Научная статья на тему 'The balanced innovative development concept of the Russian Federation construction complex'

The balanced innovative development concept of the Russian Federation construction complex Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Geraskina I., Grigoryev S., Goriacheva K.

The article substantiates the importance of innovative economic development for the Russian Federation, which necessitates a more in-depth study of the properties and features of the functioning of its subsystems, the content and forms of their interaction, as well as the search for ways to improve the effectiveness of management systems. Given that investment and construction activities make a significant contribution to the growth of macroeconomic indicators of the Russian Federation, it is studied without a detailed understanding of the inherent properties and patterns of development as a complex self-regulatory system. A study of the functioning and scientific approaches to ensuring a balanced innovative development of economic systems, taking into account the basic principles of system theories, self-organization and synergetics, allowed us to formulate a conceptual vision and methodological basis for the construction complex of the Russian Federation and briefly present it in this paper.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The balanced innovative development concept of the Russian Federation construction complex»



Geraskina I.

Doctor of Economics, Professor Grigoryev S.


St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Goriacheva K.


St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


The article substantiates the importance of innovative economic development for the Russian Federation, which necessitates a more in-depth study of the properties and features of the functioning of its subsystems, the content and forms of their interaction, as well as the search for ways to improve the effectiveness of management systems. Given that investment and construction activities make a significant contribution to the growth of mac-roeconomic indicators of the Russian Federation, it is studied without a detailed understanding of the inherent properties and patterns of development as a complex self-regulatory system. A study of the functioning and scientific approaches to ensuring a balanced innovative development of economic systems, taking into account the basic principles of system theories, self-organization and synergetics, allowed us to formulate a conceptual vision and methodological basis for the construction complex of the Russian Federation and briefly present it in this paper.

Keywords: innovative development, economic system, management, organizational and management innovations, balanced development, management system.


Construction, being a priority area of the national economy, actively influences it and largely determines the trend of functioning, as well as the quality of life of people. Acting as a locomotive of socio-economic development of the country and possessing high cumulative potential, construction is associated with almost all industries and related spheres of economic activity. The strategic guidelines for the development of the construction complex are objectified by the demands of consumers not only in a safe, but also in a comfortable living environment with high environmental characteristics and aesthetic requirements. Satisfaction of such requirements is possible under the condition of large-scale modernization of the construction industry with the use of breakthrough scientific and technical solutions in all segments of human activity.

All this gives the basis for the conclusion that a fundamental change in the approach to the study of the properties, features and factors of the development of the construction complex is necessary, which provokes the modernization of the management system to ensure a balanced innovation trend and high standards of quality of life of people. Important factors in the development of the construction industry are fair competition, freedom of economic activity, the development of market mechanisms, corporate culture and moral values.

At present, the Russian economy is in dire need of creating a competitive CC that creates a comfortable environment for human life and activity that meets high standards of quality and efficiency based on modern management systems and organizational and economic mechanisms aimed at improving programs and projects for socio-economic development [1], strengthening national security, innovative and spatial development of the Russian Federation. In order to formulate the concept of balanced innovative development of the most important subsystem of the national economy, we will

consider CC from the perspective of systems theories and dissipative structures.

The stability and balance of socio-economic development is determined by methods of combining forms and methods of organizational influence in the management system, the nature of the interaction of socioeconomic institutions, value ideas and patterns of behavior of business entities, economic interests and needs of society [2].

An essential characteristic of the development trend of CC in the context of a complex and multiplicative subsystem of the economy is time, because it is characterized by high inertia, stochasticity and hysteresis processes [3]. This necessitates accurate synchronous and multi-position control. Moreover, the direction of organizational changes depends on the specifics of construction activities, geography, economic well-being of the territory, the legal field, the nature of social relations and other exogenous and endogenous variables.

The modern stage of scientific research is caused by a high degree of detail of similar socio-economic systems, the study of processes of self-regulation and self-organization, as well as factors determining the nature and direction of the development trend [4]. In this regard, this work is focused on the identification of control parameters and mechanisms confirming the validity of the conceptual vision to ensure the sustainability of the most important subsystem of the national economy. It is strategically important to build variations of models of its balanced innovative development that can expand the instrumental base of research and ensure high efficiency of the management system.

