Научная статья на тему 'The current linguistic situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina'

The current linguistic situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Savić Aleksandra

This paper deals with the linguistic situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and accentuates several important problems that are discussed in this country. These problems are: the nature of language in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the name of the language, language in the educational system and the languages of national minorities.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The current linguistic situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina»

6. Чукреева Е. И. Ономасиологическое исследование политических терминов и общественно-политической лексики в американском английском языке (на материале выступлений бывшего госсекретаря США Мадлен Олбрайт)/Е. И. Чукреева. - Лингвокультурология, - 2010. - № 4. - С. 222-224.

7. Leipzig Glossing Rules [Электронный ресурс].

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/EJLL-16-4-34-36

Savic Aleksandra, University of Banja Luka, Master student of the Faculty of Political Sciences and Faculty of Philology, E-mail: aleksandra.suvira@yahoo.com

The current linguistic situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Abstract: This paper deals with the linguistic situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and accentuates several important problems that are discussed in this country. These problems are: the nature of language in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the name of the language, language in the educational system and the languages of national minorities.

Keywords: Bosnia and Herzegovina, split society, three languages, pluricentric language, languages of national minorities, identity.

Bosnia and Herzegovina is a right example of a split language, and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina,

society [1, 14] which even after the signing of the Dayton Agreement and the ending of the war, still has great problems in solving the questions of constant ethnical conflict of Serbs, Croats and Bosniaks. After 1995 it became a con-sociational democracy [2, 24-26] in which the political system is arranged as to have a large coalition at the state level composed ofthe representatives ofethnical groups, as well as ofveto rights and a proportional system [3, 25-44] which is a way to prevent ethnical conflict. The part of the conflict is the conflict about the language between the three dominant ethnical groups: Serbs, Croats and Bosniaks. We will try to show the linguistic situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina in several points by mentioning the antagonisms that exist on the question oflanguage. Before that, it is necessary to explain several facts ofthe history ofthe linguistic situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina. During the 20th century Bosnia and Herzegovina has passed through several language names — on one hand, these were attempts in creating a singular language for all ofthe three groups: first, a state language (Bosnian language), then Serbo-Croat, and on the other hand, all three ethnical groups tried to force their own language: Serbian, Croatian, Bosniak. Bosniak came around after the third ethnical group became a nation and thus demanded the right to their own separate language. After the signing of the Dayton Agreement and the creation of the Constitution, two entities were created: The Republic of Srpska which held Serbian as its official

which held Croatian and Bosnian as the official language. Also exists the District ofBrcko, which represents a unique territorial part of the state. After the decision of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina from 2002, which was imposed by the High Representative, these three languages became official on the whole territory of B&H and both entities, and the actors of the linguistic policy (politicians, linguists, implementers of the linguistic policy) more than ever put a sign of equality between linguistic and national identity [4, 115-116], so therefore we can name the situation in this country as a permanent conflict of language.

First, there is no agreement on the question whether there exist three languages in B&H or whether it is one pluricentric language. The most eminent linguists in the country and the region take the stand that Serbian, Croatian and Bosniak are the variants of one pluricentric language with few differences, but not to the extent that they could be constituted as independent languages such as English or Portuguese [5, 77-79]. Namely, pluricentric languages are characteristic in the fact they are spoken in several countries [6, 1-2] and because they have very few differences in their variants, such as British and American English, so that the speakers of these variants have very good mutual understanding, mostly based on the vocabulary. On the other hand, nationalist linguists stay by the claim that these are three different languages. Further-

The current linguistic situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina

more, in the recent past these languages were all put under one same term "Serbo-Croatian", which was the official language ofYugoslavia, that Bosnia was a part of. Some linguists still, to this day use this term to refer to all languages which exist in Bosnia and Herzegovina. With the downfall of Yugoslavia, this language has equally disappeared, resulting in the creation, through a political manner of four languages: Serbian, Croatian, Bosniak, Montenegrian. It is considered that this process of creation of new languages and states on the Western Balkans is still not through.

The other conflict is regarding the name of the Bosniak language itself. Linguists of Bosniak orientation insist that their language is named as Bosnian and not Bosniak Language, and claim that it is a historically founded name in the people. Their statements have taken form in the Charter on the Bosnian Language [7, 150-155]. Some Serbian and Croatian linguist refuse this name claiming that Bos-niaks want to induce a unitary country form and a maj ori-sation of the other two groups. The reason for which it is considered that the name "Bosnian" is unappropriated is because all inhabitants of Bosnia and Herzegovina are considered by this name, and not merely a part of it. Furthermore, the namely millennial use of the term "Bosnian" is in scientific circles usually interpreted by the fact that in the time of the original use of this term there were no nations determined by their religion, as it is the case today, and it cannot be determined with precision who used this language. This argument is being led for now more than ten years and seems to be without end in sight. Hence, the name of the language is in Bosnia and Herzegovina the symbol of identity which serves for the maintenance of other symbols of national identity, language myths and the current linguistic situation is described by the fact that the communicational function of language gives way to a symbolical function [8, 301-308].

