Научная статья на тему 'The cooperation of the russian rescuers team with the international rescuers detachment in liquidation of the earthquake in Nepal'

The cooperation of the russian rescuers team with the international rescuers detachment in liquidation of the earthquake in Nepal Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Kuryanovich A. Yu.

Helping abroad Russia declares about itself as a well-organized state which is able to take care not only for the citizens of its own country, but to come for help to all who need it. Search and rescue teams are among the first echelon forces and the emergency response capability.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The cooperation of the russian rescuers team with the international rescuers detachment in liquidation of the earthquake in Nepal»

Секция «Актуальные на учные проблемы в мире (глазами молодьш исследователей)»

УДК 614.84



А. Ю. Курьянович Руководитель по иностранному языку - В. В. Горностаева

Сибирская пожарно-спасательная академия ГПС МЧС России Российская Федерация, 662972, г. Железногорск Красноярского края, ул. Северная, 1

Оказывая помощь за рубежом, Россия заявляет о себе как о хорошо организованном государстве, способном заботиться не только о гражданах своей страны, но и приходить на помощь всем, кто в этом нуждается. Поисково-спасательное формирование - первый эшелон в ряду сил и средств экстренного реагирования.

Ключевые слова: предотвращение, помощь, землетрясение, МЧС России, спасатели, международный эшелон.


A. Yu. Kuryanovich Foreign Language Supervisor - V. V. Gornostaeva

Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy 1, Severnaja Str., Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region, 662972, Russian Federation

Helping abroad Russia declares about itself as a well-organized state which is able to take care not only for the citizens of its own country, but to come for help to all who need it. Search and rescue teams are among the first echelon forces and the emergency response capability.

Keywords: prevention, assistance, the earthquake, the EMERCOM of Russia, rescuer, international detachment.

The efficiency of the search and rescue operations depends directly on the professional knowledge, practical experience and skills of rescuers. To be the rescuer of the international level and take part in rescue operations abroad it is necessary to do the job of the first class rescuer at least for two years, meet the requirements of the rescuer of the first class, have a higher technical or medical degree or certificate of the international rescuer and participate in rescuing work abroad. It is very important to know one of the foreign languages and have the document which confirms the knowledge of it. English is the official language of the international rescuers.

The Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters (EMERCOM of Russia) performs the most difficult humanitarian operations in the country and abroad.

EMERCOM specialists participated in over 30 international search and rescue operations, including missions in Turkey, Afghanistan, Greece, Columbia, India, Algeria, Iran, Kyrgyzstan, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and Taiwan. The Search and Rescue Service (PSS) of the EMERCOM is responsible for search and rescue operations in response to natural and man-made disasters.

The high professionalism, creativity and rich experience of the Agency's specialists make it possible to carry out all operations with minimal cost and maximum efficiency.

The earthquake in Nepal which took place on 25-28 of April in 2015 was the most powerful natural disaster over the last 80 years. More than 9000 people were killed, more than 23000 were injured, hundreds of thousands of homes were destroyed and more than half a million of buildings were damaged.


There was another major earthquake at the beginning of May. The epicenter of it was located in 80 kilometers to the north-east of Kathmandu. Nepal's authorities could not cope with the liquidation of disaster's consequences after the earthquake and asked for help. They said about the lack of helicopters and specialists, as well as medicaments and essentials, including tents, blankets and mattresses.

Many countries of the world, international organizations, non-governmental organizations and individuals provided financial and material assistance to Nepal. Numerous charitable organizations such as Doctors Without Borders, and the Red Cross provided assistance on the ground and evacuated the critically wounded by the helicopters from outlying areas and treated others in mobile and makeshift facilities. There were nearly 700 foreign medical workers in Nepal.

The United Nations coordinated the activities of the foreign rescuers.

The Government of India was among the first to respond to the crisis, by launching a full-fledged rescue and relief operation. Ten teams from India's National Disaster Response Force, totaling 450 personnel and including several search and rescue dogs, arrived in Nepal. China, the USA, Israel, Australia sent rescuers and humanitarian goods. France sent three aircrafts with humanitarian cargo, rescuers and doctors (about 100 people). Thailand sent a military plane to Nepal with a team of 67 rescuers on a board. A team of 52 German relief workers including physicians, expert searchers, and multiple dog squads came in Nepal with a mobile medical treatment centre, according to International Search and Rescue Germany.

Specialists-rescuers who were sent to Nepal have a very high level of training and practical skills to work abroad, including difficult conditions of high mountains of the Himalayas.

The Russian Federation was one of the first countries to offer assistance to the Democratic Republic of


Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations sent a group of experts to the Republic of Nepal to help in the liquidation of the consequences after the earthquake. Russian rescuers flew to the disaster area by two boards. The group consisted of more than 90 rescuers from the group "Centrospas" and the Center for the special risk rescue operations "Leader", including rescue workers, climbers, doctors and psychologists of Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. Russian rescuers used special hydraulic tools and search devices, dog teams worked in affected areas and doctors provided aid to local people. Group "Centrospas" rescuers assorted debris on the territory of the Russian Embassy in Nepal.

Specialists of Russian Research Institute of Civil Defence and Russian Emergencies were included to the Russian group with the diagnostic complex "String", which is designed to determine the condition and the stability of buildings after earthquakes and bangs.

This complex is our national technology, and foreign colleagues appreciated it high.

Conclusion: The international detachments carried out relief operations in Nepal because the consequences after the earthquake were complicated and the areas were hard to reach. Rescuers worked much to remove debris and restore the infrastructure, delivered food and other essentials and helped at the request of residents. Numerous charitable organizations such as Doctors without Borders and the Red Cross provided necessary medical assistance to the victims.


1. Humanitarian response to the 2015 Nepal earthquake. Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Humanitarian_response_to_the_2015_Nepal_earthquake.

2. The Nepal Earthquake of 25th April, 2015. Available at: http://www.coolgeography.co.uk/A-level/AQA/Year %2013/Plate %20Tectonics/Extra_case_studies/Nepal_Earthquake_2015.htm.

3. Central Nepal Earthquake - April 25th, 2015. Available at: http://www.ipgp.fr/en/central-nepal-earthquake-april-25th-2015.

© KypMHOBHH A. TO., 2016

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