Научная статья на тему 'The conjunction It as a formal subject'

The conjunction It as a formal subject Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Mammadli V.

Маммадли В. Союз it как формальное подлежащее / В. Маммадли // Ученые записки Таврического национального университета имени В. І. Вернадського. Серия «Филология. Социальные коммуникации». 2013. Т. 26 (65), № 2. С. 362-367.Данная статья посвящена союзу it в английском языке и употреблению его в качестве формального подлежащего в сложноподчиненных предложениях с придаточным подлежащим. Статья повествует о значениях, функциях, а также о необходдимой важности употребления союза it в сложноподчиненных предложениях с придаточным подлежащим. В статье также приведены примеры из художественной литературы английского языка и сопоставляются сложноподчиненые предложения английского и азербайджанского языков. При сопоставлении сложноподчиненных предложений с придаточным подлежащим английского и азербайджанского языков, выясняется, что союз it является значимо необходимым в сложноподчиненных предложений с придаточным подлежащим английского языка, в то время как он, будучи формальным подлежащим, не переводится ни на азербайджанский, ни даже на русский языки.Ключевые слова: союз, сложное предложение, русский язык, азербайджанский язык, английский языкМаммадлі В. Сполучник it як формальне підмет / В. Маммадлі // Вчені записки Таврійського національного університету імені В. І. Вернадського. Серія «Філологія. Соціальні комунікації». 2013. Т. 26 (65), № 2. С. 362-367.Дана стаття присвячена сполучнику it в англійській мові і його вживанню в якості формального підмета в складнопідрядних реченнях з підрядним підметом. Стаття оповідає про значення, функції, а також про важливість вживання сполучника it в складнопідрядних реченнях з підрядним підметом. У статті наведено приклади з художньої літератури англійської мови, зіставляються складнопідрядні речення в англійській та азербайджанській мовах. При зіставленні складнопідрядних речень з підрядним підметом в англійській та азербайджанській мовах, з'ясовується, що сполучник it є значимо необхідним у складнопідрядних реченнях з підрядним підметом в англійській мові, в той час як він, будучи формальним підметом, не перекладається ні на азербайджанську, ні навіть на російську мови.Ключові слова: сполучник, складне речення, російська мова, азербайджанська мова, англійська мова

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Текст научной работы на тему «The conjunction It as a formal subject»

Ученые записки Таврического национального университета имени В. И. Вернадского Серия «Филология. Социальные коммуникации». Том 26 (65), № 2. 2013 г. С. 362-367.

УДК 811.111


Mammadli V.

Baku State University E-mail: azfolklor@yahoo.com

This article is dedicated to the conjunction it as a formal subject in the Composite Complex Sentences with the Subject Clause of the English language. It deals with the meanings, functions and the significant importance of the conjunction it for the English language Composite Complex Sentences with the Subject Clause. The author of the article also compares the connective ways of the Principal and Subject Clauses both of the Azerbaijani and English languages. Some parallels have been made with the Russian language too. The author notes that the Composite Complex Sentences with the Subject Clause occupy a specific place in the English language and have got interesting features. These interesting features, their specification vividly appear while researching and analyzing the sentences which are mentioned above. The author claims that during the study of the types of the Subject Clauses in both languages and defining their meanings and forms of the connective words in the sentences they express he has found out the significant importance of the connective words in such kind of sentences.

This article also provides the reader with the examples from English literature and compares the compound sentences in English and Azerbaijani languages.

After comparing complex sentences with subordinate subject in English and Azerbaijani languages, it appears that the conjunction it is necessary in complex sentences with subordinate subject in English, while he, as a formal subject, can not be translated into Azerbaijani and Russian language.

Key words: conjunction, complex sentence, Russian, English, Azerbaijan language.

