TERMS OF DIGITAL COMMUNICATION IN THE MEDIA EDUCATION PROCESS Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Misonzhnikov B., Teplyashina A., Borschenko V.

The article investigates the process of formation of the conceptual and terminological apparatus of the new segment, whose activities are based on the use of digital information and communication technologies - Internet media, websites, forums, multifunctional web portals, blog platforms, wiki projects, search engines, social networks, audio and video hosts, messengers, service applications, and much more. The research focuses on the problem of digital media terminology in the paradigm of the media education process. It is important to identify the genesis, typology and functioning of the system of terminological usage, and to analyze it in the framework of terminology studies. Considerable attention in this article is paid to the sphere of knowledge of media educators. The concept of "special vocabulary" is considered as a scientific definition. The most important and relevant concepts, representing methodological terminology, are identified. The article reveals the content of the requirements for the terms of new media. The pragmatic requirements, conditioned by the term specific functioning, are singled out; they include the following ones: adaptability, modernity, internationality and euphony of the term. With regard to the problem in question, the aim of text-based professional vocabulary teaching is to develop students' language competence in the context of media education. The study showed that students can successfully complete professional media thesaurus tasks in the classroom. They gain experience by studying professional media language in the Journalism for Schoolchildren unit and by independently producing vocabulary articles on new digital media communication terms.

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Copyright © 2022 by Cherkas Global University

* * ★ Published in the USA

★ ★ ★

Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie) Has been issued since 2005 E-ISSN 1994-4195 2022. 18(3): 448-458

Media Education (Me d iaobr azovanie)


DOI: 10.13187/me.2022.3.448 https://me.cherkasgu.press

Terms of Digital Communication in the Media Education Process

Boris Misonzhnikov a, Alla Teplyashina a > *, Victor Borschenko b

3 Saint Petersburg State University, Russian Federation

b Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Russian Federation



The article investigates the process of formation of the conceptual and terminological apparatus of the new segment, whose activities are based on the use of digital information and communication technologies - Internet media, websites, forums, multifunctional web portals, blog platforms, wiki projects, search engines, social networks, audio and video hosts, messengers, service applications, and much more.

The research focuses on the problem of digital media terminology in the paradigm of the media education process. It is important to identify the genesis, typology and functioning of the system of terminological usage, and to analyze it in the framework of terminology studies.

Considerable attention in this article is paid to the sphere of knowledge of media educators.

The concept of "special vocabulary" is considered as a scientific definition. The most important and relevant concepts, representing methodological terminology, are identified.

The article reveals the content of the requirements for the terms of new media. The pragmatic requirements, conditioned by the term specific functioning, are singled out; they include the following ones: adaptability, modernity, internationality and euphony of the term. With regard to the problem in question, the aim of text-based professional vocabulary teaching is to develop students' language competence in the context of media education. The study showed that students can successfully complete professional media thesaurus tasks in the classroom. They gain experience by studying professional media language in the Journalism for Schoolchildren unit and by independently producing vocabulary articles on new digital media communication terms.

Keywords: digital media communications, new media, terminology, media educator, media education process, professional vocabulary.

1. Introduction

The world's media systems have begun to change technologically, structurally and functionally, and the changes brought into them by digitalization have had an impact not only on the media environment, but also on the world order as a whole. Media systems include a new segment whose activities are built on the use of digital information and communication technologies - including media, websites, forums, multifunctional web portals, blog platforms, wiki projects, search engines, social networks, audio and video hostings, messengers, service applications and much more. Digital technologies create new formats of communication, new semiotic systems, including linguistic ones. This is also relevant to media education. These tasks include mastering the terminological apparatus, considering aspects of its methodology and application. Genesis identification is important as well as, typology and functioning of the system

* Corresponding author

E-mail addresses: a-nik@list.ru (A. Teplyashina)

of terminological usage. Also it is important to analyze terminological usage in the framework of terminology studying.

