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Ключевые слова
stevia / stevioside / medicinal plant / mineral substances / vitamins / flavonoids / essential oils / proper nutrition. / стевия / стевиозид / лекарственное растение / минеральные вешества / витамины / флавоноиды / эфирные масла / правильное питание.

Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Bahram Azizov

In recent years, in many countries, including Uzbekistan, special attention has been paid to proper nutrition. Most of the disease occurs with an improper lifestyle, unhealthy diet, the use of a large number of chemicals that negatively affect the human body. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to medicinal plants. One of the valuable medicinal plants is Copper Stevia. Stevia leaves contain a large amount of useful substances: diterpene glycoside stevioside (up to 7%) and other glycosides, vitamins A, C, P, E, as well as trace elements, flavonoids (rutin, quercetin, etc.), essential oils, tannins, polysaccharides, fiber.

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В Последние годы во многих странах, в том числе в Узбекистане особое внимание уделяется к правильному питанию. Большинство болезней возникает при неправильном образе жизни, неправильном питание, применении большого количества химических препаратов, которые отрицательно влияют на организм человека. Поэтому необходимо уделять особое значение лекарственным растениям. Одним из ценных лекарственных растений является ставя медяная. В листьях стевии содержится большое количество полезных веществ: дитерпеновый гликозид, стевиозид (до 7%) и другие гликозиды, витамины А, С, Р, Е, а также микроэлементы, флавоноиды (рутин, кверцетин и др.), эфирные масла, дубильные вещества, полисахариды, клетчатка.


UDC: 633.66.1



Annotaion. In recent years, in many countries, including Uzbekistan, special attention has been paid to proper nutrition. Most of the disease occurs with an improper lifestyle, unhealthy diet, the use of a large number of chemicals that negatively affect the human body. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to medicinal plants. One of the valuable medicina1 plants is Copper Stevia.

Stevia leaves contain a large amount of useful substances: diterpene glycoside stevioside (up to 7%) and other glycosides, vitamins A, C, P, E, as well as trace elements, flavonoids (rutin, quercetin, etc.), essential oils, tannins, polysaccharides, fiber.

Keywords: stevia, stevioside, medicinal plant, miiml substances, vitamins, flavonoids, essential oils, proper nutrition.

Аннотация. В Последние годы во многих странах, в том числе в Узбекистане особое внимание уделяется к правельному питанию. Большинство болезней возникает при неправильном образе жизни, неправильном питание, применении большого количества химических препаратов, которое от(ицотьль\о влияют на организм человека. Поэтому необходимо уделять особое значение лекарственным растениям. Одним из ценных лекарственных растений является стевия меденая.

В листьях стевии содержится большое количество полезных веществ: дитерпеновый гликозид, стевиозид (до 7%) и другие гликозиды, витамины А, С, Р, Е, а также микроэлементы, флавоноиды (рутин, кверцетин и др.) эфирные масла, дубильные вещества, полисахариды, клетчатка.

Ключевые слова: стевия, стевиозид, лекарственное растение, минеральные вешества, витамины, флавоноиды, эфирные масла, правильное питание.

Аннотация. Сунгги йилларда купчилик давлатларда, шу жумладан Узбекистонда тугри овкатланишга катта эътибор каратилмокда. Купчилик касалликлар нотугри хаёт тарзидан, нотугри овкатланиш хамда катта микдорда кимёвий дори воситаларини куллаш натижасида келибчикади. Бундайхолат инсон организмига салбий таъсир этади. Шу туфайли дориворусимликлар етиштиришга алохида эътибор каратилиши лозим. К,имматли доривор усимликлардан бири стевияусимлиги хисобланади.

Стевия усимлигининг барги таркибида куплаб фойдали воситалар, жумладан: дитерпонли гликозид, стевиозид (7% гача), бошка турдаги гликозидлар, турли хилдаги А, С, Р, Е витаминлари, шунингдек, микроэлементлар, флавоноидлар (рутин, квертецин ва бошкалар), эфир мойлари, дубиль моддалари, полисахаридлар, клетчаткалар мавжуд.