Main text

The study of the economic situation, development trends of the CC and the external environment undergoing systemic transformations gives rise to the inevitability of dynamics in the organization's system and a

new level of requirements and management approaches. We highlight the key factors of the economy and society that actualize the modernization of the existing management system of the CC: scientific and technological progress and the formation of an intellectually-creative, innovative type of economy; globalization as an objective process of creating a unified world economic system and social relations; limited and degraded resources, focusing on the need for a transition to energy-resource-efficient processes and technologies (self-sustaining development); hypercompetition in the world market and high speed of updating product assortments, individualization of products, where marketing and service functions make the greatest contribution to creating new value and value; a high level of system consistency and an exponential increase in the amount of information necessary for the analysis and adoption of constructive management decisions; systemic transformations, the complexity of the business environment and processes in terms of technical improvement of production, labor organization and management [5].

These factors are interrelated and have a significant impact on the strategic orientations of business entities of the CC. In such conditions, managers find that their fundamental theories are becoming ineffective, traditional models that allow predicting and controlling the business require replacement with more organic judgments and non-linear thinking. Studies of endogenous patterns, sensitivity zones, and the influence of structural dynamics on the development trend of the CC are being updated. Many managers possess synergetic thinking and consider the CC as a living system capable of self-development and self-organization [6]. Such an understanding sooner or later comes to all researchers of complex systems, in whatever area of knowledge they work. Professor G. Haken is sure that "the time for synergetic education has come" [7].

The management system of the CC should be aimed at creating a synergistic potential that provides sensitivity and an adequate response of the components of the CC to synchronous, multi-position management influences for the development of a unified vector of the goal system. It is important to take into account that the dynamics of the pace of development increases as the movement from global to local - the smaller the

scale of the object and the scope of activity already considered, the greater the fluctuations in the pace of their innovative development. Accelerating innovative development leads to an adequate growth of synergetic potential, which acts as the basis for the modernization process.

The balanced innovation development management system is aimed at achieving self-regulation and self-organization of the CC. It is assumed that the decisive role is given to the state, which is called upon to create a favorable environment for innovative development: institutional conditions, i.e. establishes norms and rules that promote either the rise or paralysis and decline of the synergetic potential of the system. In relation to the CC, the state acts as the subject of management, defines the goals and objectives of development and is designed to ensure their achievement and solution. In this role, it decisively determines the direction, pace, organizational, economic and financial support for innovative development. The completeness of the conditions of the latter is ensured, on the one hand, by deep historical, cultural, technological and managerial experience, and, on the other hand, by an effective state, which liberates the creative potential of the CC as much as possible.

Given that the intellectual environment is the main source of innovation, the impact on the subjects of the CC is possible by introducing negentropy into the system (tools are used) and implementing the principles of balanced development. Its peculiarity lies in the maximum consideration of the inherent properties of the CC, which is revealed in the process of monitoring the environment; structure and level of heterogeneity for the implementation of reflective control; the degree of influence of the control parameters on the order parameters, which is revealed by approximating their values in dynamics in the process of economic and mathematical modeling to form a synergetic potential of the system. It is necessary to increase the level of activity of the CC, achieve a bifurcation state in order to regulate the development of SES and achieve synergistic effects [8].

Theory and calculation

Effective management systems (Fig. 1) are formed taking into account the characteristics of the country and territory, the state of the national economy, specific goals and objectives to be solved at certain periods of time, resources and industry specifics.

Fig. 1 The proposed structure of the management system of the Russian Federation Construction Complex

In this regard, a detailed understanding of the general laws and features of the development of CC and its subjects is of great importance. The structure of the control system should include the main components and the interacting subsystems: organizational, informational, industrial and intellectual. They are sensitive to the perception of production by end users, whose reaction is taken into account in the system in accordance with its content. Based on the set of characteristics of the state of the vehicle and the processes occurring in it, a decision on transformation is formed in the control system.

