Научная статья на тему 'The Cossacks in the system and concepts of the bolshevist state'

The Cossacks in the system and concepts of the bolshevist state Текст научной статьи по специальности «История и археология»

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Аннотация научной статьи по истории и археологии, автор научной работы — Erokhin I.Ur.

A question about relations between the Cossacks and power is interesting at all stages of the genesis of the society and the state. This paper deals with issues of relations between the Cossack community and the Soviet state and Bolshevist leaders.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The Cossacks in the system and concepts of the bolshevist state»

Список литературы:

1. Голынко-Вольфсон Д. Демотиваторы [Электронный ресурс] // Искусство кино. - 2012. - № 5. - Режим доступа: http://kinoart.ru/archive/2012/05/ demotivatory (дата обращения: 24.02.2014).

2. «Демотиваторы о ВОВ» [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: http://vk.com/album-36985031_154850698-61 (дата обращения: 24.02.2014).

3. Демотиваторы на тему ВОВ [Электронный ресурс] // Информационно-развлекательный мультимедиа портал CHELNY-CITY - Режим доступа: http://chelny-rity.ru/1150899689-kartinki-s-kommentariyami-na-temu-vojny-53-foto.html (дата обращения: 24.02.2014).

4. Демотиваторы (ВОВ) [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: http://ko-lyan.net/index.php?newsid=15694 (дата обращения: 24.02.2014).

5. Демотиваторы о Великой отечественной войне [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: http://vkurse.ru/article/4115462/ (дата обращения: 24.02.2014).

6. Кринко Е. Великая Отечественная война: формирование пространства исторической памяти [Электронный ресурс] // Общественные науки. -2012. - № 3. - Режим доступа: http://www.socialnauki.ru/?p=992 (дата обращения: 24.02.2014).

7. Интернет-аудитория [Электронный ресурс] // Сайт PROWEB.ru. -Режимдоступа: http://www.proweb.ru/articles/oglavlenie/glava3/auditoria (дата обращения: 24.02.2014).

8. Сайт «Пятница (Fridey)» [Электронный ресурс. - Режим доступа: http://zhvi.blogspot.ru/2011/05/14.html (дата обращения: 24.02.2014).

9. Сайт «ГудокЪ-62» [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: http://gu-dok62.ru/iskusstvo/zhivopis-grafika/497-luchshee-iz-demotivatorov-o-velikoy-otechestvennoy.html (дата обращения: 24.02.2014).


© Erokhin LUr*

Croydon College, UK, London

A question about relations between the Cossacks and power is interesting at all stages of the genesis of the society and the state. This paper deals with issues of relations between the Cossack community and the Soviet state and Bolshevist leaders.

Keywords: the Cossacks, bolshevism, state, power.

* Старший научный сотрудник.

Many researchers describe a structure of the Cossacks that formed by 1917 as certain corporation (Ya.V Shapovalova), where both estate and ethnic characteristics of the group were preserved [17, c. 10].

It was an extremely powerful community, both in the military and in the economic respect. It had almost no place in the structure of the Soviet state and statehood. Therefore, a dilemma arose about the path it had to follow. Two possible decisions to that question were seen. The first one was to incorporate the Cossack community into a system of the Soviet statehood. And the second lied in the total and thorough elimination of this population group.

But first of all the Bolsheviks took care about creating a theoretical base for their attack on the ideology of the Cossack independence, both in respect of the statehood of this ethnic group, and in the general ideological aspect.

On 10 November 1917, the All-Russian Executive Committee (VTsIK) and the Council of People's Commissars adopted a Decree about Eradication of the Estates and Civil Ranks that stroke a blow on the Cossacks and abolished a status of the Cossacks as a special estate. First of all, it undermined a symbolic factor of the military service that informed an ideology of the Cossack statehood.

On 26 November 1917, the Council of People's Commissars adopted an address to the working Cossacks that said: «Your fate, Cossacks, is in your own hands. Our enemies are landlords, capitalists, officers-Kornilovites. Now it depends on you whether blood of our brothers will continue to be spilled. Declare Kaledin, Kornilov, Dutov, Karaulov and all their accomplices to be enemies of the people, traitors and betrayers».

Before early 1919, power kept a wait-and-see approach. However, a reaction of the Cossacks who naturally valued ideas of the military service, from which they had already been virtually deprived, did not take long to display itself. The Cossacks were grumbling; the officer corps massively participated in the «White Movement»; the Cossacks were establishing their own «white» Cossack republics and massively rising against the Soviet power. On 24 January 1919, the latter authorized measures towards physical extinguishing of the malcontents. It adopted the Circular Letter about the Attitude towards the Cossacks that made a stir and provoked a hailstorm of hot historical debates and polemic battles.

