Научная статья на тему 'THE BEGINNINGS OF FOREIGN CULTURAL POLITICS IN RUSSIA Part 3. Heinrich von Huyssen’s European Network in the Service of the Foreign Cultural Policy under Peter the Great'

THE BEGINNINGS OF FOREIGN CULTURAL POLITICS IN RUSSIA Part 3. Heinrich von Huyssen’s European Network in the Service of the Foreign Cultural Policy under Peter the Great Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
Heinrich von Huyssen / Tido Henricus â Lith junior / foreign cultural policy / first German-language biography of Peter the Great. / Генрих фон Гюйссен / Тидо Генрих фон дер Лит / внешняя культурная политика / первая немецкоязычная биография Петра Первого

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Dirk Kemper

Heinrich von Huyssen’s cultural and political work was certainly not limited to promoting Russia’s image and the tsar’s governmental policy through his own writings. He furthermore developed a differentiated and intricate system with the intention of exercising influence over the public opinion of Russia in Western Europe. Heinrich von Huyssen made systematic use of networks of European scholars and provided them not only with finished texts but also detailed information from other authors. It seems likely that his experiences with Neugebauer led to the decision not to identify himself as the author of his works and rather to deliver information and materials to others in such a way that they were then in the position to transmit a convincing and positive image of Russia using authentic documents from the Moscow (and then later Saint Petersburg) chancellery. Thus, he influenced the way in which the reports on Russia were presented in European newspapers and journals, lexica, travel writing, historical works and biographical and autobiographical writing. Particular attention is paid in the paper to the first German-language biography of Peter the Great, which came out in 1710. The tone of the writing evokes justified doubts about the claim that the text might have been written by a German-speaking author. Furthermore, the analysis of the biography demonstrates that the writer has an immense quantity of documents at his disposal which can obviously only come directly from the chancellery of the Russian court.

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Истоки внешней культурной политики в России Часть 3. Европейские контакты Генриха фон Гюйссена на службе внешней культурной политики Петра Первого

Деятельность Генриха фон Гюйссена в сфере культурной политики отнюдь не ограничивалась тем, что он посредством своих текстов создавал позитивный образ России и государственной политики ее царя – императора Петра Первого. Немецкому дипломату удалось создать дифференцированную си-стему влияния на общественное мнение о России в Западной Европе. Он систематически использовал свои связи с европейскими учеными и предоставлял не только готовые тексты, но и довольно подробную информацию в распоряжение других авторов. Вероятно, опыт общения с Нойгебауером привел к тому, что со временем Генрих фон Гюйссен отказался от писательской деятельности и взял на себя роль источника информации и материалов, которые давали возможность другим культурным деятелям Европы создавать убедительный и положительный образ России с отсылкой к достоверным документам из московской (а позже и петербургской) канцелярии. Таким образом, он оказывал влияние на публикации о России в европейских журналах и газетах, в словарях, в описаниях путешествий и исторических сочинениях, в биографических и автобиографических текстах. Особое внимание в статье уделяется первой биографии Петра Первого на немецком языке, вышедшей в 1710 г. Тон произведения подтверждает, что данное издание являлось частью внешней культурной политики России в немецкоязычном пространстве. Подробный анализ текста биографии демонстрирует, что ее автор располагал множеством документов, которые могли быть получены только лишь из канцелярии русского двора.

Текст научной работы на тему «THE BEGINNINGS OF FOREIGN CULTURAL POLITICS IN RUSSIA Part 3. Heinrich von Huyssen’s European Network in the Service of the Foreign Cultural Policy under Peter the Great»

D. Kemper (Moscow)


Part 3. Heinrich von Huyssen's European Network in the Service of the Foreign Cultural Policy under Peter the Great*

