Terahertz imaging and spectroscopy of molecular condensed
A.A. Plekhanov1*, A.E. Akmalov1, G.E. Kotkovskii1, Yu.A. Kuzishchin1, I.L. Martynov1, E.V. Osipov1, A.A. Chistyakov1
1-National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI", 31, Kashirskoe Highway, Moscow, 115409 Russia
* AAPlekhanov@mephi.ru
The work provides an overview of the current state of research and development in the terahertz (THz) photonics. In particular, various THz sources and detectors are considered. Current results in the field of studying of molecular condensed matter using THz imaging and spectroscopy are discussed. In this case, special attention is paid to the study of nitro compounds, as well as the features of their detection and identification in the THz range.
The prospects for using terahertz video cameras for visualization (radiovision) with spectral resolution are considered. Their application is demonstrated with broadband and narrowband THz sources. The possibility of using microbolometer terahertz video cameras with photoconductive antennas to study the spatial distribution of radiation intensity for THz beams in separate frequency bands has been demonstrated. This is also shown for studying the scattering process during the interaction of THz radiation with molecular condensed matter using the example of powders and films of organic substances [1]. At the same time, the results of real-time detection of trace amounts of nitro compounds in the form of single microcrystals are presented (both in the optical scheme for transmission and in the optical scheme for reflection) [2].
The current state of the art in the development of THz inspection devices is discussed. The prospects for using modern THz sources based on impact ionization avalanche transit time (IMPATT) diodes as part of compact (portable) terahertz imaging systems with spectral resolution are considered.
This work was supported by National Research Nuclear University Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (NRNU MEPhI) (MEPhI Program Priority 2030).
[1] A.A. Plekhanov, A.E. Akmalov, G.E. Kotkovskii, K.I. Kozlovskii, Yu.A. Kuzishchin, I.L. Martynov, E.M. Maksimov, E.V. Osipov, A.A. Chistyakov, Study of terahertz reflection spectra of optically thin RDX samples by terahertz imaging with spectral resolution, Optical Engineering, vol. 62(3), pp. 034109-034109, (2023).
[2] A.A. Plekhanov, A.E. Akmalov, G.E. Kotkovskii, Yu.A. Kuzishchin, I.L. Martynov, E.V. Osipov, A.A. Chistyakov, THz visualization of particles of organic substances, XV International Conference on Physics and Technology of Nanoheterostructure Microwave Electronics, May 22-23, 2024, Conference Proceedings, pp. 87-88 (2024).