“THE BENEFITS OF BILINGUALISM IN CHILDREN” Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социологические науки»

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Ключевые слова
Bilingualism / cognitive functions / sociocultural / multitasking abilities / cultural immersion / metalinguistic awareness / code switching / language exposure / parental involvement. / Bilingualism / cognitive functions / sociocultural / multitasking abilities / cultural immersion / metalinguistic awareness / code switching / language exposure / parental involvement.

Аннотация научной статьи по социологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Xakimova Nargiz Xayrilloyevna

This article highlights the advantages of bilingualism in children. It emphasizes how being bilingual can help in cognitive, social, cultural, and academic aspects of a child's life.

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This article highlights the advantages of bilingualism in children. It emphasizes how being bilingual can help in cognitive, social, cultural, and academic aspects of a child's life.

Текст научной работы на тему «“THE BENEFITS OF BILINGUALISM IN CHILDREN”»

Innovative Academy Research Support Center UIF = 8.1 | SJIF = 7.899 www.in-academy.uz


Khakimova Nargiz Khayrilloyevna

The Teacher of History and Philology Department Asia International University

Bukhara, Uzbekistan Email: xnargiz92@gmail.com https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10893965



Received: 23th March 2024 Accepted: 28th March 2024 Online: 29th March 2024

KEYWORDS Bilingualism, cognitive

functions, sociocultural,

multitasking abilities, cultural immersion, metalinguistic awareness, code switching, language exposure, parental involvement.

This article highlights the advantages of bilingualism in children. It emphasizes how being bilingual can help in cognitive, social, cultural, and academic aspects of a child's life.

«ПОЛЬЗА БИЛИНГВАЛИЗМА У ДЕТЕЙ» Хакимова Наргиз Хайриллоевна

Преподаватель историко-филологического факультета Азиатский международный университет

Бухара, Узбекистан Электронная почта: xnargiz92@gmail.com https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10893965


Received: 23th March 2024 Accepted: 28th March 2024 Online: 29th March 2024 KEYWORDS

Билингвизм, когнитивные функции, социокультурные способности, способность к многозадачности, культурное погружение, металингвистическое сознание, переключение кода, языковое воздействие,

участие родителей.


В данной статье освещаются преимущества билингвизма у детей. В нем подчеркивается, как двуязычие может помочь в когнитивных, социальных, культурных и академических аспектах жизни ребенка.


UIF = 8.1 | SJIF = 7.899


Xakimova Nargiz Xayrilloyevna

Tarix va filologiya kafedrasi o'qituvchisi Osiyo xalqaro universiteti Buxoro, O'zbekiston Elektron pochta: xnargiz92@gmail.com https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10893965




Received: 23th March 2024 Accepted: 28th March 2024 Online: 29th March 2024

KEYWORDS Ikki tillilik, kognitiv funktsiyalar, sotsial-madaniy, ko'p vazifali qobiliyatlar, madaniy singish,

metallingvistik xabardorlik, kod almashinuvi, tilga ta'sir qilish, ota-onalar ishtiroki.

Ushbu maqola bolalarda ikki tillilikning afzalliklarini ta'kidlaydi. U ikki tilli bo'lish bola hayotining kognitiv, ijtimoiy, madaniy va akademik jihatlarida qandayyordam berishiga urg'u beradi.


The term "bilingualism" describes the ability to speak and comprehend two languages with ease. This valuable gift can also provide children with a range of cognitive, social, and academic advantages. In addition to having better access to educational and professional possibilities and a broader awareness of diverse cultures, bilingual individuals can communicate with a larger number of people. Linguistic background, cultural background, and the educational environment within the family can influence child bilingualism in various language combinations. Parents and educators can help children realize their full potential and prosper in a world that is becoming more interconnected by encouraging bilingualism in them.

Benefits of Bilingualism in children

As it is mentioned above, bilingualism is the ability to speak and understand two languages freely and naturally. It can also refer to the sociocultural identity of individuals who have grown up with or are proficient in two languages.

Having a useful skill such as bilingualism has many advantages for the mind, economy, and society. Additionally, a Canadian psychologist in her research has shown that bilingualism can lead to improved cognitive functions and may even provide some protection against cognitive decline in older age (Bialystok et al., 2012).

Bilingual children may also have better attention control and task-switching abilities, as they need to manage two language systems simultaneously. Additionally, studies have suggested that bilingualism may delay the onset of age-related cognitive decline and improve overall brain health in adulthood (Gallo et al., 2022).