Abstract. Heinrich von Huyssen's cultural and political work was certainly not limited to promoting Russia's image and the tsar's governmental policy through his own writings. He furthermore developed a differentiated and intricate system with the intention of exercising influence over the public opinion of Russia in Western Europe. Heinrich von Huyssen made systematic use of networks of European scholars and provided them not only with finished texts but also detailed information from other authors. It seems likely that his experiences with Neugebauer led to the decision not to identify himself as the author of his works and rather to deliver information and materials to others in such a way that they were then in the position to transmit a convincing and positive image of Russia using authentic documents from the Moscow (and then later Saint Petersburg) chancellery. Thus, he influenced the way in which the reports on Russia were presented in European newspapers and journals, lexica, travel writing, historical works and biographical and autobiographical writing. Particular attention is paid in the paper to the first German-language biography of Peter the Great, which came out in 1710. The tone of the writing evokes justified doubts about the claim that the text might have been written by a German-speaking author. Furthermore, the analysis of the biography demonstrates that the writer has an immense quantity of documents at his disposal which can obviously only come directly from the chancellery of the Russian court.

Key words: Heinrich von Huyssen; Tido Henricus a Lith junior; foreign cultural policy; first German-language biography of Peter the Great.

Д. Кемпер (Москва)

Истоки внешней культурной политики в России

Часть 3. Европейские контакты Генриха фон Гюйссена на службе внешней культурной политики Петра Первого**

Аннотация. Деятельность Генриха фон Гюйссена в сфере культурной политики отнюдь не ограничивалась тем, что он посредством своих текстов создавал позитивный образ России и государственной политики ее царя - императора Петра Первого. Немецкому дипломату удалось создать дифференцированную си-

* The publication has been supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), through realization of the research project 16-24-49005

** Публикация подготовлена в рамках поддержанного РФФИ научного проекта № 16-2449005

стему влияния на общественное мнение о России в Западной Европе. Он систематически использовал свои связи с европейскими учеными и предоставлял не только готовые тексты, но и довольно подробную информацию в распоряжение других авторов. Вероятно, опыт общения с Нойгебауером привел к тому, что со временем Генрих фон Гюйссен отказался от писательской деятельности и взял на себя роль источника информации и материалов, которые давали возможность другим культурным деятелям Европы создавать убедительный и положительный образ России с отсылкой к достоверным документам из московской (а позже и петербургской) канцелярии. Таким образом, он оказывал влияние на публикации о России в европейских журналах и газетах, в словарях, в описаниях путешествий и исторических сочинениях, в биографических и автобиографических текстах. Особое внимание в статье уделяется первой биографии Петра Первого на немецком языке, вышедшей в 1710 г. Тон произведения подтверждает, что данное издание являлось частью внешней культурной политики России в немецкоязычном пространстве. Подробный анализ текста биографии демонстрирует, что ее автор располагал множеством документов, которые могли быть получены только лишь из канцелярии русского двора.

Ключевые слова: Генрих фон Гюйссен; Тидо Генрих фон дер Лит; внешняя культурная политика; первая немецкоязычная биография Петра Первого.


Huyssen did all he could to utilize his broad network within the western European "République des lettres" to propagate his foreign cultural policy in the interest of the Russian court. It seems likely that his experiences with Neugebauer led to the decision not to identify himself as the author of his work and rather to deliver information and materials to others in such a way that they were then in the position to transmit a convincing and positive image of Russia using authentic documents from the Moscow (and then later Petersburg) chancellery. A number of examples point towards such a strategy.

One natural intersection in his network was the University of Leipzig and its intellectual surroundings. Huyssen studied there from 1686 to 1688 and stayed there again between 1691 and 1692 [Amburger 1974, 106, refers in the NDB to places of study in Duisburg, Cologne and Halle. With regard to his periods in Leipzig, cf. Deutsches Biographisches Archiv (the German Biographical Archive), quoted in WBIS]. From this time, he remained in best contact with Otto Mencke, a professor of "Morals and Politics" at the University of Leipzig, and with his son, Johann Burckhard Mencke. The Menckes' circle included influential publishers in Leipzig, particularly Johann Grosse and Successors, Johann Friedrich Gleditsch and his stepson Thomas Fritsch, who ran a branch of the publishing house in Frankfurt am Main. Gleditsch was also a professor of history at the university and was married to one of Mencke's daughters [cf. Korzun 2013, 67]. All three were involved in the Acta Eruditorum (1682-1731; Nova Acta Eruditorum 1732-1782), a general and scientific journal in Latin that was intended to represent German scholarship at an international level and enjoyed a high level of regard as a leading publication in German-speaking

