Научная статья на тему 'The concept of legal relations, content and their basic concepts'

The concept of legal relations, content and their basic concepts Текст научной статьи по специальности «Право»

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Ключевые слова
the state's activity / culture / civilization / legal culture / legal civilization / legal education / government / public authority

Аннотация научной статьи по праву, автор научной работы — Serykbaev Azamat Muratuly, Karataeva Aygul

The paper considers the substantive part of the legal culture. Also in the paper comprehensively researched to the legal literacy. The main conclusions and points the author may be used in the formation and development of legal culture, to increase the legal awareness and legal education of Kazakh society.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The concept of legal relations, content and their basic concepts»

The concept of legal relations, content and their basic concepts

тельствах, когда, для нужд розыска особое значение имеет обеспечение показаний свидетеля, допрос провести в порядке чл. 223 из Уголовно процессуального кодекса, а именно в присутствии судьи. Такие показания имеют «силу» показаний, данных в судебной фазе процесса. В практике приходилось пострадавших детей допрашивать в указанном выше порядке именно из за потери памяти или сознательно стертый из памяти случай. По этой причине желательно допрос такого порядка совершить в самой ранней фазе, т. е. без длинной времевой амплитуды от преступления до проведения следственных действий.

К сожалению в болгарском Уголовно процессуальном кодексе есть требование даже после допроса в порядке чл. 223 из того же кодекса, в судебной фазе процесса, жертву снова вызвать свидетелем. Таким образам ему в очередной раз приходится воспроизвести и выложить все обстоятельства случая — каким точно является посягательство над ним, какие его переживания, какие последствия наступили от преступления. Единственно судья может принять решение «оберечь» ребёнка от очередного пересоздания случая, имея ввиду его показания в досудебной фазе — перед расследующим или в порядке чл. 223 из кодекса, а эти показания нужно обязательно прочесть в судебном зале.

С целью проведения объективного расследования и обеспечения годных и качественных доказательств, в одном уголовном деле, при сомнении в способностях свидетеля, ввиду его физического и психического

состояния правильно воспринимать факты, имеющие значение для дела, закон требует назначения экспертизы с объектом расследования ребёнок — пострадавший. Это сомнение возникает всегда, когда жертва в раннем детском возрасте, без личного житейского и социального опыта, а его показания — особенно важны для дела [1]. Вопросы к эксперту — чаще всего при комплексной экспертизе при участии психиатра и психолога, должны быть направлены к установлению годности ребёнка участвовать свидетелем в уголовном производстве и в связи с личностным развитием и возрастом, правильно воспринимать и пересоздавать факты, имеющие значение для дела.


При всех гипотезах, в которых ребёнок является жертвой посягательства какой — либо формы, полицейским и расследующим, соответственно суду, следует внимательно и исключительно деликатно подходить к пострадавшему и относиться к нему с пониманием о пережитом. В этом смысле нужно осуществить узкую связь и взаимодействие с другими учреждениями, охраняющие права и интересы детей (Агентство защиты ребёнка своими соответствующими подразделениями), ввиду дальнейшей работы с этим ребёнком — преодоление стресса и предотвращение или работа при наличии посттравматичного такого, как и стремление установить причины и условия, которые довели до сделанного посягательства, не допуская такого в будущем.

Список литературы:

1. Ангелова-Барбалова Н., Крушкова С. Психопатология и диагностика в психиатрии и клинической психологии. - Русе: изд. Хелт-Консулт, 2013.

2. Ангелова-Барбалова Н. Насилие над ребёнком, студия Социальные права болгарского гражданина - проблемы и перспективы./интердисциплинарные исследования/Изд. РУ - 2015.

Serykbaev Azamat Muratuly, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, master student 1st cours, Faculty of Law

Karataeva Aygul, Candidate of Law, professor of the Chair of State and Law Theory and history, Constitutional and Administrative Law, Faculty of Law, al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

E-mail: karataeva_80@mail.ru

The concept of legal relations, content and their basic concepts

Abstract: The paper considers the substantive part of the legal culture. Also in the paper comprehensively researched to the legal literacy. The main conclusions and points the author may be used in the formation and development of legal culture, to increase the legal awareness and legal education of Kazakh society.


Section 2. Science of law

Keywords: culture, civilization, legal culture, legal civilization, legal education, government, public authority, the state's activity.

