Научная статья на тему 'Technology of development of e-study guide for physical education classes: program shell design'

Technology of development of e-study guide for physical education classes: program shell design Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Khramov V.V.

Effectiveness of computer teaching aid depends on the quality of teaching information (teaching material). The purpose of the study was technological substantiation of the design algorithm of the program shell of the study guide. The article contains a description of the technology of design of teaching material for the e-study guide for a specific sport. The procedures of selection and presentation of teaching material in the form of computer learning object were described. Specific requirements to the content of the learning object for the e-study guide for specific sport were identified. Educational video and methods of showing it should fit the existing methods of teaching motor actions, be practically feasible and easy to use. Video records are proposed for solving the basic problems of the lesson throughout the class. The technology of development of video records for the e-study guide for a specific sport involves the implementation of a number of successive procedures intended to design teaching information using the means of computer processing and presentation of video. The technology of design of the teaching content was tested during the creation of e-study guides for seven sports (basketball, volleyball, football, athletics, aerobics, athletic gymnastics, sports tourism). The e-study guide for physical education lessons is a specialized information system designed to facilitate learning of motor actions. The teaching material is presented using the visual format containing the objective of learning, the method of achieving it, criteria of success in learning. The didactic functions of this system are directly dependent on the quality of the teaching content.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Technology of development of e-study guide for physical education classes: program shell design»



V.V. Khramov, associate professor, Ph.D.

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, Grodno, Belarus

Key words: e-study guide, physical education, teaching motor actions, teaching material.

Effectiveness of computer teaching aid depends on the quality of teaching information (teaching material). The article contains a description of the technology of design of teaching material for the e-study guide for a specific sport. The procedures of selection and presentation of teaching material in the form of computer learning object were described. Specific requirements to the content of the learning object for the e-study guide for specific sport were identified. Educational video and methods of showing it should fit the existing methods of teaching motor actions, be practically feasible and easy to use. Video records are proposed for solving the basic problems of the lesson throughout the class. The technology of development of video records for the e-study guide for a specific sport involves the implementation of a number of successive procedures intended to design teaching information using means of computer processing and presentation of video.

General pedagogical requirements for the preparation of educational information for inclusion into teaching publications were described by D.D. Zuev, V.V. Krajewski, L.Ya. Zorina, I.Ya. Lerner, V.S. Tsetlin, V.P. Bespal'ko, M.N. Skatkin and other scientists. The most accurate and specified provisions for the content of textbooks were formulated by V.P. Bespal'ko [1, P. 24-26] who presented the theoretical foundations of the school textbook. According to him, a textbook is an "integrated information model" of subject pedagogical system. The structure of the system should include four elements: learning objectives, learning content, didactic processes and organizational forms. The material presented in the textbook should provide the implementation of these elements in the practice of educational work. Specific requirements for teaching material, designed for electronic teaching tools (learning content), are currently the subject of standardization as there is a need to comply with certain technical conditions. There are agreements that regulate: the description of learning object (IEEE Learning Object Metadata) [5]; the architecture of technology systems in education (AICC, IMS, ISO/IEC JTC1 SC36); the procedure for the development of multimedia educational content (ARIADNE, PROMETEUS); the procedure for the creation of educational content for distance learning (SCORM) [6]. These standards define the criteria of achievement of the main advantages of computer didactic tools - adaptability and interactivity of learning. In particular, teaching materials should be based on the object principle. It is advisable to divide the educational information into relatively independent elements - learning objects

(Reusable Learning Object - RLO [7]). The objects can have the following forms: actual educational information, glossary of terms, practical tasks and means of control (tests and homework). The subject specificity of physical education in the content of learning object consists in educational information. The technology of creation of educational content for e-study guide for a particular sport is represented as a process of educational information translation into the electronic data format in order to prepare the learning object. To do this, the one should follow these steps:

1) select the methodologically justified information to effectively address the issues of the discipline "Physical Education";

2) determine the form of presentation of teaching material in connection with the specifics of information presentation in the process of teaching motor actions;

3) using the appropriate computer technologies, create the visual aids to illustrate the technique of motor actions;

4) prepare the learning objects which form the separate information frames in the structure of e-study guide.

