THE CONTEXT OF GLOBALIZATION: A PERSON IS THE MAIN SOCIAL MEANING OF SOCIETY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Медицинские науки и общественное здравоохранение»

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Ключевые слова
the person / society / globalization / protagonist / philosophy / social animal / человек / общество / глобализация / протагонист / философия / социальное животное

Аннотация научной статьи по медицинским наукам и общественному здравоохранению, автор научной работы — Safie Ullah Khan

A person is a social meaning of society because society starts from one induvial. Society is a group of individuals and these individuals give meaning to society otherwise bees also live in a social role-playing life but no philosopher ever said that “bees are the social animals” We humans are special we are unique from birth and we still are able to form society and live and helping each other out society is like a puzzle each piece is important to complete the puzzle and each individual is important to form society now that doesn’t mean that society depends on individual but it depends on individuals but individual do hold the value as he/she was the starting point of society and thee value or skillset he/she bring to the table of society because we humans are unique by nature we do have some similarities but we are never the same so what one can do other cant perfectly.

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Контекст глобализации: Человек – главный социальный смысл общества

Человек есть социальное значение общества, потому что общество начинается с одного человека. Общество — это группа индивидуумов, и эти индивидуумы придают смысл обществу, в противном случае пчелы также живут социальной ролевой жизнью, но ни один философ никогда не говорил, что «пчелы — социальные животные». Мы, люди, особенные, мы уникальны с рождения, и мы все еще способность формировать общество и жить и помогать друг другу общество похоже на головоломку, каждая часть важна для завершения головоломки, и каждый человек важен для формирования общества сейчас, это не означает, что общество зависит от человека, но оно зависит от людей, но от человека сохраняем ценность, поскольку он / она был отправной точкой общества, и ваша ценность или набор навыков, которые он / она привносит на стол общества, потому что мы, люди, уникальны по своей природе, у нас есть некоторые сходства, но мы никогда не одинаковы, так что можно делать другой косяк отлично.




e-ISSN: 1694-8831

№1 (1)/2023, 39-47


DOI: https://doi.org/10.52754/16948831 2023 1(1) 6



Ааламдашуу контексти: Адам коомдун негизги социалдык мааниси Контекст глобализации: Человек - главный социальный смысл общества

Safie Ullah Khan

Osh State University

Ош мамлекеттик университеты Ошский государственный университет safiullahkhan3 040@gmail.com

Вестник ОшГУ. Медицина, №1 (1)/2023


A person is a social meaning of society because society starts from one induvial. Society is a group of individuals and these individuals give meaning to society otherwise bees also live in a social role-playing life but no philosopher ever said that "bees are the social animals" We humans are special we are unique from birth and we still are able to form society and live and helping each other out society is like a puzzle each piece is important to complete the puzzle and each individual is important to form society now that doesn't mean that society depends on individual but it depends on individuals but individual do hold the value as he/she was the starting point of society and thee value or skillset he/she bring to the table of society because we humans are unique by nature we do have some similarities but we are never the same so what one can do other cant perfectly.

Keywords: the person, society, globalization, protagonist, philosophy, social animal.

Ааламдашуу контексти: Адам коомдун негизги социалдык мааниси

Контекст глобализации: Человек -социальный смысл общества



Адам коомдун социалдык мааниси, анткени коом бир индувиден башталат. Коом инсандардын тобу жана бул инсандар коомго маани берет антпесе аарылар да социалдык ролду ойноп жашоодо жашашат, бирок эч бир философ "аарылар коомдук жаныбарлар" деп айткан эмес. коомду тYзe алуу жана жашоо жана бири-бирине жардам беруу пазл сыяктуу ар бир белук табышмакты аягына чыгаруу YЧYн маанилуу жана ар бир инсан коомду тYЗYY YЧYн азыр маанилYY, бул коом инсандан кез каранды дегенди билдирбейт, бирок жеке адамдардан кез каранды. ал коомдун башталгыч чекити болгон YЧYн баалуулукка ээ болунуз жана ал коомдун дасторконуна алып келет, анткени биз адамдар табиятыбыз боюнча уникалдуубуз, кээ бир окшоштуктарыбыз бар, бирок биз эч качан окшош эмеспиз, ошондуктан башканы кемчиликсиз кыла албайт.


