Научная статья на тему 'The case-technologies use in the future teachers of physical culture preparation to the health reservation activity in the primary school'

The case-technologies use in the future teachers of physical culture preparation to the health reservation activity in the primary school Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Bezkopylny O., Kalenichenko O., Polishchuk O., Gunko P.

The essence of case-technologies is revealed in the article and the results of the experimental substantiation of the effectiveness of their use in the future teachers of physical culture preparation to the health reservation activity in the primary school are presented. Such methods of research, as scientific-methodological literature analysis, questionarie, testing, pedagogical experiment, and mathematical statistics methods are used in the work. The conclusion is that the auditorium work organization based on the case-technologies stimulates students' interest and increases their preparation quality.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The case-technologies use in the future teachers of physical culture preparation to the health reservation activity in the primary school»



Bezkopylny O.,

Candidate of Science in physical training and sports, Associate Professor, Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education, The Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy

Kalenichenko O., PhD in Biological Sciences Associate Professor of the Department of Sports Disciplines The Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy

Polishchuk O.

Candidate of Science in germanic languages, Senior Teacher, Department of Foreign Languages, The Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy

Gunko P.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Sports Disciplines, The Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy


The essence of case-technologies is revealed in the article and the results of the experimental substantiation of the effectiveness of their use in the future teachers of physical culture preparation to the health reservation activity in the primary school are presented. Such methods of research, as scientific-methodological literature analysis, questionarie, testing, pedagogical experiment, and mathematical statistics methods are used in the work. The conclusion is that the auditorium work organization based on the case-technologies stimulates students' interest and increases their preparation quality.

Keywords: case-technology, preparation, future teachers of physical culture, health reservation activity, primary school

Problem setting. The formation of the whole professionally relevant future teachers of physical culture peculiarities entity takes place on the base of both traditional and innovative technologies and teaching methods being used. However, in the conditions of the modern scientific-technical revolution there arose a certain gap between historically formed tradition of teaching in the higher education establishments and society's needs, consequently the system of future teachers of physical culture preparation to the health reservation activity in the primary school must be oriented on the use of modern teaching technologies, which will secure continuous development and further improvement of the creative potential, professional abilities and skills, motivation to the health-reservation of the pupils, abilities to find and set problems etc.

Research and publications analysis. The investigations results of I.V. Lohuntsova, Z.K. Malieva, A.N. Proshyna and others witness, that the use of interactive teaching technologies favours forming student' s critical thinking skills, analytical abilities, self-dependence, responsibility for making decisions, cognitive, creative, communicative, and personality activity, develops pupils' creativity, secures positive dynamics in the development of being critic, flexibility, self-dependence and the depth of thinking, linguistic competency, and teaching skills of the students.

In the works of Y.S. Polat [3], O. I. Pometun [4], O.P. Shevchenko [5] the main theoretical and methodological peculiarities of using the method "case-study" or "the method of analysis of certain situations" in the system of pedagogical education is cleared out. However, we can state, the use of case-technologies in the

professional preparation of the future teachers of physical culture was not cleared out sufficiently in the works of domestic scientists. We believe, in the system of preparation of the future teachers of physical culture the use of the case-method has considerable possibilities.

The aim of the work is to reveal the essence and experimentally substantiate the effectiveness of the case-technologies use in the preparation of the future teachers of physical culture to the health reservation activity in the primary school.

The following methods of research were used in the investigation. Based on the analysis of scientific-methodological literature we have substantiated the actuality of implementation to the system of preparation of future teachers of physical culture interactive technologies, we have defined the essence of case-technologies, we have designed the complex of situational tasks of the discipline "Theory and methodology of the physical education" for students, applying for higher education in the direction of preparation "Physical education".

Based on the results of the questionarie of teachers of the leading higher education establishments of the Ukraine, preparing future teachers of physical culture there has been defined the modern state of the implementation of the modern teaching technologies to the education process.

