THE CONFLICTS AND THEIR SOLUTION WAYS ALSO FEATURES IN SPORTS ORGANIZATIONS Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
sports manager / conflicts / conflicts / types of conflicts / physical education and sports / management / methods / sports organizations

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Ibrakhimov Sanjar Urunbayevich

This article is showed the conflicts in sports organizations and ways to resolve them, as well as characteristics of management activities, are important in the main work. In addition, conflicts in sports organizations and the main reasons for their occurrence, as well as methods of conflict management, prevention of conflicts in the field of physical education and sports, are described in terms of finding their solution.

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The European Journal of Education PREMIER

and Applied Psychology 2024, No 1 H

ISSN 2310-5704 ppublishing.org

Section 3. General questions of psychology

DOI: 10.29013/EJEAP-24-1-18-23


Ibrakhimov Sanjar Urunbayevich 1

1 Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Tashkent Institute of Economics and Pedagogy, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Cite: Ibrakhimov S. U. (2024). The Conflicts and Their Solution Ways also Features in Sports Organizations. European Journal of Education and Applied Psychology 2024, No 1. https:// doi.org/10.29013/EJEAP-24-1-18-23


This article is showed the conflicts in sports organizations and ways to resolve them, as well as characteristics of management activities, are important in the main work. In addition, conflicts in sports organizations and the main reasons for their occurrence, as well as methods of conflict management, prevention of conflicts in the field of physical education and sports, are described in terms of finding their solution.

Keywords: sports manager, conflicts, conflicts, types of conflicts, physical education and sports, management, methods, sports organizations


In today's society, sports activity should be considered as a complex social phenomenon and it should be studied thoroughly (Ovchinnikov, YU. D., Dzyuba, N. YU., 2016). The specific features of regulating the work of personnel in the field of physical education are determined and based on labor legislation and other regulatory legal documents (Alekseev, S. V. 2015). The composition of the employees of sports schools and sports education organizations is different. These include workers in the management system, methodologists, trainers-teachers, technical staff of sports facilities. In the literature on physical education and its field, a sports man-

ager is interpreted as a specialist who holds a leadership position in a physical education and sports organization, has management skills and art, and has the right to make management decisions (Ovchinnikov, Yu., Horko-va, L., 2016). The manager's qualification depends on the creative approach to the use of generally accepted principles and methods in the process of management activities.

Materials and methods

Managers work in the field of physical education and sports should consistently perform management tasks and make decisions aimed at eliminating problematic situations and conflict situations. The activity of the

physical education and sports organization depends on the timely and correct adoption of management decisions. In this regard, it is important that each specialist studies the theoretical foundations for making managerial decisions, as well as methods for preparing decisions. In the management decision-making process, it is important to carry out and analyze activities in order to obtain information about the nature of the problem and the next course of action in relation to the chosen solution.

The motivational influence within the team is very necessary for the effective and high-quality activity of the sports organization. In order to form a quality activity, it is necessary to clearly define goals and achieve them regularly. Clear goal setting was considered the basis of effective management. A control objective is a desired, necessary, and important future state of the controlled system. A sports organization does not have a single goal in mind, but a number of goals to plan. In order for sports organizations to achieve their goals, one of the main ways to clearly define and achieve the tasks set before them is to use management methods.

According to A. V. Pochinkin, the concept of "method" is universal. In particular, a method is a set of techniques and actions in a field of activity to achieve a goal or solve a problem. Methods used in management "How to ensure the achievement of the goal?" answers the question (Pochinkin, A. V., 2017). Therefore, the diversity of management methods requires the need to group them based on common characteristics. Such signs may include the nature and strength of the effect. According to the nature of influence, organizational, administrative and legal methods are methods of direct influence, because it is relatively easier to predict the result of their application. In the socio-psychological and economic direction, the methods are included in the methods of indirect influence. Because it is relatively difficult to determine the result in terms of time and volume.

The use of socio-psychological methods implies an understanding of the basics of psychology (Gurevich, P. S., 2015). These methods are the main ones in sports organizations.

In interpersonal relationships, conflicts often arise between people related to solving

some issues of social and personal life. These conflicts are called conflicts. Even in modern sports society, such situations are characterized by many conflicts. Competitive relationships are the main type of relationships during sports competitions.

Aspects of the emergence of disputes and conflict situations in any community are considered one of the problematic situations. It represents the aspects related to the psychological characteristics and personality of each employee. In this regard, the teams in sports schools and organizations are not an exception, especially the characteristic of sports, which is connected with competitive tendencies, sometimes turns into aggression.

