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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Teplytska A.O.

The problem of basis formation of mathematics teacher’s professionalism and his ability to implement in practice the technological approach when teaching secondary and high school students mathematics is considered in this article.. The designed program for students with bachelor’s degree observes the complex of interrelated questions. These questions are focused on the utilization of the mathematical basis of pedagogical professionalism, didactics of mathematics, psychology, mathematics, methodology of teaching mathematics, and innovation and information technologies in school by future mathematics teachers.

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Teplytska A.O.

Lecturer at "Beit Ghana" International Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute, Dnipropetrovsk


The problem of basis formation of mathematics teacher's professionalism and his ability to implement in practice the technological approach when teaching secondary and high school students mathematics is considered in this article.. The designed program for students with bachelor's degree observes the complex of interrelated questions. These questions are focused on the utilization of the mathematical basis of pedagogical professionalism, didactics of mathematics, psychology, mathematics, methodology of teaching mathematics, and innovation and information technologies in school by future mathematics teachers.

Identification of the problem. Modernization of Ukrainian Higher education according to national needs and euro integration tendencies with the aim of personal and professional improvement of pedagogical activities actualizes the problem of future mathematics teacher' professional training intensification in high pedagogical institution. It is not enough for XXI century teacher to know only the basics of scientific knowledge. They are obliged to become mediators of valuable educational knowledge, along with being prepared for choosing and implementing various concepts in terms of diverse and complex education, self-educating themselves, self-improvement, and increasing the level of professionalism. Beside that, modern school expects from pedagogical educational institutions to provide them with mathematics teachers that are able to critically evaluate pedagogical problems and find the ways of solving them; adequately changing their activities taking into consideration needs of pedagogical situation; making conscious and rational choice of educational elements and teaching methods when planning the class. One of the solutions for mentioned problems is the creation of educational and methodogical accompaniment for the basis formation of future teacher's professionalism taking technological and competitive oriented approaches as a base. Their implementation allows upgrading the professional teaching of students with the focus on request of modern school practice and create the conditions for highly efficient professional experts' self-realization.

It is worth mentioning that even though educational courses on creative pedagogy have been included in contents and became a part of preparation technologies of future mathematics teacher; the functioning of professionalism phenomenon in mass practice remains beyond the educational process of High Pedagogical School. However, with the introduction of the variation component to the studies curriculum for professional training of bachelors, the variety of new opportunities for establishment of consecutive and multilevel pedagogical education by the means of integrated special course on basis formation of mathematics teacher professionalism taking technological and competitive approaches as a ground. The specifics of studying this course as a bachelor student is multifunctionality. In particular, along with establishment of further professional pedagogical growth and increased readiness for pedagogical work, future mathematics teachers obtain knowledge on basis formation of teacher's professionalism; broaden their professional culture

through philosophical thinking and reflection of mathematics teacher profession, grasping the essence of the professional values and innovation technologies of teaching.

Tendencies of improvement of methodical and mathematical training of mathematics teachers mentioned above emphasize the necessity of designing the integrated special course "Basis formation of mathematics teacher professionalism with technological approach as a ground" for bachelor students with minor in mathematics.

Article's goal is to introduce and support the main statements of integrated special course on professionalism basis of mathematics teachers mentioned above.

Main content. The goal of the "Basis formation of mathematics teacher professionalism with technological approach as a ground" special course is to permit students to master modern scientific and methodical achievements in pedagogical professionalism area, create the conditions encouraging its basis formation, enable students to apply innovation technologies when teaching secondary and high-school students. Additionally, creation of high-level theoretical knowledge and practical training of future mathematics teacher in mathematical education area, ability to organize study processes efficiently and extraordinary, meaning to assign responsibility for grades achievement directly to students and stimulating their growth using innovation and multimedia technologies, having an increase of the mathematical competitiveness and students' mental development as an ultimate goal. Tasks that are necessary to complete in the process of learning the "Basis formation of mathematics teacher professionalism with technological approach as a ground" discipline are the following:

- Formation of perceptions about the essence of pedagogical professionalism in terms of modern methodological landmarks; absorption of terminological mechanism of pedagogical professionalism theory; awareness of its content and framework;

-Encouragement ofprofessional and subjective, professional and cultural, technological and multimedia competencies of pedagogy and mathematics experts having mastered the content of the special course as a basis

- Students preparation for the independent, creative, professional pedagogical highly efficient activity;

- Formation of integrated system of professional and pedagogical knowledge about educational branch " Mathematics" using deductive and methodical, psychological

and pedagogical, scientific and research skills;

- Formation of an integrated level of professional competitiveness as a component of mathematics teacher professionalism among students. It contains of the aggregate and interperspicuity of professional, subjective, cultural, technological and multimedia concepts;

- Formation of the necessity to put pedagogical innovations into practice in secondary school of mathematics among students.