To check the effectiveness of the case-technologies use in the preparation of the future teachers of physical culture to the health-reservation activity in the primary school the pedagogical experiment was held. Students of the teaching-scientific institute of physical culture, sport and health of the Bohdan Khmelnytsky

National University of Cherkasy, who constituted the testing and the experimental groups and had an equal level of preparation participated in the experiment. In the testing group seminar classes took place according to the classical scheme. The case- technology was implemented in the classes with the experimental group. The aim of the experiment lay in the definition and the comparison of the effectiveness of mastering the program material in the teaching discipline "The theory and methodology of physical education" in the formed groups. A conclusion about the effectiveness of the teaching work was made based on the results of doing test tasks in the discipline.

During statistics processing of the experimental

help of the "Excel" program the average arithmetic ( X ), quadratic bias (S), error of the average (m), certainty of the differences by Student's t-criterion, p - the relevance level were defined, the graphic representation of the statistics analysis results was made [1].

The main research material layout. The importance and the actuality of the implementation in the education process the modern teaching technologies are proven by the data of the questionarie of the Ukraine leading higher education establishments teachers, preparing future teachers of physical culture held by us (pic. 1). I completely agree.

material the comparative analysis was used. With the

Pic. 1. The results of questionarie (%) of the teachers (n=84) whether they agree with the necessity to implement innovative pedagogical technologies in the education process of the higher education establishments, preparing

future teachers of physical culture

Of all persons questioned, 67,2% of the respondents completely agree with the necessity to implement innovative pedagogical technologies in the education process of the higher education establishments, partially agree - 16,8% of the respondents, do not agree -4,1%, it is hard to answer - 11,9% of the respondents. The data obtained point to the fact most of the teachers agree with the importance of the modern pedagogical technologies for improving the education system and increasing the professional quality of the future teachers of physical culture. However, we have cleared out, in practice considerable part of the teachers questioned do not use in the work with students interactive methodologies. About this witness the results of the answer to the question whether the teachers use problem situations in the work with students as well as business and teaching games, case-technologies: 28,0% of the teachers do use, 35,6% - partially use; 17,5% - do not use, 18,0% - it is hard to answer.

"Case-study" (case-method), or the method of certain situations analysis (from English "case" - situation) based on the certain situations analysis and aimed at mastering skills to find variants of optimal and to make non-standard decisions of the real complex life and production problems [2]. The essence of the educational technology lies in the imagination and consideration of the real situation, reflecting simultaneously a

practical problem and actualizing a complex of special knowledge necessary for its solution. From the point of view of methodology case is a specially prepared teaching material, containing a structured description of a real professional-pedagogical situation.

In the process of designing cases we used such a scheme: choice of the topic, formulation of the didactic aim of the case, collection of the information for the case, writing the text of the case, composition of tasks to the case, implementation of the case in the teaching process [4].

We used the case-method in the seminar classes. The use of the method as a technology of professionally oriented teaching is a process, in which we distinguished the following stages: preparation part, individual work with the case, work with the case in a group of 3 to 6 persons, discussion in the common group (based on the reports of sub-groups), results sum up. Every stage was characterized by the distinctly regulated actions of the teacher and the students.

In the practical classed in the theory and methodology of physical education students were offered structured cases, consisting of the description of the problem, the main task, a pedagogical situation, intermediate tasks, materials for solution of the problem.

Consider one of the cases designed by us.

The topic of the class. The motional activity and health of school age children.

The aim of the class. Forming the skills of the analysis and the evaluation of the information necessary for the solution of professional tasks in health reservation of the primary school pupils.

The problem setting. The investigations of physiologists and hygienists proved, the school factors of risk negatively mark on the state of health of children (beside the genetic, social and ecological factors) and constitute from 20 to 40%. The influence of school, the conditions of education, teaching overloads are so relevant namely because, their action is continuous, uninterrupted, systematic and complex.

Social stresses, decrease of the life level, worsening of the common accessible medical aid in combination with bad food and increasing teaching loads do not favour improvement of the pupils' state of health. The increase of the time of work before the computer, non-certified computer teaching programs, computer variants of developing games and textbooks, far not always take into account age peculiarities of the children. During the period of teaching 70% functional violations transform to the chronical pathology before the end of the study, many-fold increases illness-addiction of the sight organs, nutrition and nervous-psychological disorders. The influence of the school medium and overloads on the pupils' state of health constitutes from 12% in the primary school to 21% in the secondary one. The physiological value of school overloads is the development of asthenic states, worsening of the sight, culmination of chronic illnesses.