The subjects of legal relations are divided into two categories: legal entities as such, they do not have separate legal status, the State (the person to call it is quite arbitrary). Legal status here are the so-called branches of government. Individuals are always the only people they are legally characterized legal capacity. Legal entities — commercial and non-profit organizations are always completely legal personality, that is, they always have the legal capacity to the full. Under the legal entity is an organization serving civil circulation under his own name, which has the right of ownership or other rights of property, and may sue and be sued in court. State and municipal authorities are part of the apparatus of government. Public authorities — is established in accordance with the law of structural units of the state apparatus, which are endowed with their competence. The competence of the state bodies is determined by their objects of reference. In administrative law set of terms of reference is sometimes also called jurisdiction. Public authorities outside their jurisdiction, have the status of a legal entity. One and the same person representing conflicting interests of various of their legal status, while a number of different subjects of legal relations. In order to participate in the legal relationship, you must have legal capacity. Legal capacity of participants in civil legal empowers the state, thus recognizing them as subjects of law. To their actions acquire and exercise rights, to create for themselves and do their duty, legal entities nadely-ayutsyadeesposobnostyu. Sometimes in the literature uses the term “personality" that combines the authority and capacity. Legal personality is defined as “social and legal capacity to be party to the relevant relationships”. From the definition given in the beginning of this article, it follows that the material content of any relationship is that the public attitude that it is fixed. In other words, it “is the actual behavior (action and inaction), which can be empowered and pravoobyazanny must do” [1].

The concept of “legal content” relationship, strictly speaking, refers to the content of the legal form. Components of legal content relationships — his subjective rights (powers) and legal obligations. Subjective rights and duties are inextricably linked with each other. They occur at the same time, but in the future the content of the legal relationship may change: the participants may be new legal rights and obligations. In the vast majority of legal relations, each participant has both rights and obligations. However, in some legal relations in

the authorized person has only a subjective right, and the obligated person — only subjective responsibility. Question of the object relations in the science of law is controversial. In general, under them understand the tangible and intangible benefits, about which there is a relationship. In the legal literature offers a number of different definitions of object relationship. Some authors refer to the subject “what the aim subjective rights and legal obligations”, others — “what about what constitutes a legal relationship”. Often in both these expressions embedded same meaning. In some cases, the external object, which is a cause of establishing relationship may indicate a focus of rights and obligations of the parties. Summing up, we can say that the objects are the legal phenomena (objects) of the material and the spiritual world that can meet the needs of actors — interest empowered. Generally speaking — a variety of tangible and intangible benefits. The range of objects of interest through legal outlines empowered. Thus characteristic of the object is consistent with the concept of subjective right, which is an important point of interest. At the same time a legal relationship “tied” to a system of real-life relationship to material and duhovnymtsennostyam society. Various benefits (political, spiritual, personal, material) that can meet the needs of people, society, are involved in a range of legal analysis. And it allows more thoroughness consider “the facts of the” relations, to find out their real value and meaning in society. However, this needs a differentiated approach. Tangible and intangible benefits that are legal entities, should be considered in connection with the behavior of the subjects, that is, material content relationship. More precise definition of the object is the following relationship — “those phenomena (objects) the world around us, which are aimed at the subjective legal rights and responsibilities” object relationship — always something external to the legal content of the legal relationship, that is something that is out of subjective rights and duties. Legal relationship exists in the real-life events, objects around us. In characterizing the relationship as the unity of the legal form and the actual content, we have already included in the legal entities, as well as material content — the behavior of people. Now the range of phenomena around us associated with a legal illuminated even wider — in the field of view includes phenomena (objects) that are sent to the rights and obligations [3].


The concept of legal relations, content and their basic concepts

It should be emphasized that certain phenomena (objects) are treated as objects is applied to the relationship. And as the objects are the legal phenomena (objects) that are recognized as such by the state. Any industry Kazakhstan law regulates certain relationship, ie, relations regulated by the law. In particular, civil law peculiar to the regulation of civil relations (property and related moral rights), criminal law — the regulation of relations connected with crime and punishment. What regulates the legal administrative law? First of all, it should be noted that the administrative law — it is an independent branch of the legal system ofthe Republic of Kazakhstan. Branches of law differ from each other on the subject and method of legal regulation. That is the subject of administrative law are those relationships, which will be discussed further. Administrative and legal relations — is regulated by administrative law public relations in the sphere of the executive branch. Administrative and legal relations are a variety of legal relationships, diverse in nature, legal content for their members. They are characterized by all the main features of any relationship, such as: the primacy of the rule of law, so that the legal relationship is the result of the regulatory impact on this social relation of this legal norm that gives it legal form; regulation of the legal norm of action (behavior) of the parties of this relationship; correspondence of mutual obligations and the right sides of the legal relationship defined by the norm, etc. However, it should highlight some of the features that complement this general characteristic and can serve as a basis for the delimitation of administrative relations to other types of relationships [4].

