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Аннотация научной статьи по истории и археологии, автор научной работы — Kilash Rassul Zhangeldyuly, Otepova Gulfira Elubayevna, Karimova Anara Erkenovna

The article makes an attempt at historical comparison of the biographies of the Heroes of the Soviet Union Tuvan Tulush Kechil-Ool and Kazakh Bauyrzhan Momyshuly. The use of the comparative historical method in analyzing their biographies is based on Plutarch's principle of binarity and the unity of J. M. Cooper’s notion of chronology of biographies. Comparison allows the authors to reveal similarities and differences in the heroes’ personalities. Bothbelonged to the Turkic peoples, took the professional path before joining the army, had a military career of an officer, were famous for their heroic deeds, personal qualities, and were awarded the distinction of the Hero of the Soviet Union. The unity of their lifepaths is explained in connection with the history of the country and people, and also with important historical events. Until now, historians have not paid enough attention to the fact that when both commanders were nominated for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War, they did not receive this title at that time. Tuvan historians have put forward a hypothesis that the reason for this was Kechil-ool's belonging to the repressed clan of Adyg-Tyulyushi. As for Momyshuly, Kazakhstani historians have not yet fully clarified this situation. Both officers were outstanding representatives of their peoples, and their memory is carefully preserved, and their lives are in the focus ofhistorians’ studies. A comparative historical analysis of the biographies of two outstanding representatives of the Tuvan and Kazakh peoples showed their role in the history of their peoples, and how lives are inclose connection with the historical process.

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2022 Novye issledovaniia Tuvy

DOI: 10.25178/nit.2022.1.17


The comparative-historical method of studying biographies: heroes of the Great Patriotic War Tulush Kechil-ool and Bauyrzhan Momyshuly

Rassul Zh. Kilash, Gulfira E. Otepova, Anara E. Karimova

Pavlodar Pedagogical University, Kazakhstan

The article makes an attempt at historical comparison of the biographies of the Heroes of the Soviet Union Tuvan Tulush Kechil-ool and Kazakh Bauyrzhan Momyshuly. The use of the comparative historical method in analyzing their biographies is based on Plutarch's principle of binarity and the unity of J. M. Cooper's notion of chronology of biographies.

Comparison allows the authors to reveal similarities and differences in the heroes' personalities. Bothbelonged to the Turkic peoples, took the professional path before joining the army, had a military career of an officer, were famous for their heroic deeds, personal qualities, and were awarded the distinction of the Hero of the Soviet Union. The unity of their lifepaths is explained in connection with the history of the country and people, and also with important historical events. Until now, historians have not paid enough attention to the fact that when both commanders were nominated for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War, they did not receive this title at that time. Tuvan historians have put forward a hypothesis that the reason for this was Kechil-ool's belonging to the repressed clan of Adyg-Tyulyushi. As for Momyshuly, Kazakhstani historians have not yet fully clarified this situation.

Both officers were outstanding representatives of their peoples, and their memory is carefully preserved, and their lives are in the focus ofhistorians' studies. A comparative historical analysis of the biographies of two outstanding representatives of the Tuvan and Kazakh peoples showed their role in the history of their peoples, and how lives are inclose connection with the historical process.

Keywords: comparative historical method; biography; Tulush Kechil-ool; Bauyrzhan Momyshuly; Tuvans; Kazakh people; Great Patriotic War

For citation:

Kilash R. Zh., Otepova G. E. and Karimova A. E. The comparative-historical method of studying biographies: heroes of the Great Patriotic War Tulush Kechil-ool and Bauyrzhan Momyshuly. New Research of Tuva, 2022, no. 1, pp. 253-265. DOI: https://www.doi. org/10.25178/nit.2022.1.17

[..............1 KILASH, Rassul Zhangeldyuly, PhD student in History, doctoral student of the "History"educational program, Pavlo-

[________J dar Pedagogical University. Postal address: 58 Toraygyrov St., 140002 Pavlodar, Kazakhstan. Tel.: + 7 (771) 559-99-65.

E-mail: rassulkilash@mail.ru ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9269-0939

OTEPOVA, Gulfira Elubayevna, Doctor of History, Professor, "History" educational program, High school of the Humanities, Pavlodar Pedagogical University. Postal address: 58 Toraygyrov St., 140002 Pavlodar, Kazakhstan. Tel.: + 7 (701) 354-08-44. E-mail: g.otepova.hist@mail.ru ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3495-4200

KARIMOVA, Anara Erkenovna, Candidate of History, Dean, High School of the Humanities, Professor Pavlodar Pedagogical University. Postal address: 58 Toraygyrov St.,140002 Pavlodar, Kazakhstan. Tel.: + 7 (775) 155-58-73. E-mail: ake073@mail.ru

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3246-2272


www.nit.tuva.asia №1 2022 Novye issledovaniia Tuvy

DOI: 10.25178/ш0022ЛЛ7


Сравнительно-исторический метод изучения биографий: герои Великой Отечественной войны Тулуш Кечил-оол и Бауыржан Момышулы

Расул Ж. Килаш, Гульфира Е. Отепова, Анара Е. Каримова

Павлодарский педагогический университет, Казахстан

В статье осуществлена попытка исторического сопоставления биографий Героев Советского Союза тувинца Тулуша Кечил-оола и казаха Бауыржана Момышулы. Применение сравнительно-исторического метода на материале их биографий основано на принципе бинарности Плутарха и единства хронологии биографий Дж. Купера.

