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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Zhukova I.

Digitalization processes and the introduction of digital technologies form the need for new management tools, the need to change the structure of organizational and economic mechanism for managing industries. Using the example of mining, the article shows that transformations in the management system of the industry in the context of digital innovations are possible, primarily on the basis of technology platforms. However, today there is not only a large number of different platforms, but also a different interpretation of the concepts of "platform". Conceptual aspects in determining the digital transformation processes of the real economy sector management systems based on the technology platform should be considered on the basis of systemic and institutional approaches.

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18. Pravdiuk N.L., Mulyk T.O., Mulik Ya.I. Management of financial security of enterprises: accounting and analytical aspect: monograph. Kyiv: Center for Educational Literature, 2019. 224 p.

19. Mulyk T.O., Mulyk Ya.I. Classification of financial risks in the system of analytical and control support. Collection of scientific works. Economics: "Accounting and Finance". Issue 13 (49). Part 1. Lutsk: RVV LNTU. 2016. pp. 107-118.

20. Mulyk T.O., Hordienko M.I. Methodical approaches to management analysis in terms of integration processes. Economy. Finances. Management: current issues of science and practice. 2017. № 7. (23). pp. 7-19.

21. Mulyk T.O., Organization of diagnostics of the enterprise and its business processes: theoretical and methodological approaches. Modern Economics. 2019. № 17 (2019). pp. 158-164. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31521/modecon.V17(2019)-25.



Zhukova I.

Ph. D., associate Professor ofpublic and private law, The Russian Presidential Academy of National

Economy and Public Administration, Khabarovsk, Russia


Digitalization processes and the introduction of digital technologies form the need for new management tools, the need to change the structure of organizational and economic mechanism for managing industries. Using the example of mining, the article shows that transformations in the management system of the industry in the context of digital innovations are possible, primarily on the basis of technology platforms. However, today there is not only a large number of different platforms, but also a different interpretation of the concepts of "platform". Conceptual aspects in determining the digital transformation processes of the real economy sector management systems based on the technology platform should be considered on the basis of systemic and institutional approaches.

Keywords: mining industry, control system, organizational and economic control mechanism, digital transformation, digital platform, digitalization, technological platform

In the context of dynamic development of the digital economy, digital transformation is not just the evolution of information technologies and computerization of the process. Economic processes are fundamentally changing, the logic of competition is being modified new economic conditions are being formed. In its totality, this creates the need for transition of industrial complexes and their enterprises to the more up-to-date models of functioning. New conditions form the need for

new management tools, the need for a change in the structure of organizational and economic mechanism of management (OEMM) of the industry.

Mining is an excellent example of demonstrating the digital divide between the governance and the real economy. The gap is due to the large volume of digital information, the possibility of providing digital services, the implementation of new forms and methods of

exploration and mining. Opportunities for digital production create favorable conditions in the sphere of activity of economic entities of the mineral and raw materials sector of the economy. These opportunities are applied not only to the mining. Enterprises of the industry, primarily in the field of hydrocarbon production, a number of solid minerals are actively introducing digital technologies into the production - mining - and into the system of management of production and corporate relations. Implementation of the platform approach in the management system is also of interest for strategic planning for the development of the industry.

Technological and innovative development of the mineral and raw materials complex in the digital economy is focused on the use of modern digital technologies in the production of innovations and the current production process of mining companies, as well as on the digitalization of business processes, that is, the management system of both the industry and the management system of enterprises of the mineral and raw materials complex.

One of the major challenges that mining has already faced is the availability of large information flows and databases, the challenges of integrating them, and the need to adapt the industry management to a changing external environment. However, the need to form the qualitatively new management system that is mobile and adequately responsive to external and internal changes, which forms the new forms of management decisions and reasoned plans for their implementation, has not yet been realized.

The role of information impact, big data, digital technology on transformation in the industrial management is quite obvious, however, many questions remain poorly understood. These are the questions of digital potential of management of certain sectors of the economy, institutional aspects of digital economy, the place of information and information flows in the general system of modern economic relations, including in the field of subsoil use.

