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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Abduganiev O.I., Djabborov Kh.O.

A new approach to the design of urban spaces is Landscape Urbanism, where landscape replaces architecture as the main building element. In the article the main principles of the territorial organization of urban planning on an urban-ecological basis are studied and characterized.

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Abduganiev O.I., candidate of geographical sciences

associate professor Fergana State University Uzbekistan Djabborov Kh. O.


department of geography Fergana State University



Annotation: A new approach to the design of urban spaces is Landscape Urbanism, where landscape replaces architecture as the main building element. In the article the main principles of the territorial organization of urban planning on an urban-ecological basis are studied and characterized.

Keywords: principles, urboecology, urbanization, landscape design, urban architecture, hierarchical systems, buffer zones.

Cities at all times were considered the face of civilization and generally reflected its development. In the classical sense, a city is a compact settlement of people, whose inhabitants are mainly employed in industry, construction, services, management, science, culture, education, healthcare and other sectors of the economy that require a concentration of production assets. Cities occupy only 2% of the land area, but consume % of the world's resources. Currently, half of the world's population lives in cities, and by 2025 the urban population will be 2/3 of the world population.

Rapid growth of modern urban settlements makes you think and rethink how to create a sustainable urban Wednesday. Thus, a new approach to urban design was formed with the aim of improving the quality of the urban architectural environment. This approach is called new urbanism, which is based on humanistic traditions of the principles of urbanism of the past centuries in context of the modern era.

Green spaces are one of the main health-improving means of the urban environment. Vegetation ionizes and filters the air from pollution, performing the function of a kind of biological filter, cleans the air from gases harmful to health and impurities from industrial and automobile emissions; participates in the circulation of gases and, due to photochemical processes, enriches the air with oxygen, replenishing its loss as a result of the vital activity of organisms, combustion and decomposition of organic substances [4, 7, 8].

New urbanism is an urban concept that revives a small, compact "pedestrian" city (or district) as opposed to a "car" suburb. The movement

originated in the early eighties in the United States. The process of urbanization is considered by various sciences: history, geography, economics, sociology, psychology. This helps to more holistically assess the urban environment and propose complex solutions to problems of both social and environmental nature. With regard to the design of the urban environment, two types of ecosystems should be considered: an urbanized ecosystem - the material environment of an urbanized territory with natural elements; natural ecosystem (natural) - within the boundaries of the territorial entity and the impact zone of the urbanized system. The main task of anthropogenic and natural ecosystems is equilibrium coexistence and maintaining balance [5].

Landscape urbanism is a product of the Anglo-Saxon school of design, comes from two previously unrelated areas - biological and technological, and forms a hybrid of disciplines. This gives us a new product of organic dynamics merging with the urban landscape and offers an interesting, yet little explored field of possibilities. Such a complex fusion landscape urbanism is an image or the so-called "style" [5]. Thus, he comes to the forefront of urban planning theory and practice as an evolutionary direction in the development of cities in the context of globalization, considering the problems of the functioning of an urban settlement through the "prism" of the landscape approach [4, 3, 6].

Following the principles of landscape urbanism can lead to the creation of an environmentally sustainable, dynamic, fluid, non-linear space that forms a unique urban environment. Such space often acquires a social character due to the fact that recently public space has been viewed as one of the key components of human life in an urbanized environment. The most important aspect of modern urbanization is the stabilization of landscape-urban relations by creating hierarchical systems of cities, ensuring a balance of natural and artificial objects. The following hierarchical levels are distinguished in the urban landscape: -macrodegree: urban agglomeration, urbanized area, Garod industrial complex;

-mesodegree: residential landscape, industrial landscape, agricultural landscape;

-microdistrict: courtyard, sports ground, pedestrian zone.

This hierarchical level of the urban landscape in our republic is highly urbanized in Tashkent, Samarkand, Navoi, Fergana, Almalyk, Akhangaran and many other cities. In these cities, along with agglomerations, urbanized areas, industrial complexes, landscapes, agglomerations, settlements, sports grounds are part of the urban landscape.