Авторы при сравнении выявили похожие и различающиеся линии жизни персоналий. В сравнительной биографии Кечил-оола и Момышулы обнаружено большое сходство: это прежде всего их происхождение, принадлежность к тюркским народам, профессиональный путь до вступления в армию, военная карьера офицера, героические поступки, личностные качества, ситуация с получением звания Героя Советского Союза. Единство жизненного пути объясняется связью с историей своей страны и народа, с важными историческими событиями. До сих пор историками не изучена до конца ситуация с тем, что несмотря на представление обоих командиров к званию Героя Советского Союза в годы Великой Отечественной войны, они не получили этого звания сразу. Тувинские историки выдвинули гипотезу о том, что причиной этого явилась принадлежность Кечил-оола к репрессированному роду Адыг-Тюлюшей. По поводу Момышулы казахстанские историки до сих пор не прояснили эту ситуацию до конца.

Сравниваемые персоналии являются выдающимися представителями своих народов, память о них бережно хранится, ученые-историки исследуют их жизненный путь. Сравнительно-исторический анализ биографий двух выдающихся представителей тувинского и казахского народов показал их роль в истории своих народов, тесную связь личности с историческим процессом.

Ключевые слова: сравнительно-исторический метод; биография; Тюлюш Кечил-оол; Бауыржан Момышулы; тувинцы; казахи; Великая Отечественная война

Для цитирования:

Kilash R. Zh., Otepova G. E., Karimova A. E. The comparative-historical method of studying biographies: heroes of the Great Patriotic War Tulush Kechil-ool and Bauyrzhan Momyshuly // Новые исследования Тувы. 2022. № 1. С. 254-266. DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.25178/nit.2022.1.17

Г"...........1 К,илаш Расул Жангелдыулы — соискатель ученой степени PhD, докторант образовательной программы «Исто-

|____________j рия» Павлодарского педагогического университета. Адрес: 140002, Казахстан, г. Павлодар, ул. Торайгырова, д. 58.

Тел.: + 7 (771) 559-99-65. Эл. адрес: rassulkilash@mail.ru Отепова Гульфира Елубаевна — доктор исторических наук, профессор образовательной программы «История» Павлодарского педагогического университета. Адрес: 140002, Казахстан, г. Павлодар, ул. Торайгырова, д. 58. Тел.: + 7 (701) 354-08-44. Эл. адрес: g.otepova.hist@mail.ru

Каримова Анара Еркеновна — кандидат исторических наук, декан Высшей школы гуманитарных наук Павлодарского педагогического университета. Адрес: 140002, Казахстан, г. Павлодар, ул. Торайгырова, д. 58. Тел.: + 7 (775) 155-58-73. Эл. адрес: ake073@mail.ru




Novye issledovaniia Tuvy


The comparative historical method is one of the most fundamental in the study of history. It is used for comparing various historical events, state structures, political regimes, revolutionary processes and many other historical phenomena. Its importance might be emphasized as follows, "Most historians deal with individual phenomena of the past. However, it is important to identify the general patterns of development of various cultural phenomena. For this reason, historians most often use the comparative method in their research" ( oriia i metodologiia... , 2014: 395). In this way, B. Badarch and M. V. Bavuu-Surun explored the history of the geographical names in a sumon of the Tsengel Bayan-Olgii aimag of Mongolia and Tuva using a comparative-historical method ( idarch and Bavuu-Surun, 2018 ). I. V. Otroshchenko compared the political processes and the struggle for power between the leadersof the Mongolian People's Republic and the Tuvan People's Republic, revealing the similarities and differences in the verticals of power ( Otroshchenko, 2021: 17). She focuses on the role played byhistorical personalities, believing that the result of the political struggle largely depended on standoffs between them .

In recent years, a number of works have been devoted to the specifics and essence of the comparative historical method ( Azaryan and Petrusenko, 201 ; Lange, 2013 ). M. Lange describes the place and role of the comparative historical method as follows, "State building, nationalism, capitalist development and industrialization, technological development, warfare and revolutions, social movements, democratization, imperialism, secularization, and globalization are central processes that need to be analyzed in order to understand both the dynamics of the contemporary world and the processes that created it; and many — if not most — of the best books on these topics have used comparative-historical methods" ( 2013: 1).

The use of the comparative historical method for contrasting the biographies of historical figures seems to be especially fruitful. One of the first authors who carried out the idea of comparing the biographies of historical figures is the ancient Greek historian Plutarch. In his famous "Parallel Lives", the author used this method to study lives of outstanding figures from the ancient period by comparing them with each other in pairs ( utarch, 2014).