Таянч сузлар: стевия, стевиозид, дориворусимликлар,минерал моддалар, витаминлар, флавоноидлар, эфир мойлари,тугри овкатланиш.



There are a lot of useful plants in our life around us, which we do not know or do not pay attention to them. One of these crops is Stevia honey.

The predominance of stevia, it can be used in different plants as a food plant in the preparation of various dishes, confectionery, tea, medicine. Stevia is very convenient for use, its products are harmless, have prophylactic and medicinal effects.

Stevia is a perennial plant in the Aster family. In nature, it reaches a height of 60-80 cm. It is a very highly branched bush. Leaves are simple with a paired arrangement. The flowers are white, small. The root system is fibrous, well developed.

The homeland of Stevia is South America. It mainly grows in a moderately humid subtropical climate in Paraguay, Brazil, Argentina. The Indians kept the secret of the sweet plant for a long time and, therefore, only in 1887, thanks to the South American naturalist Antonio Bertoni, however, at the present time this crop is cultivated in many countries such as the USA, Canada, Australia, Russia, especially China, Japan, Korea and others.

Especially in East Asian countries like China, Japan, South Korea, interest in stevia cultivation is increasing. In Japan, stevia cultivation has become a national pride.

It has been revealed that a.mo^t 3o0 pi? nt species grow in America, bu, from only S'evia rebaudiana Bertoni has a sweet taste. Stevia leaves are 10-15 times sweeter than regular sugar

Stevia leaves are recommended as a source of flavonoids containing steviosides. Therefore, stevia leaves can be used in folk medicine, tea and other natural drinks can be prepared from it, which have a calming effect on the body.

Scientific research on the study of the chemical composition in different soil climatic conditions and different countries was carried out by Grammer V, Ikan R. [9], Mayank J [10],. Onakpoya IJ, Heneghan CJ [11], Tanaka O [12]. Takamura Y, Nakamura Sh, Fuku H [13], T.A. Thorpe, J.K. Yasil, M.J. Aparajta and others.

In Russia, scientific research on the study of Stevia was carried out by Bondarev N.I. [2], Zimin M.V. [5], Zubenko V.F., Rogovsky S.B., Chudnovsky B.D., Shtokal P.P. [6] and other.

In recent years, the interest in the stevia plant has also increased in Uzbekistan. Scientific work on stevia was carried out by B. Baikabilov, I. Belolipov [2], TK Duseynov [4], B. Azizov [1] and others. However, the breeding and cultivation

technology of stevia in the republic has not been sufficiently studied. Scientific evidence for this area is not sufficient.

According to B.M. Azizov, maintaining and improving the quality of products in the cultivation of agricultural crops is one of the most urgent tasks. In this regard, the study of product quality is mandatory in all scientific works. The quality of the product when growing stevia depends primarily on the chemical composition of the plant, the presence of minerals and vitamins in the plant and their amount. In the experiment, the yield of stevia leaves was 20 c / ha in the control variant without the use of mineral fertilizers. The highest yield of stevia leaves was recorded in the variant when phosphorus fertilizers were applied 175 kg / ha with a high rate of 31 c / ha, with an additional yield of 11 c / ha due to mineral fertilizers [1].

In connection with this, the study of methods of reproduction and the technology of growing stev1? is 'f gr°at importance.

Expeimental technique

Fiv3 field experiments were carried out on the topic of the dissertation. In the experiment, the options are placed in four repetitions. The area of >xh option is 100 m2, of which the accounting is 50 m2, the protective area is 50 m2. In the experience of placing options and repetitions, phenological observations and counts were carried out according to the method of BA Dospekhov (1985) «Method of field experiment».

The humus content in the soil was determined by the method of I.V. Tyurin, the content of total nitrogen and phosphorus by the method of Kjeldahl, K.E. Ginsburg, G.E. Sheglova, E.V. Vilfius.