countries at the end of the seventeenth century. Otto Mencke founded the journal in 1862 and was its first acting editor, succeeded after his death in 1707 by his son Johann Burckhard Mencke. One of the leading authors of the Acta was the philosopher Leibniz. The constellation of protagonists surrounding the Acta, primarily Mencke, Grosse, Gleditsch and Fritsch, along with a great number of scholars from the university, represented a, or indeed the, central field of scholarly life in Leipzig during Huyssen's lifetime.

Huyssen took on the role of Acta's external Russia expert in 1706, offering critical readings of manuscripts, supplementing them with further supporting materials but also publishing documents himself, such as the letter of the Polish Kings Sigismund II. August and Stephan Bathory, which he had published together with Johann Burckhard Mencke in 1703. The edition received a positive review in the Acta [cf. Korzun 2013, 68]. Huyssen sent the editors books printed in Russia and they correspondingly published reviews [Reviewed in detail by Korzun 2013, 70-72]. Huyssen left no stone unturned in his mission to praise the works of Peter I and used the journal to transport a positive image of Russia, whilst avoiding being seen as the Tsar's personal cultural propagandist.

Another associate of Johann Burckhardt Mencke and Thomas Fritsch was Christian Stieff, who had been employed at the Breslau Magdalenen Gymnasium school since 1706 [cf. WBIS, Fiches I 1227, 201-204; III 886, 411-413]. His

„Relation von dem gegenwärtigen zustande des Moscowitischen Reichs. Franck-furt: bey Thomas Fritschen, 1706"

(Relation of the current conditions of the Muscovite Realm. Frankfurt: published by Thomas Fritschen, 1706)

was, after the old "classic" portrayals of Russia by Adam Olearius in his travel writing [Olearius 1647], Baron Sigismund von Herberstein in his Rerum Mocoviticarum Commentarii [Heberstein 1551; Heberstein 1567] and the compilation of the old knowledge standards in Zedler's Universal-Lexikon [Zedler 1731-1754], the first monograph to satisfy the general readership's need for information about the rapid shifts taking place in Peter I's Russia [cf. Moepps 1987, 83]. Stieffs portrayal of Russia makes reference to current information and documents from Russian sources ("particularly considering that the author has drawn his reports from the best and newest memoirs" / "sonderlich da der auctor derselben seinen bericht aus den besten und allerneusten memoires gezogen" [Stieff 1706, foreword, unpaginated, (II)], of which it is incontrovertibly acknowledged by all researchers in the field that they were transmitted to him by Huyssen [cf. Moepps 1987, 77 f.; Korzun 2013, 83 f.]. Some scholars attribute the authorship to him too, although this seems to be less than probable.

The foreword clearly declares the panegyrical nature of the text in relation to Tsar Peter I (but not to the Russian people):

„Niemahls aber hat ein Moscowitischer Souverain durch seine verrichtungen grös-

seren eclat in der welt gemacht als der itzige Großmächtigste Czaar Peter Alexiewiz <...>".

(Never has a Muscovite Sovereign achieved more resonance and splendour in the world through his activities than the current almighty Tsar Peter Alexjewits <...>.) [Stieff 1706, foreword, unpaginated, (I)]

Peter is celebrated as author of a cultural translation imperii for having transported the rule of the muses to Russia in the course of his "cultivation" programme, a widespread variation of the topos of Moscow as a "third Rome":

„Also haben auch die Musen oder göttinnen der freyen künste einen neuen Helicon in den Moscowitischen gefilden angetroffen auf welchen sie sich niederzulassen und die cultivirung der rauhen gemüther zu treiben angefangen".

(Thus the muses or Goddesses of the free arts have discovered a new Helicon in the Muscovite fields where they shall remain and have commenced with the cultivation of the raw spirits.) [Stieff 1706, 165 f.]