The Composite Complex Sentences with the Subject Clause occupy a specific place in the English language and have got interesting features. These interesting features, their specification vividly appear while researching and analyzing the above mentioned sentences. Thus, it is scientifically interesting that the first part of such sentences, i.e. the Principal Clause, preceded by the Subordinate one, starts with such pronouns as It, This, That. The formal pronoun It is used more widely than the other ones.

The pronoun It has become grammatically more abstracted in the English language. Therefore, it can be used as the subject in the following sentences. The pronoun It is the subject of the sentence in the following situations:

This is an English book. It is a new textbook.

Thus, these pronouns, especially the pronoun It forms impersonal or formal sentences.


It is spring.

It is morning.

It was 3 o'clock.

It is hot in summer.

It is a long way to the station.

It was too far to walk.

All the above mentioned sentences are impersonal as well as simple. So, being grammatically the subject of the sentence, the pronoun It doesn't have the original meaning of the same personal pronoun. This is proved by Azerbaijan equivalents of these sentences too. Unlike the sentence structure of the Azerbaijan and Russian languages the impersonal sentences in the English language always contain both the Subject and the Predicative.

It is hot now.

Subject Predicative

indi istidir.

No Subject Predicative

Сейчас жарко.

No Subject Predicative

As it can be seen from the examples the formal subject It is translated neither into Azerbaijan nor into Russian.

The pronoun It substitutes the nouns of the neuter gender, i.e. the lifeless things, and becomes the definite personal subject of the sentence. In this case it is both lexically and grammatically used as the full member - the subject of the sentence.


1. It is black coffee and very strong.

2. It is not my property, Henry (O. Wilde].

3. Is it the pavilion? - I asked.

While the time, distance or states of the natural phenomena are mentioned, the pronoun It is used as the subject of the sentence. It is used with some verbs (to rain, to snow, to hail) in order to express the weather.


1. It often rains in autumn.

- Payizda tez-tez yagi§ yagir.

(Осенью часто идут дожди.)

2. It was foggy that day.

- O gun hava dumanli idi.

(В тот день погода была туманная.)

3. It hailed in December.

- Dekabrda dolu yagdi.

(В декабре выпал град.)

The above mentioned such sentences like "It rains", "It snows", "It hails" are translated into Azeri as "Yagi§ yagir" (Идет дождь), "Qar yagir" (Идет снег), "Dolu yagir" (Идет град]. We can use the both meanings - the raining and the snowing - using the only one verb "yagir" and without using the words "rain" and "snow" themselves. The referring of the meaning of the word "yagir" either to the rain or to the snow depends on


the time and place. These verbs are used in the III person singular form both in English and Azeri.

Examples: It is raining now.

- indi yagi§ yagir. (Сейчас идет дождь.) It is getting dark.

- Hava qaralir. (Темнеет.)

But the formal subject It should be certainly used in such kinds of the English language sentences unlike Azeri. The interrogative and negative forms of this kind of English sentences are the same with normal verbal predicative.

1. Does it rain in autumn in Baku?

- Payizda Bakida yagi§ yagirmi? (Идет ли дождь осенью в Баку?)

2. Is it raining now?

- indi yagi§ yagirmi? (Идет ли дождь сейчас?)

3. Did it snow yesterday?

- Dunan qar yagirmi? (Шел ли снег вчера?)

4. It didn't snow yesterday.

- Dunan qar yagrmadi. (Вчера не шел снег.)

The formal subject It is also used with the verb in Present Simple in the subordinate clauses, expressing "eternal truth".

1. It is necessary that all should be present.

2. It is strange that he has not come at all.

3. It doesn't mater whether we start now or later.

4. It is a mystery how the burglars go into the house.

The Principal Clause, that precedes the Subject one, also starts with the pronoun as a rule. Let's run over some this-type of the Composite Complex Sentences with Subject Clause. The Sentence begins with the formal It if the Subject Clause follows the Predicative. Examples:

1. It is doubtful whether he will be able to come.

2. Is it possible that he misunderstood what I said?

3. It is likely that there will be rain before evening.

4. It was unfortunate that the weather was so wet.

5. It is strange that he should have said that.

6. It is splendid news that you have won the scholarship.

7. It was curious how often one saw them together.

8. It will be a great day when you are promoted to be a managing director.

9. Is it a fact that you are going to get married?


While studying the types of the Subject Clauses in both languages and defining the meanings and forms of the connective words in the sentences they express, each time we find out the significant importance of the connective words in such kind of sentences.