2. Materials and methods

The problem of digital media terminology is at the center of attention in various fields of knowledge. Despite the diversity of scientific research areas most publications show a single research logic, they consider comprehension of the phenomenon of digital media communications, attempts to develop a generally accepted definition of "digital media" (Vartanova et al., 2021). In our view the main difficulty in identifying the concept, lies in the fact that the scope and content of the key term "media" have not yet been defined. According to E. Vartanova, "the problem of interpreting the concept of 'media' lies, on the one hand, in the complexity, multifacetedness and contradictory nature of the object itself and, on the other hand, in the identification and use of empirical indicators and indicators that characterise it" (Vartanova, 2019: 9). In Dictionary presents modern interpretations of the key concepts and notions that form the terminological apparatus of domestic media studies in Russia. They are based on the long-standing traditions of journalism and mass communications studies. The list of terms is formed taking into account current trends in the development of media and communication space and theoretical developments of Russian and foreign authors. Another problem arises from the fact that "forms of exclusively economic-technical thinking are starting introduced into the media sphere" (Misonzhnikov, Teplyashina, 2019: 14).

The monograph integrates theoretical developments of the author who made it in the course of implementation of the Russian Science Foundation research project "Development of Fundamental Foundations of Domestic Media Theory in the Context of Transformation of Public Practices and Digitalization of Mass Media". The book makes an attempt to identify the theoretical foundations of media studies as an interdisciplinary field, it tries to define its main research paradigms and key concepts of the thesaurus, theoretical approaches to the role of media technologies, factors influencing the development of media studies. Domestic media as a subsystem of society are examined through the prism of academic analysis of the concepts of media system, media industry, media policy and media regulation, media and audience feedback, journalism, media education. Profound integration processes have affected all media, and it is a positive factor of their evolution. At the same time, "it is becoming increasingly difficult to separate journalism as an institution that provides the public with objective and reliable information about reality from other flows of mass communication (advertising, PR, the entertainment industry and political propaganda) (Melnik et al., 2016: 764).

The authors state that journalism in today's world has become an integral part of the digital media ecosystem. Although the digitalisation of media began more than twenty years ago, the process of conceptualising a new direction has not ended. Researchers highlight the methods that are now used by scholars to analyse digital content and digital ecosystems (Steensen, Westlund, 2021).

It is likely that for most of the authors, the term formation was based on the main word in the word combination (media) in its original meaning - mediator - which was generally a factor in the instrumental and technological semantization of the concepts of the digital media communication field.

The scholarly discourse intensively discusses sources, channels and audiences, key narratives of digital media communications. Multimedia potential of professional journalism, its interactive qualities and institutionalism are being comprehended. The communication strategies of new media in the digital environmen are being analysed.

With the emergence and penetration of effective digital technologies in all areas of communication, the semiotic basis of the media text has changed and an integral textual continuum has emerged, the complex perceptual nature of which requires detailed study with appropriate methods of identification. This is reflected in the approaches of U. Eco and C. Bazalgette "based on key media studies concepts such as 'media agencies', 'media/media text categories', 'media technologies', 'media languages'. As these definitions are directly linked to ideological, market and structural-constructive aspects of media analyses" (Fedorov, 2021: 89).

In addressing the tasks of media education, it is necessary to prioritise aspects of analytical practice. A positive result can be only achieved by prioritising "the analysis of language and the expressive means of film, radio, press, photography and television" (Fedorov, 2009: 173). We can

also add the language of educational and training publications. An analysis of scholarly and educational literature shows that over the past decades a certain system of basic terms has developed, they are used in mass communication. In the 2000s, due to the expansion of access to the Internet, the increase in the speed of data exchange and the development of various technological platforms, the terminological apparatus of this segment began to develop. At the same time, there is no uniform terminology accepted in all countries of the world. As a rule, not only national schools of thought, but also individual scientists from different countries propose their own versions of the formulation of key concepts. Mass communication theorists consider the general issues of classification and indication of media systems, historical stages of development and formation of the domestic media system. They characterize the legal field in which it operates and study various segments of the Russian media system. Also they analyze the technological, economic, organizational, structural and content aspects of each segment and pay special attention to the media audience. Against this background, studies of the special vocabulary of digital media communications are relatively poorly represented.

In contemporary linguistic literature, recognisable universally name has not yet been established for the special language used to denote concepts in digital media communication. This undoubtedly hampers the learning of professional media language for students. The issues of teaching professional-oriented vocabulary are considered by many domestic and foreign researchers.

