THE CASE-STUDY METHOD IN TEACHING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Sodiqova M.S.

The case-study method is one the most interesting and popular methods in teaching a foreign language in different specialties. The article is devoted to the case-study method in teaching a foreign language and the opportunities of using this method, the description of the stages of work according to the case, the advantages of the case-study method.

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UDK 81-139.

Sodiqova M.S. teacher School № 26 Fergana region



Annotation: The case-study method is one the most interesting and popular methods in teaching a foreign language in different specialties. The article is devoted to the case-study method in teaching a foreign language and the opportunities of using this method, the description of the stages of work according to the case, the advantages of the case-study method.

Key words: case-study, foreign language, method, innovative technologies, teaching, education.

In the modern world there is a constant development of the social sciences, the learning process is also constantly being improved and developed. Traditional education no longer fully satisfies the needs of society, the knowledge gained at the same time is not enough for vigorous work and career growth. The personal aspect, the ability to think creatively and put your plans and ideas into practice comes to the fore. Therefore, the sphere of foreign languages is changing in accordance with the new trends of the time and new or improved old active teaching methods are used.

Changes occurring in modern society require the improvement of foreign language training of students in schools and universities. One of the priorities at this stage is considered the competence approach. In the process of formation and development of communicative competence, various technologies, methods and techniques are used

Foreign language today is an integral part in our life. It is impossible to deny its huge role in the modern world, a foreign language is found everywhere: on street signs, on the Internet, in various instructions for the use of a particular home appliance or industrial equipment. A foreign language for a student today is not only a means of communication, but also a means of adaptation, socialization, professional and career growth, self-development, obtaining interesting knowledge in various areas of culture, economics, politics, industry, etc. Specialists and teachers from various countries are developing and intensively use new methods and methods of teaching a foreign language. To date, there are a huge number of textbooks, guidelines for the study and teaching of foreign languages, many of which are based on innovative technologies.

As you know, in the methodology of teaching a foreign language, the concept of "method" has two meanings, namely:

1. Method as a methodical system.

2. Method as a method and direction to achieve a specific goal in teaching and learning. What is included in the concept of "method"? The teaching method is a basic category of a technique, a way of knowledge, a way of research and solving a problem. In the methodology of teaching foreign languages, this term has a narrower meaning: a generalized learning model based on one of the directions and based on specific approaches. When selecting modern teaching methods, it is necessary to consider the following criteria for the compliance of methods, which should:

1. To create a creative comfortable atmosphere to stimulate the interests of students;

2. To affect the student's personality as a whole, including his emotions, feelings and sensations;

3. To activate the learner so that he becomes the main actor in the learning process and actively interacts with other learners;

4. Learn to work on learning the language independently;

5. To envisage the use of various forms of work in the audience: steam room, group, individual and frontal. As practice shows, the last decades of the development of pedagogy were marked by the emergence of many new interesting methods and approaches in teaching foreign languages. Foreign teachers of the 60s - 70s developed and introduced into practice a humanistic approach to learning. The essence of this approach is to focus on the personality of the student.

The combined use of information and innovation technologies and their use in teaching foreign languages can improve the quality of education, and increase the level of motivation and learnability of students. To innovative technologies include:

- developmental training;

- problem learning;

- test system;

- game training;

- design;

- immersion in foreign culture;

- training in collaboration;

- integration;

- Web quests;

- level differentiation;

- Case method, etc.

Among the above methods of teaching a foreign language, it is necessary to distinguish the method of "case-study" ("case-study"). Case study is distinguished by many teachers and is considered one of the most effective methods in language teaching, for preparing students for professional activity in a particular specialty. The main idea of this approach is that students are invited

to carry out independently foreign language communicative activities in a professional environment created artificially, thus, there is a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

The "case - study" method in teaching a foreign language is widely used in various faculties related to economics, humanitarian and technical fields, etc. The case material can be taken from various periodicals, encyclopedias, reports, abstracts, announcements, audio and video materials. During the preparation of the case, it is necessary to take into account the level of knowledge, specialty, interests of students, the presence of discussion of situations and finding alternative solutions to a particular issue, the information should be easy to understand, with clear wording and accurate facts.

The use of the "case study" method is a complex and laborious process on the part of both students and the teacher. I.N. Kuznetsov considers six phases of work on a case:

1) the first phase - information is offered to students on paper for self-


2) the second phase - case analysis (there is an exchange of views between students in order to identify information that is lacking);

3) the third phase - organization of the discussion of the case, discussion, presentation (group discussion to identify the main problem);

4) the fourth phase - a sample of the task is drawn up with the selection of circumstances for solving the main problem;

5) the fifth phase - discussion, finding, evaluating the general decision criterion;

6) the sixth phase - summing up the discussion (decision making on problems).

"Case study", despite its complexity, has important advantages in the context of learning a foreign language:

- students have the opportunity to work in groups, considering a single case (problem situation);

-the use of accurate information data, reduces the level of uncertainty of the case in a limited time;

- students have the opportunity to receive new knowledge, to conduct an in-depth analysis of theoretical concepts;

- application of the principles of problem-based learning;

- the possibility of creating new types of activities;

- development of skills for the synthesis of information and its presentation;

- the formation of practical skills and the use of theoretical knowledge of a foreign language accumulated by students;

- the development of independent thinking among students;

- manifestation by students of a creative approach to learning a foreign language;

Thus, the case study method, if properly applied in a foreign language class, can be a good alternative to the traditional type of training. This is an opportunity to motivate students to study, to stimulate interest and to give a chance to express themselves in the classroom.


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