Научная статья на тему 'The concept of «Cyberwarfare»: actualization in publicistic discourse'

The concept of «Cyberwarfare»: actualization in publicistic discourse Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Polonskaya O.Y., Kushnareva T.V.

В данной статье представлены результаты исследования концепта «cyberwarfare». Выявлены особенности репрезентации исследуемого концепта в публицистическом дискурсе, а именно в статьях The New York Times, The Washington Post, Newsweek, The Guardian и материалах CNN и BBC News. Предпринята попытка дефиниционного и контекстуального анализа языковых средств, номинирующих исследуемый концепт. Предмет настоящего исследования концепт «cyberwarfare»^ английском языковом сознании. Объектом является языковое представление концепта «cyberwarfare» в англоязычной публицистике. Целью работы является комплексное исследование языковой сущности концепта «cyberwarfare» в английском языковом сознании. Делается попытка определить специфику ментального объекта, стоящего за именем cyberwarfare и его синонимами. В настоящем исследовании концепт «cyberwarfare»изучается в ракурсе интегративного подхода в понимании концепта, так как основные постулаты двух лингвистических дисциплин (когнитивной лингвистики и лингвокультурологии) находятся, с позиций данного подхода, в отношениях дополнительности и позволяют глубже проникнуть в сущность концепта «cyberwarfare». Актуальность исследования концепта «cyberwarfare» обусловлена тем, что данный концепт широко представлен в современном политическом дискурсе, что, в свою очередь, указывает на то, что данный концепт занимает особое место в языковом сознании личности. Этому явлению посвящены отдельные исследования в различных областях научного знания, однако в лингвистической литературе данный вопрос еще не достаточно изучен, хотя кибервойна как феномен получает множественное обозначение в современном английском языке.The article analyses the peculiarities of actualization of the concept «cyberwarfare» in modern English-speaking media. The relevance of the undertaken research is due to the scientific interest for the study of the universal semantic constants, accumulating knowledge about the human inner world, and their language representation. At the beginning of the 20th century, the geopolitical situation in the world changed dramatically and, as a result, various situations of misunderstanding arise more and more during cooperation between states. There is a risk that people speaking different languages may interpret certain concepts (in particular, the concept of «cyberwarfare») in a different way. Subjective definitions and many variants of understanding the same concept in different languages tend to give rise to ambiguity in interpretation. The attempt of definitional and contextual analysis of language means nominating the studied concept has been made.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The concept of «Cyberwarfare»: actualization in publicistic discourse»

Концепт «Cyberwarfare»: актуализация в публицистичес ком дискурсе

Полонская Олеся Юрьевна,

кандидат филологических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры иностранных языков и культуры речи, ФГКОУ ВО «ВосточноСибирский институт МВД России» E-mail: apolon38@rambler.ru

Кушнарева Татьяна Валериановна,

старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков № 2, ФГБОУ ВО «Иркутский национальный исследовательский технический университет E-mail: 030470@list.ru

В данной статье представлены результаты исследования концепта «cyberwarfare». Выявлены особенности репрезентации исследуемого концепта в публицистическом дискурсе, а именно в статьях The New York Times, The Washington Post, Newsweek, The Guardian и материалах CNN и BBC News. Предпринята попытка дефиниционного и контекстуального анализа языковых средств, номинирующих исследуемый концепт. Предмет настоящего исследования - концепт «cyberwarfare»^ английском языковом сознании. Объектом является языковое представление концепта «cyberwarfare» в англоязычной публицистике. Целью работы является комплексное исследование языковой сущности концепта «cyberwarfare» в английском языковом сознании. Делается попытка определить специфику ментального объекта, стоящего за именем cyberwarfare и его синонимами. В настоящем исследовании концепт «cyberwarfare»изучается в ракурсе интегративного подхода в понимании концепта, так как основные постулаты двух лингвистических дисциплин (когнитивной лингвистики и лингвокультурологии) находятся, с позиций данного подхода, в отношениях дополнительности и позволяют глубже проникнуть в сущность концепта «cyberwarfare». Актуальность исследования концепта «cyberwarfare» обусловлена тем, что данный концепт широко представлен в современном политическом дискурсе, что, в свою очередь, указывает на то, что данный концепт занимает особое место в языковом сознании личности. Этому явлению посвящены отдельные исследования в различных областях научного знания, однако в лингвистической литературе данный вопрос еще не достаточно изучен, хотя кибервойна как феномен получает множественное обозначение в современном английском языке.