The leading tenets of the Petrine governmental are described here in entirely affirmative terms.

A second example of Huyssen's positive cultural propaganda can be found in the first German-language biography of Peter I, which came out in 1710:

„Des grossen Herrens Czaars und Groß Fürstens von Moscau Petri Alexiewiz, Des gantzen grossen kleinen und weissen Reußlandes Selbsthalters etc. etc. etc. Leben und Thaten aus besonderen Nachrichten beschrieben, Mit schönen Kupfern gezieret. In Zwey Theilen. Von J.H. v. L. [Motto] Franckfurt und Leipzig: Bey Johann Leonhard Buggeln, 1710. Tl. 1: [XII], 471 S., [43 S. Register]; Tl. 2: [XIV], 604 S".

(The Life and Deeds of the great Gentleman Tsar and Grand Duke of Moscow Petri Alexjewits, the very great self retainer of small and white Russia etc. etc. etc. composed of special reports, adorned with beautiful copperplate decorations. In two parts. By J.H. v. L. [Motto] Franckfurt and Leipzig: published by Johann Leonhard Buggeln, 1710. Part 1: [XII], 471 p., [43 p. index]; Part 2: [XIV], 604 p.

The initials "J.H. v. L." are usually ascribed to Johann Heinrich von Lohenstein but there is no evidence of anyone of this name in any of the entries in the lexica of poets and scholars of the time ([Robel 1987, 155, note 7 also refers to this but does not assume it to be fictive, but rather attempts to speculate on the identity of the individual as a member of the Lohenstein family (Daniel Caspar von Lohenstein)]. As early as 1739, Martin Hassen articulated his doubts about the existence of such a person [Hassen 1739, unpag. XXXIX, manuscript sheet C4 recte]. Russian research was able to bring a second name into the discourse. In 1997, Swedish author Carl Reinhold Berch's (1706-1777) travel report of his journey to Moscow was published for the first time. The text describes his journey to Moscow in 1735-36 which Berch, on the basis of his notes and diaries, consequently expanded to create his "Rese-Anteckningar om Ryssland"

[cf. Берк / Berch 1997, 254, note 28; Skodock 2006, 33 f.]. Without any element of doubt, he ascribes the abbreviation "J.H. v. L." to a professor from Frankfurt named J.H. "фон Лют" ("von Lüt<h>", or possibly "von Lit<h>"). Berch explains that Lith received his highly dependable material from Baron von Huys-sen [Берк / Berch 1997, 172, with note **].

Huyssen had re-matriculated [cf. Friedländer 1888, 234, column b, line 35] - most likely as an extra-mural student - at the University of Frankfurt an der Oder on the 11th January 1696 under the name of "Henricus Huyssen Es-sendiensis", having already studied there ten years earlier. At that time (16461698), he may well have become acquainted with Tido Henricus ä Lith senior (variants of the name: "Tido Heinrich von Lith", "Tido Heinrich von der Lith", also "von der Lieth"), who was an acting professor of rhetoric [cf. Becmann 1707, 53, 54, 68, 74; cf. also Jöcher 1750, 2471; von der Decken 1972, 126] in Frankfurt from 1680. His son, Tido Henricus ä Lith junior (1678-1712), had a professorship for eloquence in Frankfurt/Oder from 1702 and continued his father's work in all journalistic spheres. He is the only possible candidate who can have been referred to as the author of the text Des grossen Herrens Czaars... (The Life and Deeds of the great Gentleman Tsar...) from 1710.