Recently, there has been a rise in the publications highlighting the importance of media pedagogy and media socialization (Ivanova, 2019). These aspects of training young media professionals, school students facing a career choice or simply digitally literate young citizens are ever more crucial in view of such complex and fast-paced advancements as ubiquitous social media tools, media ecosystems, and smart cities. The go-to media innovations are described by specific terminology, with either old terms reinvented or words coined anew. Media terminology penetrates every aspect of life. An effective use of media-related terminology is a key to the effective performance of an industry or an economic cluster that embraces the new media terms. In this regard, special research focus has been given to the harmonization of digital terminology in different professional domains. Thus, Battershill et al., 2017, have developed A Glossary of Digital Humanities Terminology that ensures an effective understanding between the stakeholders involved in the Modernist Archives Publishing Project (Battershill et al., 2017). Sainty et. al. write about the potential of digital care records in occupational therapy (Sainty, Middlewood, 2017). They see a special add-on value in the proper and effective use of professional terminology within electronic records highlighting its contribution to service user care and higher profile of occupational therapy. Numerous media-related terms have developed several definitions and are used differently by media professionals and laymen alike. Balestrieri et.al., taking the evidence from jitter terminology, assume that such multiple interpretations of a term can lead to misconceptions and, in their study, setup dependent results of measurements (Balestrieri et al., 2019).

One of the media-related terms that has risen to prominence recently is a media ecosystem. Current interdisciplinary research in media ecosystems attempts to define and operationalise the concept to use it effectively further both in theory and practice (Zuckerman, 2021). Another area of fast-paced growth that will inevitably embrace media-related terminology and will actually depend on how successfully media and ICT covers its needs is smart cities. Aldegheishem provides a list of drivers and success indicators of smart cities. Among them are smart economy, environment, governance, safety, energy, living, technology, buildings, education, and people. It is only natural that all the listed indicators of a smart city cannot do without proper media communications in place (Aldegheishem, 2019). Similarly, the modules that convert a traditional city into a smart one listed by H. Ali et. al. require the efforts of multiple stakeholders. Here, smart media platforms may come in handy to consolidate their efforts and ensure effective communication (Ali et al., 2019).

3. Discussion

1. What the media educator should know about trends in contemporary terminology

In linguistics, special vocabulary refers to the vocabulary that is not in common use, available mainly to representatives of a particular field of science, profession: terms - professionalisms -professional jargonisms. The main difference between professionalisms and terms is their non-codification, non-inclusion into the officially accepted terminological system. Unlike terms, professionalisms are expressive. The largest group, which is the basis of special vocabulary,

is terms. The Encyclopedia "Linguistics" presents the explanation of a term: "a word indicating a conception of a special area of awareness or activity". A term is fragment of the universal lexical system of a language, but then only through a specific terminological system. The structures of a term contain: 1) systematicity; 2) availability of meaning; 3) trend to monosemicity in its terminological area as a terminology of a given science - is a discipline or scientific school; 4) absence of expression; 5) stylistic neutrality.

Normative requirements for a term were first formulated by D.S. Lotte, the founder of the Russian school of terminology. In a few years, these demands made the source of methodological research on terminology in the Committee for Scientific and Technical Terminology of the Academy of Sciences and were brought together. Let us elaborate on each of these requirements.

The requirement of fixed content (one sign corresponds to one concept) consists in the provision that a term must have a limited, clearly fixed content within a certain terminosystem at a special age of development of this field of knowledge (the latter clarification seems important, because as knowledge deepens the content of a concept may evolve and over time the same term may get a different meaning). It should be emphasized that here is a logical requirement for a term - the constancy of its meaning within a certain terminosystem.

The next requirement is the precision of the term. Accuracy usually refers to the clarity, the limitation of meaning. Different degrees of accuracy are inherent in different terms.

A term must not be polysemous. Particularly inconvenient in this case is categorical polysemy, when within the same terminological system the same form is used to denote an operation and its result, an object and its description. By arranging the terminology, i.e. fixing the meaning of each term of the given system of concepts, the unambiguity of the term is established.