Objects of civil rights (and hence the civil relations) are things vklyuchayadengi and securities, other property, property rights, services and information, results of intellectual activity, including chisleisklyuchitelnye rights to them (intellectual property), intangible benefits. In the legal literature, along with other theories prevalent theory of “object-action”, according to which the object relationship is voluntary behavior of the obligated person. Summing up, we can say that the objects are the legal phenomena (objects) of the material and the spiritual world that can meet the needs of actors — interest empowered. Generally speaking — a variety of tangible and intangible benefits. The range of objects ofinterest through legal outlines empowered. Thus characteristic of the object is consistent with the concept of subj ective right, which is an important point of interest. At the same time a legal relationship “tied” to a system of real-life relationship to material and duhovnymtsen-nostyam society. Various benefits (political, spiritual,

personal, material) that can meet the needs of people, society, are involved in a range of legal analysis. And it allows more thoroughness consider “the facts of the” relations, to find out their real value and meaning in society. However, this needs a differentiated approach. Tangible and intangible benefits that are legal entities, should be considered in connection with the behavior of the subjects, that is, material content relationship. The behavior of different actors in the legal relationship of active and passive types. The general definition of the object relationship as tangible and intangible (spiritual) wealth enriches our understanding of the legal relationship allows us to characterize them with new parties, and most importantly — “links” the existence of a legal system of material and spiritual values of society. Question of the object has practical value. This is especially true of those relationships where tangible or intangible benefits are separated from the behavior of the subjects. Here the objects (and ultimately related volitional actions of people) can get independent, detached in the regulation of legal norms. In particular, civil law specifically regulates the legal regime of things as objects of property rights; legal regime obektovavtorskih and inventors’ rights; issues related to the result of the work of the contractor for the contract and other legal relations. In a number of property relations associated with the presence of the object existence of the subjective right. These legal relations of nullifying or impairing the object leads to a violation of the subjective rights and gives rise to legal enforcement aimed at eliminating the consequences of the offense and the adoption of measures against violators. For example, the destruction of objects of property rights may have criminal and civil enforcement relationship, in which the offender is criminally and civilly liable. Thus, with respect to legal relationships where there is a “separable object” in dealing with legal cases is necessary in some cases, analysis of objects and of the legal rules that govern their legal regime [5].

The current law and practice the concept of “legal regime of objects” (things spiritual creativity products, the results of separable) and reflects the impact that the properties of objects on the content of rights and obligations. From the point of view of philosophy, social relation is the state of the relationship and the relationship between people, manifested in their interaction. “The main type of relationship is communication, which is defined as the ratio of dependence”. Category “attitude” is generic in relation to the category of “communication”.


Section 2. Science of law

1. Broadly speaking public relations - “is objectified as inherited and cumulative live, sensual and so on. N. Human activities, serving as co multi-GIH individuals in connection with their relation to each other”.

2. For legal methodological significance has an idea about public relations as a practical result of human activity in the form of their relations to meet the personal and social interests. Human needs as a unity needs and gravity to anything, being conscious, formed as interests and encourage people to cooperate to meet them. Hence public relations, and legal in particular, are specifically human form of achieving goals. As for the legal relations, they, unlike other (economic, political, moral, and so on. N.) Are characterized by high degree of formalization and warranty from the state. In social life, people, guided by their personal or public interests, come to one another in a variety of relations: economic, political, cultural, moral, legal, and so on. N. Types of concrete social relations define the respective spheres of social life and current social norms. Each variety of

social norms and contributes to the development of appropriate social relations. People also tend to attach importance to social regulation, aware of it only to the extent that it contributes to the protection and to meet their interests, so the legal relations are reviewed and evaluated primarily as the result of legal norms to regulate the process of practical behavior in the legal field. Hence, the most common in science understanding of the legal relationship as a public relations regulated by law. 3. legal practitioners and ordinary citizens are guided by this understanding of legal relations. It allows you to select and distinguished from other legal relations of social relations, focusing on their public-binding and warranty measures of state coercion.

In conclusion, we can say in general theory of law is legal understanding of how to resolve the legal norm of public relations is considerable controversy, because in science there is no clarity in the definition of “communication”, “actual ratio”, “social relationship” in their mutual transitions into each other.


1. Agdarbekov T. Theory of State and Law. - Karaganda, 2001, - Р. 5.

2. Baimakhanov M. T. et al. Legal consciousness interacting ones with morals and morality in a society in transition. - Almaty, 1995. - Р. 47.

3. Baizhanova G. T., Adilbekova K. K. Lectures on government and law. - Karaganda, 2001. - Р. 55-78.

4. Bayanov E. Fundamentals of State and Law. - Almaty, 2001. - Р. 76-99.

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Spasennikov Boris Aristarkhovich, Federal State Institution Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service Russia, chief scientific officer, doctor of legal Sciences, doctor of medical Sciences, Professor E-mail: borisspasennikov@yandex.ru Shvyrev Boris Anatolyevich, Federal State Institution Research Institute, head of unit, master of law, candidate of physico-mathematical sciences

E-mail: bor2275@yandex.ru

Problems of execution of punishment against women sentenced to deprivation of liberty

Abstract: the article examines the gender-specific crime and punishment against the convicted women. It is shown that women, because of their gender, it is especially difficult to be in prison. Sentenced a woman convicted with special needs.

Keywords: woman, convict, crime, criminal Executive system, gender.


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