The content of nitrates in the soil was determined by the Granval-Lyazhu method, the mobile forms of phosphorus by B.I. Machigin, the potassium content by the method of a flame colorimeter In the experiment, the agrophysical properties of the soil were determined by the method of G.I.P. Avlova, N.I. Savinov, S.N. Rizhova.

The leaf surface of one plant and the total leaf surface of winter wheat were determined according to the method of the academician A.A. Nichiparovich.

In the experiment, the vitreousness of the grain was determined according to GOST 10987-76 with the help of special devices DZS-2. The protein content of grain is determined according to Kjeldel. Content and quality of gluten using special devices IDK-1, PEC-3A.

Phenological observations were carried out in the first days of the month. At the beginning of March, April, May and June, on the accounting area of each plot in certain plants, 50 plants from each option. The counts were carried out on the accounting area in each variant. The counts were carried out in each variant on the accounting plots. Started at the beginning of a certain phase of development and was carried out every 2-3 days, continued until manifestation in 50% of plants.

Research results

Plant Chemistry: Stevia is a relatively well-studied plant. The sweet taste of the herb is due to the presence of sweet diterpene glycosides (SDG) of a non-carbohydrate nature -10% stevioside. Diterpene glycosides in stevia leaves reach 5.5-6.0% of stevioside and 4.0-4.5% of rebaudioside A, besides them, rebaudioside R, S, G, D, M, CA, dulcoside B, eugenol diglucoside were also identified.

The equivalent of the sweetness of which reaches 300 units and above. In the stevia herb, 17 amino acids are also identified (lysine, glycine, meteonin and others, of which 8 are irreplaceable); polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic, lenolenic, arhidonic); vitamins A, groups B, C, E, D, K; flavonoids; vegetable


Figure 1. Appearance of stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni)

Stevia essential oil has an anti-inflammatory and healing effect, therefore it is effective for various skin irritations, cuts, burns, frostbite, eczema, trophic ulcers. Austroinulin and 6-O-acetyl-austroinulin-diterpenoids isolated from Stevia rebaudiana have pronounced anti-inflammatory properties. Steviol also has these properties. Stevia leaf contains silicic acid, which improves the condition of connective tissue, skin, hair and nails. Stevia broth helps with seborrhea.

Steivosides have immunomodulatory and antitumor effects Stevil glycosides have antiproliferative properties 19-OH group of cauran- and beeran like stevia diterpenoid have antitumor properties -

Oil extracts of stevia buds have a cytotoxic effect comparable to vinblastine.

Experimental studies have shown that biologically active substances contained in stevia accelerate the metabolic processes of bone marrow stem cells, expand the compensatory capabilities of the body, thereby ensuring the body's resistance to the vibration factor.

Stevia isosteviol has a pronounced neuroprotective effect on the ischemic brain. Rebaudioside A of stevia has anticonvulsant properties.

Stevia components have a hypoglycemic effect by stimulating insulin secretion by the islets of Langerhans, increasing glucose tolerance and decreasing the release of glucogone. In addition, stevia preparations increase the excretion of glucose in the urine. It is also assumed that steviol glycosides can act as ligands for insulin receptors, and are an agonist of glucocorticoid receptors, acting on progestogen receptors. Stevia preparations prevent damage to the liver, heart and kidneys in diabetes mellitus. Experimental studies have shown that stevia extracts protect the cells of the pancreas from destruction when eating high-calorie foods, prevent the development of type 2 diabetes. Stevia leaf extracts inhibit the enzyme a-amylase.

Due to their hypoglycemic, hypoglycemic, antioxidant, hypotensive properties, stevia leaf extracts are promising for the prevention and treatment of metabolic syndrome components. Herbal extracts have a therapeutic effect in non-alcoholic fatty hepatosis. Liquid herbal extracts have an antibacterial effect. The antiviral properties of stevia extract on human rotaviruses were determined.

The main properties of stevia are the content of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and iron in plant leaves, which are of great importance in the biological and physiological processes of the plant.

