolin.

Figure: 3. Dependence of the polyarization resistance on time in an aqueous medium in the

presence of a coating.

1 - uncoated; 2 - composition filled with AKS-30 kaolin; 3 - composition filled with AKF-78 kaolin; 4- composition filled with AKT-10 kaolin. Recently, bitumen - oil waste (GOST 5.2239-77) - has been widely used as anti-corrosion paint and varnish products.

Table 7

Comparative indicators of the tested and standard paintwork compositions.

Indicators Состав применяемой краски

По технологическому регламенту производства ЭД-20 -100мас.ч; ДБФ+ГС-20 мас.ч; ПЭПА-10 мас.ч; АКТ-10-30 мас.ч

Package appearance Цвет черный, блестит, поверхность гладкая Цвет черный, блестит, поверхность гладкая

Viscometer elongation 20-250C 18-35 30

Mass fraction of non-volatile substances,% 39 ± 2 40

Drying time of the film to degree 3 at 20 ± 20 sec. H. no more at 100-110°C min. No more (min) 20 20

Package hardness according to the pendulum device M-3 conventional units 0,20 0,20

Flexural elasticity, mm 1,0 1,0

Package resistance to static impact of water at a temperature of 200 ± 20 s, h, not less 48 48

Film resistance to static impact of 3% NaCl solution at a temperature of 200 20 s,h, not less (points) 3 3


The analysis of the research results in comparison with the assessment of the anticorrosive ability of the compositions showed (Table 7), that the best protective properties against corrosion in a salt environment are possessed by compositions filled with AKT-10 kaolin, and in an acidic medium — compositions filled with AKF-78 kaolin. This difference in the properties of coatings filled with kaolins is explained by their chemical composition and particle size, due to the fact that in AKT-10 kaolin, as compared to AKF-78, the content of oxides is: iron oxide, more silicon dioxide, the predominance of aluminum oxide in AKF-78 gives the advantage of a coating based on it to predominate anticorrosive properties to aggressive acidic environments. The content of these elements makes it possible to assume the formation of nanocomplex compounds during mechano-chemical modification during their production, which will be devoted to further research.


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