The third problem which appears in Bosnia and Herzegovina is the use of language in schooling and education. The school system actually functions in three different ways: in the Republic of Srpska teaching is done in Serbian language, as in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzgovina, it is held in Bosniak and Croatian. The syllabuses, curriculums and textbooks are all different. The school system is of a segregating nature [9, 68-70]. There also exist instances of two schools under one roof [10,

91-132]. Even though such a solution has shown itself as unsuccessful, the process of integration of the school system is still pursued in different manners. In the named District of Brcko, also exists a special approach to education which is the consequence of Brcko having a special political and legal status in B&H, which is as well under special supervision. The decision of the Supervisor for Brcko was to harmonise the educational systems that existed within the three ethnical groups. It is considered as a multi-ethnic education within which the three languages (Serbian, Croat, Bosniak) are equal as well as the two writing systems (Cyrillic and Latin scripts). It is also considered by some that this model of education in Brcko should be the example for the entire state, however it is constantly accentuated that the status itself of the Districts is specific.

And the last, but not the least important problem in Bosnia and Herzegovina are the languages of national minorities and their linguistic rights. There is a large disagreement between individual and collective rights, and on one hand individuals demand certain rights regardless which ethnical group they adhere to, while on the other hand, collectivities, more precisely the three constitutional nations are fighting for their collective rights. Bosnia and Herzegovina has signed and ratified the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, but to this day it has not been implemented for several reasons. The first one is the disagreement on the topic of the results of the state census of 2013, so there is no data about how many members of national minorities there are and what languages they speak. Furthermore, there is no act which specifies what languages the charter is addressed to. And lastly, the European Charter is often interpreted as a document which should solve the question of language of the constituent nations.

The described situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina can be called as a permanent linguistic conflict where each linguistic group considers its rights endangered and where there is no general consensus about any question regarding language. In such a divided state with a complex arrangement and deep ethnical splits, language serves for the identification of belonging to one of the three dominant groups, the integration of individuals to separate groups and in the end their isolation from others.


1. Mirjana Kasapovic, Bosna i Hercegovina: podijeljeno drustvo i nestabilna drzava, [Bosnia and Herzegovina: Split Society and Unstable State], - 2005.

2. Timo Kivimaki, Marina Kramer and Paul Pasch, The Dynamics of Conflict in the Multi-ethnic State of Bosnia and Herzegovina, - 2012.

3. Arend Lijphart, Democracy in Plural Societies: A Comparative Exploration, - 1977.

4. Marina Katnic-Bakarsic, Bosanskohercegovacka lingvisticka previranja u Vesna Hadzi-Pozgaj (ur) Jezik izmedu lingvistike i politike [Bosnian-Herzegovian linguistic turmoil in Vesna Hadzi-Pozgaj (ur), Language between Linguistics and Politics] - 113-132, - 2013.

5. Snjezana Kordic, Jezik i nacionalizam, [Language and Nationalism], - 2010.

6. Mishael Clyne Pluricentricity: National Variety, U. Ammon (ur.), Status and Function of Languages and Language Varieties, - 1989 - 357-371.

7. Robert D. Greenberg Language and Identity in the Balkans, - 2004.

8. Josip Baotic, Priblizavanje jeziku ili priblizavanje jezika, [Approaching to Language or the Approaching of Language], - 2012.

9. Pilvi Torsti, Segregated Education and Texts: A Challenge To Peace in Bosnia And Herzegovina in International Journal On World Peace - Vol. XXVI NO. 2 JUNE - 2009.

10. Dvije skole pod jednim krovom: Studija o segregaciji u obrazovanju, [Two schools under one roof: The Study of Segregation in Education], Human Rights Centre of the University of Sarajevo, - 2012.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/EJLL-16-4-36-39

Khoshimkhujaeva Mokhirukh Muzaffarovna, Assistant teacher of National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent E-mail: sakurajapan9@gmail.com

Anthroponyms in English, Russian and Uzbek phytonyms

Abstract: The article is devoted to comparative analysis of phytonyms formed from personal names in English, Russian and Uzbek languages. This analyses reveals unique and distinctive properties of phytonyms in each language and helps to understand how culture, and the history of every nation is reflected in the language by transferring anthroponyms into phytonyms.

Keywords: anthroponym, plant names, lexical and semantic characteristics, English, Russian and Uzbek languages.

Хошимхуджаева Мохирух Музаффаровна, преподаватель Национального университета

Узбекистана, Ташкент E-mail: sakurajapan9@gmail.com

Антропонимы в фитонимии английского, русского и узбекского языков

Аннотация: Статья посвящена сопоставительному анализу фитонимов сформированных от антропонимов в английском, русском и узбекском языках. Подобное исследование поможет выявить уникальные и своеобразные свойства фитонимов в каждом языке и понять как культура, и история каждого народа отражается в языке путём переноса антропонимов в фитонимику.

Ключевые слова: антропонимы, фитонимы, лексико-семантическая характеристика, английский, русский и узбекские языки.

Фитонимы как название естественных реалий, за- в сознании народов, отражения этого восприятия в

нимают очень важное место в лексике языка. Их моти- языке и формирования языковой картины мира. вологический анализ проливает свет на многие мало- В ходе обширных исследований было установлено,

изученные вопросы восприятия окружающего мира что антропонимы являются очень мощной мотиволо-

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