THE CURRENT STATE OF USE OF NATURAL GAS FIELDS IN THE ISLET REGION OF THE REPUBLIC OF KARAKALPAKSTAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о Земле и смежные экологические науки»

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Ключевые слова
Aral Sea / Aral Sea problem / Ustyurt gas-chemical complex / Shchapakhta / North Ustyurt / joy / Urga / Berdaq / Uchsoy.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о Земле и смежным экологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Iskenderov A.B.

the Aral Sea area has been extensively studied and studied in the present period. There have been several scientific studies related to the Aral Sea problem. In the study of mineral resources in our country, it is necessary to conduct a large-scale analysis of the conditions of the emergence of underground resources and the importance of their use in living.

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Iskenderov A.B. senior lecturer

Department of Methods of Teaching Geography Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz


Annotation: the Aral Sea area has been extensively studied and studied in the present period. There have been several scientific studies related to the Aral Sea problem. In the study of mineral resources in our country, it is necessary to conduct a large-scale analysis of the conditions of the emergence of underground resources and the importance of their use in living.

Keywords: Aral Sea, Aral Sea problem, Ustyurt gas-chemical complex, Shchapakhta, North Ustyurt, joy, Urga, Berdaq, Uchsoy.


Currently, natural gas fields in the South Islet region occupy a special place in the development of self-sufficient programs with energy resources that can replace imports of our republic. One of the most valuable areas of the economy of the South is the direction of finding, zone identification and use of the resources of the underground resources of the region.

One of the mineral resources of the islet is natural gas, which consists of natural gas fields, Shakhpakhta, Northern Ustyurt, gas condensates joy, Urga, Berdaq, Uchsoy, U.s.olaq natural gas fields. Recalculating the predicted reserves in this region, their reserves correspond to the deposits of the Cretaceous and Jurassic periods. The region's main natural gas fields are visible at several geological sites. In giving a geographical description of natural gas fields, a.M.Akramkhodzhaev, A.G.Babaev, A.A.Bakirov, I.O.Brad, A.A.Borisov, V.G.Vasilev, O.S.Vyalov, G.X.Dickenstein, B.F.D'yakov, N.U.Imashev, N.A.Bride, N.V.Nevolin, I.V.Skvorsov, A.I.Smolko, V.P.Tokarev, M.M.Chargin, Yu.A.We will learn through their work to the research of such outstanding geologist scientists as Fedotov.


In the insular zone it is currently 2 trln m depending on geological data.cubic gas and 1.7 billion tons of liquid carbohydrate energy resources are located. In the islet zone, 8 natural gas fields are opened, of which 100 billion m3 of gas products can be obtained. Gas condensate fields are collected in the urge, Berdaq, Uchsoy fields, and their daily flour is 5 million M.cubic gas, and condensate products are 12 million tons per year. The natural gas processing program is developing on a large scale in Uzbekistan. An additional copressor station " Gazli "was put into operation, and a 35 million cubic meters per day gas-drying facility was built at the compressor station" Qurghot". The

construction of the Ustyurt gas-chemical complex was carried out within the framework of a large-scale modernization program of the industry of our country, which was approved. This is the first large-scale project in the field of petrochemicals, which is being implemented on the basis of long-term project financing not only in Uzbekistan, but also in the CIS. This project receives full political support from the governments of Uzbekistan and South Korea. The scientific analysis of these processes determines the relevance of this topic.

The area of the islet zone with natural gas deposits in general is located 550 km by Latitude, this natural - geographical area is located north of the islet sea. The Northern islet is bordered on the north by the southern steep slope of the Turgay plateau, on the East by the chinkimy slope of the Arisqum plateau, on the South by the lower Syrdarya foothills, and on the bottom shores of the Aral Sea of the 60s of the last century, and on the Northern chink of the Ustyurt plateau -on the West - by the Chogray plateau.

The central part of the territory consists of a plateau, which is made up of chalk, limestone and sandstone of the Paleogene. The plateau was strongly fragmented by erosion, as a result of which many supasimonic Heights and peaks were formed by flattened low mountains. The uppermost part of them is covered with sandstone rocks, while the slopes are steep. The absolute Heights are 100250 meters (Mount Oqtov is 248 meters) and rise up to 100 meters from the surrounding plains. And the boots fit into flat anticlinal structures. They are formed mainly from Paleogene and Cretaceous rocks. In the western part, there are large and small peat sands in such swamps. It is also home to salt marshes, salt marshes, and desiccated salt lakes and dry hollows. The dumalokkol sinkhole covers an area of 60 km2.

The drought of the climate indicates an extremely low level of surface water. There are many small lakes that dry out in the summer, with the onset of hot days, their bottom becomes salty. It is also not very rich in groundwater. Groundwater in chalk and Paleogene Neogene deposits is more diverse in salinity.

The islet region can be divided into 4 regions of karab to the state of natural gas field research: unpromising; less promising; promising and highly promising.

Research work shows that the promising regions are made up of the South and South-East Islet regions, the eastern Islet lowlands, the Kazakhdarya, Sudoch'yo Gulch, Taldiq, aqqal'a, Mazortoaba and the southern Amudaryo subregion, the Sam Gulch and the Borsakelmas lowland of Ustyurt.

In Uzbekistan, between 2005 and 2020, there was a large increase in hydrocarbon production under the strategic program, of which in 15 years the gas reserve is 1,015 trillion. cubic meters, oil reserves 69.8 million. the reserves of tons and condensate amounted to 65.7 million. increased to tons. In this regard, the bulk of the gas falls on the Ustyurt plateau. The gas reserve here is 579 billion. increases by cubic meters, the fuel is 53.9% of the gas detected during the strategic program. What kind of noble help the Aral Sea has done to our people is still

giving our people their help after their tragedy. Oil and natural gas fields are being discovered from its dry aquatoria.

Natural gas deposits located in the islet region attract researchers with the similarity of the location of underground resources of the geological order to natural gas fields known to the world (CIS and foreign countries) and indicate that there are great opportunities in the future of the region.


As a result of the effective implementation of reforms in Uzbekistan, political, social and macroeconomic stability is increasingly strengthened, the desire and interest of foreign investors and creditors to invest in our country is growing. This factor is equal to the comprehensive support of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan, serves to create favorable conditions for international investors and creditors, to ensure the implementation of large-scale industrial projects in our country based on project financing with the participation of Advanced International Companies of their field.

1. The drought of the climate indicates an extremely low level of surface water. Therefore, effective study of hydrogeological research;

2. Large-scale coverage of the geographical description of the location of natural gas fields by studying the geological map during the period of exploration of high-altitude plots;

3. The islet region can be divided into 4 regions of karab to the state of natural gas field studies: unpromising; less promising; developing from a geological and geographical point of view that it is promising and highly promising;

4. To study the geographical conditions of the Aral Sea and the Ustyurt region, comparing natural gas fields.


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