Most of the cities located on the territory of the republic correspond to the mesodegree hierarchy. The main feature of this level is the average level of urbanization, the optimal placement of urban space, settlements, industrial facilities and agglomerations. Industrial enterprises are located at a distance of at least 4-5 km from residential areas. Sanitary protection zones form intermediate buffer zones. In these cities, anthropogenic pressure is low. When agro-industrial facilities are located 5-6 km from a settlement along the air flow route,

geochemical anamal zones do not reach settlements [1, 3, 4]. The creation of cities on the basis of urban ecological principles is to ensure landscape-urban balance and sustainability in many respects to identify the natural-historical levels associated with the functional development of cities, the division of the urban landscape (natural and artificial), and the optimization of their relationships. zoning of zones, reducing the anthropogenic load on the central core of the city, creating buffer zones, expanding cities to buffer zones. Providing a balance between natural and artificial objects in the landscape of cities, their territorial location stabilizes the urban ecological conditions in cities [2, 5].

Green spaces play a significant role in the architecture of the city, contributing to the architectural, planning and spatial organization of urban areas, as well as enhancing the artistic qualities of urban developments. As a result of such restructuring, the horizontal and vertical structure of natural-territorial complexes is transformed, and they typologically move into another category of territorial formations - they become urban landscapes. Urban landscapes can be defined as a territorial unit with a structure artificially formed from the original natural and constantly reworked as a result of the construction and operation of urban facilities, utilities and roads, taking into account the existing urban planning standards [3, 4, 5].

Urban ecosystem management should be based on the landscape and resource potential of the selected site. This principle has always been applied throughout history. There was no reason to build a random state or technology city. Many cities are located in ecotopic geographic settings. It is well known that planning should take into account the proportion of natural and man-made objects. First, the natural landscape defines the territory, its plan and architecture. One of the main factors in the construction of cities is landscape design. For example, Moscow has a multifaceted architecture built on 7 main hills. Cities such as Tashkent, Samarkand, Namangan and Andijan are built on a multi-tiered architectural basis.

Environmental principles in urban planning are determined by the differentiation of objects on the territory of the city, the structure of infrastructure and natural properties of the area and its compatibility with its development. The stability of the ecological balance in urban areas is primarily associated with the density of the population in the city, the conditions for the use of the territory, the movement of traffic, the placement of green areas, production and the service sector. One of the most important factors of the urban ecological organization of the city territory is the study of the critical density of the urban population. Following the example of the "New Uzbekistan" park in Karakalpakstan and regional centers, it is planned to create "green parks" with an area of at least 50 hectares. In cities and regional centers, green parks will have to fall on every 50-100 thousand inhabitants.

For a successful solution of urban ecological problems within the city -landscape, the most necessary thing is the creation of the ecological frame of the city. According to V.V. Vladimirov, when forming the natural frame of a city, it is important to take into account the following most important principles: - the continuity of building the frame of the city in an exogenous plan (the main axes of the natural frame of the city should be a logical continuation of certain elements of the natural frame of the region); - the interconnection of the frame elements (the frame should not be a random mosaic of different city green spaces, but rather a grid of ecological axes, at the intersection of which it is advisable to form relatively large tracts of greenery (green zones) - centers of ecological activity); - the relative autonomy of individual parts of the frame (the frame elements must penetrate into all the most significant structural links of the city - residential and industrial areas, microdistricts, etc.); - functional compliance of the frame with specific natural and economic features of the city, which should be expressed both in the construction of the frame structure and in its biological characteristics; - simultaneous formation of a framework (at least in new cities) with urban development as part of the architectural and planning structure of the city [1, 2, 6].

Approaches to building a natural framework in cities that are different in size, natural conditions, and production structure should be very individual, which will undoubtedly affect the functional and planning structure of this urban ecological formation, as well as its purely biological characteristics. The total area of greenery in a city is an important indicator, especially in comparison with other functional areas, but from an environmental point of view, this indicator is not very informative. In addition to the area of green spaces, it is necessary to know their biological productivity and the duration of the growing season, as well as the features of the planning structure of the natural frame [2, 6].


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