When studying the situation of conflicts, it is necessary not to lose a systematic view of the problem, and also not to leave out anything in order to narrow the scope of the actual phenomena being studied without introducing excessive details. Conflict as phenomenon has its own aspects and structure, at the same time, it differs in that it is considered as a process and has certain functions. It is also possible to define several specific tasks that are important in the management of the organization and the actions of personnel. First, it's about bringing employees together as a team to work together in a mutually beneficial effort. Solidarity and mutual understanding are important for any team. These qualities are formed on the basis of common goals, visions and values. It is also a key task to be alerted about the failing work in the organization, which allows us to understand the unresolved issues. Therefore, without knowing these basic components, it is impossible to manage the relationship in the conflict process.

In addition to the concept of conflict, the concept of a conflict situation is also often used in our lifestyle. The conflict situation is also interpreted as an integral part of this conflict.

The structure of the conflict, first of all, the conflict arose between the participants, and they are also considered as subjects who perform actions against each other, a conflict or perform protective functions. A conflict situation begins with the activity of one of the parties who manifests himself as an initiative leader at the initial stage of the conflict. In addition to people in the process of mutual disagreement, other members of the team

who are interested in solving this or that issue can also be classified as weak (passive) participants in conflict relations. Therefore, it is important to consider the actions of each participant when studying the conflict.

The initiative is shown with the parties involved is manifested as their needs. And the need is characteristic of any person existing in the society.

Two types of conflict participants are the main links, if one of them resolves the conflict, the conflict ends.

Material and spiritual values, which are considered components of social life, form the subject of conflict between people. The topic is an imaginary problem and the basis for the conflict between people.

The driving force of the conflicts that have arisen includes an object that determines the exact cause of the conflicts that have arisen. Participants in the conflict may deliberately hide the reasons that prompted them to the conflict. If the main object of the conflict is not identified, it will not be resolved, it will be the basis for new conflicts.

In order to consider the conflict as a social phenomenon, it is necessary to study the environment in which it arose. It includes the immediate environment of a person and the social groups to which he belongs (Zern-ov, S. V., 2011).

In the teams of a modern sports organization, the relationship between an individual and society should be based on respect for everyone's interests, not on obedience. It is such a team that shows that it has developed at a high level and performs the main functions of management, such as cohesion, unity, organization, improvement, and self-management (Lepekhina, A. I., Gryazno-va, E. R., 2016).

In order to achieve an effective result in the process of resolving controversial and controversial situations, every employee should learn the levels and basics of behavior in conflict situations from a theoretical and practical point of view.


There are also opinions that the conflict is the result of disorganized team work and the consequences of ineffective management. However, conflicts are inevitable. Even in the

most efficient and high-level organizations, conflicts can not only appear, but also have a positive effect on the entire organization. Learn how to manage conflict and use it to improve performance.

Today, there are different definitions of conflict by experts, but they all define the existence of conflicts. Disputes can be hidden or open (Lyahova, E. A., 2007).

In some cases, the lack of agreement is due to the existence of different opinions, views, many ideas, personal interests, and points of view. But, on the other hand, the positive content of the conflict is reflected in the ability to express different opinions, to give more alternative opinions in decision-making. Any conflicts in the organization, accumulated conflicts, are the result of increased social tension. In modern sports, this is mainly manifested by the appearance of dissatisfaction with the state of infrastructure and sports facilities.

Analyzing the literature on the topics of conflicts and conflicts, we can conclude that there are two types of conflicts that affect the development of the team and the organization as a whole.

In particular, some of them have a positive effect on activities, can contribute to the development of relationships and decision-making. Such conflicts are usually called functional. They are distinguished by conflicts that affect the problems in the life of the organization and its members.

Conflicts that interfere with effective interaction and decision-making, and that lead to negative consequences are called dysfunctional conflicts.

When determining the classification of conflicts, one of the important aspects is to pay attention to the reasons for their emergence and the structure of the participants.

On this basis, the following types of disputes are distinguished:

- within a person (conflict between different needs, interests of a certain person);

- interpersonal (conflict between individuals);

- within the group (conflict between the individual and the group);

- intergroup (conflict between groups).

All conflicts that arise during the activity

of a sports organization must be resolved. At

the same time, people's actions are different due to the typological characteristics that are unique to each person. From the point of view of psychology, the behavior of people is a component of a conflict situation. First of all, the participants in the conflict have motives that satisfy their interests (Pereverzin, I. I., 2014).

There are five main styles of human behavior in a conflict situation:

1) Adaptation;

2) Compromise;

3) Cooperation;

4) Negligence;

5) Competition.

Conflict management should be implemented in the early stages, because the sooner a problematic situation is identified, the easier it is to eliminate it and find a solution. In order to find management methods, it is first necessary to determine the causes and structure of conflicts. This process includes: prediction, regulation, conflict resolution (Ancupov, A. YA., Haritonov, A. N., 2015).