- Notification about innovation pedagogical technologies, innovatory technologies in professional activities that can be used in mathematics classes in secondary and high school

- Stimulating the development of future mathematics teachers' practical skills in usage of innovation and multimedia technologies in mathematics;

- Formation of the skills useful in choosing and utilizing the most optimal approach among other methodical approaches in particular pedagogical case.

After being taught a certain educational subject, student is obliged to:

- Know: all of the historical aspects of pedagogical professionalism problems and modern approaches to understand its nature; the meaning of the main theoretical terminology and technologies of pedagogical activities and correlation between them; modern models of pedagogical professionalism, their key features, content, and framework. Additionally, natural determination and specifics of professional genesis of future mathematics teacher and its stages and levels; how to provide bachelor students with essential training to put their methods in teaching mathematics on intermediate and upper-intermediate, including general and professional school levels into practice; scientific perceptions about content, methods and ways of teaching mathematics that arise from general methodology of pedagogical process; psychological and pedagogical content basics and organization of processes related to teaching mathematics; opportunities and ways of using modern information, communication, and multimedia technologies in the process of teaching mathematics; modern ways of mathematical education at schools that are interrelated with their humanization and differentiation, realization of conducive studying functions in terms of competitive and technological approaches to planning the study process; personal and mental traits of bachelor students that are essential for the stable and qualitative realization of the main ways of professional activities of future mathematics teacher;

- Be able to: understand the main terminology to note the characteristics of efficient pedagogical work and use the graphical models for its quality analysis; identify the levels of pedagogical professionalism in accordance with scientifically proven criteria; determine the level of key students' competencies when studying the main mathematics aspects, by using respective terminology, methodical literature, primary pedagogical experience, innovation technologies with the goal to provide students with the personal growth; make sure students are familiar with the main mathematical aspects to implement the modern concepts of improving mental abilities of students: logical and critical thinking, intuition, imagination, information culture, development of primary skills of logical thinking and actions explanation, represent real situations

from mathematical point of view; stimulate the development of mathematical competitiveness among students, using respective computer programs for Electronic Computational machines during classes and other extracurricular mathematical activities; implement the core differentiation, humanization and esthetic principles in a study process; being capable of planning the conditions of every student according to his or her abilities and aptitude, when adjusting mathematics teaching to specifics of various groups of students , using interactive methods of work; manage the technological process, choosing optimal ways, methods and tools for students study process in mathematics and extracurricular classes; use general and specific technologies when teaching mathematics; solve typical elementary mathematics tasks, understanding and applying respective methodical approaches, conduct educational processes in accordance with modern requirements, find creative approaches when teaching mathematics; resist distracting events and use safety means to secure professional health and creative longevity; consciously plan professional career and professional and pedagogical self- improvement; analyze one's pedagogical activities for future improvement.

Formation of professional, pedagogical, cultural, and multimedia competencies during the study course is expected to occur during lectures, seminars, practical classes, and self-study process. Theoretical material of the first "Theoretical and methodical aspects of basis formation of future mathematics teachers professionalism" module and second "Scientific evidence of basis formation of future mathematics teachers' professionalism" module are highly recommended to be introduced predominantly during seminars; practical work in the third "Technological aspects of basis formation of future mathematics teachers professionali sm" module, dedicated

to professional mathematics teacher activities is recommended to cover during practical classes. Therefore, practical part of the first two modules sets the goal to form cognitive competencies. Second module, in turn, is occupied with formation of operational competencies.

For the holding of the practical class, the multimedia technologies, that are the aggregate of different teaching tools: texts, graphic images, music, videos, and animations are recommended to be used. This is done in order to maximize the improvement of educational process. The utilization of multimedia technologies in study process is caused by their ability to increase the capacity of educational environment by using the various program methods, along with creativity development methods. Thus, the entire mentioned above are the most encouraging methods when forming the professionalism basis of mathematics teacher. Their efficiency is based on that they match the one of the core principles of modern educational paradigm- knowledge and ways of obtaining it. During the practical class, it is better to use role-plays that strengthen the edge of psychological balance, improve the development of skills for avoiding conflicts, and increase the level of stressresistance according to the pedagogical concept.

