Научная статья на тему 'The British and American English words varieties'

The British and American English words varieties Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Текст научной работы на тему «The British and American English words varieties»

charge (two positives or two negatives) will repel, or push away from each other. A charged object will also attract something that is neutral. Think about how you can make a balloon stick to the wall. If you charge a balloon by rubbing it on your hair, it picks up extra electrons and has a negative charge. Holding it near a neutral object will make the charges in that object move. If it is a conductor, many electrons move easily to the other side, as far from the balloon as possible. If it is an insulator, the electrons in the atoms and molecules can only move very slightly to one side, away from the balloon [3, 10-11].

Table 1. Vocabulary

English Uzbek

behave ishlamoq

opposites qarama-qarshi zaryadlar

attract (pull towards) tortmoq

repel (push away) itarmoq

molecules molekulalar

leak off o'tib ketmoq

humid zah, ho'l

In the conclusion we want to emphasize that the present study provided phase one evaluation of a recently developed training manual so that it could be revised and better meet needs of the target population in both general English and EST skill development. The results of the study have indicated that the teaching materials have basically met the needs of the target learners, who were electro-technical students mostly with basic level of English proficiency.


1. Dubin F. & Olshtain E., 2000. Course design. New York: Cambridge University Press.

2. Training Manual for Electrical Engineering Students (III course). M.Z. Salomova. Bukhara, 2018.


Mamedova M.A.


The British and American varieties of English account for around 70 per cent of mother-tongue English speakers, with Americans out-numbering British by four to one [1]. They are also the major players in the English-language teaching market (EFL and ESL). Although BrE speakers do not often like to think so, AmE is the dominant variety in the world today, as a consequence of the political, cultural and economic dominance of the USA. Because of the influence especially of American films and television series, as well as the pop music industry, many words that were formerly restricted to AmE are now well understood in BrE and in many cases are also part of many, especially younger, speakers' active vocabulary.

We need to account for the fact that some words are specific to either the American or the British variety and not used in World English, some are variety-specific but are used in World English, some have a sense which is variety-specific, and so on. Benson identify ten groups of lexical differences. The first five of these groups are:

1. Words that reflect cultural differences, with no equivalent in the other variety, e.g. Ivy League, Groundhog Day for AmE; Honours Degree, Value Added Tax for BrE.

2. Words that are variety-specific but which have an equivalent in the other variety, e.g. AmE baggage room=BrE left-luggage office, AmE potato chip=BrE crisp.

3. Words that have at least one sense used in World English (WE), with an additional sense or senses specific to either or both varieties. For example, caravan has the WE sense of 'a company of traders or other travelers journeying together, often with a train of camels, through the desert' [2], but it has specific sense in BrE of 'a large enclosed vehicle capable of being pulled by a car or lorry and equipped to be lived in' [2], which is equivalent to AmE trailer. A further example is homely, which has the WE sense 'characteristic of or suited to the ordinary home; unpretentious', and with a BrE sense '(of a person) warm and domesticated in manner or appearance' but an AmE sense '(of a person) plain or ugly' [2].

4. Words that have a single sense in World English and have an equivalent word in either AmE or BrE. An example is ballpoint pen, with BrE equivalent biro; or undertaker, with AmE equivalent mortician. WE filling station has AmE equivalent gas station and BrE equivalent petrol station.

5. Words that have no World English meaning, but that have different specific meanings in the two varieties. For example, flyover has AmE meaning 'a ceremonial flight of aircraftover a given area', equivalent to BrE flypast. In BrE, flyover has the meaning' an intersection of two roads at which one is carried over the other by a bridge' [2], equivalent to AmE overpass. In AmE public school is a free school financed by the state, whereas in BrE it is a fee-paying private educational establishment.

Crystal adapts Benson scheme to give a fourfold division in terms of the crossover potential of equivalent words between the AmE and BrE varieties:

1. no crossover potential from either side, e.g. (AmE words on the left, BrE on the right):

candy sweets

cot camp bed

2. crossover potential from AmE to BrE, but not from BrE to AmE; so the AmE words is in World English, e.g.

crepe pancake

French fries chips

intermission interval

3.crossover potential from BrE to AmE, but not from AmE to BrE; so the BrE word is in World English, e.g.

bathtub bath

fall autumn

4.crossover potential both from AmE to BrE and from BrE to AmE; so both words are in World English, e.g.

administration government antenna aerial

All the above examples are taken from Crystal [1]. They only begin to illustrate the vast differences in vocabulary between AmE and BrE, differences that have come about as the two nations have developed their own identities and pursued their own goals since the first settlers emigrated to America in the seventeenth century. Benson contains many more examples, including idioms, which may or may not have equivalents in the other language, e.g. Am E shoot the breeze='chat informally' (no BrE equivalent idiom), BrE fall the back of a lorry= 'be stolen' (no AmE equivalent idiom).

To sum up, it is necessary to underline that we have tried to show that the vocabulary of English is in reality a collection of "vocabularies". While all speakers of the language share a "common core" of words, each one also has access, either solely as a reader/listener or additionally as a writer/speaker to a number of ' specialist' vocabularies.


1. Crystal D., 1995, 2003. "The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language". Cambridge University Press.

2. Collins English Dictionary. CED, 1986, 2003. Harper Collins.


Хребтова Елена Владимировна - социальный педагог, Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение Платоновская СОШ, с. Платоновка, Рассказовский район, Тамбовская область

Аннотация: в статье анализируются факторы социального риска и профилактическая работа, направленная на предупреждение дезадаптационных проявлений подростка.

Ключевые слова: дети «группы риска», факторы социального риска, технология работы социального педагога с неблагополучными семьями.

Дети «группы риска» - это те дети, которые находятся в критической ситуации под воздействием некоторых нежелательных факторов. Риску обычно подвергаются дети из-за отсутствия нормальных условий их полноценного развития. Нежелательными факторами, которые воздействуют на детей с особенностями развития и обуславливают большую вероятность их неблагоприятной социализации, являются физические недостатки, социальная и педагогическая запущенность, и т. п.

В обществе появилась значительная по своим масштабам категория детей, которые до последнего времени прибывают как бы в статусе «ничьих». Они живут под одной крышей с родителями, но связи с их семьей атрофированы или разрушены. Отсутствие должного ухода и содержания, пренебрежение интересами и потребностями развивающейся личности, жесткое обращение в родительской семье создают реальную угрозу психофизическому, нравственному развитию ребенка.

В связи с этим обратимся к относительно узкому, но, тем не менее, очень актуальному понятию дети «группы риска», обозначение которого имеет ярко выраженный социальных характер. Категория детей «группы риска» является предметом исследования различных отраслей научного знания, вследствие чего имеет междисциплинарный характер изучения, обусловливающийся сложностью и многогранностью этого явления.

Слово «риск» означает возможность, большую вероятность чего-либо, как правило, негативного, нежелательного, что может произойти или не произойти. Поэтому, когда говорят о детях группы риска, подразумевается, что эти дети находятся под воздействием нежелательных факторов.

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