Among modern historians who rely on this method, we can name D. V. Mityurin, O. E. Orekhova, E. I. Pat-syorku, A. N. Koshechko, S. Skiena, C. B. Ward, J. M. Cooper Jr., K. Theakston and others.

D. V. Mityurin in his book "Civil War: White and Red" tried to objectively consider the experience of theparticipants in Russian Civil war in 1917-1922 ( tyurin, 200 ). To analyse the figures from both opposing sides with the same degree of objectivity and detail, the historian used Plutarch's form of binary comparison. The author managed to bring together describing and comparing the biographies and life events of the leaders of the opposing sides, despite their different understanding of the goals of their struggle. E. Orekhova carried out a comparative analysis of the life and heroic deeds of the Scandinavian king Sigurd and the ancient German king Siegfried on the material of the 9th-12th centuries Icelandic sagas and the ancient German epic "Nibelungenlied" ( rekhova, 2017). E. I. Patsyorka and A. N. Koshechko conducted a comparative analysis of the pedagogical ideas of F. M. Dostoevsky and L. N. Tolstoy ( atsyorka and Koshechko, 201 ). The authors used the comparison to identify the main dominants of the pedagogical views of historical figures, and came to the conclusion that in terms of pedagogy, those two writers have more in common than it has been recognized in the previous research.

S. S. Skiena andC. B. Ward interpreted the comparative-historical method in a peculiar way, based on the quantitative analysis ( kiena and Ward, 201 ). After analyzing the opinions of millions of people about various historical figures (such as Napoleon, Michelangelo orLincoln) in the book "Who's Bigger? Where Historical Figures Really Rank", scientists have compiled a rating that determines their places in history.

American researcher J. M. Cooper Jr. has detailed the use of the comparative historical method in research practice (Cooper, 2004: 95). Cooper considers the genre of comparative biography to be the most important element of the biography research. He compared the biographies of the US Presidents T. Roosevelt and W. Wilson: "I followed them along the parallels of their lives. I told the story of either of them, looking at one through the eyes of the other. At the beginning of their lives, they were far from one another and literally walked in sync. But in the moment of crisis, their lifepaths crossed and never separated again" (Ibid.: 95).

J. M. Cooper Jr., describing the advantages of the comparative method in the study of biography, pinpointed an important underlying principle it: "For this approach to be suitable for the work of a historian-biographer, the subjects must at least be contemporaries and interact with each other" (Ibid.: 99). The author himself always paired together historical figures suitable for comparison: A. Lincoln and S. Douglas, D. Eisenhower and D. MacArthur, J. Kennedy and R. Nixon.



2022 Novye issledovaniia Tuvy

According to historian K. Theakston, who also developed a methodology for comparing biographies, comparative biography has good prospects not only for the history, but also for the political science. He carried out biographical comparative studies of nine senior officials in the British Civil Service. As a result, the author was able to show that there are different ways to achieve leadership. And the comparative method makes it possible to identify various opportunities and weaknesses in the careers of individual historical figures, due to the internal and external political situation ( eakston, 199 ).

Thus, historians recognize that the comparative historical method is efficient in the study of the biographies of prominent historical figures. The use of this method with biographical material allows us to identify the similarities and differences in the biographies of the compared historical figures, which in turn helps to better understand their life and work, the connection between personal facts and the events of the era, the role and place of the individual in the historical process. K. Rukhnievich, answering the question in an interview about whether it is possible to compare such personalities as Stalin and Hitler, said that "comparative studies are aimed not at equating, but at identifying the features"1.

The aim of our work is to apply comparative historical analysis to the material of biographies of outstanding historical personalities during the Great Patriotic War: the hero of the Tuvan people Tulush Kechil-ool and the hero of the Kazakh people Bauyrzhan Momyshuly. The choice of these historical figures is due to the crucial role they played in the history of Tuvan and Kazakh peoples in the Great Patriotic War, and to their importance for the patriotic education of Tuvan and Kazakh youth.

Methods and materials

In our article, we relyon a combination of two main methods: comparative-historical and biographical. Despite the prevalence of the biographical method in the study of history, its application, combined with the comparative historical method is a poorly studied aspect of the historical methodology. It should be noted that in the Kazakh historical studiesscience, comparative historical method was rarely, if ever, applied this way, while Russian historians have covered this problem in more detail (see the works mentioned above).

The comparative historical method used in the article is based on the binary principle of life writing in Plutarch's "Lives" — the book written at the beginning of the 2nd century CE. Another methodological source are the works of J. M. Cooper Jr. with their accent on the principle of unity between the chronology of life and activities of historical figures (Cooper, 2004). The methodology of the research can be summarized in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. The complex application of comparative historical and biographical methods. Рис. 1. Комплексное применение сравнительно-исторических и биографических методов.

The main end ofconstructing a comparative biography by tracing the similarities and differences is to determine the place and role of the individual in the historical process.

1 Ivanov A. Pol'skiy istorik o tom, mozhno li sravnivat' Stalina s Gitlerom. DW.com [online] Available at: https://p. dw.com/p/3pl40 (access date: 25.09.2021).