The purpose of this study is to justify that transformations in the management system of the mining industry in the context of digital innovation in the economy are possible, primarily on the basis of technology platforms. Today, there are not only a large number of different platforms, for example, technological, digital, but also different interpretations of the concepts of "platform."

Conceptual aspects in determining the processes of digital transformation of the management systems of the real economy should be considered on the basis of systemic and institutional approaches. It is from the point of view of systemic approach that the wide variety in the interpretation of platforms as digital, technological or information can be explained. And the diversity of understanding of the essence of digital platforms leads to a more detailed study from the institutional perspective.

Digitalization in Russia made the term "platform" actively used in the IT sphere super-popular. Platforms are the revolutionary business model, replacing the linear business model [1]

By "platform" is meant the digital form of interactions between the industry suppliers and the consumers in order to minimize transaction costs (for example, when looking for the partners, goods, services, organizing payments, concluding contracts, monitoring the implementation of agreements, assessing the reputation of industry participants, etc.) [2]. The platform "accelerates the exchange of value between two or more groups of users, consumers and manufacturers" [1], provides the control and assessment of the result, and, if necessary, can act as a primary arbitrator in the event of a dispute between the supplier and consumer. In this form, the platform is introduced into the public administration system [3].

In the information technology, the term "platform" generally refers to a combination of hardware, operating system, application software, and development tools.

In Russia, there is no legal definition of "technological platform." But it is believed that "in its very general form, the purpose of the technology platform is to combine the efforts of the most significant stakeholders in identifying the innovative challenges, developing the necessary strategic training and research program, determining how to implement this program and using the relevant results in the production of high-tech products and (or) services" [4].

Another definition of a system-based platform is predominantly for the digital industry, and this definition does not contradict the rest, but rather complements and develops them. This definition of the essence of platform is based on the hypothesis that the basis of digital economy and economic growth should be "digital platforms."

The Digital Platform is a system of the algorithm mutually beneficial relationships of a significant number of independent participants in the economy (or sphere of activity) carried out in a single information environment [5], leading to a reduction in transaction costs due to the use of a package of digital technologies for working with data and changing the division of labor system. A number of authors mean a "digital platform" a system that is based on the innovative technologies, creating profit through the exchange between several participants [7]. In this case, digital platforms are distinguished depending on the conditions of business model [8].

However, what can (should) still be invested in the concept of digital platform if we are talking about OEMM by the sectors of real, not digital, economy? With a wide variety of digital platform definitions, most researchers see the platform as a digital form of organizing interaction between the suppliers and consumers in order to minimize transaction costs when searching for the partners, goods, services, organizing payments, concluding contracts, monitoring the execution of agreements, assessing the reputation of the industry participants, etc. [9]. This broad interpretation of the concept allows us interpret a digital platform with the large variations in relation to all areas of the economy.

Meanwhile, the main objective of digital transformation of the organizational and economic mechanism

for managing the mining industry (hereinafter referred to as OEMM) is the integration of information flows, including the government data, to ensure strategic planning and operational management in the industry that can be implemented using the digital and technological platforms. We agree with the statement that in the system of government, digital platforms have great prospects. But in a platform-based public administration system, it is necessary to have different information systems, both combining the management functions and the systems that affect and change the management objects, in our case the mining industry.

We proceed from the fact that on the basis of systems and institutional approaches, all the proposed classifications of platforms allow them be divided into three large groups on three grounds - the totality of used information technologies, digital form of organizing interaction in a single information environment and a comprehensive information infrastructure. Accordingly, information, digital and technological platforms.

Technology platforms are the large complex, dynamic information infrastructures that at their core have both digital and information platforms. That is, to implement the functionality of the platform, a complex architecture of digital solutions is formed, which requires serious organizational and regulatory changes for its implementation. It is in this case under the technology platform can be understood the so-called "innovative ecosystem" formed by "the base company" [9]. But we will replace the "base company," or TP conglomerate, with a single information environment of the platform using which the activities of digital economy entities are carried out.

