THE CONCEPT OF SERVICE QUALITY AND THEIR ASSESSMENT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
quality of services / competitiveness of service organizations / methods of service quality / reliability / conviction / materiality / quality assessment

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Xasanova Yulduz

In modern conditions, the quality of services plays a leading role in solving the problem of increasing the competitiveness of service organizations. Due to the constant growth in the number of market participants and increased competition, an organization can remain competitive only if its services have a steady demand, which is ensured by the high quality of services provided in accordance with established standards and consumer expectations.

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Xasanova Yulduz


Abstract. In modern conditions, the quality of services plays a leading role in solving the problem of increasing the competitiveness of service organizations. Due to the constant growth in the number of market participants and increased competition, an organization can remain competitive only if its services have a steady demand, which is ensured by the high quality of services provided in accordance with established standards and consumer expectations.

Key words: quality of services, competitiveness of service organizations, methods of service quality, reliability, conviction, materiality, quality assessment

The concept of "quality" has been perfected over many centuries and has developed as social needs have grown and become more diverse, and the possibilities of production to meet them have increased. The process of development and change of the essence of quality, its parameters has been especially dynamic in the last decades Based on the analysis of this definition, Kurochkina A. Yu. identifies the following essential quality characteristics [2]:

•quality is considered as a degree, i.e. as a relative category that depends on the fulfillment of certain requirements. This indicates that it is impossible to achieve an absolute level of quality once and for all, due to the ongoing changes in the requirements for the object;

•the ability to allocate levels (categories, categories) of quality, based on compliance with certain requirements for the object;

•orientation towards fulfilling specific requirements for an object that are mandatory or usually assumed, rather than any expectations of individual individuals.

The definition given in the international standard ISO 9000:2015 contains a universal understanding of quality, which can be applied to any objects, both goods and services.

Considering the concept of "quality of service", most domestic researchers focus not on compliance with the requirements, but on

the quality of a service as an economic category is a set of properties (characteristics) of a service that determine its ability to meet needs.

The quality of services depends on the totality of actions of all subjects involved in the process of production and provision of services. The main characteristics of the quality of services lie in the sphere of the quality of both the service itself and the quality of its provision (quality of service).

The quality of the service is characterized by a combination of the following indicators: completeness of satisfaction of needs, economic or social efficiency, comfort, reliability, individuality, safety, etc.

The criteria for the quality of service are: accessibility (the service can be freely obtained in a convenient place, at a convenient time, without waiting too long for its provision); sociability (the service is provided with all the necessary explanations and information from the staff of the service organization); competence (the service staff ).

Methods of service quality assessment

The most well-known approach to assessing the quality of services is the five-stage quality model (the service quality discrepancy model), which was developed by American scientists V. Zeitaml, L. Berry and A. Parasuraman. For the first time this model was published in 1985, and its logical continuation was the widely used today methodology for assessing the quality of services - SERVQUAL (socr. from the English Service Quality).

The SERVQUAL methodology identifies five criteria (factors) of service quality:

•reliability, reliability (Reliability) - the ability to provide a service in the promised volume and on time;

•conviction, confidence (Assurance) - responsibility, competence of the staff;

•materiality, clarity (Tangibles) - equipment, appearance of personnel;

•empathy, empathy (Empathy) - courtesy of the staff, expression of care, individual approach;

Responsiveness, responsiveness - quick feedback, the desire of the staff to help the client.

Methods of service quality assessment

The most well-known approach to assessing the quality of services is the five-stage quality model (the service quality discovery model), which was developed by American scientists V. Zeitaml, L. Berry and A. Parashuraman. For the first time this model was published in 1985, and its logical continuation was the widely used methodology for assessing the quality of services - SERVQUAL (socr. from English Service Quality).

The SERVQUAL methodology defines five criteria (factors) of service quality:

•reliability, Reliability - the ability to provide a service in the promised volume and on time;

•conviction, self-confidence (Assurance) - responsibility, competence of the


•materiality, clarity (tangible objects) - equipment, personnel appearance;

•empathy, empathy (empathy) - courtesy of the staff, caring, individual approach;

The method of E.R. Kedott and N. Terjen is a qualitative assessment method and is based on the typology of service elements developed by the authors. In their opinion, all service elements are divided into four groups, depending on the nature of the consumer's perception: critical, neutral, satisfying, disappointing.

Critical elements are mandatory components of the service, which determine the minimum sufficient level of requirements.

Neutral elements have no effect (have a weak effect) the degree of satisfaction of consumers (the color of the staff uniform, the location of the parking lot, etc.).

Elements that bring satisfaction can cause a grateful reaction of consumers if their expectations were anticipated. At the same time, if the expectations are satisfied, or not satisfied, the consumer's reaction will not follow.

Elements that bring disappointment, if they are not fulfilled, cause a negative reaction from the consumer. Execution of these elements

The considered methods of assessing the quality of services allow service organizations to identify weaknesses of the quality management system and develop sound recommendations for continuous improvement of quality and increase customer satisfaction. The choice of the optimal method of quality assessment depends on the specifics of the organization's activities and its capabilities.The considered methods of assessing the quality of services allow service organizations to identify weaknesses of the quality management system and develop sound recommendations for continuous improvement of quality and increase customer satisfaction. The choice of the optimal method of quality assessment depends on the specifics of the organization's activities and its capabilities.

The world economy nowadays is increasingly characterized as a service economy. This is primarily due to the increasing importance and share of the service sector in the economies of most developed and developing countries.

Economic history tells us that all developing nations have invariably experienced a shift from agriculture to industry and then to the service sector as the main stay of the economy.

This shift has also brought about a change in the definition of goods and services themselves. No longer are goods considered separate from services. Rather, services now increasingly represent an integral part of the product and this interconnectedness of goods and services is represented on a goods-services continuum.

Services marketing is a specialized branch of marketing which emerged as a separate field of study in the early 1980s, following the recognition that the unique characteristics of services required different strategies compared with the marketing of physical goods.

Services marketing typically refers to both business to consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B) services, and includes the marketing of services such as telecommunications services, financial services, all types of hospitality, tourism leisure and entertainment services, car rental services, health care services, professional services and trade services. Service marketers often use an expanded marketing mix which consists of the seven Ps: product, price, place, promotion, people, physical evidence and process. A contemporary approach, known as service-dominant logic, argues that the demarcation between products and services that persisted throughout the 20th century was artificial and has obscured the fact that everyone sells service. The S-D logic approach is changing the way that marketers understand value-creation and is changing concepts of the consumer's role in service delivery processes.

The American Marketing Association defines service marketing as an organizational function and a set of processes for identifying or creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationship in a way that benefit the organization and stake-holders. Services are (usually) intangible economic activities offered by one party to another. Often time-based, services performed bring about desired results to recipients, objects, or other assets for which purchasers have responsibility. In exchange for money, time, and effort, service customers expect value from access to goods, labor, professional skills, facilities, networks, and systems; but they do not normally take ownership of any of the physical elements involved.

A service encounter can be defined as the duration in which a customer interacts with a service. The customer's interactions with a service provider typically involve face-to-face contact with service personnel, in addition to interactions with the physical elements of the service environment including the facilities and equipment.

Quality of service is an important factor that determines the success of a service business. Customers expect high quality when they pay for a service.


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