Novye issledovaniia Tuvy

For a source of information about the life and work of Tulush Baldanovich Kechil-ool, we have relied on the following materials were used : the article "Tulush Kechil-ool Baldanovich"1 by N. V. Ufarkin, the list of works on life and career of T. I. Kechil-ool compiled by the National Library of Tuva2 , and the bibliographic index "The names of compatriots, recognized as heroes of the Great Patriotic War"3. The sources of biographical information about Bauyrzhan Momyshuly are as follows: history and biography "Deep footprint of Tulpar. Bauyrzhan Momyshuly: personality, warrior, sage" written by F. K. Orazbekova, A. A. Shaukhanov ( >razbekova and Shaukhanova, 20C ), article by Sh. Akbalayeva "The Commander Bauke"4, as well as electronic materials "Bauyrzhan Momyshuly: biography and creative heritage"5. The exploits of Kechil-ool and Momyshuly are reflected in fiction — in M. Vershinin's book "The Soldier's Ballad" and in A. Bek's novel "Volokolamskoye Highway"6.

Results and discussion

The Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) became an ordeal for the peoples of the Soviet Union and the Tuvan People's Republic, which was on the side of the anti-Hitler coalition as an ally. For Tuvans, participation in the Great Patriotic War was voluntary. The Tuvan People's Republic announced its participation in the struggle of the Soviet people against the fascist aggressor on the first day of the war. In this war, each nation had its own heroes, such as Tuvan Tulush Kechil-ool and Kazakh Bauyrzhan Momyshuly.

The lives and military activities of these outstanding figures have been the subject of historical studies. Among others, historian O. Yu. Irgit focused his work on the life of the Hero of the Soviet Union Tulush Ke-chil-ool (Irgit, 2020). The scholar looked at the biography of Tulush Kechil-ool from the point of view of his belonging to the repressed Tuvan clan of Adyg-Tyulyushi. Tuvan historians also wrote about the combat path of Kechil-ool. B. Shaktar-ool ( iaktar-ool, 2018), A. A. Oidupaa (Oidupaa, 2020), documentary filmmaker V. P. Pivovarov ( 'ivovarov, 199(). Kazakh researchers F. K. Orazbekova, A. A. Shaukhanov conducted a historical and biographical study of the life and work of Bauyrzhan Momyshuly (Orazbekova and Shaukhanov, 200 ). His role in the history of the Great Patriotic War was analyzed by A. K. Kobegenov, S. V. Postnikov (Kobegenov and Postnikov, 201 ), and D. T. Khauezkhan ( auezkhan, 202 ).

Next, we will briefly outline the main points of the biographies of both war heroes, obtained from the sources mentioned above, in order to further carry out a comparative analysis of them.

1 Ufarkin N. V. Tulush Kechil-ool Baldanovich. Geroistrany [online] Available at: https://warheroes.ru/hero/hero.asp?Hero_ id=9068 (access date: 29.04.2021).

2 Bashtaigy tulchuushkun: [Rovno operatsiiazynga maadyrlyg choruunarny korguskeninger deesh, polk. Popov korunchuktelip turar monggun sypnyg selemezin kap. Kechil-oolga sungan]. Daiynchy aldar. Kyzyl, 1973. Pp. 96-104; Kodur-ool O. Toreen churt deesh: Istekchining olchazy: [Kechil-ooldu eki turachy otriadtyng komandiri kyldyr tomuilaan] / Oiun Kodur-ool. Daiynchy aldar. Kyzyl, 1973. Pp. 80-88; Kongar, Ch. Maadyr dugaiynda sos: [Sovet Evilelining Maadyry T. B. Kechil-ooldun dugaiynda]. Bashky. 1999. № 4. P. 67; Lama B. Daiynchy ezhimning chyryk adynga: [Sovet Evilelining Maadyry, tyva eki turachylarnyng komandiri gvardiia kap. Tulush Baldanovich Kechil-ooldung dugaiynda]. Bashky. 1999. № 3. Pp. 79-80; Maspyk-ool G. Maadyr chonga ioreel : Dekabr' 9 — Ada-churt maadyrlarynyng khunu: [Ada-churttung Ulug daiynynyng kirzhikchizi, Sovet Evilelining Maadyry Tulush Baldanovich Kechil-ool]. Shyn. 2013. December 7; Eskadron bolgash oong komandiri kapitan Kechil-ool : [dortku eskadron polk bolgash oong komandiri kap. Tulush Baldanovich Kechil-ooldung dugaiynda]. In: Sundui M. B. Eki turachy a"ttyg eskadron. Kyzyl, 1989. Pp. 24-30; Eskadronnung kommisary: [dortku eskadron polk bolgash oong komandiri kap. Tulush Baldanovich Kechil-ooldung dugaiynda]. In: Sundui M. B. Eki turachy a"ttyg eskadron. Kyzyl, 1989. Pp. 31-41; Eskadron bolgash oong komandiri kapitan Kechil-ool: [dortku eskadron polk bolgash oong komandiri kap. Tulush Baldanovich Kechil-ooldung dugaiynda]. In: Sundui, M. B. Eki turachy a"ttyg eskadron. Kyzyl, 2005. Ar. 32-41; Filippov P. P. Kliatva tuvinskikh dobrovol'tsev. M., 2005; Dugerzhaa A. Kechil-ool Tulush Baldanovich: 90 let so dnia rozhdeniia. In: Liudi i sobytiia 2004: ukaz.-kalendar' / GBU «NB m. A. S. Pushkina RT». Kyzyl, 2004. Pp. 28-29; Kechil-ool vedet boi. In: Vershinin, M. Soldatskaia ballada. M., 1969. Pp. 59-66; Kechil-ool Tulush Baldanovich : [o Geroe Sov. Soiuza]. In: XX chus chylda Tyvanyng aldarlyg kizhileri = Zasluzhennye liudi Tuvy XX veka : gos. kn. Resp. Tyva. Kyzyl, 2004. P. 32; Podvig nashikh zemliakov. In: Kniga Pamiati / sost. N. M. Mollerov. Kyzyl, 1995. Pp. 10-16, et al. on the page: https://tuva-library.ru/contents/118-kechil-ool-tulush-baldanovich.html