As part of the management system, it is advisable to create specialized tools and subsystems that provide real-time monitoring of the status of ongoing processes, their analysis and identification of prerequisites for innovative development.

The subsystem "Information" provides the collection and streamlining of primary data about CC, ranking, assessment of their significance, usefulness and scope. This subsystem is a basic technological platform that provides all other functions and processes with the necessary data. The subsystem "Organization" reflects the interaction structure of elements of the CC both in composition and in power, fixed in the form of structure-forming relationships and documents. Its technological basis is network information technology, without which modern management processes are not effective. The "Intellect" subsystem is a combination of computer tools elements for knowledge engineering (artificial intelligence) and professional knowledge and experience of personnel. Based on its intellectual properties, this subsystem is crucial in the areas of: innovative solutions, quality of control processes, identification of signs of fluctuations, bifurcations, and other

synergetic effects. Since information technologies play a decisive role in all subsystems, self-organization processes for the most part are information management tasks. All subsystems are inextricably linked and cannot be configured and autonomously formed: each version of one of the subsystems most effectively corresponds to certain versions of the others; a change in one of the subsystems requires reconfiguration of the others, otherwise the control system of the CC will be ineffective. When formulating the tasks of self-organization, the relationships between the subsystems and the nature of their interdependence should be fully taken into account. Modification of the state of any (any) element violates the settings of the entire system and requires managerial influence aimed at the formation of a new harmonious reconciliation (combination) of elements. The magnitude of the quantitative transformations of the system elements (subsystems) and the relationships between them, provided that they are harmoniously combined, can be a prerequisite for a synergistic effect. If the dynamics is in the direction of deterioration and exceeds a certain acceptable threshold, then the properties of the system change fundamentally, the previous settings no longer solve the problem, and a decision must be made on changing the composition, structure and organization of the components of the control system.

Balanced management of the CC changes the nature of management: from forcing the control object to a new state to creating favorable conditions for achieving its natural, targeted order. The methodology of balanced innovative development of CC consists in the coordination of specific principles, approaches, patterns, tools and properties. It is important to consider that im-

balances can destroy the system: with extreme nonlin-earity, hard resonance breaks the system, while unlimited openness dissolves in the external environment. It is important to consider the law of entropy equilibrium; when nonlinearity is mitigated, feedback is weakened, and its excessive isolation leads to an increase in entropy.

Efforts should be directed not only at managing the system, but also at creating the conditions under which it will embark on an innovative trend. It is logical that during the discussion of any modernization project, the focus is always on the questions of where to start and what should be the priority modernization steps. In the absence of a clearly defined algorithm for obtaining synergistic effects, many researchers propose a trial and error method based on extrapolating tendencies, forecasting, experience and synergistic thinking of a leader who sets rational goals for the organization. Therefore, the fundamental is the process of comprehending strategic goals and objectives for the CC, striving for self-organization, sustainability and innovation.

The primary task of management structures is to model and predict trends in the development of CC, forming positive feedbacks, creating the prerequisites for the transition of this economic system to a new quality that meets the requirements and image of the "future". It is important to note that the trajectory of the CC development can be set by systems of differential equations in order to predict and scientifically substantiate the programs being developed, since they must be realistic and feasible [9].

Short-term advantages (for example, welfare and high profits from production activities) in the future can lead to a deterioration in the functioning of such systems. The global problems of climate change, the depletion of oil resources, the exponential growth of population, the degradation of agricultural land, the shortage of fresh water and their consequences have already been manifested or will appear within the next few decades. "The human pressure on the environment continues to grow, despite the development of technology and the efforts of public organizations. Humanity has already gone beyond and is in an unstable area. However, the understanding of this problem in the world is weak. To reduce the environmental impact and return to an acceptable level, it is necessary to change personal and social values, which will take a lot of time" [10].


According to the concept of sustainable development, the main problem is to ensure a balanced development of CC with the imperative of avoiding disaster and the orientation of society towards self-maintenance, which requires completely different models and approaches to management. Technological progress, innovation, competitiveness formation, marketing management and market adaptability are necessary, but insufficient, as the development trend is the result of non-linear interactions.

