Научная статья на тему 'Термоостаточная намагниченность горных руд в слабых магнитных полях'

Термоостаточная намагниченность горных руд в слабых магнитных полях Текст научной статьи по специальности «Электротехника, электронная техника, информационные технологии»

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Аннотация научной статьи по электротехнике, электронной технике, информационным технологиям, автор научной работы — Урусова Б. И., Джатдоева С. Ю.

В работе экспериментально исследовано влияние слабых магнитных полей на термоостаточную намагниченность горных руд.

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The paper used experimentally investigated the influence of the effect of weak magnetic fields on thermoremamagnetization of ores.

Текст научной работы на тему «Термоостаточная намагниченность горных руд в слабых магнитных полях»

3. CRYSTAL Basis Sets Library [Электронный ресурс] URL: http://www.crystal.unito.it/Basis_Sets/Ptable.html (дата обращения

24.02.2015) .

4. Bemm U., Ostmark H. Acta Crystallogr., 1998. P. 1997.

5. Valenzano L. Accurate prediction of second-order elastic constants ftom first principles: PETN and TATB / L.Valenzano, W. J. Slough, W. F. Perger // AIP Conf Proc. -2012. - № 1426. - P. 1191-1194.

6. Празян Т. Л. Исследование физико-химических свойств ряда взрывчатых веществ методами компьютерного моделирования / Т. Л. Празян, Ю. Н. Журавлев // Вестник КемГУ. - 2014. - № 4 (60). - Т. 2. - C. 137-144.


1. Appalakondaiah S. Structural, vibrational, and quasiparticle band structure of 1, 1 -diamino-2, 2 - dinitroethelene from ab-initio calculations / S. Appalakondaiah, G. Vaiheeswaran // The J. Of Chem. Phisics. - 2014. - № 140 (1). - P. 1-16.

2. Dovesi R. CRYSTAL09 User’s Manual / R. Dovesi, V.R. Saunders, C. Roetti [et al.]. - Torino: University of Torino, 2010.

3. CRYSTAL Basis Sets Library [Jelektronnyj resurs] URL: http://www.crystal.unito.it/Basis_Sets/Ptable.html (data obrashhenija

24.02.2015) .

4. Bemm U., Ostmark H. Acta Crystallogr., 1998. P. 1997.

5. Valenzano L. Accurate prediction of second-order elastic constants ftom first principles: PETN and TATB / L.Valenzano, W. J. Slough, W. F. Perger // AIP Conf. Proc. -2012. - № 1426. - P. 1191-1194.

6. Prazyan T. L. Issledovanie fiziko-himicheskih svojstv rjada vzryvchatyh veshhestv metodami komp'juternogo modelirovanija / T. L. Prazyan, Ju. N. Zhuravlev // Vestnik KemGU. - 2014. - № 4 (60). - T. 2. - S. 137-144.

Урусова Б.И.1, Джатдоева С.Ю.2

'Доктор физико - математических наук, 2Аспирант, Карачаево - Черкесский Государственный университет имени У.Д. Алиева ТЕРМООСТАТОЧНАЯ НАМАГНИЧЕННОСТЬ ГОРНЫХ РУД В СЛАБЫХ МАГНИТНЫХ ПОЛЯХ


В работе экспериментально исследовано влияние слабых магнитных полей на термоостаточную намагниченность горных


Ключевые слова: магнитное поле, горная руда, габбро, намагниченность насыщения, термоостаточная намагниченность.

Urusova B.I.1, Dzhatdoeva S. U.2

'Doktor Physics - Mathematical Sciences, 2Aspirant, Karachay - Circassian State University named U.D. Aliyev HERMOREMA- MAGNETIZATION OF THE THROTTLE IN WEAK MAGNETIC FIELDS


The paper used experimentally investigated the influence of the effect of weak magnetic fields on thermorema- magnetization of ores. Keywords: magnetic field, mining ore, gabbro, saturation magnetization, thermoremanent magnetization.

We have previously [1] investigated the influence of strong magnetic fields on thermorema- magnetization of ores.

It was of interest to investigate the influence of weak magnetic fields on thermorema- magnetization of ores.

The aim of this work is to experimentally investigate the effect of weak magnetic fields on thermorema- magnetization of ores (gabbro). Samples of ore mining (gabbro) were taken from the left bank of the river. Maruja, Zelenchuksky District, Karachay - Cherkess Republic, № 7/1022 borehole and age uPR-PZi.

Thermoremanent magnetization measurement was performed by the method of [2] in weak magnetic fields up to H = 1E.

Figure 1 shows the dependence of the intensity of thermoremanent magnetization -IT°,H(T) mining ores (gabbro) from the external

magnetic field H = 1E.

Fig. 1 shows that the intensity of thermoremanent magnetization of ores (gabbro) slightly increased. Evidently, weak field to form a more effective thermoremanent magnetization.

Fig. 1 - Intensity thermoremanent magnetization of ores (gabbro) in weak fields.

Thermoremanent magnetization dependence of weak magnetic fields can be expressed by the equation: ll°,H(T)™tnh(a,H), (1)

where T0- initial temperature; Tc-critical temperature; a -const Graphically, the expression (1) is shown in figure 2.


Fig. 2 - Dependence thermoremanent magnetization of the magnetic field - N.

Mining ore (gabbro) during cooling in the earth's magnetic field becomes more stable and thermorema- magnetization. Upon further cooling intensity of magnetization termooostatochnoy 1T°, Н(Т) passes through the blocking temperature - Tb (see figure 3).

A quantitative comparison of the experimentally obtained curves (sm.ris.1-3) leads to the fact that thermoremanent magnetization in weak magnetic fields obeys the additive, that is.


Fig.3 - The spectrum of thermoremanent magnetization mining ore (gabbro): 1-curve derived theoretically; 2- experimentally.

There is a partial thermomagnetization mining ores (gabbro).

Thus, experimental studies termostatochnoy magnetization of ores (gabbro) in weak magnetic fields up to H = 1E showed:

• thermoremanent magnetization intensity increases slightly;

• maximum thermoremanent magnetization lies in the region of the blocking temperature - Tb;

• thermoremanent magnetization obeys the additive.


1. B.I. Urusova, A. S. Chausheva, FA Uzdenova, U.M.Laypanov "Thermorema- magnetization of rocks." Bulletin Iz GTU. Izhevsk.№2 (42) 2009.P119-122.

2. O.S. Galkina, B.I. Urusova, V.F.Shalashov "Magnetic properties of alloys Ho-Pr», FMM, №56, v.2,1983.P.-398-401.


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