3 Imena zemlyakov Geroev Velikoj Otechestvennoj vojny: biobibliogr. ukaz. / sost.: L. A. Byurbyu, A. N. Babushkina, Ch. V. Saryglar. Kyzyl: GBU «Nac. b-ka im. A. S. Pushkina Resp. Tyva», inform.-bibliogr. otd.; soc.-ekon. otd., 2015. 60 p.

4 Akbalayeva Sh. (2020) Polkovodec Bauke. Vecherniaia Astana [online] Available at: https://vechastana.kz/polkovodec-bauke/ (access date: 02.05.2021).

5 Bauyrzhan Momyshuly: biografiya i tvorcheskoe nasledie. Ehonews.kz [online] Available at: https://ehonews.kz/ bauyrzhan-momyshuly-biografiya-i-tvorcheskoe-nasledie/ (access date: 02.05.2021).

6 Bek A. Volokolamskoe shosse. Krasnoyarsk: Krasnoyarskoe knizhnoe izdatel'stvo, 1960. 250 p.



2022 Novye issledovaniia Tuvy

Tulush Baldanovich Kechil-ool

The biographical sources say that Kechil-ool was born on June 23, 1914, near the village of Khayyrakan, Ulug-Khem ko-zhuun, into the family of a cattle breeder Tulush Baldan. There is information that Kechil-ool had been helping his family since childhood, earning money as a shepherd. He was a student at a Buddhist monastery. In 1930, he mastered the Cyrillic writing and started teaching it to others ( git, 202 ).

His military path began in the Tuvan People's Revolutionary Army. He was sent to study at the Tambov Higher Cavalry School, which he graduated in 1938. A year before that he married Olga Borisova. They had two children — son Vladimir and daughter Zoya. Returning to his homeland with his family after graduation, he was appointed a commander of a school for the training, education and upbringing of soldiers and junior commanders of the Tuvan People's Liberation Army. In 1942, Tulush Kechil-ool was again sent to study in Moscow, and in 1943 he graduated from the Red Banner Higher Officer Cavalry School of the Red Army named after S. M. Budyonny. In the same year, being promoted to the rank of Captain of the Guards, he commanded the 1st Tuvan Volunteer Cavalry Squadron of

206 people, which was sent to the front in September 1943. Photo 1. Tulush Kechil-ool.

In February 1944 in the battles for the city of Dubno, Rovno Photo from the Natio™lArchives f the tepMk of Duva, oblast, Ukraine, repelling fierce counterattacks by superior enemy forces, Tulush Kechil-ool raised the squadron entrusted to him to attack, threw back the enemy and provided cover for the flank of the 8th Cavalry Division of Guards. On February 2, 1944, T. B. Kechil-ool was among the first at the head of his squadron to burst into the city of Rovno, destroying a large number of enemy personnel and military equipment ( )idupaa, 2020: 103).

For the liberation of the city of Rovno, courage shown in the battles, he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. V. P. Pivovarov, in his documentary story, wrote that the commander of the 31st Cavalry Regiment, Colonel E. A. Popov, repeatedly expressed gratitude to Kechil-ool for his courage and ability to lead fighters in the difficult moments of the battle ('ivovarov, 1990: 50). E. A. Popov also criticized him for his fervor and said that the commander should not ride ahead of everyone on a hot horse, swinging a saber, norrush into the thick of the battle. The warlike heroic image of Kechil-ool was created by the writer M. Vershinin in the chapter "Kechil-ool is fighting" of the book "A Soldier's Ballad"1.

Soon T. B. Kechil-ool was awarded the Order of the Republic for his valor and courage. 67 fighters and squadron commanders were awarded orders and medals of the Soviet Union, and 135 volunteers were awarded orders and medals of the Tuvan People's Republic. It is also known that in February 1944 Kechil-ool was nominated for the distinction of the Hero of the Soviet Union. In the words of a historian, "The Podolsk archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation preserves documentation on the award dated February 29, 1944" (Oidupaa, 2020: 103).

