Научная статья на тему 'The analysis of the concept of «Psychological helplessness»'

The analysis of the concept of «Psychological helplessness» Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Yatsukhina Inna Mikhailovna

The article discusses the history of studying and development of concepts of the phenomenon of psychological helplessness. The analysis of the concept of helplessness, developed by various authors, both domestic and foreign is done. The importance of studying this aspect for the most accurate and correct overcome it is explained.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The analysis of the concept of «Psychological helplessness»»

The analysis of the concept of «psychological helplessness»

Yatsukhina I.

Анализ понятия «психологическая беспомощность» Яцухина И. М.

Яцухина Инна Михайловна / Yatsukhina Inna Mikhailovna - магистрант, кафедра психологии и педагогики, Донской государственный технический университет, Институт сферы обслуживания и предпринимательства (филиал), г. Шахты, Ростовская область

Abstract: the article discusses the history of studying and development of concepts of the phenomenon of psychological helplessness. The analysis of the concept of helplessness, developed by various authors, both domestic and foreign is done. The importance of studying this aspect for the most accurate and correct overcome it is explained. Аннотация: в статье рассматривается история изучения и становление понятия феномена психологической беспомощности, её виды. Проводится анализ понятия беспомощности, разрабатываемый различными авторами, как отечественными, так и зарубежными. Обосновывается важность изучения данного аспекта для максимально верного и корректного его преодоления.

Keywords: helplessness, learned helplessness, situational helplessness and personal helplessness, helplessness terminology.

Ключевые слова: беспомощность, выученная беспомощность, ситуативная беспомощность, личностная беспомощность, терминология беспомощности.

UDC 159-923

Most of the people living in the world feel happy on condition of successful self-realization in society. For achievement of this state the person needs to possess certain abilities, talents, and also a number of personal psychological characteristics, such as: commitment, self-confidence, self-discipline, positive spirit and others. Unfortunately not all people possess continuous existence of above-mentioned qualities. It is caused by many factors, from the incorrect or half-received education in the childhood to the general pessimistic vital outlook. Often, in the presence of such conditions, at people the state called in psychology «helplessness» begins to develop. In this state at the person vigorous activity of influence on a situation is blocked, he figuratively «lowers hands», he has a feeling of hopelessness and as a result, an opportunity to achieve success in this or that area of life and to carry out self-realization in society is lost.

The researchers conducted E. Langer and D. Rodin, described in «The theory of the learned helplessness» of Martin Seligman proves even the fact of influence of helplessness on a state of health of the person and on his life expectancy [5].

Helplessness as psychological phenomenon is studied by experts of various scientific directions, such as psychology, sociology, philosophy, medicine and others.

History of studying of psychological helplessness originates from 30th years of the last century. The Soviet academician, the physiologist I. P. Pavlov, as a result of the made experiments with dogs, has revealed dependence between irritation and braking of higher nervous activity, and also has described process of formation of experimental neurosises at animals [4, pages 289-298].

Later it will become clear that these opening are related to helplessness psychology.

The phenomenon of helplessness is studied in various contexts. We will consider some of them below.

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The American psychologists Martin Seligman and Stephen Maier have marked out the learned helplessness as psychological category, as a result of the conducted researches, in the late sixties of the XX century. Their researches consisted in carrying out experiments with dogs who were exposed to blows of electric current. Animals have been placed in such conditions under which they couldn't avoid the electro categories directed to them. Through time experiment was repeated, but conditions in which were animals have been changed, now they had had an opportunity to avoid blows current, but animals illogically, didn't use this opportunity. They obediently took down negative impacts without making any attempts to rescue themselves. Years later, by analogy with animals, scientists conducted pilot studies with people, only the current has been replaced with noise irritants. At the same time it was offered to examine to solve a number of logical problems. This experience has revealed that students who couldn't avoid the loud noise disturbing them to a lesser extent successfully coped with the put task, unlike those who could stop (controlling) this noise, and also from those who weren't exposed to noise at all. Thus have recorded the helplessness phenomenon [10, 11].