A term must not have synonyms. Synonyms in terminology look like diverse nature and have a various function. Synonymy in terminology regularly refers to the phenomenon of doublets. They are similar with each other, each of them refers directly to the denoted thing. Synonymy (reduplicity) is especially characteristic of the initial stages of terminology formation, when the natural (and conscious) selection of the best term has not yet taken place and there are several variants for the same concept.

The term must be systematic. The systematicity of terminology is based on a classification of concepts, with the necessary and sufficient features to be included in a term are identified, and then the words and their parts (therino elements) are selected to form the term. Closely related to the systematicity of a term is its motivation, i.e. its semantic transparency, which allows for an idea of the concept referred to by the term. Systematicity makes it possible to reproduce in the structure of a term its certain place in the given terminosystem.

The term should be concise. There is a contradiction between the desire for a precise terminological system and the desire for brevity of terms. The modern era is particularly characterised by the formation of extended terms, in which a greater number of features of the concepts they denote are sought to be conveyed. There has been a tendency for the structure of vocabulary terms to become more complex, with the emergence of long, cumbersome names that are closer to descriptive terms. The need for more complex constructions is explained by the fact that by means of expanded collocations a greater number of features of a special concept and thus increases the degree of semantic motivation of the term, which is very important for it. In addition, in expanded terms, it is possible to combine a detailed concept with a term that would make the concept clear out of context, i.e., it would be unambiguous.

Recent writings have highlighted the pragmatic requirements of the specific functioning of the term, among which are the following: embeddedness, modernity, internationality and euphoniousness of the term.

The term is characterised by its commonality, or usability. This quality plays an important role because a term that is firmly rooted, even a falsely motivated one, is very difficult to replace. As a result of gradual practice, an unsuccessful term may be superseded by an accurate one.

In modern terminology, as already noted, the position of convergence of the term and the common word dominates. However, the fundamental possibility of the term - to receive different interpretation in meta-speech: meta-dialects and meta-idiiolects distinguishes the term from the common word. At the same time, any term continues to be a word, and it, "on the one hand, reflects elements of human experience and evaluation of reality and is a repository of knowledge. On the other hand, it should be convenient and simple in speech, should observe the rules of

economy, compactness, requires correct packing of knowledge - in forms, convenient for speech activity" (Golovanova, 2011: 9).

The Federal Agency for Technical Regulation is currently dealing with terminology issues. According to the terminology policy of the National Standard of the Russian Federation -terminology planning is seen as part of language planning.

All terminology involves an obligatory and ongoing effort to streamline it. The streamlining of terminology involves its unification, i.e. the systemisation in accordance with the linguistically objective requirements of an ideal term and with the system of scientific concepts.

Terms of digital media communication fall into three groups in terms of etymology: 1) derived from Russian words; 2) derived from Greek-Latin roots; 3) lexical borrowings from Western languages (mainly English).

In terms of morphological structure, terms can be divided into three main groups: 1) terms of simple structure; 2) terms of affix-derivative structure; 3) terms with a complex morphological structure.

When considering the morphological structure of a term, it is necessary to note the interdependence between the level of structural complexity of the term and the nature of its semantics. For words of simple structure, complex semantics is characteristic, which is expressed in word polysemy.

In terminology, polysemy is understood as the ability of one term to correspond to several different concepts in a given field.

As a rule, terms are homonyms of common literary words and are formed by expanding or narrowing their meanings based on metaphor or metonymy, as well as by means of semantic calquing. The most productive way to form terms of digital media communication is by borrowing words from a foreign language through literal translation, in which the equivalent words of the borrowing language acquire new meanings under the influence of the source. Almost any word can be involved in this process, including foreign borrowings that have been sufficiently adapted in the language. Examples of semantic derivation are the words: bookmark, screen saver, zone, window, user, mouse, application, scroll, net, connection, message, link, page, counter, host, keywords, search engine optimization.

The following are examples of words that have added to the language of digital media communication through direct lexical borrowing from the English language: directory, diskette, display, distributive, domain, domain, driver, duplex, interface, content, site, server, scrinshot, pixel, plag in, update, content, ancor and others. First of all the most widespread are names of types of computers; names of types of portable personal computers: laptop, tablet, basic computer (used as a server and called server); names of external devices, for example, input-output devices: keyboard, scanner, printer, disk drive, port, display/ monitor (and also names of its types: liquid-crystal, CRT), touchscreen, light pen, webcam; names of computer and peripheral device communication devices, for example: touch-pen, webcam.

