Mansurov Abdulla Sayfullayevich, researcher, the faculty of social sciences National University of Uzbekistan E-mail: lider8304@
Abstract: in this article, the essence of terrorism as a social phenomenon. In the context of globalization, the phenomenon of religious processes and the phenomenon of terrorism was analyzed socially. Today, terrorism has been modeled as complex event and offered models.
Keywords: terrorism, religious extremism, modeling, general stability, general instability.
Under globalization, mankind is facing new threats. At the same time, the most dangerous threat to peace and security is not only international violence, conflict, ecology, but also violence against civilians, first of all, in terrorism.
Religious extremism and terrorism are not only a threat to some of the countries or regions, but also to the whole world, and the fight against it is the most important task of all mankind.
Terrorism and the struggle against it can also be prevented by scientific analysis by predicting its near-future attacks. The problem of religious extremism is becoming a global problem. According to V. Shvedov, "Confrontation virus is becoming more and more dynamic and inter-religious relations are shifting to a global problem [5; 9].
At the current stage of society's development, the growing trend of terrorism as a socio-political phenomenon poses a serious concern. Terrorist movements are becoming global and organized terrorist warfare and organizational character. He is in serious danger of his cruelty, openness and staging.
The risk of becoming a victim of a terrorist attack or psychological pressure by terrorists is an unhealthy phenomenon, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, or social status.
As a result of the sharp increase in terrorist activity, the issue of combating terrorism in the twentieth and early 21st centuries was prompted, the need to develop theoretical and methodological foundations for the study of terrorism, as well as a comprehensive approach to studying the problems of combating this phenomenon is being developed. However, it does not explicitly reveal its nature as a phenomenon.
The consequences of terrorism also cause the deformation of public consciousness to eradicate moral and material values. Terrorist attacks occur in a society where change is taking place and is reflected in the rise of ethnic and religious tolerance.
There are some problems that need to be solved in the fight against terrorism. Today it is necessary to take measures in accordance with the globalization process of terrorism and to develop its theoretical models. Of course, the modeling of social processes is of paramount importance. In order to
prevent the emergence of religious conflicts, first of all, it is necessary to examine their origins.
All of this has made society aware of the need for social knowledge about the dynamics of the "terrorist" phenomenon, as well as the need to expand conceptual approaches to reduce threats. This is because the function is characterized by the following: "problem (threat, threat, risk) - answer -outcome - outcome - to correct answer"; as a source of the dynamics of processes and mechanisms for ensuring global and regional security. Developing the factors that determine the origin of terrorism and the strategy for their elimination are now in the forefront.
Terrorism cannot be called a new phenomenon. At the moment, we can distinguish four stages of the historical development of terrorism:
1. Individual, where violence is manifested for the sake of the idea;
2. Group, the distinctive feature of which is the struggle for power;
3. Interstate, which defines world wars and the confrontation of different ideologies; 4. Modern or international, in which terrorism itself became a legal ideology for different countries, and an organizational structure was created that encompasses state and non-state entities [2, 79].
Thus, there was a need to combat the terrorist ideology in front of society, among other things. Therefore, it is important today to take measures to prevent and suppress the "first and foremost possible integration of the state, society and human activities into the implementation of Uzbekistan's security strategy".
The purpose of these measures is the first step in the study of the conditions and factors of human, community and state threats, threats and challenges, and the elimination of social, economic, political, cultural and ecological reasons.
As we have already noted, today any strategy that meets the challenges and challenges of the fight against terrorism is not current at this time. First, there is a need for preventive measures to help the government reduce its potential. But we
must not forget that terrorism is a multidimensional social phenomenon. Therefore, the prophylactic process is not only an analysis of the key social factors that may arise, but also the socioeconomic analysis of the factors such as the most vulnerable, the threats, the threats and the lifestyle of the people, should be justified. Because of the peculiarity and multi factorial nature of the investigated event, it cannot be checked in any way and in holistic manner, we have chosen the modeling method to determine the regulatory impact that can be substantially restricted to the extreme forms of law. The method is the creation and subsequent discovery of an auxiliary system (model) that reflects the structure of the object under study, and the modified mechanisms provide reliable predictions and recommendations.