1. In Sacramento it was reported that cattle rustling is on the increase in California, with the blame being put on the scarcity of beef and rising food prices.

2. It was pointed out repeatedly during the session Thursday that applying for the student grants takes at least several months.

In about 60 per cent of the Subordinate Clauses the formal subject It is used with the Predicate in the Past Perfect.


1. It was revealed that the conference had adopted a resolution calling for action against the proposal legislation.

2. It was confirmed that the Labour candidate had polled a majority of votes.

3. It was reported that the workers had demonstrated outside the employers' offices yesterday.

4. It was stressed that the cooperation between the socialist countries had made it possible to find the most expedient solutions for economic problems.

5. Yesterday the Prime Minister launched another tirade against miners. At the same time it was announced that he had invited the entire National Union of Mineworkers' Executive to Downing Street on Wednesday morning (Earnest Hemingway. "To Have and Have Not", Moscow, International Relations, 1979, p. 75].

The researches show that in about 90% of the studied examples the verb used with the formal subject It is in the Future in the Past Tense Form.


1. It was invisible that he would be asked those questions.

2. It was hoped that Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Dundee would indicate their refusal to implement the rent increases by the end of the next week.

3. It was arranged that he would select the diamonds, that we would send them to our Paris office, that there they would be cut and polished. After they were cut and polished, delivery would be maid to Mr. Baxter.

The formal It is also very often used in the sentences with the subject, expressed by the gerund.


1. It is no use your trying to do that.

2. It wasn't much use my pretending that I didn't know the rules.

3.It was pleasant sitting in the café.

The formal subject It is used with verbs in the Passive Voice.


1. It was agreed that the clause was to be dropped.

2. It was his opinion that he was hospitalized for several weeks.

3. In Brussels, it was announced that a Belgian delegation will travel to Reykjavik on Sunday to seek special conditions for Belgian fishermen.

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4. It was disclosed that the President will attend the festival as a guest of honour.


5. It was announced on Saturday that a basis for ending the dispute had been reached.

6. It was agreed by all that it would be unwise.

In the English language the passive constructions can be both the Principal and the Subordinate Clauses of the Composite Complex Sentence with the Subject Clause. Let's look through the following sentences:

1. It is believed that he is a good doctor.

2. It was expected that he would do it.

3. It is repeated that he is a genius.

4. It was claimed that they had such a right.

The sentence construction system of this kind is specific for the English language. They can be related to the wide paradigms. The passive form of the demonstrative pronoun It is used in the sentences of all the Simple and Perfect Tense Forms, it can also be related to the modal verbs as well. (It must be assumed that...)

The predicate of the Subject Clause is expressed by all the forms of the English verbs express, the number of which is more than 150. The verbs of this kind have got specific features, referred to the Passive Voice. As a rule, they are not used in negative forms and do not require the special questions. They form different shades of meaning in the Simple and Complex Sentences.


1. It is clear (evident) that... or It was well understood and quite clear that...

2. It was believed that he was genius.

3. It was expected that he would come.

4. It is intended that the treaties will be signed.

5. It is most important that you should be good.

If the subordinate clause (Passive) follows the Principal one, its Predicate is in the Future in the Past.


1. It is strange that we should meet here.

2. It is necessary that the workers should oil the bearing.

3. It was suggested that he should do it.

4. It is strange that he has made a mistake.

5. It is not known yet whether or not they will come today.

6. It is uncertain when we shall start (When we shall start is uncertain].


1. Абдуллаев А.З. Сложноподчененные предложения в современном азербайджанском языке [на азерб. языке] / А.З. Абдуллаев. - Баку: Маариф, 1974.