Content and framework of the integrated special course "Basis formation of mathematics teacher professionalism with technological approach as a ground" is presented in Table 1.

Table 1


Section titles and topics No of hours

Auditorium. lecture/ practice Self-study



Topic 1.1. Key features, content and framework of pedagogical professionalism of mathematics teacher 4

"Content and framework of pedagogical professionalism" Seminar lecture via Skype 2 2

"Designing the professional and pedagogical mathematics teacher careers" Practical webportfolio class 2 2

" Mathematics teacher professionalism in the system of scientific perceptions" Seminar lecture as a discussion of terminology with the use of Wikipedia website (http://ru.wikipedia.org) 2 2

All in one module 4 6 6


Topic 2.1. Content and technologies of teaching mathematics in school taking competitive approach as a basis 2 2

"New stage of mathematical education development: implementation experience of competitive and technological approaches" Seminar lecture via Skype 2

Topic 2.2. Innovation aspects in teaching students mathematics 2 2

" Innovation educational institution" Seminar wiki-project lecture 4 2

Topic 2.3. Logical and mathematical development of secondary and high school students 2 2

"Logical thinking development in the process of learning mathematics". Practical pedagogical brainstorming class 2

Topic 2.4. Pedagogical technologies in terms of using educational informational tools 2 2 4

"Development tendencies and problems of a school mathematical education with the use of internet technologies in pedagogical processes" Seminar remote "round table" lecture 2

All in one module 8 12 12


Topic. 3.1. Problematic and task-oriented technology of teaching students mathematics 2 2

"Usage of problematic and task oriented technology in mathematics class in school" Seminar and practical class 2

Topic. 3.2. Technology of art developing activities and methods of its implementation when teaching mathematics 2 2

" Modern strategies developing students mathematical education" Practical class in a form of video conference 2 2

Topic. 3.3.Technologies enabling the teacher-student interaction 2 2

" Interactive technologies of teaching in mathematics" Practical web-quest class 2

Topic 3.4. Organization of differential mathematics teaching 2 2

"Realization of the main statements of differential technology of teaching mathematics" Practical web-quest class 2

Topic 3.5. Technology of study-material absorption in stages 2 2

" Mathematics classes modeling in accordance with three types of oriented students absorption of study material" Practical class 2

Continue of table 1

Topic 3.6. Organizational technology of educational project activity 2 2

" Specifics of project activity usage in the school mathematics course Practical class with TV-based presentation of a group project 2 2

Topic 3.7. Educational modeling technologies in school mathematical education (deductive games) 2 2

" Deductive game as a method of formation of general skills of secondary and high school students in a process of teaching mathematics" Practical video-presentation class 4

Topic 3.8. Information technologies in teaching students mathematics 4 2

"Usage of Skype in teaching students mathematics" Practical video-based class 4 2

All in one module 18 20 22


Final Exam

According to these requirements, the content of integrated special course was divided between modules as following: 1. Theoretical and methodical aspects of basis formation of future mathematics teacher's professionalism. 2. Scientific evidence of "Basis formation of future mathematics teachers' professionalism". 3. Technological aspects of "Basis formation of future mathematics teacher professionalism".

The first "Theoretical and methodical aspects of basis formation of future mathematics teachers' professionalism" content module has examined the conceptual basis, formation of professional teacher's growth, its main categories, approaches to the systematic description, emphasis and characteristics of professionalism components, in particular, professional culture, professional competencies, professional skills. Key notion of the special course is the observation of professionalism basis as a system that includes professional, cultural, technological and multimedia competencies. These, taken as behavioral models and norms in certain professional area, regulate professional activities of mathematics teacher.

"Scientific evidence ofbasis formation offuture mathematics teacher professionalism" module content is the particularization of the main theoretical concepts of teaching mathematics, knowing and understanding of which forms scientifically proven complex of professional and valuable orientations and settings. Given module can be considered as an integral part for the development of the ability to perceive mathematical, didactic, methodical, psychological, pedagogical, technological knowledge as a system. Availability of such ability allows future teacher to organize mathematics-teaching processes according to modern requirements.