The potential of technology platforms in the field of public administration requires additional study and analysis, because unlike business in the public administration, different conditions and specifics in the implementation of projects and programs. To implement the functionality of the platform, the complex architecture of digital solutions is being formed, which requires serious organizational and regulatory changes for its creation and implementation. Other authors also talk about this. To digitalize public administration on the basis of a platform approach, it is necessary to consistently carry out organizational and technological changes [10]. The introduction of technological innovation does not automatically lead to the changes in organizational culture [10, 11]. Imperfect legal and regulatory frameworks, lack of professional competencies of employees, political and administrative support, as well as insufficient coordination of efforts of different departments and departments in introducing innovations [10, 12]. Thus, the introduction of digital platforms will require the government agencies to carry out serious legal, organizational and moral and ethical changes [13].

But to implement in full in accordance with the goals, tasks, directions the necessary, important large-scale innovative project called "technological platform" in the near future, according to the author, is quite difficult. This is due to many reasons - how the control will be carried out, what are the criteria for assessing the effectiveness of TP, the lack of regulatory

documents for the support and functioning of TP, how the interaction of the TP participants should be coordinated, how the regional inter-budget relations should develop, how the TP should be financed, including the organizational stages of the TP creation. And finally, the absence of formed information flows, without which functioning of the Russian TP in accordance with the stated goals is extremely difficult. It is necessary to combine the information resources. And we once again confirm that the solution of the above-mentioned problems is due to the lack of information security, both of a normative nature and the lack of theoretical, methodological and methodological provisions for the development of TPs.

But it is the declared goals of TP, among which such are strengthening of the influence of needs of business and society on implementation of the most important areas of scientific and technological development; identification of new scientific and technological opportunities for modernization of existing sectors and formation of new sectors of the economy; determining the fundamental directions of improving the industry regulation for the rapid dissemination of promising technologies, imply the possibility of implementing management functions precisely through the technological platforms.

Thus, the future of mining, the industry in the real economy, is connected with the digital technologies. We offer an integrated approach to the industry management through the unified architecture that can only be implemented on the technology platform.


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2. Srnichek N. Kapitalizm platforms / per. s angl. I nauch. ed. M. Dobryakova; NATs. research. Higher school of Economics, Moscow: Publishing house of the Higher school of Economics, 2019, 128 p. 68.

3. Avdeeva I. L. Use of platform technologies in modern public administration, Moscow: Bulletin of the expert Council. No. 1 (16), 2019. Pp. 28-32.

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8. Geliskhanov I. Z. Digital platforms in the economy: essence, models, development trends. / I. Z. Geliskhanov, T. N. Yudina, A.V. Babkin. - Scientific-technical Bulletin of SPbSPU. Economics. Volume 11, No. 6, 2018.

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Pil E.A.

Pil EduardAnatolyevich, Academician RANH, professor, d.t.s. Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Russia


Пиль Э.А.

Академик РАЕ, профессор, д.т.н. Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет аэрокосмического приборостроения,



The present article deals with the calculation of a variable X4 and the gross domestic product of a country. Based on calculation results the 2D graphs were plotted, making it possible to visualize the GDP AVeul variations depending on specific variables. The summary tables allow us to choose the way out off the economic crisis. Аннотация

В статье рассматривается вопрос расчета переменной Х4 и построение для нее двухмерных графиков. Полученные значения переменной позволят рассчитать область существования валового внутреннего продукта (ВВП/GDP) AVeul и на основе полученной сводной таблицы выбрать пути выхода экономики страны из экономического кризиса.

Keywords: calculation, variable X4, gross domestic product, table, 2D figures, domain AVeul. Ключевые слова: переменная Х4, валовой внутренний продукт, расчеты, таблица, 2D графики, область существования AVeul.

В представленной ниже статье показано, как влияют значения четырех переменных на значения переменной Х4 и на область существования ДУеи1, которая лежит между верхними Уеи и нижними Уе1 значениями построенных кривых ВВП/GDP. При этом значения переменных могут быть постоянными, увеличиваются или уменьшаются в 10 раз. Та-

ким образом рассматривается вопрос изменения построения области существования экономической оболочки ВВП/GDP - AVeul = f(X1, Х2, Х3, Х4, Х5).

В данной статье значения AVeul (GDP) рассчитывались через переменную Х4, а их результаты сведены в таблицу 1, представленную ниже.

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