Data on the effect of mineral nutrition on the content of mineral substances in plant leaves are shown in Table 1.

Table 1

Mineral content of stevia leaf

№ Options The amount of minerals in the dry leaf, mg / 100 g

calcium phosphorous magnesium potassium iron

1 Control 2960 501 1100 1600 4.9

2 N PK .50 1 175 50 2330 600 1300 1850 6.0

3 N50 P150 K50 2310 550 1210 1760 5.5

4 N50 K50 2985 520 1180 1710 5.1

The above experimental data show that mineral nutrition has a significant effect on the mineral content of stevia leaves.

In the study, in all variants of the applied mineral fertilizers, the content of mineral substances was higher than in the control variant without the use of mineral fertilizers.

In the experiment, relatively low values of 2960 mg / 100 g in terms of calcium content in stevia leaves were noted in the control variant without the use of mineral fertilizers. When using only phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, the calcium content in the leaves was 2985 mg / 100 grams. When using mineral fertilizers in the norm N50 P150 K50, the calcium content in the leaves was 2310 mg / 100 grams. A relatively high rate of 2330 mg / 100 g in terms of calcium c^n^ent in stevia leaves was observed when mineral fertilizers were applied at a rate of N50 P175 K50 kg , ha.

One of the nutrients that is of great importance ,n the growth and development of stevia is phosphorus (P). Stevia leaves contain a certain amount of phosphorus, which increases the medicinal properties of plants. It was found that for the entire growing season, the need for stevia to phosphorus is high.

In the experiment, comparatively low va.ues of 501 mg / 100 g in terms of phosphorus content in stevia leaves were noted in the control variant without the use of mineral fertilizers. When using mineral fertilizers, the phosphorus content of steva leaT es was 520-600 mg / 100 grams. In the experiment, due to the use of mineral fertilizers, an increase in the phosphorus content by 10-99 mg / 100 grams in the leaves was noted ..

One of the main elements in plant life is potassium (K). Potassium accelerates the exchange of substances, accelerates the growth and development of plants, increases immunity to the external environment, to diseases and pests.

In the experiment on the control variant without the use of mineral fertilizers, the content of potassium (K) in the composition o± stevia was 1600 mg / 100 grams. In variants with the use of mineral fertilizers, the content of potassium in the composition of stevia was 1710-1850 mg / 100 grams. It was found that due to the use of mineral fertilizers, the content of potassium (K) in the composition of stevia increases by 110-250 mg / 100 grams.

Scientific research has shown that mineral supplementation has a positive effect on the amount of iron in stevia. In the experiment on the control variant without the use of mineral fertilizers, the iron content in the composition of stevia was 4.9 mg / 100 grams. In variants with the use of mineral fertilizers, the content of potassium in the composition of stevia was 5.1-6.0 mg / 100 grams, respectively. The highest iron content of 6.0 mg / 100 grams was noted in the variant with the use of mineral fertilizers at the rate of N50 P175 K50 kg / ha. In this variant, the content of potassium in the composition of stevia increased by. 0.2-1.1 mg / 100 grams.

The cultivated stevia is known to be rich in various minerals and vitamins. The main properties of stevia are the content of the leaves of vitamins C, B1, B2, PP., Which increases the medicinal value of the plant.

The main valuable traits of stevia are the content of vitamins in plant leaves. Data on the effect of mineral nutrition on the content of vitamins in plant leaves are shown in Table 2.

Table 2

Vitamin content of stevia leaf

№ Options The amount of vitamins in the dry leaf, mg / 100 g

С Bi В2 РР

1 Control 7.9 9.5 35.5 3.5

2 N50 P175 K50 9.0 11.0 36.0 4.5

3 N P K 50 150 50 8.5 10.3 35.8 4.0

4 N50 K50 8.1 9.8 35.6 3.8

Experimental data have shown that scientifically grounded mineral nutrition has a positive effect on the content of minerals and vitamins in stevia leaves.