Studying of a phenomenon of the learned helplessness also other foreign researchers, it and carried out others To Miller, both D. Hiroto, and J. Girgus, and B. Overmayer, and P. Shulman, and S. Freud and. The essence of the term of helplessness at above-mentioned authors, within cognitive approach, is reduced to the fact that at the individual who has endured an uncontrollable life situation, that is not managed to affect own actions her positive outcome violation of motivational, emotional and cognitive processes is formed.

The Russian scientist, the doctor of psychological sciences N. A. Baturin allocates two types of helplessness: personal helplessness and situational helplessness. Their distinctions are treated as follows: situational helplessness is formed at the subject as a result of influence of a negative life situation that is characterized as a temporary state whereas personal helplessness is a constant condition of the subject which doesn't depend on the external events influencing the subject. Situational helplessness can be shown at the subject, the negative events resulting with him, and after it, the condition of helplessness passes through some time. Personal helplessness is formed at an individual owing to his pessimistic attitude towards and to the world in general [1, pages 21-22].

The term of personal helplessness entered by N. A. Baturin has something in common with the determination of «chronic helplessness» mentioned by M. Seligman in the theory of the learned helplessness (Seligman, Maier, 1967; Maier, Seligman, Solomon, 1967). Such Russian researchers as L. M. Shipitsina, B. D. Karvasarsky, D. A. Tsiring, V. V. Shipovskaya, Ev. V. Vedeneyeva, E V. Zabelina, S. A. Salyeva, E. S. Davydova, A. O. Prokhorov, L. F. Burlachuk, A. N. Dyomin, and also many others were engaged in studying of a phenomenon of psychological helplessness and its structure in the context of various life situations overtaking the person in society.

The doctor of psychological sciences E. V. Zabelina gives interesting interpretation of the term: «helplessness - the steady education defining predisposition of the person to react in the certain way to vital difficulties, shown in behavior as inability to active actions in a situation of frustration, a stress. Cognitive features, perceptions and interpretations of information (pessimistic situational style), and also a number of the related emotional motivational and behavioural features are the cornerstone of helplessness» [2, pages 58-62].

From the point of view of the doctor of psychological sciences D. A. Tsiring «personal helplessness is a quality of the subject which includes the unity of the specific personal features which are formed in the course of interaction of internal conditions with external, caused by low ability of transformation of reality, interfaced to complexity of statement of the purpose and its achievement and management of vital events [7].

In the dissertation research, D. A. Tsiring speaks about two types of helplessness: • helplessness is such condition of the subject which arises as a consequence of the injuring events, of big intensity, or as a result of influence of a number of the uncontrollable, injuring or unpleasant excesses and is characterized by decrease in motivation, as a result, reduction of attempts of intervention in a situation with the purpose to improve a negative

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state of affairs, difficulties when learning in new conditions and also the suppressed mood and decrease in a self-assessment;

• helplessness is a steady personal education which develops in the course of ontogenesis under the influence of various factors [6, page 19].

As a result of further researches and the received these D. A. Tsiring such concept has been created that personal helplessness is one of possible consequences, as a result of a travmatization of the personality, during uncontrollable events (on the example of studying of children of 8-12 years) [8, page 90].

M. I. Enikeev in the Psychological encyclopedic dictionary gives such definition to helplessness: «The learned helplessness - the condition of active passivity in separate situations resulting from systematic failures, ineradicable hindrances; tends to generalization

- distribution on adjacent kinds of activity» [3, page 560].

In the Latest psychological dictionary such definition is given: «The helplessness learned

- the state arising at the person after rather long aversion influence which people don't manage to avoid. A series not of solvable tasks is offered or ineradicable hindrances are entered into their activity. The person has a helplessness learned is shown by emotional frustration (a depression or neurotic alarm); emergence of psychosomatic frustration is possible. The main characteristic of the helplessness learned - a tendency to generalization: being developed in one concrete situation, she, as a rule, extends to many others so the individual ceases to try to solve even problems, solvable for him. Extent of generalization depends on last experience and mental sets of the subject». The helplessness learned determines by itself all behavior and causes a persistent depression first of all:

• at the persons considering that their failures are defined by their own shortcomings (for example, defects of will or intelligence), and progress if happen, depend on successful combination of circumstances or on action of other people;

• at the persons believing that their failures belong not only to these concrete circumstances but also are characteristic of any other life situations - not only in the present, but also in the future;

• at persons, having an idea of themselves as about incapable to cope with the offered tasks or vital difficulties whereas for any other person these tasks are quite solvable. On the contrary, the confidence that nobody could cope with a task, interferes with development of the helplessness learned, and idea that it isn't possible to solve a problem only here and now and besides not on the fault, prevents her generalization» [9, pages 47-48].