Человек есть социальное значение общества, потому что общество начинается с одного человека. Общество — это группа индивидуумов, и эти индивидуумы придают смысл обществу, в противном случае пчелы также живут социальной ролевой жизнью, но ни один философ никогда не говорил, что «пчелы — социальные животные». Мы, люди, особенные, мы уникальны с рождения, и мы все еще способность формировать общество и жить и помогать друг другу общество похоже на головоломку, каждая часть важна для завершения головоломки, и каждый человек важен для формирования общества сейчас, это не означает, что общество зависит от человека, но оно зависит от людей, но от человека сохраняем ценность, поскольку он / она был отправной точкой общества, и ваша ценность или набор навыков, которые он / она привносит на стол общества, потому что мы, люди, уникальны по своей природе, у нас есть некоторые сходства, но мы никогда не одинаковы, так что можно делать другой косяк отлично.

Ачкыч свздвр: адам, коом, ааламдашуу, каарман, философия, коомдук жаныбар.

Ключевые слова: человек, общество, глобализация, протагонист, философия, социальное животное.

What is globlization?

Globalization is the word used to describe the growing interdependence of the world's economies, cultures, and populations, brought about by cross-border trade in goods and services, technology, and flows of investment, people, and information. In simple terms, globalization is the process by which people and goods move easily across borders. Principally, it's an economic concept - the integration of markets, trade and investments with few barriers to slow the flow of products and services between nations.

Who is the person?

A person is an induvial or a single entity. But in metaphorical sense we can also say that person is referred to as humans as whole.

What does social meaning means?

The interaction of individuals and the group, or the welfare of human beings as members of society.

What is the society?

A large group of people who live together in an organized way, making decisions about how to do things and sharing the work that needs to be done. All the people in a country or in several similar countries can be referred to as a society

The term 'society' is broader than 'human society'. Many other species are described as possessing a social way of life. Yet mere gregariousness, of the kind found in a herd of cattle or a shoal of fish, is not enough to constitute a society. Insects also posses a social way of life let's take an example: bees have their specific roles to play in a hive as the queen's only job is to lay eggs and a drone's job is to mate with the queen. The worker bees are responsible for everything else: gathering nectar, guarding the hive and honey, caring for the queen and larvae, keeping the hive clean, and producing honey. But bees are collectively called a hive not society.

• You see Society is a system, characterized by the objective laws of development.

• It is a system of human activity and its objective condition and result.

• A system of interaction between people, which promotes the coordination of efforts in achieving goals.

• System of society communication between people, realizing its interests on the basis of existing common cultural values.

• Society is a system of relation between social groups with their characteristic interests.

• Relation between the large macro social group-class, ethno-communities and expressing their interests.

• Society is a system of functional social institutions that provide the stable development of society.

• A system interrelated and mutually complementary spheres (economic, political, social and spiritual) in each of which the relevant needs and interests of society are realized.

Globalization & society

Вестник Owry. MedumHa, №1 (l)/2023

American sociologist Talcott parsons the founder of the structural functionalism in American sociology of XX century said social action is the backbone element of society.

There are 4 functions of social systems

• Adaptation

• Goal setting

• Integration

• Latency

These functions are provided by the relevant sub-systems

• Economic-politics

• Law

• Socialization

Each of which has a specialized nature. This is achieved by means of symbolic mediators - the {means of exchange} which serve as money, power, influence and value commitment. Globalization is related to the sub-system because it includes elements that has a global effect like economics and politics which can affect not only one country or society these effects can reach the whole earth.


In philosophy one of the central questions is the question of a man and his place in the World, in a SOCIETY and about the sense of his life.

Any philosophy is an outlook, a set of the most general views on the world and a place in it of a person. However, not every outlook is philosophy.

• A worldview is the fundamental cognitive orientation of an individual or a society encompassing the entirety of the individual or a society's knowledge and point-of-view, including natural philosophy, fundamental, existential, and normative postulates; or themes, values, emotions, and ethics.

• Worldview is a system of views on the objective world and a place in it of a person, on the relations of a person to the reality surrounding him and to himself, and also the beliefs, ideas, activity principles and knowledge, valuable orientation which have been developed on the basis of these views.