Before you can solve a problem, you need to gather information about it. The better and more positive the control object is, the better the solution. In this case, the main goal is not only to get detailed information about the management object, but also to objectively show the positive and negative aspects of its situation.

First of all, it is necessary to assess the conflict with common sense, that is, to have an idea about the development of this problem. At this stage, it is recommended to take into account only the facts that are directly related to a certain disagreement between team members. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the situation before the emergence of a conflict situation and its development in the future. One of the main principles of conflict resolution is its openness, if we hide it, the situation can become worse and reflect other negative situations.

Also, the process aimed at solving the problem, the activity of the sports manager is called conflict prevention. Preventing conflict involves predicting it. This concept makes it possible to predict the level and condition of a future problem, to indicate the causes of its occurrence, and to predict the time of occurrence of a certain conflict situation. To implement this process, methods such as conflict

modeling or a survey of sports organization employees can be used.

Conflict prevention is a key tool in the management process. This can be achieved by creating conditions for people's activities and communication that can reduce the likelihood of conflict (Ovchinnikov, YU. D., Dz-yuba, N. YU., 2016).

Psychological preparation is important for competent management of conflict situations and situations. Unfortunately, it is not possible to prevent all conflicts in time. For this, it is necessary to know how to effectively get out of the influence of conflicts.

The main forms of conflict resolution: resolution, arrangement, elimination, closure, turning into another conflict (Bochko-va, R. V., Polynova, L. V., 2016).

Dispute resolution is a joint action of two parties aimed at ending the problematic situation that has arisen between the participants (Doronin, A. S., 2009).

First, it is necessary to determine the real motives of the opponents. The conflict of parties creates a complex psychological environment in the team, each of the participants is expected to support him, which leads to the breakdown of working conditions among employees. Identifying the problem that caused the misunderstanding is one of the important actions of the sports manager, which is the reason why the conflict does not arise from the beginning over time. Communication is an important point of agreement in this activity (Salimgere-ev, Z., 2010). If the parties do not want to communicate with each other at the initial stages of the dispute, then it is possible to turn to the help of a third party. If there is no communication between them, the conflict will never find its solution and will not be resolved. Only with the ability to listen to the opposite side can you successfully resolve a conflict situation.

Resolution of disputes in sports organizations should be carried out in the following directions:

- creating a comfortable working environment;

- creating friendly relations between team members;

- establishing proper interpersonal relations;

- choosing the most effective methods of organizing the work process of the team;

- the ability to distinguish causes;

- introduction of measures to prevent the development of disputes and their formation at the initial stage.

Sometimes the attitude to controversial situations in sports is interpreted in different ways. In particular, opinions are expressed about the inevitability of conflicts. Others see the lack of agreement as a positive constructive principle. In their opinion, it is also said that in a certain sense, provoking conflicts is beneficial for the well-being and successful operation of their organization. According to the third opinion, the lack of unity in perspectives is also considered as the basis of negative aspects and events.


Modern sports practice shows that managers and coaches with many years of experience working in sports organizations use communication or negotiation skills based on life experience and intuition to manage conflicts. But this kind of approach can sometimes be harmful, because it takes a lot of time and causes other conflicts that have arisen to escalate more quickly. In such cases, there may be situations where there is an authoritarian style of management. The members of the team cannot negotiate freely under equal conditions, it is manifested as a common form of communication that represents a cruel and wrong attitude.

In order to avoid errors in management, the main actions of the head of a sports organization that must be performed in time: not to be late for certain reasons in taking measures to resolve a conflict, not to apply measures to initiators, to make clear decisions to do, to determine the cause of the conflict, not to act according to the established order, because each conflict has its own characteristics. First of all, it is very important for the sports manager or the head of the organization to convince his subordinates of the solution he offers. Ability to listen to and reason with colleagues and to argue with them is an advantage. As one of the main leadership qualities of a manager, he should be distinguished by the characteristic aspect of not raising his voice to his subordinates. Through the manifestation of negative qualities in leadership qualities, he also shows his incompetence and inability to control the situation.

It is very important to objectively analyze one's actions and restore normal relations with a colleague when ending a conflict.


It should be noted that in order to achieve the successful activities of a sports organization and the set goals, a good psychological environment is necessary in the team, the leader must know the essence of the problem that arises in his team and have a high level of skill at preventing conflicts that occur in time.


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The European Journal of Education Section 3. General questions of psychology

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submitted 20.03.2024;

accepted for publication 05.04.2024;

published 26.04.2024

© Ibrakhimov S. U.

Contact: goodluck_0714@mail.ru

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