In the experiment, in all variants with the use of mineral fertilizers, an increase in the amount of vitamins «C» was observed in comparison with the control variant in the leaves of stevia. In the control variant, the content of vitamins «C» was 7.9 mg / 100 grams, in the variants with the use of mineral fertilizers, the content of vitamins «C» was 8.1-9.0 mg / 100 grams. Due to the use of mineral fertilizers, the amount of vitamins «C» in stevia leaves increased by 0.2-1.1 mg / 100 grams.

Mineral nutrition also has a positive effect on the content of vitamins «B1» in the composition of stevia leaves. In the experiment, a relatively low indicator of 9.5 mg / 100 grams for the content of vitamins «B1» was noted in the control variant without the use of mine! a fert^'zers. A relatively high indicator of 11.0 mg / 100g in terms of the amount of B1 vitamins wa' i^ted in the variant with the use of mineral fertilizers at the rate of N50 P175 K50 kg / ha. It was found that the use of mineral fertilizers, the amount of vitamins «B1» in the composition of stevia leaves inrtased by 0.3-1.5 mg / 100 grams.

One of the important properties of stevia is th' content f vitamins «B2» in stevia leaves. In studies on the control variant without the use of minera' . eitilizais, the content of vitamins n "B2" was 35.5 mg / 100 grams. In variants with the use of mineral fertilizers, the amount of vitamins "B2" in stevia leaves was 35.6-36.0 mg / 100 grams. It was found *hat due to the use of mineral fertilizers, the content of vitamins «B2» increases by 0.1-0.5 mg / 100 grams.

In the experiment, the highest rate of 36.0 mg / 100 grams in terms of the amount of vitamins "B2" was observed when mineral fertilizers were applied at a rate of N50 P175 K50 kg / ha.

The effectiveness of mineral fertilizers is also noted in the content of «PP» vitamins in stevia. In the control experiment, the amount of PP vitamins in stevia leaves was 3.5 mg / 100 grams.

In the experiment, in all variants with the use of mineral fertilizers, the content of vitamins «PP» in the composition of stevia was higher than in the control variant. The highest indicator of 4.5 mg / 100 grams in terms of the content of vitamin «PP» in the composition of Stevia was noted in the variant with the use of mineral fertilizers at the rate of N50 P175 K50 kg / ha.

Thus, in the conditions of irrigated meadow grey soils, to improve the quality, to increase the amount of minerals and vitamins in the composition of stevia leaves, it is necessary to scientifically substantiate the use of mineral fertilizers, taking into account the needs of plants. Under irrigation conditions, for medicinal properties, it is recommended to use mineral fertilizers at the rate of N50 P175 K50 kg / ha.


• • Stevia is a plant of a temperate climate, easily adapts to the external environment; under irrigation conditions, this crop can produce consistently high and high-quality yields;

• • When using mineral fertilizers, the phosphorus content of stevia leaves was 520-600 mg / 100 grams. In the experiment, due to the use of mineral fertilizers, an increase in phosphorus in stevia leaves by 10-99 mg / 100 grams was noted;

• • In variants with the use of mineral fertilizers, the content of potassium in the composition of stevia was 1710-1850 mg / 100 grams. It was found that due to the use of mineral fertilizers, the content of potassium (K) in the composition of stevia increases by 110-250 mg / 100 grams.

• • The highest iron content of 6.0 mg / 100 grams was noted in the variant with the use of mineral fertilizers at the rate of N50 P175 K50 kg / ha. In this variant, the content of potassium in the composition of stevia increased by. 0.2-1.1 mg / 100 grams.

• In the experiment, the highest indicator of 36.0 mg / 100 grams in terms of the amount of vitamins "B2" was observed when using mineral fertilizers at the ra^e of N50 P175 K50 kg / ha.

• The highest indicator of 4.5 mg / 100 grams in terms of the content of vitamin "PP" in the composition of Stevia was noted in the variant with the us, of mineral fertilizers at the rate of N50 P175 K50 kg / ha.


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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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