Many researchers agree that implementation of the Bolshevik policy in the area of the «Cossack issue» underwent several stages:

1. Stage one began from adoption of the Decree about the Land and an address of the 2nd Congress of the Soviets to the working Cossacks. Those documents already contained some outlines of the bolshevist policy in respect to the Cossacks - a line of the strict class approach. This step was followed by a number of addresses to the working Cossacks, where they were urged to support the Soviets. The Cossack officers were declared implacable class enemies. Bolsheviks' program documents contained some ideas about preserving the autonomy of the Cossack oblasts, forming Cossack divisions within the Red Army, and establish-

ing a field assembly of the Don Host. Those actions played certain role and brought some success. Some Cossacks responded to the calls of the Soviet power. They participated in the struggle against Kadenin. But most stanitsa Cossacks stayed neutral to those calls.

2. State two started in early 1919. The bitterness of the civil war reaches its maximum. In the conditions of the unleashed «white terror», the Bolsheviks made a decision to respond with the «red terror». In those conditions the Central Committee of the Russian Communist Party of Bolsheviks disseminates the Circular Letter of 24 January 1919. It suggested en mass extinguishing of the Cossack top leadership, well-of Cossacks and Cossack officers, and executing mass terror against all Cossacks that directly or indirectly struggled against the Soviet power, as well as taking measures to neutralize Cossacks of average means.

3. Stage three was marked with adoption of the Theses about Work at the Don in September 1919. The theses noted that because social groupings in the Cossacks are quite shapeless, the main criterion to treat the Cossack should be his attitude to the Red Army. In this connection, the Soviet leadership implemented some measures to get closer to the Cossacks: the 1st Congress of Working Cossacks was called, a Decree about the Use of Land and Land Management in the Former Cossack Oblasts was published, several dozen thousands of rank and file Cossacks that were taken prisoners under Novorossiysk, were legislatively pardoned.

August of 1917, when VI. Lenin declares a thesis «about an extreme weakness of the mass Cossack movement for the benefit of the bourgeois counter-revolution», may also be included into the main events of the Red power in respect of the Cossack problem.

A significant contribution to the study of relations between the Soviet State and the Cossacks was made by works of historians N.L. Yanchevskiy, I.P. Borisenko, K.A. Khmelevskiy, A.I. Kozlov [13], Yu.K. Kiriyenko [12], A.V Venkov, VP. Trut and others.

It is an unfamiliar and unfairly forgotten fact, but the Bolsheviks started to use an idea of the Cossack revival in the practical framework as early as 1918. After beginning of the confrontation between the Ukrainian People's Republic and Soviet Russia, the latter established the «Red Cossacks», which were increasingly obtaining shape of a military structure, an army, and had to implement tasks of the Red Army in the Ukrainian territory. Despite the fact that the Ukrainian People's Republic was successfully destroyed back in the spring of 1918, the «Red Cossacks» lasted in various forms for almost twenty years more and were abolished only in 1938.

Moreover, during a period of sovietization of the Don, Kuban and Terek, it was Bolsheviks who initiated proclamation of the autonomous Don, Kuban and Terek soviet Cossack republics, though those initiatives did not get any further practical development. All of that testifies to the ineradicable force of the agelong Cossack ideas and the Cossack ideology as such.

Leaders of the White Movement answered to Reds' advances to the Cossacks with a broad and massive creation of «white» Cossack republics. This movement was immeasurably more developed. The «white» Cossack republics openly opposed to the Soviet power. In addition to the element of their own state building, they demonstrated an extremely vivid and visible example of persistence of the socio-economic order of the Cossacks and ideology of the stanitsa community.

This is how the sources describe those processes:

«Events of the revolutionary 1917 and 1918 in the Cossack lands demonstrated a real face of the Cossack people: the family, house, little Motherland, peaceful working life, as well as for any other people, are the highest values of the ethnic group, and the state service is only one of means of life support» [2, p. 4].

Contemporary studies note: «The Cossack state formations emerge with the breakdown of the imperial state, in 1917. The Cossacks ceased to be the service class, but remained split by political characteristics» [14, p. 4]. Historian O.V Kon-drashenko is persuaded that «in the course of the Civil war, due to the collapse of existing state ties, a system of internal control in the Cossack hosts changed, too. Its status, first of all, on the Don, «grew up» to the local-state level».

However, let us get back to the position of the Bolshevist leaders.

In general, an attitude of the Soviet state to the Cossacks, based on its traditional principles, was negative. The Cossacks were considered in the structure of the state power as a conductor of opposition ideas and a weapon in the hands of the imperialism. This tendency is notable already in the first big work written after the October revolution on the problems of the Cossacks, authored by a researcher I.I. Ulyanov. He published a book «The Cossacks in the first days of the revolution» [15] and then several other works on similar topics and with similar orientation. All works emphasized only policing and punitive function of the Cossacks and their reactionary nature as a social group. However, evidential material was studied poorly enough.

In its approaches, the soviet historical science for a long time became a hostage of theses on the Cossacks expressed in works by VI. Lenin. For instance, in the paper «The combustible material in the world politics» he wrote about the Cossacks that they «performed policing functions not only in the empire, but also played a role of «international executioners» [11, p. 174].