There is a tendency to complicate the structure of the phrase-phrases, there are long, cumbersome names, approaching to the term-descriptive. The need for more complex constructions is explained by the fact that by means of expanded collocations a larger number of features of a special concept is transmitted and thus the degree of semantic motivation of the term increases, which is very important for it. Furthermore, in expanded terms, it is possible to combine a detailed concept with a term that would make the concept clear out of context, i.e. unambiguous. The complexity of the use of terms also manifests itself on the level of the dichotomy of the formats in which scientific knowledge is reflected: the structures of different term categories are, for example, the categories of concepts and anti-concepts. In turn, the anti-concepts appear as categories of structures "verbalised in special spheres of language in two main ranks: anti-concepts expressing the idea of non-compliance (with norms, rules, definitions, etc.) and anti-concepts profiling the absence of a significant attribute" (Golovanova, 2013: 15).

In today's world there is a tendency to increase the influence of new terminology. In this case, terms should not be considered as an independent means of influence, but as an instrument of mythological and ideological influence. The continuous process of cognition, the creation of new branches of science and culture, politics and other socially significant processes are reflected in the cognitive function of language, transforming into a system of concepts to which terms correspond. Their use to define a field of knowledge, in turn, allows us to judge whether the term has a definitive function, the ability to clearly define a scientific phenomenon.

It seems clear that terminology plays a significant role in discourse, fulfilling in addition to its basic functions (definitive and nominative) some other functions specific to media communication. Such functions include ideological, propaganda and identification functions.

The propaganda function consists in disseminating certain information, knowledge, perceptions, values or attitudes in as concise a form as possible, since the impact function in digital media space is realized through the delivery of large amounts of information in a smaller unit of time. The ideological function of terminology is realized through the inclusion of ideologically marked concepts - ideologemes - in the conceptual content of the term.

The third function of terminology (identifying) is also inextricably linked to the previous ones, as it is a way of identifying members of the same group.

2. Terminology as a means of conceptualising digital media communications

At the beginning of the 21st century, post-industrial civilisation has entered the era of electronics and informatics. The Internet has revolutionised communication systems. In contemporary linguistic literature, there is no universally accepted name for the special language used to denote concepts in digital media communication. As is well known, national projects are today the leading, though sometimes controversial, driver of the development of the Russian economy. One such project, the Digital Economy, envisages the implementation of the Smart City programme, which includes the introduction of modern technological solutions into the urban environment and its digitalisation.

The concept of "smart city", or "smart city", is a trend in the development of information and communication technologies used to construct comfortable urban spaces in order to better support the population of a particular territory. A "smart city" is a set of integrative digital technologies for effective management of the urban environment, launch and implementation of urbanisation processes.

The notion of a 'smart city' is increasingly associated with the term 'ecosystem' borrowed from biology. Without the formation and development of a media ecosystem, improving the quality of life in a megacity is hardly possible. Approaches to the definition of "smart city" are presented in a number of articles, at the same time the problems of the impact of digitalization on the functioning of urban media space are poorly developed in the scientific discourse. There is an urgent need to develop the concept of a media ecosystem of digital media in a smart city, where the effective management of investments in people (social capital) and the city's IT infrastructure will ensure sustainable growth and improved quality of life. A review of scholarly articles whose key themes are digitalisation and quality of life in smart cities shows that there is no clear definition of the smart city itself. Nevertheless, all available definitions refer to cities whose communities are aware of the need to make the city more livable and environmentally friendly in a broad sense. It is impossible to talk about the media system in smart cities without mentioning the major transformations experienced by new media journalists who cover life in digital megacities. Journalists in traditional media who produce a single product (newspaper/TV programme/radio programme) in the course of their activities will not be able to fully meet the demands of the smart city society, as one of the main characteristics of digital megacity residents is the active use of the World Wide Web. Mono-products in journalism no longer meet their demand for fast, high-quality and visualised information.