The most part of the educational information for the e-study guide to the basics of various sports describes the technique of motor actions and the ways of learning this technique. The main task at the stage of information selection is to determine the degree of sufficiency of the information. The details on the parameters of learning objectives are relevant here. The understanding of what level of mastering of a sport technique is needed will help specify the content of educational process.

The educational information is the most useful if presented in a dynamic visual form (video). The efficiency of visualization can be improved through the use of multimedia technologies that provide almost unlimited possibilities of combining various forms of visual information. In turn, the new context of didactic processing of teaching material at the initial stage of learning tool creation arises. It is necessary to design such visualization which facilitates the perception of learning material. Visualization during physical education lessons should be used to minimize the losses and avoid the distortion of educational information. Educational video and the ways of its presentation should be embedded in the existing methods of teaching motor actions and be easy to use. "Embedded" should be understood as follows:

- the visualized educational information should be presented to students throughout the whole training period from the introduction into particular technique to mastering of relevant motor skills;

- a teacher seeks the ways of minimizing the distortion of the image of learning objectives in the minds of students through a combination of visualization and verbal description;

- a teacher captures the attention of students on the essential elements of an action or operations using the obviousness of a fact and known regularities to ensure clear understanding of the purpose of each of the studied operations in the semantic structure of the studied motor action;

- a learning object is first presented as a whole, without the isolation of separate parts, and then it describes the major elements of an action (basic postures, controlling movements, phases and cycles) and the order of presentation of educational information should be determined by a teacher;

- a student under the guidance of a teacher acquires the movement sensations as a result of applying the knowledge into practice;

- a student is consciously seeking the ways to fulfill the motor task throughout a lesson based on the analysis of visual objects selected by a teacher according to the appropriate level of complexity;

- a teacher monitors and evaluates student's actions comparing them with the video that standardizes the procedure of evaluation and helps the student understand his mistakes.

Thus, the material in the educational video is recommended to be used for the achievement of the main objectives of a lesson. This method of visualization application has a great potential in improving the quality of teaching the technique of motor actions as it optimizes the content of didactic interaction between a teacher and a student.

The objects in educational videos for a school e-study guide for specific sports are:

- the technique of a particular sport;

- the megascopic details that characterize the operational structure of the technique of a particular sport;

- the tactics of competitive activity in team sports;

- the exercises used in teaching the technique of a particular sport (preliminary, special and conditioning exercises);

- the ways of organizing students for group exercises;

- the procedure for ensuring the students' safety during exercises, spotting and self-spotting. Educational information in the video format must be prepared to ensure the understanding of not only the technique, but also the methodical instructions. The quality control procedure is an important component in the preparation of an educational video. The expert evaluation should provide the developers with the information about the advisability of using the video in a learning process and in case of detected errors -with the ways to correct them. The evaluation should be made based on the following criteria:

- the correspondence of demonstrated technique with the exemplary performance especially in the context of students' age characteristics;

- the informative value of the angle of shooting for visual perception of the main components and details of the technique;

- the feasibility of magnification of the structural elements of the technique.

The capabilities of computer visualization aren't limited with video playback. The interactivity technology can significantly increase the didactic features of visualization.

Interactivity is a method of information management available only in computer learning environment; it's a form of response of information system to user's actions [4]. Interactive elements in the structure of

video sequence need to be included to control students' attention and, in particular, to highlight certain semantic accents, main reference points. The focus on key elements of a motor action is one of the main factors ensuring effective training [2].

The individual objects of attention form independent didactic units which should be learnt by students while practicing the technique of motor actions. The use of interactive inserts in the video sequence structure helps:

- consolidate the association between body parts and movement description;

- demonstrate the construction of a movement as a system of interactions and the implementation of a movement through the fulfillment of a set of little tasks;

- stimulate the attention, cognitive activity and thinking of students;

- enrich the educational information with visual presentation.