The methodological provisions of the balanced management system of the CC are as follows:

• a heterogeneous structure, covering diverse elements: technology, organization, ecology, mentality,

psychology, politics, security, as well as all kinds of resources and the links between them;

• orientation to a positive synergistic effect, through the principles and impact on the control parameters of the CC with the imperative of analyzing the phase space and identifying the inherent inherent development paths;

• a unique architecture, due to the lack of a standard algorithm and focus on a creative approach with a set of elements for development: investment, intellectual, technological, productive resources that form a synergetic potential.

Synergetic potential is a systemic property that is formed as a result of intersubjective interactions and structural and institutional dynamics mainly due to intangible assets, complementary effects and is accompanied by an increase in the activity and entropy of the system. It provides sensitivity and an adequate response of its subjects and relationships to small exogenous (mainly managerial) influences and endogenous transformations for the development of a single system of goals and achieving the desired state.

From the perspective of the concept of balanced innovative development of CC, conservative approaches that do not take into account the natural evolutionary paths (attractors) inherent in a managed system are ineffective. According to V.D. Ayurov: "it is not reasonable to subjectively control dissipative systems, since controlling influences upon imposing on a dissipative system modes of operation not characteristic of it only harm it and are always rejected" [11].


1. The management system for balanced innovative development of the CC is a concept, methodological aspects and a mechanism for balanced innovative development to increase the effectiveness of managerial influences, ensure integrity, homeostasis and syn-ergistic potential. The system should include the main interacting subsystems: organizational, informational, industrial and intellectual.

2. To increase the organization, regulation and predictability of the CC, an understanding of the principles of balanced innovative development, which proceed from the characteristics of the system under study, management rules, sustainable and investment-innovative development, is necessary.

3. The dynamics of the development trajectory of the CC is determined by three key factors: the existence of limits, the constant desire for growth and the delay between approaching the limit and hysteresis. The structural component of development is affected by economic waves of various durations, but this influence, as practice shows, is interdependent.

4. For the progressive development of the CC, it is advisable to direct management activities to combat entropy so that its decline in the CC is higher than the growth rate in the national economy, introducing and increasing the level of negentropy (information, knowledge and innovation, morality, corporate culture) forming intangible assets. Otherwise, you will have to constantly increase the degree of openness of the CC.

5. For the CC, generalized order parameters are important, expressed in: a) coherence of values, reflecting the presence of a motion vector of subjects in a heterogeneous environment; b) information interaction, reflecting the ability of subjects to borrow, use and generate new information based on existing knowledge; c) concentration of the diversity of subjects characterizing the presence in the system of heterogeneous structures and the inevitability of their interaction; g) the concentration of similarity of subjects, demonstrating the possibility of their interchangeability.


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Колтець Л.Б.

д.е.н., професор кафедри мiжнародноi eKOHOMirn, Тернопшьський нацiональний eKOHOMinnuu утверситет, Украша

Утят А.В.

к.е.н., доцент кафедри мiжнародноi економiки, Тернопшьський нацюнальний економiчний унiверсиmеm, Украша


Kolinets L.

Doctor of Economics, Professor of International economics' department, Ternopil National Economic University, Ukraine ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7005-0519 Uniyat A.

PhD, Associate Professor International economics' department, Ternopil National Economic University, Ukraine ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8129-4754


У статп розкрито теоретичш основи формування мехашзму антикризового регулювання. На 0CH0Bi наукових поглядiв розкрито процес формування офщшно! мережi безпеки фшансово! системи краши та запропоновано алгоритм прийняття ршень при виникненш кризових ситуацш на фшансовому ринку. ABSTRACT

The article reveals the theoretical bases of crisis regulation's mechanism formation. On the basis of scientific views the process of forming the official network of the financial system security of the country is described and the algorithm of decision making in case of crisis situations on the financial market is proposed.

Ключовi слова: фшансова система, антикризовий мехашзм, стаб№нють, безпека фшансово! сис-теми.

Keywords: financial system, crisis mechanism, stability, security of the financial system.

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