Ключевые слова: концепт; концептуализация; кибервойна; языковой знак; концептуальный анализ, публицистический дискурс; языковое сознание; дефиниционный анализ, контекстуальный анализ, языковые средства.

The term "concept" is one of the most widely used and disputable at the present stage of humanitarian background. This is due to many differences in the understanding of the term "concept" in the worldview of scientific research, which is defined in linguistic studies ambiguously. There are many definitions of this theoretical notion. Without dwelling on their listing, we single out the most significant points in the definitions that seem relevant to our research. A concept is:

- a culturally marked verbalized conceptual object, represented by a range of its implementations [3, 4];

- the result of cognition, accumulating theoretical and common comprehension of the world by an individual [2];

- a number of factors such as human life experience, value system, etc. [1];

- a sort of a clot of culture in a person 's mind: the way culture enters the mental world of men; on the other hand, a concept is something by which a person enters a culture, and in some cases influences it [5, 6].

In modern linguistics the study of concepts allows to reveal the peculiarities of the world perception of representatives of a certain culture. The concept of "cyberwarfare" (in accordance with the name cyberwarfare, which most fully corresponds to the concept of cyberwarfare in modern English) is the structural and conceptual element of English speaking culture consciousness that accumulates naive ideas about cyberwarfare. In English language culture, the concept of "cyberwarfare" is verbalized by the lexemes cyberwarfare, cyberwar, cyber warfare, and cyber war. They are the representants of the concept of "cyberwarfare" that allow to determine the peculiarities of its actualization in English - language culture.

In the Cambridge Dictionary, the lexeme cyberwarfare that verbalizes the concept of "cyberwarfare" in the English language culture has the following definition: "the use of the internet to attack an enemy, by damaging things such as communication and transport systems or water and electricity supplies" [https:// dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/cyberwar-fare].

According to this definition, cyberwarfare refers to politically motivated hacker actions with the aim of carrying out sabotage and espionage. This form of informational warfare can sometimes be regarded as an analogue of a conventional war, although this analogy is contradictory both in terms of accuracy and political motivation. The term "war" can be applied to "cybernetic" activity only if there has been a deliberate attempt to destroy some infrastructure of a foreign state.

The official of the US State Department Richard Clarke in his book "Cyber War" defines cyberwarfar





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as "actions by a nation-state to penetrate another nation's computers or networks for the purposes of causing damage or disruption [7].

There is a current debate about whether cyberwarfare is a real war or whether it is rhetorical or less threatening. The empiric material shows that cyberwarfare has all the hallmarks of a real war:

If cyberwarfare is considered war, then antiterrorism defenses must be deployed. [https://resources. infosecinstitute.com/cyber-warfare-cyber-weapons-real-growing-threat/

... he said, is the tendency to cast cyberwar as "good, old-fashioned war in yet another domain... [Ellen Nakashima • National-Security • Dec 9, 2011 https://www.washingtonpost.com/]. It has victims:

Estonian officials are declaring that their country is the first to fall victim to cyberwarfare ['E-stonia' Accuses Russia of Computer Attacks • May 18, 2007- By Steven Lee Myershttps://www.nytimes.com/]. It has injurious and harmful weapons: 29 May 2012 Computer malware created for sophisticated cyberwarfare ...A new type of computer malware, described as «the most sophisticated cyberweapon yet unleashed», has been uncovered in computers in the Middle East. Antivirus researchers and software manufacturers in Russia, Hungary and Ireland.[https://www.bbc.co.uk/]. There are clashes in this war: But pretty much every discussion I heard could not avoid the topic of the increasing cyberwar clashes that are also taking place; an increasingly common term to describe the state of affairs - the "new Cold War' - has been tossed around a lot [Does Russia Want More Than Your Old Face? July 19 By Kara Swisher // https://www.bbc.co.uk/]. It has offensive plans and tactics: ... Parts of the initiative that deal with the nation's offensive plans for cyberwarfare,..[https://www. bbc.co.uk/].

American intelligence knew Vladimir Putin's henchmen were attacking America, using cyberwarfare tactics to undermine Hillary Clinton's campaign [https://edition.cnn.com/2018/10/09/opinions/ mitch-mcconnell-has-damaged-all-three-branches-of-government-begala/index.html].