It should be noted that the new term 'media ecosystem' also raises questions. Media are actors in the ecosystem of social networks, the Internet of Things, voice assistants, but no longer the communication channel that owns the audience, owns the ability to distribute information. We can assume that the media ecosystem is a set of conditions for the successful creation and development of media space in a megacity, region, etc., whose defining characteristic is self-organization. A media ecosystem can consist of four main components: an idea, an editorial experience, a funding source and a community that unites them into a coherent whole. By being part of an ecosystem, media organisations can effectively distribute all functions among themselves in developing an information product: platform development itself, finding a niche and target audience, launching the product and marketing it. Obviously, the development of any ecosystem, including the media ecosystem, involves the development of user-friendly applications and the use of mobile phone features.

Under these conditions, any digital communication project must be integrated into the smart city ecosystem without changing the overall focus of the information-communication infrastructure. The creation and application of digital formats of the communication product of the

communication industry, first of all, the advertising product which develops and identifies the urban space within the Smart City concept seems to be no exception. Technological versions of the ecosystems of such segments of the media communication industry as Digital Audio Ad, Digital Video Ad, DOOH are emerging. Classic media channels are being transformed into digital ones, which changes not only the appearance of urban spaces, but also implies the development of new technologies - both in the introduction of digital communication products into the urban environment and in the processes for measuring the effect of this introduction.

One system of organising journalistic processes, which has been called "convergent newsrooms", can be an answer to the question of how to organise a session more effectively.

Currently, a new understanding of the term "community" is being gained. Digitalisation is changing not only the infrastructures but also the people who live in them, creating new opportunities to receive and perceive new information, to know and interact with the media environment.

3. Terminology as a subject in the Journalism for Students programme

Terms as a reflection of the concepts of the profession ensure informational understanding and professional communication among professionals at the international level.

Updating the text base, incorporating new forms, technologies, methods and techniques is a constant challenge for teachers who teach students professional media terminology. A term is the semantic core of the profession's language. But learning the terms and using them in speech is a challenge for students in journalism classes. The sloppy use of terms and concepts in instructional communication leads to disorganised thinking, and students lose the ability to clearly define concepts. Great attention must therefore be paid to selecting learning materials that meet such criteria as authenticity, informativeness, functionality, problem-solving, and consideration of a professionally-oriented aspect.

In recent years, interest in this topic has increased, as evidenced by the appearance of new research. However, the problem of insufficiently developed methods of teaching professionally oriented vocabulary as part of journalism classes is still relevant.

One of the problems is to identify ways and means to optimise the teaching of vocationally-oriented vocabulary using all the advances of modern technology.

In this context, the goal of text-based vocabulary teaching is to develop the language competence of students in the context of media education. It is impossible to achieve this goal without knowing the terminology of one's profession.

As an example, here is an outline of how a Master's student can work on a specific vocabulary when studying the topic "Newest terms in digital media communication".

Terminology learning methods are primarily perception learning methods. Information perception is realised by teaching the perception of textual information. In the block of Journalism for Pupils, textual information as a source of new information is contained in authentic media texts. The student must develop an analytical attitude towards the textual information being absorbed. Students need to be able to read texts visually so they can quickly assess the relevance of a text source and be able to find information that is relevant to them in order to identify terms in their field of specialisation and to find out the meanings of terms used in a text. Information for term identification can be provided both by authentic texts taken from the media and by authentic texts written in the genres of essays and dictionaries.

There are several stages in the use of authentic media materials for the identification of professional media terms and their subsequent learning in dialogue and monologue classes: reading an authentic text; listening to an authentic text. At this stage, the reader is introduced to the text as a whole and the professional media terms are identified in the text. At the stage of terms interpretation it is necessary to match the term with the explanatory dictionary, to identify the phenomenon of multiple meanings, intra- and inter-industry synonymy and antonymy of terms. We believe that systematic and well-designed work with dictionaries of terms in the specialty contributes to the task of improving students' terminological speech. It is therefore important to compile a thesaurus of professional media vocabulary in the course of working with the text. In the final stage, the students should use their own vocabulary for professional communication situations in the classroom.