Bolshevist organizations conducted propagandist work in the working Cossacks. This work was focused on the medium and lower strata of the Cossack population. The propaganda forms included dissemination of the newspaper «Pravda», meetings, meetings with propagandists in the Cossack backwoods. Bolsheviks hoped that they would be able to win over Cossacks of average means and involve them in the revolutionary processes through the propagandist work.

Bolsheviks' attitude to the Cossacks could not be positive if only due to the Cossack statehood, which was reflected in their service to the czarism.

Studying the history of the Cossacks during Bolshevism allows a whole new look at the history of the Cossacks. The history of this period helps to develop new approaches to the methodology of the studied subject [3-10].


All stated above allows to make certain conclusions. First of all, these are conclusions about a social character and nature of ideas of the Cossack statehood. The Cossack sociality was reflected in the role of the family and the stanitsa community, many other factors. A conflict between the totalitarian ideology spread by the Bolshevism and the social ideology of the Cossacks was inevitable and predetermined by the course of socio-historical processes.

Список литературы:

1. Бера Л.И., Хмелевский К.А. Героические годы. Октябрьская революция и гражданская война на Дону: Исторический очерк. - Ростов н/Д, 1964.

2. Донская Казачья Республика [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: http://sites.google.com/site/donrepublika/.

3. Ерохин И.Ю. Этно-социальные традиции и ценности казачества // Научный аспект. - 2013. - Т. 2. - № 2 (6). - С. 167-178.

4. Ерохин И.Ю. Парадоксы истории развития казачества // Актуальные проблемы гуманитарных и естественных наук. - 2013. - № 12-1. - С. 153-154.

5. Ерохин И.Ю. Многообразие казачьих территорий // Сборник конференций НИЦ Социосфера. - 2013. - № 45. - С. 094-100.

6. Ерохин И.Ю. Казачья семья: уникальный культурный феномен в системе государства // Сборник конференций НИЦ Социосфера. - 2013. -№ 25. - С. 025-028.

7. Ерохин И.Ю. Казачьи республики и традиции государственности // Сборник конференций НИЦ Социосфера. - 2013. - № 20. - С. 010-014.

8. Ерохин И.Ю. Казачество и государственность // Научно-информационный журнал Армия и общество. - 2013. - № 2 (34). - С. 74-79.

9. Ерохин И.Ю. Актуальные вопросы методологии истории казачества: Новые подходы и концепции // Перспективы науки и образования. - 2013. -№ 6. - С. 176-178.

10. Ерохин И.Ю. Государство: роль и влияние на трансформации казачества // Общество и право. - 2013. - № 3 (45). - С. 323-325.

11. Ленин В.И. Полн. собр. соч. - Т. VII.

12. Кириенко Ю.К. Революция и донское казачество (февраль-октябрь 1917 г.) / Отв. ред. А.И. Козлов. - Ростов-н/Д., 1998.

13. Козлов А.И. Расказачивание // Родина. - 1990. - № 7. - С. 43-47.

14. Российское неоказачество. Казачьи сообщества [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: http://combcossack.0pk.ru/viewtopic.php?id=2480.

15. Ульянов И. Казачество в первые дни революции. 1917 - февраль 1920 г. - М., 1920.

16. Черновицкий П.Г. Советская власть и казачество / Отв. ред. д-р ист. наук А.И. Козлов // Проблемы казачьего возрождения: Сб. науч. ст. - Рос-тов-н/Д.: Логос, 1996. - Ч. 2. - С. 81-84.

17. Шаповалрв Я.В. Организационно-правовые основы возрождения российского казачества в постсоветский период: автореф. дис. ... канд. юр. наук. - Волгоград, 2000.


© Руднева К.Р.*

Государственный университет - учебно-научно-производственный комплекс,

г. Орел

Статья посвящена процессу советизации в Западной Украине в 19391940 гг. Автор дал достоверную характеристику деятельности органов советской власти, настроения населения на территориях Западной Украины в указанный период, а также рассмотрел данное явление с различных точек зрения.

Ключевые слова Западная Украина, 1939-1940 гг., советская власть, история государства и права.

Освобождение западноукраинских земель из-под польской оккупации и присоединение их к Советской Украине состоялось в результате Пакта Моло-това-Риббентропа от 23 августа 1939 г. и последующего разгрома Польши [1]. По официальному заявлению Москвы, это имело цель «взять под защиту украинское население в ситуации распада польского государства». С этой точки зрения, советизация Западной Украины было положительным историческим явлением.

Воссоединение западноукраинских земель с Великой Украиной осенью 1939 г. стало воплощением длительных стремлений и весомым вкладом в процесс консолидации украинской нации. К сожалению, сталинское руководство этот этнополитический аспект мало интересовал. Оно стремилось использовать территорию Западной Украины в первую очередь для расширения СССР и укрепления западных границ государства. Хотя прагматические интересы заставляли Кремль, независимо от желания, реализовать украинский национальный проект.

Отношение населения Западной Украины к воссоединению с УССР и процессам советизации в рассматриваемый период претерпело ощутимую трансформацию от позитивного, которое складывалось в 1920-х годах, до

* Студент.

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