2. Буранов Дж. Сравнительная типология английских и тюркских языков / Дж. Буранов. - М.: Просвещение, 1983.

3. Ганшина M.A. Практическая грамматика английского языка [на англ. Языке] / М.А.Ганшина, Н.А. Василевская. - Moсква, 1964.

4. Ильиш Б.А. Строй современного английского языка [на англ. Языке] / Б.А. Ильин. - Moсква, 1971.

5. Мусаев О. Грамматика английского языка [на азерб. Языке] / О.Мусаев. - Баку: Маариф, 1979.

6. Оскар У. Избранное [на англ. Языке] / У. Оскар. - Moсква: Издательство Прогресс, 1979.

7. Раджабли А. Структурная лингвистика [на азерб. Языке] / А. Раджабли. - Баку: Нурлан, 2003.


8. Сандманн М. Подлежащее и сказуемое [на англ. языке] / М. Сандманн. - Эдинбург: ВБ, 1954.

9. Твэн. М. Рассказы [на англ. Языке] / М. Твен. - Киев: Издательство Днепр, 1979.

10. Хаймович Б.С., Роговская Б.И. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка [на англ. Языке] / Б.С. Хаймович. - Москва, 198.

11. Хемингуэй. Э. Иметь и не иметь / Э. Хемингуэй. - Москва: Международные отношения, 1979.

12. Ярцева В.А. Развитие сложноподчиненного предложения в английском языке / В.А. Ярцева. -Ленинград, 1960.

Маммадли В. Союз Н как формальное подлежащее / В. Маммадли // Ученые записки Таврического национального университета имени В. I. Вернадського. Серия «Филология. Социальные коммуникации». - 2013. - Т. 26 (65), № 2. - С. 362-367.

Данная статья посвящена союзу Ы в английском языке и употреблению его в качестве формального подлежащего в сложноподчиненных предложениях с придаточным подлежащим. Статья повествует о значениях, функциях, а также о необходдимой важности употребления союза Н в сложноподчиненных предложениях с придаточным подлежащим. В статье также приведены примеры из художественной литературы английского языка и сопоставляются сложноподчиненые предложения английского и азербайджанского языков. При сопоставлении сложноподчиненных предложений с придаточным подлежащим английского и азербайджанского языков, выясняется, что союз Н является значимо необходимым в сложноподчиненных предложений с придаточным подлежащим английского языка, в то время как он, будучи формальным подлежащим, не переводится ни на азербайджанский, ни даже на русский языки.

Ключевые слова: союз, сложное предложение, русский язык, азербайджанский язык, английский


Маммадлi В. Сполучник И як формальне тдмет / В. Маммадлi // Вчен записки Тавршського на-цюнального ушверситету iменi В. I. Вернадського. Серiя «Фшолопя. Сощальш комунжацп». - 2013. -Т. 26 (65), № 2. - С. 362-367.

Дана стаття присвячена сполучнику й в англшськш мовi i його вживанню в якосп формального тдмета в складнотдрядних реченнях з тдрядним тдметом. Стаття оповвдае про значення, функцп, а також про важливють вживання сполучника й в складнотдрядних реченнях з тдрядним тдметом. У статп наведено приклади з художньо! лггератури англшсько1 мови, зютавляються складнотдрядт речення в англшськш та азербайджанськш мовах. При зютавлент складнотдрядних речень з тдрядним тдметом в англшськш та азербайджанськш мовах, з'ясовуеться, що сполучник И е значимо необыдним у складнотдрядних реченнях з тдрядним тдметом в англшськш мов^ в той час як вш, будучи формальним пiдметом, не перекладаеться нi на азербайджанську, н навiть на росшську мови.

Ключовi слова: сполучник, складне речення, росшська мова, азербайджанська мова, англшська мова

Поступила в редакцию 30.08.2013 г.


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