The importance of a terminological dictionary in the media education process stems from the fact that it unifies and systematizes scientific knowledge, is an authoritative source of professional information and is a model media text in the subject area under study. Students' reference to the

vocabulary of a term for educational purposes is especially justified if attention is paid to media genres and the regularities of the construction of such a text are studied. However, the use of dictionary-type reference literature in the learning process presents a number of difficulties, the main one being the lack of dictionaries for new terms, which presupposes accuracy and quick retrieval of the necessary information.

As a model for compiling a glossary of terms, we can suggest a reference dictionary, Media Linguistics in Terms and Concepts. Reference to a terminological dictionary on journalism enables you to grasp the meaning of a term, to understand its role and place in the professional terminological system. The conscious use of terms ensures a constructive dialogue in professional communication; media texts cannot be read without knowledge of terminology; the ability to refer to a journalism dictionary expands professional opportunities in the use of methodological authentic literature and teaching aids. We should note, however, that while the dictionary defines many media terms and concepts to help make sense of the pragmatic situation of media communication, it does not include the latest terms in digital media communication. This is because digital media communication is a relatively new field of media education, and the terminology of the new branches of knowledge is in its formative stage.

The proposed methodology for training professional terminology is founded on the associative-reflexive theory of teaching, the purpose of which is to remember what is being learned. So as to memorise terms it is essential to fix the links between 2 suggestions - the term and the concept indicated by it - definitions.

The following exercises can be suggested as part of the communicative approach:

- find synonyms/antonyms for the term;

- express the definitions of the terms;

- arrange the terms according to a particular characteristic or principle;

- identify a term that does not fit into this meaning group;

- the reverse translation of a word from English into Russian and vice versa;

- asking questions about the highlighted terms in the sentence;

- writing questions to which these terms may be the answers;

- complete the following sentences;

- putting disparate parts of a sentence together into a coherent text;

- read the statements below and state your views on the issue;

- complete the sentences. In the right-hand part using the sentence parts in the left-hand


- create sentences with the new terms;

- create a few groups of terms in the article.

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It is necessary to make sure that the meaning in all types of exercises are used. The type of meaning is founded on the needs of the learners and also on their interests, that are trained by the context of the professional activity.

In the first lesson, dedicated to the block of special media vocabulary, it is important to explain to pupils that the essence of word formation through semantic transfer of meaning lies in the synthesis of scientific thinking and the formal expressive means of language.

The main principle underlying the semantic way of terminology is to express a generalised image of a named object through a specific characteristic, i.e. to move from the private, subjective to the universal, objectified. The learners must be able to distinguish between two types of terminology: explanatory terms and recognisable terms. Explanatory terms are essentially condensed definitions of concepts according to some highlighted characteristics. Such terms are created by scientists at nominating new concepts, at studying new processes, at working out theoretical concepts. Identifying terms are part of the thesaurus of the scientific and practical field of study of a new process. Metaphor in communication allows the teacher to formulate and the student to understand the meaning of the term and at the same time to build new strategies for interpreting the phenomenon under study. When a word is a part of the terminological system or technical area of knowledge, it takes on a terminological meaning and becomes unambiguous within a specific context.

4. Results

One of the key trends has been the emergence of new words derived from the lexeme 'media', which has proved phenomenally productive. The concept of 'social media', an umbrella term that

draws on the widespread concepts of 'social network', 'technology platform' and 'user-generated content', has come into use. Also used are the notion of 'digital media', emphasising the digital nature of content collection, creation, distribution and storage, and the term 'media communication', describing the process of communication by means of modern digital media technologies. These terms draw attention not so much to the scale of communication -interpersonal, group, mass (in this case, it does not matter in principle), as to such characteristics as technological determinism and media mediation of communication and information activity, information exchange. In addition, all the concepts imply the presence of significant amounts of non-professional, user-generated content in the digital media environment, the interactive nature of interaction between its creators and consumers, and the active role of the audience in the processes of its production and distribution.

Social media is an umbrella term that has come into use, The concept of "social media" has come into use as an umbrella term platform", "user-generated content".