After the Tuvan People's Republic acceded to the USSR in 1944, Tuvan People's Revolutionary Army was transformed into the 7th Separate Cavalry Regiment of the Red Banner Siberian Military District. Kechil-ool continued his service in this regiment. On July 10, 1945, Tulush Baldanovich tragically died. He was buried at the Old cemetery in the city of Kyzyl. By the decree of the President of the USSR of May 5, 1990 "for courage shown during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945", Captain of the Guards Kechil-ool Tulush Baldanovich was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. One of the main streets in the capital of the Republic of Tuva is named after the hero as well as secondary school No. 3 in the city of Kyzyl. A bust has been installed in Tulush Baldanovich's native village.

f. 19, ор. 1, d. 21. Фото 1. Тюлюш Кечил-оол. Фото Национального архива Республики Тува, ф. 19, оп. 1, д. 21.

1 Vershinin M. M. Kechil-ool vedet boj. In: Soldatskaya ballada. M.: DOSAAF, 1969. 125 p. Pp. 59-66.

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Bauyrzhan Momyshuly

He was born on December 24, 1910 in Kolbastau village, Zhambyl region, Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic, into a poor family of nomadic herders. He lost his mother at an early age. Since he was young, Bauyrzhan lived in several boarding schools. In 1929 he graduated from 9th grade of his school. He subsequently worked as a rural teacher, which at that time was a respected profession. Bauyrzhan Momyshuly worked as secretary of the district executive committee, police chief, and financier as well.

Hismilitary career began as a private in the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army from November 1932 to 1934; and from 1936 he remained in the army for a long time. He gained combat experience in the Far East and in Bessarabia. During the Great Patriotic War, Bauyrzhan Momyshuly led, in turn, a platoon, battalion, regiment and division. He took part in the formation of the 316th Rifle division in Almaty under the command of Major General I. V. Panfilov and from September 1941 served in it as a battalion commander. This division became legendary in the defense of Moscow. During the second general offensive of the enemy on Moscow in November 1941, the battalion under the command of Bauyrzhan Momyshuly, being separated from the division, staunchly held the ground on the Volokolamskoye highway near the village of Matrenino. Thanks to the skillful leadership of the battalion commander Momyshuly, the soldiers detained the Wehrmacht troops for three whole days1.

This feat was later described in the by Alexander Bek "The Volokolamskoye Highway"2, a mix of fiction and non-fiction. The author in his book describes that for a long time he was looking for a person who could tell the story of the battle of

Moscow, a person whose narration would cover the plan and meaning of the operation. The book became famous; it was translated into other languages and published abroad. It is interesting to note that Bauyrzhan Momyshuly was the idol of Ernesto Che Guevara and Fidel Castro ( begenov and Postnikov, 2016: 136). To the question: "Which of the heroes of the Second World War could you call your idol?", the commander replied: "This is the hero of the book by Alexander Bek "The Volokolamskoye Highway" — Kazakh Momyshuly" (Khauezkhan, 2021: 169). When the Cubans came to the USSR on a state visit, they expressed a desire to visit Bauyrzhan Momyshuly. Then Momyshuly personally visited Cuba at the invitation of its leaders, where he lectured on military tactics to Cuban soldiers.

After the war, Momyshuly continued to serve in the army. Since 1950, he taught at the Department of General Tactics and Operational Art of the V. Molotov Military Academy of Logistics and Supply of the Soviet Army. He forever entered the history of military science as the author of tactical maneuvers and strategies (Kobegenov and Postnikov, 2016: 134). Today it is believed that Bauyrzhan Momyshuly was the founder of the Kazakh military philosophy3. In 1955, he resigned and became a writer. Throughout his military service, he kept personal diaries, which were later used as a foundation for his books. The most famous works by Momyshuly are "Moscow is behind us. An Officer's Notes", "Our Family", "Psychology of War", "At General Panfilov's", "Captain Lysenko" and others. Bauyrzhan Momyshuly died on June 10, 1982.

1 Akbalayeva Sh. (2020) Polkovodec Bauke. Vecherniaia Astana [online] Available at: https://vechastana.kz/polkovo-dec-bauke/ (access date: 02.05.2021).

2 Beck A. Volokolamskoe shosse. Krasnoyarsk: Krasnoyarskoe knizhnoe izdatel'stvo, 1960. 250 p.

3 110 let Bauyrzhanu Momyshuly. Opublikovany redkie arhivnye foto komandira «Dikoj divizii». Tengri Mix [online] Available at: https://tengrinews.kz/mixnews/110-let-bauyirjanu-momyishulyi-opublikovanyi-redkie-423566/ (access date: 02.05.2021).

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Photo 2. Bauyrzhan Momyshuly. While studying in Leningrad. 1934-1936. Photo from the Central State Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan, f. 1432, oр. 2, d. 400,1.1. Фото 2. Бауыржан Момышулы в годы учебы в Ленинграде (1934-1936). Фото из собрания Центрального Государственного Архива Республики Казахстан, ф. 1432, оп. 2, д. 400, л. 1.