The tone of the writing furthermore throws up justified doubts about the claim that the text might have been written by a German-speaking author. At first, not unusually, the text declares its intention to proffer a biography of a living monarch, that is, a portrayal of the "res gestae" (in the title "Life and Deeds") (Zedler's Universal-Lexikon notes this explicitly in the article "Lebens-Beschreibung", "Description of the Life" [Zedler 1731-1754, XVI, 1276 ff.]). The writing, however, in no way confines itself to this biographical task. The writer does dedicate a major part of his text to the life of Peter to date but apart from this, the work can be read as a broad-ranging explication of the Tsar's governmental programme and his central concept of "cultivation":

„Es ist bisanhero von keinem Potentaten in der Welt mehr Redens und Schreibens gewesen als vom Czaar in Moscau. Jedermann bewundert die so klüglich von ihm vorgenommene und auch so glücklich von statten gehende Cultivirung seines grossen Reichs <...>. Man hat derowegen denenjenigen so eine vollkommene Kentniß von diesem Monarchen zu haben sich wünschen mit gegenwärtiger Lebens-Beschreibung an die Hand gehen wollen".

(To date no potentate in the world has been more discussed in speech and writing than the Tsar in Moscow. Everyone admires his so cleverly undertaken and so successfully occurring Cultivation of his great realm <...>. For this reason those who wish for such a perfect knowledge of this monarch have been provided with the present description of his life) [Des grossen Herrens Czaars 1710, I, foreword, unpaginated, (I) f.]

Furthermore, the writer has an immense quantity of documents at his disposal which can obviously only come directly from the chancellery of the Russian court. Clearly, he had been granted generous access to the files in order to enable him to proffer a panegyritcal and apologetic portrayal of Peter I's gov-

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emmental works to the German-speaking world:

„Aus allen bißher weitläufftig Angeführten erhellet sattsam daß der Czaar billich mit unter die löblichsten Regenten unserer Zeiten zu zehlen sey als welcher in der kürzten Zeit seiner Regierung so viele gute Gesetze zur Beförderung der Justiz, und zur Verbesserung der Policey gegeben so viel schöne Verordnungen und Anstalten zu Wasser und Lande in Friedens- und Kriegs-Sachen zu besserer Einrichtung der Commerden Manufakturen und anderen Künsten und Wissenschaften gemacht daß er dißfalls alle seinen glorieusen Vorfahren weit übersteiget. Dieser Ruhm ist in die von seinem Reiche entlegensten Länder erschollen: Die Chineser welche bißher alle Europäer für einäugig die übrige Welt für blind gehalten verwundern sich über die Weise und aktive Ausführung und Regierungs-Art des Czaars. Alle unpartheyische Relationes von derer Ministres beschreiben diesen Monarchen / als einen rechten Vatter des Vatterlandes der sowol die Klugheit als die Gerechtigkeit die Richtschnur seiner Regierung seyn lässet".

(From all of the descriptions to date it is amply illuminated that the Tsar is easily countable amongst the most praiseworthy regents of our times in that, in the brief period of his government, so many good laws have been passed to support the promotion of justice and to the embetterment of policy so many beautiful commands and arrangements have been made in relation to water and land to matters of peace and war to the better establishment of commerce manufacture and other arts and sciences that he in this case far exceeds all of his glorious predecessors. This praise has resonated into the furthest and remotest realms: The Chinese who to date had held all Europeans for one-eyed / the rest of the world for blind are amazed by the manner and active accomplishments of the Tsar and his way of governing. All of the impartial communications of their ministers describe this monarch as a true father of the home nation who allows both wisdom and justice to be the guiding principles his government.) [Des grossen Herrens Czaars 1710, I, 360 f.]

The quotation makes it quite clear that the author not only refers to Russian files but also makes use of all of the positive portrayals of the Tsar that were in circulation in German. The passages relating to China are clearly based on Christian Stieffs Relation [Guerrier 1873, 50, note * ("nichts als eine ausführlichere Bearbeitung der Relation" / "nothing but a detailed version of the Relation"), and Пекарский / Pekarskiy 1862, 97, both point to this influence].