This process can be carried out by research, such as modeling the role. The reason for this is that the calculated model based on the sociological analysis of the phenomenon being studied and the computational experiments carried out with it help to assess the impact of the initial factors on the simulated phenomenon. Even if some aspects of the event are considered to be insignificant in building a mathematical model, this will allow it to be fully expressed, often because of the complexity of social phenomena, by means of an oral model. In addition, the use of mathematical hardware in modeling contributes to weak, significant interactions between system elements.
It should be noted that this method provides an opportunity to experience terrorism research, allowing them to identify the basic control parameters of the model and, by analyzing them, to optimize the management of the optimal control for use in managing policies to reduce terrorist threats the mystery.
That is why we fully share the points ofview. V. N. Kuznetsov, A. Mikhanlov and V Shvedovsky [3] in relation to that; that for the investigation of terrorism in order to prevent or reduce threats, its occurrence is optimal, a modeling method that helps to reproduce the integrity of the object under study.
The model allows selection of factors, their classification more purposefully: It introduces order into the studied area, freeing the cognitive field from minor factors, and also, having a flexible cognitive structure, allows to correlate the seed situation.
At present, any strategy based on the fight against terrorism does not produce any results. Generally, after the terrorist acts take place, the desire to get rid of terrorism begins. We know that terrorism is a very influential social phenomenon. In preventing terrorism, it is important not only to focus on the analysis of social factors, but also the social analysis of the formation of the smallest non-essential factors.
In the modeling of terrorism, we can observe the four types of conflicts affecting the level of terrorism. The simplest
way to describe the terrorist attacks is to study the age-old state and society as a group of three. The first two classes X and U are active participants of this conflict and Z can be neutral or indifferent to this contradiction.
1. X + Y > Z General instability;
2. X + Y < Z General stability;
3. Transition from 1 to 2 transition to sustainability instability;
4. Transition from instability to 2 to 1.
There are two basic ways to terrorize terrorism:
1. Concerned with endogenous sources of terrorist activity in Uzbekistan.
2. Exogenous resources in Uzbekistan that cause terrorist activity.
Terrorism and religious conflicts can be objectively evaluated by using the modeling methodology. Propagation of evolutionary evolution of religious conflicts necessitates a rigorous scientific approach, thorough analysis of its past and present.
Another difficulty in regulating religious conflicts is its chronicity and easy provocation, connected with a person's inner conscience, freedom of thought and emotional world. According to some analysts, the elimination of religious conflicts by armed forces is seen as one of the most effective models. For example, the Balkan crisis, the Mountainous Garabagh problem, the Afghan conflict, the Kurdish problem in Turkey, or the war in Chechnya. The First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, I. A. Karimov, in many lectures states that these problems should be resolved through political negotiations. Specifically, when he talked about the Afghan problem, he said that for more than 30 years, the armed forces have no positive solution and that strategic action should be radically changed. The initiative of the Group 6 + 3 has a significant role in addressing the Afghan problem.
Another model of resolving religious conflicts is tolerance and mutual understanding. For example, in India-Pakistan example we will see that.
Another model of religious conflicts is the formation of a stable economic system in the country. The countries of the world need to encourage their citizens to be a form of social consciousness that propagates religion for the sake of goodness and goodness, and that those who hide it should act as believers and act on behalf of religion. After all, the first President of the Republic of Uzbekistan I. A. Karimov has shown the role of religion in social life through the idea that "religion is a continuation of enjoying the highest spiritual moral and spiritual values of the population, historical and cultural heritage" [4, 44].
The reasons for the events of September 11, 2001 in the United States of America, Paris on November 13, 2015, and
the March 22, 2016 events in Brussels, and the anticipation of the danger, led to the awakening of the world public opinion. The point here is that it is impossible to predict when and where the terrorist acts will take place, and in some cases, the nature of the terrorist acts will not be fully understood. Improving security in the developing world requires further improvements. The attacks in Western Europe and the United States have led to provocations against Islam and its believers.
Thus, the model and calculation experiments have proven to be highly effective in using complex modeling techniques for complex social phenomena such as terrorism. One of the main advantages of this method is the study of the dynamics of various social processes, as well as their forecasting, is solving practical problems, the detection of the optimal management influence for the use of administrative policies can be effective in preventing terrorist crimes will give.
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