An example of interactive video is shown in Figure 1 containing the description of the basketball throw technique. A video sequence has four intentional stops at different moments of technique performance:

1) Initial posture;

2) Beginning of a movement;

3) Coordinated knee and elbow joints extension;

4) Straightening of the throwing hand and further whipping movement.

These boundary body positions form the structure for correct performance of the whole movement. To continue watching the video a student should tap the "Next" button. The main reference points in the structure of a movement are marked with appropriate tags. Hovering a mouse pointer over one of those tags makes a hint appear on the screen. The use of different photos allows viewing the object under study with magnification and from other angles. The drawing of levers, articulation points, directions and other important elements illustrates the biomechanical regularities of movement construction. Text comments describe the content and the meaning of each element of the technique.

Note. Interactive areas are marked with the ovals. The hints appear in response to the mouseover. Numbers: 1 - frame with boundary body position; 2 - feet position; 3 - knee joint flexion; 4 - elbow joint position; 5 - ball position.

Figure 1. Sample interactive video with the description of basic reference points in the initial position

An interactive video has a great potential to improve the quality of teaching. The analysis of the needs of the process of teaching the basics of a particular sport reveals the following scope of the technology of interactive visualization:

- the demonstration of regularities of motor action construction highlighting the main points of reference;

- the isolation of individual phases, periods and cycles in the movement structure;

- the demonstration of the sequence of body positions: initial, intermediate and final;

- the description of trajectories of movements: shape, direction and amplitude;

- the visualization of the direction of motion vector and force application;

- the demonstration of motor actions and variability of the ways of fulfilling the motor task;

- the demonstration of different scenarios depending on the made decision (for example, in the tactics of sports games, in combat sports);

- the characteristic of the patterns of constructing tactical actions and interactions in sport games;

- the semantic accents while organizing and managing groups of students (for example, depending on the amount of equipment, safety requirements, etc.).

The didactic effectiveness of visualization depends on the precision of semantic accents and the quality of their visual representation. This helps control students' attention, activates their memory and thinking and accelerates the formation of associative links between technical elements and their description. Conclusion. The technology of design of the teaching content was tested throughout development of e-study guides for seven sports (basketball, volleyball, football, athletics, aerobics, athletic gymnastics, sports and recreational tourism) [3]. The e-study guide for physical education lessons is a specialized information system designed to facilitate learning of motor actions. The teaching material is presented using the visual format containing the purpose of learning, the method of achieving it and the criteria of success in learning. The didactic functions of this system are directly dependent on the quality of the teaching content.


1. Bespal'ko, V.P. Textbook theory: Didactic aspect. - Moscow: Pedagogika, 1988. - 160 P. (In Russian)

2. Bogen, M.M. Teaching motor actions. - Moscow: FiS, 1985. - p. 192. (In Russian)

3. e-Sport: e-teaching tools for physical culture and sport [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access: www.e-sportedu.grsu.by (date of access 20.09.2012). (In Russian)

4. Interactivity // Wikipedia [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/HHTepaKTHBHOCTb (date accessed 01.05.2014). (In Russian)

5. Draft Standart for Leaning Object Metadata / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers [Electronic resource]. - USA: IEEE Standards Department, 2002. - Mode of access: http://ltsc.ieee.org/wg12/files/LOM_1484_12_1_v1_Final_Draft.pdf.

6. Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) 2004 / Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative [Electronic resource]. - 2nd Edition. - USA: ADL, 2004. - Mode of access: http://www.adlnet.org/Scorm/downloads.cfm.

7. Reusable Learning Objects CETL - RLO-CETL [Electronic resource] - London Metropolitan University. - Mode of access: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk. - Date of access: 14.07.2013.

Corresponding author: khramov@grsu.by

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