Научная статья на тему 'The change of increases body weight and weight ratios of rats during prolonged cadmium toxicosis'

The change of increases body weight and weight ratios of rats during prolonged cadmium toxicosis Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Gutyi B., Hufriy D., Binkevych V., Pavliv A., Binkevych O.

The article presents data changes increases body weight and weight ratios of rats in chronic cadmium toxicosis. Found that when asking cadmium chloride in body weight gain in rats and reduced weight change ratios of internal organs.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The change of increases body weight and weight ratios of rats during prolonged cadmium toxicosis»

UDC: 577.12: 611.018.51

Gutyi B., Hufriy D., Binkevych V., Pavliv A., Binkevych O., Vengryn A.Vischur V.1©

Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies named

after S.Z.Gzhytskyj 1Institute of animal biology NAAS, Lviv


The article presents data changes increases body weight and weight ratios of rats in chronic cadmium toxicosis. Found that when asking cadmium chloride in body weight gain in rats and reduced weight change ratios of internal organs.

Key words: toxicology, rats, cadmium chloride, body weight, chronic cadmium toxicosis.

Chronic liver disease is among the most common diseases of the digestive system. Cadmium compounds - one of the heavy metals that are widely used in industry, are among the main environmental pollutants [1]. When the body is allowed cadmium causes a number of toxic effects, affecting various organs and systems, including toxic effect on the liver [2].

Once in the body, depending on the metal present routes of administration are localized to a greater or lesser extent in the brain and bone marrow, lungs, heart, liver, kidneys and spleen.

The toxicity of cadmium is that it is accompanied by metabolic disorders, physiological functions, lower resistance, productivity and reproductive capacity [3]. According to some authors cadmium ions inhibit the activity of white blood cells and thus reduce the phagocytic component of the immune response [2, 4].

Introduced in the experiment intravenously or intraperitoneally metal damage primarily the liver and other organs are the future. The toxicity of cadmium is associated with the property of the peroxidase reaction cause lipid membrane of hepatocytes, reducing the activity of certain enzymes in the body tissue, including glutathione reductase, glutathione peroxidase, glucose-6-phosphatase, which may be prognostic test of liver tissue damage [2].

Interest in this problem is also determined by the available reports in the literature regarding the ability of cadmium in the body cause the development of state of hypoxia [1, 2]. So important is the study of the metabolic effects of cadmium ions and hypoxia and clarify gain body weight and weights of rats under cadmium stress on the body of experimental animals.

The aim of our study was to determine changes in body weight and increases weight ratios of rats in chronic cadmium toxicosis next to develop an antidote for the treatment of animals in this intoxication.

Objects and methods of research.

Experiments were conducted with male rats Wistar, weighing 200 - 220 g, which were formed in 2 groups of animals: 1 - control group (injected with drinking

© Gutyi B., Hufriy D., Binkevych V., Pavliv A., Binkevych O., Vengryn A.Vischur V., 2014


water through a metal tube in a volume which is equivalent to the volume of an aqueous solution of salts Cd2 +); 2 research group - injected 0,029% aqueous solution of cadmium chloride at a dose of 4.4 mg / kg (corresponding 1/20 DL50).

The calculation of the weighting coefficients were performed by methods [5].We were given the absolute mass values of the weights determined with the formula:

K = ml: m2,

where ml - mass of the organ, g; m2 - mass of the animal's body, kg.

Results. It should be noted that animals with chronic cadmium toxicosis are very difficult to diagnose. One of the earliest clinical symptoms of cadmium toxicity is the rejection of animal feed, depression and weight loss.

As a result of the research groups of experimental animals, which were administered intragastric solution of cadmium chloride, marked downward trend of increases in body weight of rats (Fig. 1).

250 i



' 220



190 -I-1-1-1-1-1-

1-a 4-a 8-a 16-a 24-a 30-a

Figure. 1 Increases in body weight in rats at thirty daily cadmium toxicosis; 1 -control group; 2 - group is affected by cadmium.

In rats, which were fed with cadmium chloride, body weight throughout the experiment was lower relative weight of rats in the control group animals. So, on the 4th day of the experiment rats mass in experimental group was lower by 1.4%, the


eighth day of the experiment, respectively, 2.2%, on the 16th day of the experiment by 2.6% compared to the control group indices. After 24 days, the greatest difference found between weight control and experimental rat groups where rats who asked cadmium chloride mass was lower by 3.3% compared to the mass of the rats in the control group.

According to Table 1, the total increase in body weight of rats in the control group was 193 g, whereas in rats, which asked cadmium chloride, total weight gain was 154 g, that is below 20%.

Table 1

Increases of body weight in rats during prolonged intragastric administration of _cadmium chloride, g (M ± m, n = 6)_

Weight Increase of weight

& Start of research The 30-th research day Common along a month Along one day

2 m 1 •a <c Common in group Average of one animal Common in group Average of one group All rats One rat

i 1272 212,00±6,5 1465 244,10±4,8 193 6,43 1,07

ii 1268 211,34±6,5 1422 237,00±6,2 154 5,10 0,86

The average increase in body weight of rats in the control group of animals was 6.43 g, and in rats of experimental group animals increase in body weight was lower by 1.33 g, that is 5.10 g

Reducing the increase in body weight in rats under the influence of cadmium chloride followed by hypo-and hypertrophy of the internal organs, which are characterized by different intensity of metabolism (Table. 2).

Table 2

Odds mass of internal organs of white rats on the 30th day after

Internal organs Animals' group

Control group Test group

heart 3,441+0,129 3,122+0,121

lungs 7,630+0,684 7,814+0,937

Both kidneys 6,480+0,070 6,338+0,337

Right kidney 3,228+0,037 3,151+0,158

Left kidney 3,252+0,041 3,187+0,185

spleen 4,107+0,349 4,033+0,082

liver 29,022+1,971 30,264+0,870

brain 5,893+0,583 6,980+0,425

In animal research groups noted a tendency to increase weight coefficient 2.41% for lung, liver - to 4.28% of the brain - by 18.4% relative to control. It has also reducing weight ratio of 9.2% of the heart, kidneys - 2.2%, spleen - 1.8% relative measure of control group animals.


Науковий вгсник ЛНУВМБТ шен1 С.З. Гжицького

Том 16 № 3 (60) Частина 2, 2014

Conclusion. Based on the research, found a downward trend increase in body weight of rats who asked cadmium chloride and changing weight coefficients of internal organs, possibly associated with a cumulative capacity and sorption of cadmium chloride.

Subsequent studies. Will be used to study the effect of cadmium on antioxidant and immune system of animals.


1 Biletska E.M. Hygienic estimation of total daily intake of heavy metals in an organism in industrial cities // Environment and Health. - 1999. - № 2. - S. 2-6.

2 Borikov A.U., Kaliman P.A. Effect of cadmium chloride and hydrogen peroxide on peroxidation processes and fractional composition of lipids in hepatocytes // Ukrainian Biochemical Journal. - 2004 - T. 76., № 2. - S. 107-111.

3 Zhulenko V.N., Rabinovich M.I., Talanov G.A. Veterinary toxicology. - M .: Colossus, 2002 - P. 120-129.

4 Kite M.M, Kolesova N.A., Veremiy M.I., et al. Experimental study of mechanisms of combined action of small doses of pesticides, nitrates, salts of lead and cadmium // Modern Problems toksykolohyy. - 2001. - № 3. - S. 46-50.

5 Rykova M.L. // Certainly appreciate in toxicology for laboratorians. - M .: Medicine. - 1974 - S. 81.

Рецензент - д.б.н., професор Маслянко Р.П.


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