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Furthermore, exposure to two languages from an early age can lead to structural changes in the brain, such as increased gray matter density in areas related to language processing and executive function. These changes can have long-lasting impacts on cognitive abilities and may provide advantages in academic and professional settings (Pliatsikas et al., 2020).

From a cognitive perspective, Marian & Shook (2012) proved that bilingualism has a positive impact on brain development, cognitive flexibility, problem-solving skills, and multitasking abilities (Marian & Shook, 2012). Bilingual individuals often have a greater capacity for learning new languages and adapting to new environments. Cognitive Benefits:

* Enhanced Executive Function: Children who speak two languages have better executive function abilities, such as working memory, attention, and inhibitory control.

* Better Ability to Solve Problems: Bilingualism encourages flexible thinking and problemsolving skills.

* Increased Creativity: Children who speak two languages frequently exhibit higher levels of creativity and divergent thinking.

From a social perspective, bilingualism can provide individuals with access to different cultures, communities, and opportunities (Chen & Padilla, 2019). It can also facilitate communication and understanding between people from different linguistic backgrounds. Social and Emotional Benefits:

* Cultural Awareness: Bilingualism fosters cultural awareness and appreciation for diversity.

* Better Communication skills: Bilingual kids gain excellent communication abilities in both languages, as well as great language acquisition.

* Increased Confidence: Bilingualism can boost children's confidence and self-esteem.

From a cultural perspective, bilingualism allows individuals to maintain connections to their heritage language and culture while also participating in the dominant culture of their environment (Trisnawati, 2017). This can lead to a greater sense of identity and belonging for bilingual individuals.

Additionally, bilingual children may have better executive functioning skills, such as attention control and multitasking abilities. They may also have improved metalinguistic awareness, which is the ability to think about language as a system and understand its rules (Ter Kuile et al., 2010). Academic Benefits:

* Improved Literacy Skills: Children who are bilingual frequently possess better reading comprehension and writing proficiency in both languages.

* Better Math Skills: Research has connected bilingualism with enhanced arithmetic skills, especially in the domains of spatial reasoning and problem-solving.

* Academic Success: Children who are bilingual typically do better academically overall, earning higher test scores and grades.

While bilingualism has many advantages, there are also some potential disadvantages for children:

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1. Language confusion: If a youngster is still learning their language, they may have trouble distinguishing between their two native tongues. This may result in linguistic misunderstandings or make it harder to locate the appropriate words in either language.

2. Delayed language development: In some cases, Byers-Heinlein & Lew-Williams (2013) believed that bilingual children might have a slight delay in language development compared to monolingual children (Byers-Heinlein & Lew-Williams, 2013). This delay is usually temporary and the long-term benefits of bilingualism often outweigh this short-term disadvantage.

3. Social isolation: Children who are bilingual may experience feelings of isolation or dissimilarity from their friends who are monolingual, particularly if they attend schools where their second language is not often spoken.

4. Academic challenges: In their studies, Byers-Heinlein & Lew-Williams, (2013) have suggested that bilingual children may initially struggle academically compared to monolingual peers, particularly in subjects that require strong language skills (Byers-Heinlein & LewWilliams, 2013). However, this disadvantage tends to diminish over time as the child becomes more proficient in both languages.

It is important to note that these disadvantages are not experienced by all bilingual children and can be mitigated through appropriate support and encouragement for language development.


There are several methods for promoting bilingualism in individuals, of any age, including:

1. Dual Language Immersion Programs: These programs provide instruction in two languages, with the goal of developing proficiency in both languages.

2. Code-Switching: Encouraging individuals to switch between languages in different contexts can help them maintain and develop their bilingual abilities (Kavak & Deretarla Gul, 2020).

3. Language Classes: Taking formal language classes can help individuals improve their skills in both languages.

4. Cultural Immersion: Introducing people to the cultures connected to each language helps foster a greater appreciation and comprehension of both languages.

5. Language Exposure: Encouraging people to hear and utilize both languages in authentic environments on a regular basis will assist strengthen their bilingualism.

6. Parental Involvement: By speaking to their kids in two languages and giving them opportunity for exposure to and practice in both languages, parents can play a critical part in encouraging bilingualism.

7. Technology-Based Learning: By offering dynamic and interesting language learning experiences, a variety of language apps and online resources can be used to promote bilingualism.

Each method has its own advantages and may be more appropriate depending on the individual's age, current language proficiency, and cultural background.


