Abdullaeva Gulrux Panaeva Sevaraxon
Faculty of pedagogy Nachalnoe obrazovanie 211- gruppa
The experience of school practice has created a certain structure of the lesson that many teachers follow and achieve certain good results. Usually, homework is checked at the beginning of the lesson or the topic is repeated, followed by a question and answer session on the topic. The new material is then described and students are given examples and problems or control questions to reinforce it. At the end of the lesson, homework and homework recommendations will be given.
Sometimes, it can be dedicated to one of these goals. This one goal is called the main didactic goal of the lesson and the others follow it.
Keywords: Mathematics, International Skills, Errors, A + 1, A + 2, LEVELS. Software
Methodology. 1. Types of lessons in mathematics.
The following types of lessons in mathematics can be shown in the primary grades.
1) Introduce students to new concepts, generate new knowledge and skills. In such lessons, knowledge of calculation, graphics or problem solving is formed.
2) Strengthen new knowledge, skills, abilities through various exercises.
3) Lessons on repetition and generalization of shots.
4) Lessons to test knowledge, skills and abilities in order to work on the mistakes made by the student. Each math lesson can have different didactic objectives: to prepare students to master new material by checking homework, stating the purpose of the lesson and topic, repeating previous shots or recalling children's life experiences, special exercises for oral calculation, organizing new material ( main part of the lesson), strengthening children's 1st acquired knowledge and skills as a team work, calculation of organized knowledge, application of exercises, knowledge and skills (main part of the lesson), independent work of students and its examination, repetition of previously learned materials, homework, summarizing the lesson.
The main structural parts of the course can be combined in a variety of ways and with different methods.
What parts the lesson should consist of, how to place them in sequence, how to distribute the learning material between them, how these parts are connected to each
CENTRAL ASIAN RESEARCH JOURNAL FOR INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES (CARJIS) ilmiy jurnali bilan hamkorlikda. other, whether they can help to achieve the main didactic purpose of the lesson, etc. In elementary school, each part of the mathematics lesson should focus on completing general didactic tasks. The parts of the lesson should be interconnected depending on the main didactic purpose. Let's look at the separate structures of lesson types for elementary grades that specialize in mathematics.
For example: lessons to introduce students to new concepts, the formation of new knowledge and skills.
The course. The lesson should be started in a purposeful way so that all students are immediately involved in the work, active performance of learning tasks. For this purpose, small independent works should be written on cards, which require students to write only the results of calculations without writing the condition of the problem. Such independent work prepares students to master new material.
In the first part of the lesson, if the homework is related to new material in terms of content, it is also possible to check it. If the homework is not related to a new topic and students do not use it when shooting a new topic, then it is not necessary to check the homework in the lesson to state new knowledge. Thus, the first part of the lesson should focus on the activity and attention of the students, not spending too much time on this stage.
Another way to get students 'attention is to clearly state the topic and purpose of the lesson. At the same time, of course, it is necessary to arouse the interest of students and create a problematic situation. For example, if students are only familiar with the verbal method of calculation, if they are advised to add two three-digit numbers, then they will use their extra knowledge and skills. Students shoot from known difficulties. Thus, with pre-organized computational processes, they make sure that this example is not difficult to perform. Students should master the verbal calculation method. The lesson will be devoted to this method.
In the second case, the lesson can be conducted with a short conversation with the students. Such a lesson can be used to explain to students the multiplication of one-digit numbers.
In order to prepare the new learning material for the active learning of the students, the previously learned materials are repeated, and the materials of the repetitive nature are often done by oral calculation. It is also possible to independently solve examples and problems aimed at minimizing new material.
In the second part of the lesson, a new mathematical concept is introduced or a new type of arithmetic examples is solved. This is done through a student statement or interview. Sometimes the teacher also recommends choosing it independently. For example, if the goal is to solve a problem or example related to a previous topic, then students can improve their knowledge and skills by reinforcing examples and solving them independently.
Reinforcement of new material. At this stage, students should be given a task of a reinforcing nature, followed by a conclusion, a discussion of the discussions. With the help of this task, the new knowledge shot is consolidated and put into practice for the first time. The first tasks are usually performed collectively. Sometimes, after the examples have been completed independently, one of the students goes to the board and demonstrates the correctness of this rule by solving the example.
Analysis and results. Depending on the complexity of the training material, the most effective approach should be taken at each stage.
3. Preparing for a math lesson in elementary school.
When preparing for a math lesson, the first topic should be the place of the lessons in the system. Then students need to determine how well they are prepared for the new lesson material and what needs to be repeated.