This war has battlefields, fronts, bombs and secret ways to bypass the defense system:

On October 1, 2009, a general took charge of the new U.S. Cyber Command, a military organization with the mission to use information technology and the Internet as a weapon. Similar commands exist in Russia, China, and a score of other nations. These military and intelligence organizations are preparing the cyber battlefield with things called "logic bombs" and "trapdoors," placing virtual explosives in other countries in peacetime. [Richard A. Clarke, Cyberwar: 5 The Next Threat to National Security & What to Do 5 About It https://www.newsweek.com/].

Cyberwarfare is clearly a front where nation ° states will try to gain advantage over each other and H make plans for attack and defence. [https://www.the-


This war involves combat personnel and units: North Korea is believed to have thousands of personnel involved in cyberwarfare. [https://www.bbc. co.uk/].

Rallying troops in a growing cyberwar [https:// www.washingtonpost.com/].

.threatened by a new blitzkrieg, this time from Russian cyberwar fighters. But where are the legatees of Knudson... [Charles Jennings • Aug 3, 2019 https://www.washingtonpost.com/]..

Look at what is happening in China and in Russia. They have units that are specifically targeted cyber warfare. They are carrying it out. Our critical infrastructure is attacked thousands of times a day. [Marsha Blackburn, https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/cyber-quotes]. These warriors perform certain missions: "Once the second phase plan is established, the cybercommand will carry out comprehensive cyberwarfare missions," a senior ministry official said [https://www.bbc.co.uk/].

They launch, fight, wage and win this war: .country at a time that Russia continues to wage a cyberwar against our democracy [A frightful scenario: Trump is under the sway of a hostile foreign power, Jennifer Rubin • Opinions • Jul 24, 2019, https://www. wsj.com/].

...Putin's minions to successfully launch (and win) a cyberwar against the United States of America [James Hohmann, The Daily 202: The chain of ineptitude and institutional failure that facilitated Russia's election interference, Dec 14, 2016, https://www.wsj. com/].

How to fight cyberwars [Eugene Robinson • Live Discussions • Dec 15, 2010, https://www.washington-post.com/].

Cyberwarfare strikes and really threatens our future:

The U.S. military's new cyberwar, which strikes across networks at its communications. [Ellen Na-kashima and Missy Ryan • National-Security • Jul 15, 2016 https://www.washingtonpost.com]

...South Korea. And the real threats of the future - cyberwar, space attacks - require different strategies ... [Fareed Zakaria ■ Jul 19, 2019 Defense spending is America's cancerous bipartisan consensus https://www.washingtonpost.com/].

And in recent years a new threat has emerged -cyberwarfare, where governments launch attacks on each other's infrastructure using computers rather than tanks or bombs. [Rory Cellan, 15 August 2012, Jones Cyberwar or cybermirage? https://www. bbc.co.uk/].

The results of the research demonstrate the following conceptual parameters of the concept studied. Cyberwar is hell in the example: Army cutbacks detailed, cyberwar is hell, and all eyes still on Iran [Karoun Demirjian • Jul 10, 2015 https://www.washingtonpost.com]. Cyberwar is an odd book:

Cyberwar, however, is an odd book. It makes a special plead on behalf of Hillary Clinton: Russian trolls and hackers, abetted by the news media, robbed her of the presidency [https://www.theguardian.com/ us-news/2018/nov/23/cyberwar-network-propaganda-review-russia-rightwing-media-2016-election]. Cyberwarfare is a dirty trick: And then there's the Ukraine conflict and Russia's cyberwarfare and other dirty tricks launched against NATO's Central European members, such as the Baltic states [https://edition.cnn.com/2018/08/23/ opinions/west-confused-about-russia-opinion-intl/in-dex.html].

Cyberwarfare is a new form of terrorism: With many countries large and small investing in cyber warfare, it is impossible not to think of the use of "information warfare" as a new form of terrorism [https://resources.infosecinstitute.com/cyber-warfare-cyber-weapons-real-growing-threat/].

It is an alternative to conventional weapons: According to Amy Chang, research associate at the Center for a New American Security, "Cyber warfare is a great alternative to conventional weapons" [https://resources.infosecinstitute.com/cyber-warfare-cyber-weapons-real-growing-threat/].