There are three levels of a worldview.

- Sensation of the world

An unsystematic picture of reality where the leading role belongs to emotionalimaginative reproductive of the world.

- Perception of the world

The formation of a certain system of ideas about the world in which the reality appears as a whole;

- Understanding of the world

The disclosure of the essence of an event, of a process.

• Humans are the important figures in the world and society matter of fact humans are the one who came up with the idea and the name 'society'.

• You see philosophy, science, religion, everything is a product of some individual human asking a question and then finding the answer for that.

• In religion picture of the world is built on the principle of descending hierarchy.


• In Islam humans are also dignified in Quran [QURAN=17-70] Allah says:

V > iU^aij Giii qaa jjIS ^jJC. ^iiiuaSj jya jjj jiJlj ^jj UJijS ¿ijj ^^

"Indeed, we have dignified the children of Adam, carried them on land and sea, granted them good and lawful provisions, and privileged them far above many of Our creatures."

Now to solve the topics objective we will ask three Questions?

• What?

• How?

• Why?


• So, we know that society is a group of individuals living together and social meaning means the relation between two individuals.

• But individuals why are they so important when the society means a group of people?

• What is the value of individuals?

• You see all individuals have their own value that they bring to the society each individual is different and have a different skillset.

As SOPHISTS a class of teachers in Greece. They were orators, public speakers. For them

"The search of truth was not a top priority. They put the individual human being at the center of thought and value."

The sophists developed this idea based on experience and knowledge because they wondered in search for money and they taught people and got the money in return as fees. So, they gave value to humans so there must be a reason that they did this.

• From the Renaissance philosophy (XIV-XVI cc.):

"A new view on the place of man in the universe appeared. The man is in the center of the Universe."

• And in ancient philosophy:

"Man was thought of as a small world in general composition of the universe, as a reflection and symbol of the universe understood as a spiritualized organism" because if we look at the universe the main elements that form this universe are Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen and Nitrogen. And the elements that make up (96.2%) of the human body are Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen and Nitrogen. So, saying human is a small universe of its own is not totally wrong.

BecmHUK Owry. Медuцuна, №1 (l)/2023

• And KANT a German philosopher:

"He was the first in history of philosophy who justified the creative nature of human knowledge, thought and action;"

• SO, it's clear that man have such significance in philosophers' point of view.

Ludwig Andreas van Feuerbach went as far and said that

"Man is the highest creation of nature. Man must be in the center of philosophical system."

So, the answer to the question What is the value of individuals? Is that we hold such value because we are humans and its clear the great philosophers of their time thought the same.


Now to answer how we as individuals or as the topic says as a person hold this value let's


French philosophers: Jean Sartre and Albert Camus.

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These two were the main representatives of existentialism in Europe. In Starter's existentialism

There were two main features.

• The first feature expressed in the fact that the emergence of human reality is the {Absolute event}.

• The second feature is expressed in the characteristic of human freedom.

(Sartre says that man is free, because he has no nature, which would be able to predetermine his behavior).

Birth gives man existence as a natural individual. Although he/she come into the world with insufficiently formed anatomical and physiological systems, they are genetically programmed as uniquely human.

• Humans have some innate abilities like empathy, sympathy, curiosity, creativity, adaptability, reasoning etc. & much more that other species lack which gives us an upper hand in every area of nature and condition as time passes because humans are extremely adaptable.

• In society each individual has some specific roles to carry and with this role playing we help each other out let's take an example I am the writer and you are the reader then you will talk about my writings to someone at that moment you will be a narrator by doing that you will share your knowledge that you got by reading my research and I will get a new reader to read my research now we both had a specific role that we played and by doing that we Unintentionally helped each other. But other spices got role playing ability to like bees, aunts, wolfs etc. the difference in us and them is humans are extreme flexible and adaptable if a problem arise, we will all adjust to solve that problem no matter what that problem is but if something goes wrong in bees hive, they can't fix it because they play their roles as default but we humans have a choice that gives us the element of adaptability. And they cooperate like humans. As Historian Yuval Noah Harari said we humans runs and control the world Because we are the only organisms that can cooperate both flexibly and in very large numbers. And we also have abilities like trust and imagination that are unique only to humans.