In a modern century of high technologies, and also prompt development of a civilization, in human society the tendency to increase in quantity of stressful situations and depressions, and also manifestations of psychological helplessness at people is observed. Therefore now the question of studying of a phenomenon of psychological helplessness as the factor which is negatively influencing the person testing this state as well as society in general is particularly acute. Having studied a phenomenon of psychological helplessness in detail and comprehensively, to psychologists and experts of adjacent professions, it will be easier to create competent psychocorrectional work with people who are subject to this state and to find ways of his overcoming.


1. Baturin N. A. Personal and situational helplessness // 52 scientific conference of teachers: proceedings of the conference of teachers of faculty of psychology / Under the editorship of N. A. Baturina-Chelyabinsk: Publishing house of South Ural state University, 2000. - p. 21-22.

2. Zabelina E. V. Interrelation of helplessness and communicative activity in adolescence // proceedings of the Russian state pedagogical University. A. I. Herzen. № 32 (70): postgraduate notebooks. C. P. - St. Petersburg, 2008. - p. 58-62.

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3. Enikeev M. I. the Psychological encyclopaedic dictionary. Moscow, TC, Valby: Prospect, 2006 - 560 p.

4. Pavlov I. P. Relationship between irritation and inhibition, delimitation between irritation and inhibition experimental neurosis in dogs // Pavlov I. P. Twenty years of objective study of higher nervous activity behavior of animals: a Collection of articles, reports, lectures and speeches, Moscow: Nauka, 1973. - P. 289-298.

5. Romek V. G. The Theory of learned helplessness Martin Seligman // journal of the practical psychologist, 3-4, 2000, pp. 218-235 [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http://romek.ru/sel_art.htm#.VjJs_pCNDnE.

6. Tsiring D. A. The Phenomenon of learned helplessness in ontogenesis // Dis. on comp. art candidate. psychol. Sciences.- Chelyabinsk-2001-P. 19.

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8. Tsiring D. A. Traumatic events as a factor determining the formation of personal helplessness in children // Education and science. News of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Education 2008. - № 6 (54) Pp. 85 to 91.

9. Shapar V. B. Latest psychological dictionary / V. B. Shapar, V. I. Rassokha, V. O. Shapar, under General. edited by V. B. Shapara. - Ed. 4th - Rostov n/D. Phoenix, 2009, pp. 47-48.

10.Abramson L. Y., Seligman M. E. P., Teasdale J. D. Learned helplessness in humans: Critique and reformulation // Journal of Abnormal Psychology. - 1978. - 87. - P. 49-74.

11. Seligman M. E. P. Helplessness: On depression, development and death. - San Francisco: Freeman, 1975.

Временные истоки сознания живых организмов. Протосознание

Гибадуллин А. А.

Гибадуллин Артур Амирзянович / Gibadullin Artur Amirzyanovich - студент, кафедра физико-математического образования, факультет информационных технологий и математики, Нижневартовский государственный университет, г. Нижневартовск

Аннотация: статья посвящена таким психологическим феноменам, как сознание, восприятие и ощущение с точки зрения предложенных автором временных пространств. Предполагается универсальность времени.

Abstract: the article is devoted to such psychological phenomena as consciousness, perception and sensation from the point of view of the temporary spaces proposed by the author. The universality of time is assumed.

Ключевые слова: психология времени, сознание, психология, ощущение, модель, взаимодействие, элементарные частицы, временное пространство, протосознание, жизнеподобность, суперпозиция, изолированность, восприятие, реакция. Keywords: psychology of time, consciousness, psychology, feeling, model, interaction, elementary particles, temporary space, protoconsciousness, lifelike, superposition, isolation, perception, reaction.

Модель временных пространств, которая объясняет сущность пространства-времени, частиц и их взаимодействий [1, 3], также описывает природу жизни и сознания [5]. В них свойства времен лежат в основе жизни и сознания, в связи с этим их можно назвать протосознанием - первичным сознанием. Так как во временных

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