Emphasis of the "Technological aspects of basis formation of future mathematics teacher' professionalism" module is connected with the necessity of providing the technological, methodical and mathematical teacher's literacy.

Such kind of training is needed for students not only to grasp the essence of methodologies of teaching students arithmetic, algebraic, and geometric material, but its high level is also the key for the successful teaching of students of the secondary school. This module also implements the professionalism basis' formation of future mathematics teachers to solve professional related tasks by the means of innovation and multimedia technologies, implementing the assessment of professional activities based on integrated skills.

Theoretical material of the first "Theoretical and methodical aspects of basis formation of future mathematics teacher professionalism" and second "Scientific evidence of basis formation of basis formation of future mathematics teacher's professionalism" modules is recommended to learn during the seminars; practical work in the third "Technological aspects of the basis formation of future mathematics teachers professionalism" module, dedicated to professional activities of mathematics teacher, is supposed to be designed as a practical class. Therefore, practical part of the first two modules sets the goal of cognitive competencies and third one - operational.

When holding the practical class it is recommended to use multimedia technologies that are an aggregate of different ways of teaching: texts, graphic images, music, video and animation in interactive mode. This is done in order to maximize the improvement of educational process. The utilization of multimedia technologies in study process is caused by their ability to increase the capacity of educational environment by using the various program methods, along with creativity development methods. Thus, the entire mentioned above are the most encouraging methods when forming the professionalism basis of mathematics teacher. Their efficiency is based on that they match the one of the core principles of modern educational paradigm- knowledge and ways of obtaining it. During the practical class, it is better to use role-plays that strengthen the edge of psychological balance, improve the development of skills for avoiding conflicts, and increase the level of stressresistance according to the pedagogical concept.

Conclusion. The content and methodology of the "Basis formation of future mathematics teacher' professionalism with technological approach as a ground" allowed bachelor students to broaden their professional knowledge, gain professional and pedagogical skills, master pedagogical technologies, and apply competitive tools and methodology that noticeably facilitate the process of competition-oriented mathematics teaching for secondary school students.


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Polyakov L. G., Associate Professor of «Descriptive Geometry and Graphics» FGBOU IN «Penza University of Architecture and Construction»

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Рассмотрены четыре основных этапа формирования, проектирования, получения и практического применения необходимых знаний, умений и навыков. Определены численные значения коэффициентов объема ис-пользования и интенсив-ностей использования знаний, умений и навыков, по которым определяются режимы их применения.


We consider four main stages of formation, projection-tirovanie, preparation and practical application of the necessary knowledge, mind-tions and skills. Numerical values of volume is-use ratios and intensive use of knowledge and skills, which are defined by modes of their application.

Ключевые слова: Жизненный цикл, знание, умение, навыки, режим использования, режим хранения, режим восстановления.

Keywords: The life cycle of knowledge, ability, skills, is-use mode, storage mode, recovery mode.

Процесс жизнедеятельности любого объекта, в том числе и для уровня знаний умений и навыков характеризуется его жизненным циклом. Жизнен-ный цикл знаний, умений и навыков[1]это непрерывный процесс, который начинается с момента принятия решения о необходимости получения опреде-ленных знаний, умений и навыков, а заканчивается в момент, когда эти знания, умения и навыки становятся невостребованными.

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В общем случае жизненный цикл знаний, умений и навыков включает в себя четыре основных этапа/

Первый этап - выбор облика. Облик это определение состава блоков по объему знаний, умений и навыков и их взаимосвязь между собой. Облик представляется в виде многоуровневой схемы формирования общего объема знаний, умений и навыков, необходимого для решения определенного круга задач специального назначения [2].

Второй этап - проектирование.Под проектированием понимается выбор путей и способов реализации облика.

Основной задачей этого этапа является планирование процесса усвоения знаний,умений и навыков при минимальных затратах на его организацию и получения максимальной эффективности усвоения[3].

Третий эта - получение знаний, умений м навыков. На этом этапе производиться реализация первого и второго этапов.

Четвертый этап - применения полученных знаний, умений и навыков. Этап применения это этап реализации полученного уровня знаний, умений и навыков. Рассмотрим этот этап более подробно.

Для количественной оценки использования полученных знаний, умений и навыков рассмотрим функцию применения знаний, умений и навыков в практических целях

Р (и; Кш) (1)

где и- интенсивность применения знаний, умений и навыков в практических целях за определенный период

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