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For his courage and heroism in the battle near Moscow, Bauyrzhan Momyshuly was nominated for the distinction of a Hero of the Soviet Union back in 1942. However, he did not receive his award until almost a decade after his death — on December 11, 1990. Five years later, by the Decree of the First President of the country, the outstanding warrior was awarded the title "People's Hero of Kazakhstan".

Comparative analysis of the biographies of Tuvan Tulush Kechil-ool Baldanovich and Kazakh Bauyrzhan Momyshuly

To carry out a comparative historical analysis of the biographies of Tulush Baldanovich Kechil-ool and Bauyrzhan Momyshuly, we need to determine the parameters for comparing their lives, corresponding to their military role and place in the history of their country. This will help to identify some similar and different facts of their biography and draw conclusions about the relationship of their life path with the history of the country. The comparison parameters that we have identified reflect the main stages and facts of their military careers, and their heroic service to the Fatherland. The parameters are presented in the following table.

Table 1. Comparison of the biographies of Tulush Kechil-ool and Bauyrzhan Momyshuly. Табл. 1 Сравнение биографий Тулуша Кечил-оола и Бауыржана Момышулы.

Parameters of comparison Tulush Kechil-ool Bauyrzhan Momyshuly

Dates of birth and death 1914-1945 1910-1982

Origin From a family of cattle breeders From a family of nomadic herders

Education Tambov Higher Cavalry School named after S.M. Budyonny, Red Banner Higher Officer Cavalry School of the Red Army named after S.M. Budyonny 9 classes

Work before the army Shepherd, teacher Rural teacher, secretary of the district executive committee, chief of police, financier

The beginning of the military career In the Tuvan People's Revolutionary Army November 1932 to 1934 - a private in the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army

Places of service before the battlefronts of the Second World War Tuvan People's Republic Far East and Bessarabia

Date of being sent to the front of the Second World War September 1943, as the commander of the 1st Tuvan Volunteer Cavalry Squadron September 1941, as the battalion commander of the 316th Rifle division led by General Panfilov

Battles and operations in which the commanders distinguished themselves Rovno-Lutsk operation, January-February 1944 Ddefense of Moscow in November 1941, near the village of Matrenino

Rank Captain of the Guards Colonel

Combat skills Courage, ability to organize and lead people, good skills in military tactics and strategy Courage, leadership skills, good skills in military tactics and strategy

Awards Order of the Red Banner, Order of Lenin, Order of the Tuvan People's Republic. In 1944 he was nominated for the distinction of the Hero of the Soviet Union. Received this title posthumously on May 5, 1990. Order of the Red Banner, Order of Lenin. In 1942 he was nominated for the distinction of the Hero of the Soviet Union. Received this title posthumously on December 11, 1990. In 1995, by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, he was awarded the distinction of People's Hero of Kazakhstan

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Post-war activities Died in 1945 Since 1950 he taught at the Department of General Tactics and Operational Art of the V. Molotov Military Academy for Logistics and Supply of the Soviet Army. Since 1955, was engaged in writing

Family Wife Olga Borisovna, son Vladimir and daughter Zoya First wife Mukankyzy Bibijamal, son Bakhytzhan. Second wife Baubekova Gainikamal. Korkin's illegitimate daughter Elena Bauyrzhanovna

Commemoration Name given to a street in the capital of the Republic of Tuva, and to school No. 3 in Kyzyl. A bust installed in his native village, and a memorial plaque, on a house he lived in in the city of Kyzyl Name given to several streets in the cities of Kazakhstan and to schools (e,g, Momyshuly St. in the capital NurSultan, and school No. 22 in Pavlodar)

Works of fiction covering the hero's exploits M. Vershinin's book "A Soldier's Ballad" (chapter "Kechil-ool is fighting") A. Bek's novel "The Volokolamskoye Highway"

As it can be seen from the table, there are many similar facts in the biographies of Tulush Baldanovich Kechil-ool and Bauyrzhan Momyshuly. Both were born in the families of cattle breeders. It can be noted that from an early age, both had had a thirst for knowledge and the ability to teach; both worked as teachers. Tulush Kechil-ool, after mastering writing, taught others, and upon graduation from the Tambov School named after. S. M. Budyonny was appointed a commander of the school for the training, education and upbringing of soldiers and junior commanders of the Tuvan People's Liberation Army. Bauyrzhan Momyshuly also worked as a teacher before serving in the army and continued teaching after the war at the V. Molotov Military Academy for Logistics and Supply of the Soviet Army .

During the Great Patriotic War, they were both officers and unit commanders. They have proven themselves to be capable commanders and leaders of military operations. Contemporaries describe their similar personal qualities: courage, ability to organize and lead people, good skills in military tactics and strategy.

The Tuvan hero passed away early, he died tragically in June 1945 under unexplained circumstances. The Kazakh Momyshuly lived until 1982. In the post-war years, he worked as a teacher at the Military Academy, and then wrote books.

Tulush Kechil-ool had one wife, who gave birth to two children, a son and a daughter. Bauyrzhan Momyshuly married twice. He had a son from his first wife and an illegitimate daughter.