The reference in the title pointing to the fact that the text proffered a portrayal "on the basis of particular information" ("aus besonderen Nachrichten beschrieben") is explicated by the author in his foreword in his reference to a messenger who provided information and material and who "had best access to the Tsar, his ministers and generals and their characters and had studied them and the entire Muscovite state" ("den Czaar seine Ministros und Generale und deren Naturell gar zu wol ausstudiret und den gantzen itzigen Moscowitischen Staat aufs beste inne hat"), but he ascribes to this "friend from Lieffland" ("Freund aus Lieffland") a legend, describing him as a "captain and major who had been wounded at Narwa" ("Capitain und Major, bei Narwa verwundet") [Des grossen Herrens Czaars 1710, I, foreword, unpaginated, (II) f.], which is not

applicable to Huyssen. This could, however, be seen as a tactical step undertaken in order to conceal the cultural political services with which he had been tasked. Svetlana Korzun certainly sees Huyssen as the "friend" referred to here [cf. Korzun 2013, 87].

This is supportable with reference to Huyssen's sphere of work in the period prior to the publication of the Life and Deeds in 1710. A long period of combat such as that against Sweden during the Great Nordic War required public legit-imization even at that time, even if the need for such legitimization was more rooted in internal politics than in relation to foreign affairs. As early as March 1705, Peter had therefore ordered that the war reports which had until then been written in an uncoordinated manner at various locations should be gathered together in the „Posol'skij prikaz", the administrative department responsible for foreign missions, in the form of an official war report. Peter intensified this undertaken in the aftermath of the victory against Sweden at the battle of Poltava, when he commissioned both Russian and non-Russian employees with the collation of a comprehensive war report [cf. Korzun 2013, 175]. Huyssen, too, at this point began to develop his "Zurnal Gosudarja Petra I" ("Journal of the sovereign Peter I"), of which two volumes pertaining to the years 1695-1709 and 1709-1710 were later published at the instigation of Katharina II. [rroeH 1787; TroeH 1788] Thus Huyssen functioned as a historical writer of Peter I's rule as well as his biographer, the latter being the role for which he was officially engaged. According to Peder von Havens' reports - and to German-language newspaper dispatches [proven in Blome 2000, 10, note 5] - he submitted a manuscript written in various different languages to the German Reichskanzlei entitled "The glorious life and deeds of Peter I" ("Glorreiche<s> Leben und Thaten Peter des 1sten"), which, however, was not adapted further following his death and was later replaced by Huyssen's Latin obituary (which was published later by Rabener [Huyssen 1725]).

Huyssen was clearly working with the same material around 1709 that was available to the author of Des grossen Herrens Czaars... (The Life and Deeds of the great gentleman and Tsar...). The latter partially cites pages of reprinted documents that Huyssen had published earlier in his Ausführliche<n> Beantwortung (DetailedResponse) in 1706 [cf. Korzun 2013, 87, note 59, 60]. Lev-inson-Lessing describes - in very general terms - Huyssen's „Zurnal Gosudarja Petra I" as a Russian translation of Des grossen Herrens Czaars... (The Life and Deeds of the great gentleman and Tsar...), and thus identifies Huyssen as the author of the work [cf. neBHHCOH-^eccHHr / Levinson-Lessing 1985, 248].

Huyssen used his western European networks to serve the purposes of pro-Russian cultural propaganda very intensely - and it was clearly intended that he should do so. In his later years, he wrote an overview of his duties of service to Peter I, excerpts of which were published by Peder van Haven in German. Here he writes:

„Patkul <...> gab ihm nach vorgezeigtem Befehl vom Zar, in schriftlichen Aufsätzen, folgende Commißionen: <...> 3) Die Gelehrten in Deutschland, Holland, und

andern Ländern, dahin zu vermögen, daß sie ihre merkwürdigen Abhandlungen, besonders von historischen, politischen und mechanischen Sachen, entweder dem Zar und dessen Kronprinzen oder den Ministern des Zaren, zueignen, auch etwas zu Rußlands Ruhm schreiben mögten, damit hierdurch dem Publico die schlechten Meinungen benommen würden, welche es von Rußland hatte. <...>