To prepare for the lesson, the teacher begins preparing for the next lesson after preparing the math program, work plan, textbooks and manuals, methodical literature, and instructional materials. First of all, the next lesson will determine where in the math program, what topics are related, and what the concept needs to be explained. After all these questions have been explained, it follows that the main didactic purpose of the lesson and its typical feature should be strictly defined. This will help determine the content of the lesson. For the didactic purpose of the lesson, it follows from this content that the structure of the lesson depends on them, that is, the union of the individual sections of the lesson, their organic unity complements and connects the parts of the lesson. When designing a lesson plan, you should start by thinking about the main parts that meet the didactic purpose of the topic. If the lesson is about explaining new knowledge, for example: if the topic is about adding three-digit numbers in writing, the teacher should first explain to the students how to write a written addition algorithm, and then what to repeat from the previous lesson. that is, whether or not it is necessary to check homework before the topic should consider which assignment to recommend to students in order to master the new topic. The teacher then considers what teaching material should complement the structure of each section of the lesson, what teaching methods and techniques, what exhibitions can be prepared and used.
Discussion. In the course development, the technological map is illuminated as much as possible. Questions to help conduct the interview will be addressed to the students, and the methods and techniques of the study will be written down for the answers expected from the students.
Examples and recommendations for solving problems are given. Thus, the teacher must do the following:
1. Determining the place of the lesson in the curriculum and syllabus.
2. Define the main didactic purpose of the lesson.
3. Determining the content of the lesson.
4. Compilation of lesson stages.
5. Creating a lesson plan.
6. Compilation of lesson plans (abstracts).
7. Identify teaching methods.
8. Determine the time spent on each phase.
9. Solve examples and problems given in class and at home.
10. Exhibition weapons production, etc.
4. Conducting a math lesson.
A plan or syllabus of a structured mathematics lesson shows the teacher the general direction and sequence of the type of work to be done with students, examples, examples of algebraic expressions.
The teacher is free to use the lesson plan or syllabus. Sometimes it is necessary to deviate from the plan, for example, if students do not understand the teacher's statement, give additional explanations, if students are struggling, provide the necessary assistance, if enough exercises are done to strengthen knowledge, some can be omitted, ie to ask students how they understood. performance can be checked.
The most important feature of an elementary mathematics course is its practical orientation. If some issues of the mathematics program in the upper grades are of a theoretical nature, in primary school every new concept, property, law is introduced as a result of practical activity and for practical activity. Students will be able to understand the concept of a rectangle, they will now know the definition of a rectangle, they will be able to reason logically and prove some of its properties, and they will be able to use the definition, signs and properties to solve practical problems. In elementary school, students determine the equality of the opposite sides of a rectangle by measuring it, and learn how to make a rectangle, measure its perimeter and face, and calculate.
Consider an algorithm for determining the perimeter of a right rectangle.
A1: 1. Measure each side of a right rectangle. 2. Find the sum of the values obtained.
A2: 1. Make a section equal to the sum of the lengths of the sides of a rectangle. 2. Measure the resulting cross section.
It is not possible to create an algorithm for all class problems either. For example, it is not possible to develop an algorithm for composing expressions (equations) on the terms of arithmetic problems, a given number of data, expressions (for composing textual problems on equations, a brief description of the conditions of textual problems.
On the other hand, many schemes, shortcuts, commands are similar to algorithms on the outside, but not actually algorithms. This is especially true of reminding students to work on issues. We list the most important classes of processes that can be
CENTRAL ASIAN RESEARCH JOURNAL FOR INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES (CARJIS) ilmiy jurnali bilan hamkorlikda. algorithmized in elementary classes: 1) the establishment of large, small, equal relations; 2) oral and written calculations; 3) solving equations; 4) creation of geometric shapes; 5) determine the fraction of a number, the fraction of a number, its fraction by the fraction of a number.
Now let's look at the second methodological problem, which was to reveal to students the general laws of teaching algorithms.
Conclusion. The relationship between the teaching of mathematics in kindergarten and primary school.
Tasks for the development of elementary mathematical concepts in children and the composition of the basics of arithmetic in kindergarten, the development of concepts of quantity, space and time are the main conditions of teaching.
In each lesson, the educator reveals the main issues of the content of the topic and the methodology of its work in the classroom. It should be borne in mind that the recommendations given are usually typical examples of assignments, exercises, questions that should be given to children. The number of such exercises should be determined by the teacher, taking into account the specific conditions of work with the class.
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