The notion of "digital media" is also used, drawing attention to digital character of collecting, creating, distributing and storing content, and the term "Media-communication, which describes the process of communication by means of modern digital media technologies. These terms draw attention not so much to the scale of communication - interpersonal, group, mass (in this case it is not of fundamental importance). These terms pay attention not so much to the scale of communication - interpersonal, group or mass (which is not crucial here) - as to such characteristics as technological determinism and media mediation of communication and information activity, information exchange. In addition, all the concepts of the digital media environment presupposes the presence of significant amounts of non-professional and user-generated content, the interactive nature of interaction between its creators and consumers, and the active role of the audience. In addition, all the concepts imply a significant amount of non-professional, user-generated content in the digital media environment. The terminological space can be imagined as a digital media environment, with the producers and consumers of such content interacting and the audience playing an active role in the processes of their production and distribution.

The terminological space can be represented as a systematically organized set of interconnected blocks of interconnected content. terminological space can be presented as a systematically organized set of interconnected blocks whose boundaries are flexible and their permanent fixation is not possible. The specificity of terminological blocks is due to extra-linguistic factors, peculiarities of terminological subsystem language as a whole.

The results of the study allow us to conclude that the block of the term "media" should be included in such format of multimedia text, as longreed. In turn, A multimedia longread is related to storytelling as a form of presenting a large volume of The multimedia long storytelling, in its turn, is related to storytelling as a form of presenting a large amount of information in a digital environment, using the capabilities of different media platforms, media platforms and their characteristic expressive means and genres. Longreed can as a natural consequence of the continuous transformation of media space, which implies a synthesis between journalistic genres and technological innovation. But the interpretation of the term is not limited to this. Longreed has also been interpreted as a method of creating convergent journalism which includes audio, video, photo, interactive and hypertextual elements. However, this interpretation narrows its possibilities and does not cover the important component - the content part, which involves investigative journalism, archives, documents, quotations, which are shown in the material both as text and audio-visual components. Nevertheless, in spite of its terminological ambiguity, the applied side of the longreed proves to be an effective way of immersing the reader in the material.

5. Conclusion

A study of the terminological apparatus of digital media communications has shown that, despite the diversity of disciplines, theories, concepts, approaches, traditions of analysis, and scientific schools of journalism, the media, mass communication, and the media, an integrated approach is optimal. Through the efforts of scholars of various fields, conditions have been created for an integrative, interdisciplinary study of digital media communications (multisubjectivity, active participation by users in creating content) and journalism (using all the possibilities of multimedia). Students can be successfully involved in this process and perform in-class tasks to compile a thesaurus of professional media speech. Experience is gained through their study of

professional media language in the Journalism for Students unit and their own production of vocabulary articles on new digital media communication terms.

The interest in the terminology of digital media communications is closely linked to the development of mass communications, mass media theory and communicativism. Western theorists have long proposed their terms, and the internationalization of terminology has led to the predominance of the Anglo-Saxon naming system. All this has influenced the process of generating terms along the lines of Anglo-American media culture. The Russian media thesaurus, on the one hand, has become closer to international standards, but, on the other hand, has become less comprehensible. In the context of classes for schoolchildren on the Journalism for Schoolchildren programme, it is important to clarify and systematize the terminology. The term "media" is relatively new, but its block includes even newer terms that can be interpreted by students themselves.

A study of the terminological apparatus of digital media communications has shown that, for all the diversity of disciplines, theories, concepts, approaches, traditions of analysis, scientific schools of journalism, the media, mass communication and the media, an integrated approach proves to be optimal.

Through the efforts of scholars of various fields, conditions have been created for an integrative, interdisciplinary study of digital media communications (multisubjectivity, active participation by users in creating content) and journalism (using all the possibilities of multimedia). Students can be successfully involved in this process and perform in-class tasks to compile a thesaurus of professional media speech. Experience is gained from studying professional media discourse in the Journalism for Students unit and from their own production of vocabulary articles on new digital media communication terms. In the context of the curriculum, the terms of the media block receive a differentiated interpretation, depending on how old they have been in scientific and practical use. For instance, the term "media text" is regarded as a hyperonym for a number of previous terms. It is fundamentally important not to limit the scope of the media text to a journalistic product, since the tendency towards integrativity is an active trend in contemporary media.


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