Huyssen bekam auch Befehl, die Bildnisse der kayserlichen Familie, wie auch der vornehmsten rußischen Generale und Ministers, in Kupfer stechen zu lassen, und selbige, zu ihrem Ruhm, im Staatsspiegel [Neu-eröffneter Welt- und Staats-Spiegel <...>. Haag / gedruckt in der Staats-Druckerey (recte: Leipzig) 1709-1716] und in der europäischen Fama [Die Europäische Fama, Welche den gegenwärtigen Zustand der vornehmsten Höfe entdeckt. Leipzig: Gleditsch, 1702-1765] einführen zu lassen, wie auch dafür zu sorgen, daß ihnen jederzeit gute Nachrichten von Rußland beygefügt würden [cf. Korzun 2013, 64, 60 f., 57-66]. Den gelehrten Gravina vermogte er dahin, eine Lobrede auf den Kayser drucken zu lassen [Gravina 1712; cf. Poccnyc / Rossius 2013, 92, 95]; Er beförderte auch die Zueignungsschriften, und so viele herrliche Nachrichten von Rußland als 1) den letzten Theil des Bildersaals mit Kupferstichen [Neu-eröffneter Historischer Bilder-Saal, Das ist: Kurtze / deutliche und unpassionirte Beschreibung Der Historiae Universalis. Nürnberg 1692-1782, 17 vols]; 2) beyde Sammlungen von Abrosii Lehmanns Staats-Remarquen [Historische Remarques Der Neuesten Sachen In Europa. Hamburg 1699-1707. Ed. Peter Ambrosius Lehmann]; 3) die Nachrichten von Rußland in Johann Hübners Zeitungslexicon [Reales Staats- und Zeitungs-Lexicon. Founded by Philipp B. Sinold von Schütz; Vorrede: Johann Hübner. Leipzig: Gleditsch, 1704]; 4) in der historischen und geographischen Beschreibung von Rußland, in italienischer und teutscher Sprache [Wartis 1713: Wartis 1717]; 5) des Heren Prokopowitsch Lobrede [npoKonoBHH / Prokopovich 1773] über den Sieg bey Pultawa".

(Patkul <...> gave him the following commissions following the demonstration of an order of the Tsar: <...> 3) To encourage the learned scholars in Germany, Holland and other countries to compose their notable treatments, in particular in relation to the Tsar and his crown princes or the ministers of the Tsar, in a manner favourable to them, and also to write about Russia's renown, so that the public would be relieved of the bad opinions they had of Russia. <...>

Huyssen also received an order to have images of the imperial family and the most noble Russian generals and ministers created in copperplate etchings and to introduce these to the portrayal of the state and to the European public sphere to enhance their renown, and also to ensure that they were always accompanied by good news from Russia. He therefore brought the scholar Gravina to print a eulogy to the Tsar to fulfil these ends; he also disseminated the sympathetic writings and so much fabulous new from Russia such as 1) the last part of the picture gallery in copperplate; 2) both the collections of Abrosii Lehmann's stately observations; 3) the news from Russia in Johann Hübner's newspaper lexicon; 4) in the historical and geographical description of Russia in Italian and German; 5) Mr. Prokopovitch's eulogy on the victory at Poltava.) [Haven 1776, 317 f., 324 f.]

He also wrote a foreword to the Latin "History of Poland" by Jan Dlugocz [Dlugocz 1711], corresponded intensively with Leibniz [cf. Guerrier 1873;

Richter 1946] and furthermore utilized his connections with Hallistic Pietism [cf. Winter 1953; Salomies 1936]. There are many more similar examples that could be listed.

To return to the definition of foreign cultural policy that was introduced above: first, such a policy must be put into practice by a governmental organisation (generally by the foreign ministry) and either be established within that organisation as an institution or be clearly defined by means of corresponding tasks assigned to its employees. Secondly, foreign cultural policy must fit in with a larger, overriding foreign policy concept and / or overriding foreign policy interests and serve these accordingly. The overriding political interests that Huyssen's work served can be defined in concentric circles. Generally, his work served to disseminate effectively and to a broad public Peter I's "cultivation" programme, regardless of whether or not one choses to interpret this according to the perspective of the self-image of the Russian court as a cultural development programme designed along the lines of the notion of progress as defined by the Enlightenment or rather understands it in terms of the politics of power as a programme of modernization designed to establish military and commercial equivalence, or even superiority, in the context of the European dynamics of power. Specifically, Huyssen's activities served to protect the Petrine politics of recruitment and even more specifically fulfilled the need that had grown during the war against Sweden for foreign cultural propaganda disseminated through public media to create a positive image of Russia.