• Herbert Spencer treated society as an organism similar to the biological organism with different organs, performing special functions.



• We all heard the famous line that "Human beings are social animals" but that's only one point out of his whole saying he said and I quote

"Man is by nature a social animal; an individual who is unsocial naturally and not accidentally is either beneath our notice or more than human. Society is something that precedes the individual" (MAN CANNOT LIVE ALONE)

• No one can survive alone for a long period of time that means each and every individual matters because in a group of 10 there are 10 individuals that makes a group of 10.

• Let's take an example imagine a cafe shop one person will be responsible for taking orders, one will be the waiter, one will be the chief, one will be the cleaner, one will be the supplier, and one will be the customer, to perform a simple function of ordering a cafe making it and delivering took 6 different individuals to perform a simple task like that.

• That's the same in every class of society, every work place and even in living places.

• Every invention was the idea of some random individual and then it became the thing we know and use.

• Individuals matter because they give meaning and purpose to everything we do.

• Person is a social meaning of society because people combine to form a society and facilitate each other to give meaning to that society because there is a limit to what an individual can do.

• Now society depends on an individual but to a certain degree society doesn't totally depend on an individual it depends on individuals.

• The limit to which the society depends on an individual depends on the status, wealth, popularity etc. And that will determine the extent of the individual's value.

• Individual do matter but everyone is changeable.

let's take an example "to run the countries we have presidents or prime ministers now they hold a lot of value because they are leaders of the country and make decisions on the behave of the whole country, they do matter a lot but if a president dies the country will still exist and a new president will be appointed"

• Now these political figures hold extreme importance but they are also changeable but one individual can be only changed by another individual.

• That's the same in every part of society or department

• Judges in courts

• Officers in army

• CEOs in companies

BecmHUK Owry. Медuцuна, №1 (1)/2023

• Scientists

Teachers etc. Each and every single one is important but changeable.


• Protagonist a main character in a story. Whole story revolves around this single entity called the protagonist of the story.

"I believe that every single one is the protagonist and the story is his own life and everyone else is the side character is his story now what kind of story that would be it depends on that single person how he lives or how his story ends" either it will be a happy ending or a sad one a successful or flopped one. But to know the ending we have to accept the role we got Main character in our and side in others.

• What I mean is in my life everything revolves around me because I'm the one who matters the most. It's my life I'm the one who will say what's bad what's good in my perspective I'm the centripetal point in my existence because from my side everything exits because I'm there to give meaning to it like a house or a car if I own a house so then that's Safie's house if am not there as an owner it's just a random house. It doesn't matter what I am I'm the main or leading role in my life even the president of the country is a side character because this life story is about me so I'm the main character and a protagonist. Which means I am important and that's the same in every human being. But,

"Every protagonist is a side character in others story"

• We are special because we are humans and we are alive.

• The final question that arises is

"Who is the creator of the story?"

And the one and only answer is



"To sum up the topic we can conclude that a person is the main social meaning of society just in like stories we see one side of the story from the prospective of one character and say this is his/her story. In society we need all kind of people to have a diversity so we can adjust however we want when time come each individual is unique so he/she bring something that other cannot person is main social meaning because one person is the beginning point of a large society. In other sense human are the social meaning of society because we are the one to come up all types societies and the conclusion can be this a person is referred to as society as a whole and just like in body different organs perform different functions different people perform different function in the society "so yes, the person is the main social meaning of society".


Written by Melina Kolb, https://www.piie.com/microsites/globalization/what-is-globalization,

Originally published October 29, 2018 Last updated October 24, 2022

MERRIAM-WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/social#:~:text=%3A%20of%20or%20relating%20to%20human,a nd%20interdependent%20relationships%20with%20others, Last Updated: 29 Apr 2023

Cambridge Dictionary, https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/society

Yuval Noah Harari, https://singjupost.com/why-humans-run-the-world-by-yuval-noah-harari-at-ted-

transcript/#:~:text=Humans%20control%20the%20planet%20because,Their%20cooper ation%20is%20very%20rigid, August 17, 2015


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