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Parental involvement plays an important position in child's language development and this is the most effective method to promote bilingualism in children so far. Teaching a child two languages can surely be a rewarding and enriching experience. There are some keys tips that can be help a child to learn two languages:

1. Introducing both languages to the child from an early age. Children are more receptive to learning multiple languages before the age of six.

2. Creating a consistent language routine at home. For example, a parent can speak one language at home and another outside the home or with specific family members.

3. Encouraging and praising the child when they use both languages correctly. Positive reinforcement will motivate the child to continue learning.

4. Providing the child with multiple opportunities to hear and utilize both languages, including through contact with native speakers and media like books, music, and TV shows.

5. Learning two languages is a process that takes time, so being patient with the child's progress is crucial.

6. Not pressuring the child to communicate in a specific tongue. All children are different and naturally acquire language at their own pace, so it is vital to keep that in mind.

7. Helping the child understand the cultural background associated with each language to create a strong connection and motivation for learning both languages.

Overall, creating an environment that supports and encourages bilingualism will help a bilingual child become proficient in both languages while embracing their multicultural identity.


In conclusion, bilingualism has many benefits, including improved cognitive skills, increased job opportunities, and enhanced communication abilities. It also provides a deeper understanding of different cultures and can lead to greater empathy and tolerance. However, there may be challenges in maintaining both languages and navigating societal attitudes towards bilingual individuals. Overall, the advantages of bilingualism outweigh the drawbacks, making it a valuable skill to develop.


1. Bialystok, E., Craik, F. I. M., & Luk, G. (2012). Bilingualism: Consequences for mind and brain. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 16(4), 240-250. https://doi.Org/10.1016/i.tics.2012.03.001

2. Byers-Heinlein, K., & Lew-Williams, C. (2013). Bilingualism in the Early Years: What the Science Says. Learning Landscapes, 7(1), 95-112. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6168212/

3. Chen, X., & Padilla, A. M. (2019). Role of Bilingualism and Biculturalism as Assets in Positive Psychology: Conceptual Dynamic GEAR Model. Frontiers in Psychology, 10. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02122

4. Gallo, F., DeLuca, V., Prystauka, Y., Voits, T., Rothman, J., & Abutalebi, J. (2022). Bilingualism and Aging: Implications for (Delaying) Neurocognitive Decline. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 16. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnhum.2022.819105

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5. Kavak, §ule & Deretarla Gul, Ebru. (2020). Bilingualism in Early Childhood: Code Switching. 70-83.

6. Marian, V., & Shook, A. (2012). The cognitive benefits of being bilingual. Cerebrum: The Dana Forum on Brain Science, 2012(13), 13. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3583091/

7. Murodova, D. (2023). FICTIONAL HEROES IN MODERN RUSSIAN LITERATURE. Modern Science and Research, 2(9), 112-114. Retrieved from https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/science-research/article/view/23907



10. Murodova, D. (2023). ARABIC WORDS USED IN MODERN RUSSIAN. Modern Science and Research, 2(4), 576-578. Retrieved from https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/science-research/article/view/19400


12. Pliatsikas, C., Meteyard, L., Verissimo, J., DeLuca, V., Shattuck, K., & Ullman, M. T. (2020). The effect of bilingualism on brain development from early childhood to young adulthood. Brain Structure and Function, 225(7), 2131-2152. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00429-020-02115-5

13. Ter Kuile, H., Veldhuis, M., Van Veen, S. C., & Wicherts, J. M. (2010). Bilingual education, metalinguistic awareness, and the understanding of an unknown language. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 14(02), 233-242. https://doi.org/10.1017/s1366728910000258

14. Trisnawati, I. K. (2017). Maintaining the identity of bilingual individuals in multicultural/multilingual settings. Englisia Journal, 5(1), 8. https://doi.org/10.22373/ej.v5i1.1660

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15. Xasanova, S. (2024). NAMES OF PERSONS IN RUSSIAN, UZBEK PROVERBS AND SAYINGS. Modern Science and Research, 3(2), 425-435. Retrieved from https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/science-research/article/view/29049

16. Xasanova, S. (2024). DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PROVERB AND SAYING. Modern Science and Research, 3(1), 140-147. Retrieved from https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/science-research/article/view/27853


18. Xasanova, S. (2024). NAMES OF PERSONS IN RUSSIAN, UZBEK PROVERBS AND SAYINGS. Modern Science and Research, 3(2), 425-435. Retrieved from https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/science-research/article/view/29049

19. Xasanova, S. (2024). DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PROVERB AND SAYING. Modern Science and Research, 3(1), 140-147. Retrieved from https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/science-research/article/view/27853

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