In publicistic discourse, cyberwarfare is conceptualized according to the evaluation parameter. It is:

- chilling: How a chilling Saudi cyberwar ensnared Jamal Khashoggi [David Ignatius • Editorial-Opinion • Dec 8, 2018, https://www.washingtonpost.com].

- long and damaging:...public wouldn't support a long and damaging cyberwar, though, often out of fears the United States,. [The Cybersecuri-ty 202: Hacking back may be less risky than we thought. Joseph Marks • Oct 2, 2019, https://www. washingtonpost.com].

- clandestine:.intelligence agencies say is their clandestine cyberwar against the United States and Europe. It does ... [The Daily 202: False moral equivalency is not a bug of Trumpism. James Hohmann • powerpost • Aug 16, 2017, https://www. washingtonpost.com].

- extraordinary:.President Vladimir Putin was waging an extraordinary cyberwar on the U.S. presidential campaign, both to discredit.[Amber Phillips • Politics • Jun 23, 2017, https://www.washing-tonpost.com].

Publicistic discourse reflects the outlook of modern English-speaking society. So, the linguistic means of verbalization of the significant cyberwarfare characteristics focus the attention of the reader on the following. Cyberwarfare has all the hallmarks of a real war. It has victims and harmful weapons. Offensive plans and tactics are being developed. There are clashes between troops on the fronts, with bombs and secret ways to bypass the protection system, and special military units carry out certain combat tasks. They launch, fight, wage and win this war. Cyberwarfare strikes and really threatens our future. Cyberwarfare is associated in the mind of an English-speaking person with a real threat to our future. It is conceptualized as hell, an odd book, a dirty trick, a new form of terrorism, but it

can serve as an alternative to conventional weapons. In publicistic discourse cyberwarfare is conceptualized according to the evaluation parameter. It is clandestine, extraordinary, chilling, long and damaging.


Polonskaya O.Y., Kushnareva T.V.

The East-Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Irkutsk National Research Technical University

The article analyses the peculiarities of actualization of the concept «cyberwarfare» in modern English-speaking media. The relevance of the undertaken research is due to the scientific interest for the study of the universal semantic constants, accumulating knowledge about the human inner world, and their language representation. At the beginning of the 20th century, the geopolitical situation in the world changed dramatically and, as a result, various situations of misunderstanding arise more and more during cooperation between states. There is a risk that people speaking different languages may interpret certain concepts (in particular, the concept of «cyberwarfare») in a different way. Subjective definitions and many variants of understanding the same concept in different languages tend to give rise to ambiguity in interpretation. The attempt of definitional and contextual analysis of language means nominating the studied concept has been made.

Keywords: concept; conceptualization; cyberwarfare; language sign; conceptual analysis, publicistic discourse; linguistic consciousness; definitional analysis, contextual analysis, linguistic means.


1. Arutyunova, N.D. Aksiologiya v mekhanizmakh zhizni i yazyka [Tekst] / N.D. Arutyunova // Problemy strukturnoi lingvistiki. - M., 1984. - S. 5-24.

2. Boldyrev, N.N. Kognitivnaya semantika: kurs lektsii po angliiskoi filologii [Tekst] / N.N. Boldyrev. - Tambov: Izd-vo Tambov. unta, 2001. - 123 s.

3. Vorkachev, S.G. Schast'e kak lingvokul'turnyi kontsept [Tekst] / S.G. Vorkachev. - M.: Gnozis, 2004. - 236 s.

4. Vorkachev, S.G. Lyubov' kak lingvokul'turnyi kontsept [Tekst] / S.G. Vorkachev. - M.: Gnozis, 2007. - 284 s.

5. Stepanov, Yu.S. Konstanty: Slovar' russkoi kul'tury. Opyt issle-dovaniya [Tekst] / Yu.S. Stepanov. - M.: Yazyki russkoi kul'tury, 1997. - 824 s.

6. Stepanov, Yu. S. V mire semiotiki [Tekst] / Yu.S. Stepanov // Semiotika: Antologiya; sost. Yu.S. Stepanov. - 2-e izd., ispr. i dop. - M.; Ekaterinburg, 2001. - S. 5-42.

7. CYBER WAR by Richard A. Clarke and Robert K. Knake, March 2010, Harper Collins e-books, 140p.



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