A common fact of the biography of both historical figures is also that, being true heroes and commanders during the Great Patriotic War, they were recommended for the distinction of Hero of the Soviet Union at about the same time, and for unknown reasons, both were left without a higher award, the Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union. This was awarded to them later, forty-five years after the end of the war, and again at almost the same time, in 1990.

Tuvan historian O. Yu. Irgit offers the following explanation of some ambiguous facts of Kechil-ool's life: "If you carefully study some facts from his biography, you can understand that the history of his life was rather ambiguous. First, the distinction of The Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to him 45 years after his death. Secondly, he was not accepted into the ranks of the TNRP (Tuvan People's Revolutionary Party). Thirdly, his death occured under unexplained circumstances. All these oddities in his biography can be explained by the fact that he belonged to the repressed clan of Adyg-Tyulyushi" ( git, 202C: 34-35). Indeed, the history of the clans of Tuva is closely connected with the history of the country. Italso determined the life of individual people (see about this: Lamazhaa, 20 07, 2008, 201 ).

Some historians believe that the reason why Bauyrzhan Momyshuly was not made Hero of the Soviet Union during the war years may be his character: he often stood up for principles and behaved somewhat straightforwardly. For example, A. V. Puzyrev points out that "the reason for the refusal was precisely Bauyr-




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zhan's principles: he directly told the authorities what he thought. Much later, he would publicly call Brezhnev, the General Secretary of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU, a 'parquet marshal'" ( uzyrev, 2020: 15).

Summing up the comparison, we can conclude that the lives of Tulush Kechil-ool and Bauyrzhan Mo-myshuly had a number of similarities: they had quite similar military careers of serving the Fatherland, the destiny of hero warriors who came from small peoples of Turkic origin (both of which had centuries-old military traditions of their own).

Despite these great similarities, there are a number of differences in the lives of the heroes. And one of the most important is their origin: they came from two different states. Tulush Kechil-ool wass a citizen of the Tuvan People's Republic, while Bauyrzhan Momyshuly, of the Kazakh SSR, which was a part of the USSR. The TPR did not accede to the USSR until 1944. Other differences include the dates of their lives, participation in battles in different sectors of the front and in different branches of the military; there is little in common in the history of their private lives. The possible reasons for the refusal to confer the title of Hero of the Soviet Union during the war years also differ.

It is important to note that the similarity in the main details of the biographies of two historical figures is due to the personal aspect of the large historical processes of rapprochement between the two states — the TPR and the USSR.

The centuries-old trend of rapprochement between the TPR and the Soviet Union is reflected in the life of Tulush Kechil-ool from his very birth. During his lifetime, the long process of Tuva's rapprochement, first with tsarist Russia, then with the USSR, strengthened even more ( ;toriya Tuvy, 2007: 401).

There are many parallels between the TPR and the USSR in the economy, political and social structure, which contributeB to their rapprochement. Structural changes in the economy of Tuva that continued during the war years brought it closer to the Soviet economic system (Ibid.: 389). And the life of Tuvan society in many of its characteristics was close to the Soviet standards (Ibid.: 402).

The high level of proximity between the two states is clearly seen from the fact that Tuva joined the war as an ally of the USSR . The close relationship between the states is stated in the resolution of the Central Committee of the TPRP and the Council of Ministers of December 26, 1941: "Each kilogram of grain carefully saved and sold to the state will serve to further strengthen the assistance of the Red Army, which protects the freedom and independence of our peoples from the German invaders" (Ibid.: 375).

The Tuvan People's Republic, given its small population, selflessly helped the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War. To this end, the national economy was rebuilt on a war footing, and all resources were mobilized for the frontlines (Ibid.: 379). During this period, the closeness of the two countries, the friendship of the Tuvan and Soviet peoples manifested itself in the fight against a common enemy (Ibid.: 402). All this can be clearly seen in the biographies of Tulush Kechil-ool and Bauyrzhan Momyshuly, citizens of two separate states, natives of kindred peoples, who both became heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

The peoples of the USSR and Tuva have gone through a difficult historical path, considered in our article from the point of view of comparing the biographies of Tulush Kechil-ool and Bauyrzhan Momyshuly, and the process of rapprochement of these states ended with the natural entry of Tuva into the Soviet Union in 1944.

We have carried out a comparative historical analysis of the life of the Heroes of the Soviet Union Tuvan Tulush Kechil-ool and Kazakh Bauyrzhan Momyshuly. Both of the men are outstanding heroic personalities in the history of their peoples during the era of the Great Patriotic War. The unity of the chronology of their lives and close connection with the history of the country and their peoples led to a great similarity of the facts of their comparative biography: origin, professional path, military career, personal qualities, awards.

The significance of the compared historical figures in the history of their peoples is confirmed, firstly, by the commemoration preserved in the names of streets, schools, monuments, secondly, by the research interest in their activities on the part of historians, and thirdly, by their depiction in the fiction and art. It is important to note the role of studying the biographies of these outstanding wartime figures for fostering patriotism of the modern generation of Tuvan and Kazakh youth.





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Дата поступления: 10.01.2022 г.

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