While studying in the comprehensive school children do not obtain systematic knowledge about their health and its reservation, do not have any notion about behavioral risks and practical skills of care about their own health.

It should be noted, the school has a unique possibility to solve tasks of reservation children's health. Through school pass all the children, the study lasts through many years, and teaching classes (at school and at home) constitute the greater part of the active life of every child.

It is possible to change the situation by designing and implementation of new education standards, presupposing the design of school program of healthy and safe way of life.

Questions for discussion. Substantiate the situation and find cause-consequence relations. Define the main components, conditioning the health of school age

Table 1

Comparative analysis of the testing results (points) in the discipline "The theory and methodology of the physi-

children and rate them in the order of relevance, the essence of the notion "health", the main factors of the threat to the life and health of man. Choose synonyms of the notion "health" and suggest your own definition of the notion based on the use of these words. What factors influence the level of the motional activity of children, teenagers and youngsters? What can be a motive to going in for physical culture and sport? In what lies the biological need of a man in motional activity? In what lie social and personality-centered needs of a man in motional activity? The ways of creating motivation to reservation of one's own health and to getting physical education. The norms of the motional activity of school age children. To what extent the system of physical education in schools of the Ukraine can secure the children's need in the motional activity?

Task. Suggest your own model of teaching-educational work organization in the comprehensive school, securing the satisfaction of social, biological and personality-centered needs of schoolchildren in the motional activity.

The main setting - the model must be oriented to the full value realization of all forms (teaching, extra-class, extra-school, health-hygienic) organization of the physical education of the comprehensive school pupils.

At the beginning of the class the students were acquainted with the topic, they studied the aim of the class, presented the method of the work, characterized the main stages of the work. Every sub-group got a case with the instruction for the work. The students were acquainted with the problem set, tasks, information materials, had an opportunity to make exact events, presented in the case. After the teacher's explanation the students worked with the materials of the case: diagnosed the problem situation, found possible ways of its solution, substantiated and accepted optimal variants, did tasks.

For substantiation of the effectiveness of the case-technologies use in the process of studying a profession-oriented discipline we held an experiment. The result of the students' knowledge check were the points, which they got in the process of the final testing by the complex of specially designed testing tasks. The summed quantity of points of each student witnessed about the quality of mastering the material in the teaching discipline. The results of the testing (tab.1) witness about the fact, at the beginning of the experiment there were no statistically true differences between the students of the testing and the experimental groups.

Testing stages The grou ps researched Student's t-criterion Probability of differences


The beginning of the experiment 22,7±0,86 24,5±1,01 1,4 p>0,05

The end of the experiment 25,1±0,97 30,3±0,95 3,8 p<0,05

The results, which witness about the quality of So, from the maximum possible sum of points (50 mastering the material at the end of the experiment points) the students of the testing group got 25,1±0,97 prove the effectiveness of the case-technologies use. points, while the students of the experimental one -

30,3±0,95 points respectively, the probability of differences between groups p<0,05.

A high level of the knowledge in the testing and the experimental groups being formed found 9,4% and 17,9% of the students respectively. The middle level of the knowledge in the testing and the experimental groups being formed found 51,6% and 65,7% of the students respectively. The low level of the knowledge in the teaching discipline "Theory and methodology of the physical education" in the testing and the experimental groups being formed found 39,1% and 16,4% of the students respectively.

Conclusions. The approach presented to the organization of the teaching work in the seminar classes in the profession-oriented discipline "Theory and methodology of the physical education" based on the case-technology allows to activate the students' work and engage them in making self-dependent pedagogical decisions, stimulating students' interest and increasing the preparation quality.


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In picture 2 is presented the division of the stu- tion" stated at the end of the experiment. dents of the testing and the experimental groups accord-

Pic. 2. Division of the students of the testing and the experimental groups according to the level of mastering knowledge in the discipline "Theory and methodology of the physical education" stated at the end of the experiment

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