Institutionally, Huyssen's publicity work was conducted before and during the establishment of the college for foreign affairs. Although the war council of the "war collegium" that was established later did not officially belong to this section, its activities clearly fit in with the cultural propaganda that was coming into being at the time under a governmental mandate. The level of success or influence that research accords to him today [cf. Petschauer 1978, 492 f.] is ultimately of secondary importance.

As early as 1860, the Russian Pëtr Petrovic Pekarskij described Huyssen aptly as "Uceno-literaturnyj agent russkago pravitelstva" [Пекарский / Pek-arskiy 1860] ("the learned literary agent of the Russian government"), which is to say, a "cultural mediator for the Russian governement in the res publica literaria" and as such a "government representative for foreign cultural policy".


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REFERENCES (Articles from Scientific Journals)

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

1. Amburger E. Huyssen, Heinrich Freiherr von. Neue Deutsche Biographie, 1974, vol. 10, p. 106 f. Available at: https://www.deutsche-biographie.de/gnd120584638. html#ndbcontent (accessed 17.02.2019). (In German).

2. Haven P. von. Nachrichten von dem Baron von Huyssen. Magazin für die neue Historie und Geographie, 1776, vol. 10, pp. 317-326, 279-364. (Translated from Danish to German).

3. Pekarskiy P.P. Baron Gyuyssen, ucheno-literaturnyy agent russkogo pravitel'stva v nachale XVIII stoletiya [Baron Huyssen, Scientific and Literary Agent of the Russian Government in the Early 18th Century]. Otechestvennyye zapiski, 1860, vol. 129, no. 3, pp. 49-72. (In Russian).

HoBbiü jмnоnогицecкиü BecmHUK. 2019. №4(51). --

4. Petschauer P. In Search of Competent Aides: Heinrich van Huyssen and Peter the Great. Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas, 1978, vol. 26, pp. 481-502. (In English).

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14. Richter L. Leibniz und sein Russlandbild. Berlin, 1946. (In German).

15. Salomies I. Der Hallesche Pietismus in Russland zur Zeit Peters des Großen.

Helsinki, 1936 (In German).

16. Skodock C. Barock in Russland. Zum Œuvre des Hofarchitekten Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli. Wiesbaden, 2006. (In German).

17. Stieff C. Relation von dem gegenwärtigen zustande des Moscowitischen Reichs. Franckfurt, 1706. (In German).

18. Wartis J. C. Der ietzige Staat von Rußland Oder Moscau unter ietziger Czari-schen Majestät. Vol. 2. Leipzig, 1717. (Translated from Italian to German).

19. Wartis J.C. Relazione geografica storicopolitica dell'imperio della Gran Russia, д sia Moscovia con le vite, & azioni più memorabili de'passati Regnanti sino al tempo di S.M. Cz. Pietro primo oggi dominante: in 2 vols. Milano, 1713. (In Italian).

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Dirk Kemper, Russian State University for the Humanities.

Doctor of Philology, Prof. Dr. Dr., Director of the Thomas Mann Chair for German Philology; Director of the Institute for Russian and German Literature and Cultural Relationships. Research areas: New German literary studies, cultural studies, comparative studies.

E-mail: dirk_kemper@me.com

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3099-6836

Кемпер Дирк, Российский государственный гуманитарный университет.

Доктор филологических наук, доктор филологии и культурологии, профессор, заведующий кафедрой немецкой филологии имени Томаса Манна, директор Института русско-немецких литературных и культурных связей. Область научных интересов: история немецкой литературы Нового времени, культурология, сравнительное литературоведение.

E-mail: dirk_kemper@me.com

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3099-6836

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