Научная статья на тему 'Technology of determining the index of value-oriented parliamentary activity'

Technology of determining the index of value-oriented parliamentary activity Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Tverdohlieb Maryna Yurievna

В умовах демократичного розвитку Української держави формування ціннісно-орієнтованої парламентської діяльності стає одним з її пріоритетів. Для більш чіткого усвідомлення вектору спрямування парламентської діяльності у напрямі дотримання демократичних цінностей використано індексацію як інструмент вимірювання рівня ціннісно-орієнтованої парламентської діяльності. Рівень ціннісно-орієнтованої спрямованості парламентської діяльності може бути визначений за допомогою відповідного індексу, який потрібен для встановлення відповідності нормам парламентської діяльності, визначеним чинним законодавством держави. У статті обґрунтовано важливість визначення індексу ціннісно-орієнтованої парламентської діяльності в публічному управлінні та адмініструванні задля забезпечення демократичного й гуманістичного розвитку України, підвищення рівня політичної культури парламентаріїв та політичної зрілості громадянського суспільства, розвитку етичного лідерства у парламенті; розроблено технологію визначення індексу ціннісно-орієнтованої парламентської діяльності на основі індексів інституційної спроможності Верховної Ради України, розвитку демократії та людського розвитку. Індекс ціннісно-орієнтованої парламентської діяльності є відображенням стану сформованості політичної культури парламентаріїв та представників громадянського суспільства, яка, в свою чергу, характеризується дотриманням ними чинного законодавства, вимог етичного лідерства та корпоративної політичної відповідальності. Разом вони характеризують політичну культуру, яка має три рівні прояву когнітивний, ціннісно-мотиваційний, діяльнісний Для цього автором розроблена відповідна технологія, яка включає наступні етапи: по-перше, надаючи відповіді на поставлені запитання до кожного індикатора, експерти визначають рівні їх реалізації; по-друге, застосовуючи формулу середнього арифметичного значення, встановлюють рівень реалізації всіх індикаторів.В условиях демократического развития Украинского государства формирование ценностно-ориентированной парламентской деятельности становится одним из ее приоритетов. Для более четкого осознания вектора направления парламентской деятельности в отношении соблюдения демократических ценностей использована индексация как инструмент измерения уровня ценностно-ориентированной парламентской деятельности. Уровень ценностно-ориентированной направленности парламентской деятельности может быть определен с помощью соответствующего индекса, который нужен для установления соответствия нормам парламентской деятельности, определенным действующим законодательством государства. В статье обоснована важность определения индекса ценностно-ориентированной парламентской деятельности в публичном управлении и администрировании для обеспечения демократического и гуманистического развития Украины, повышения уровня политической культуры парламентариев и политической зрелости гражданского общества, развития нравственного лидерства в парламенте; разработана технология определения индекса ценностно-ориентированной парламентской деятельности на основе индексов институциональной способности Верховной Рады Украины, развития демократии и человеческого развития. Индекс ценностно-ориентированной парламентской деятельности является отражением состояния сформированности политической культуры парламентариев и представителей гражданского общества, которая, в свою очередь, характеризуется соблюдением ими действующего законодательства, требований этического лидерства и корпоративной политической ответственности. Вместе они характеризуют политическую культуру, которая имеет три уровня проявления когнитивный, ценностно-мотивационный, деятельностный Для этого автором разработана соответствующая технология, которая включает следующие этапы: во-первых, предоставляя ответы на поставленные вопросы к каждому индикатору, эксперты определяют уровни их реализации; во-вторых, применяя формулу среднего арифметического значения, устанавливают уровень реализации всех индикаторов.In conditions of democratic development of the Ukrainian state, the formation of value-oriented parliamentary activity becomes one of its priorities. For a clearer understanding of the direction vector of parliamentary activity with regard to respect for democratic values is used as an indexing tool measuring the level of value-oriented parliamentary activity. The level of value-oriented focus of parliamentary activity can be determined using an appropriate index, which is needed to establish compliance of parliamentary activity, certain actions of the state legislation. The article substantiates the importance of determining the index of value-oriented parliamentary activity in public administration and administration to ensure the democratic and humanistic development of Ukraine, raising the level of political culture of parliamentarians and the political maturity of civil society, developing moral leadership in the parliament; the technology of the index value-oriented parliamentary activity on the basis of the indices of the institutional capacity of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the development of democracy and human development. The index of value-oriented parliamentary activity is a reflection of the state of the formation of the political culture of parliamentarians and representatives of civil society, which, in turn, is characterized by compliance with the existing legislation, the requirements of ethical leadership and corporate political responsibility. Together they characterize the political culture, which has three levels of manifestation cognitive, value-motivational, activity. For this, the author has developed a corresponding technology that includes the following stages: firstly, providing answers to questions posed to each indicator, the experts determine their levels of implementation; secondly using the formula of the arithmetic mean values set the level of implementation of indicators.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Technology of determining the index of value-oriented parliamentary activity»

UDC 351.854:752

Tverdohlieb Maryna Yurievna,

Ph.D student of the Parliamentarism and Political Management Department, National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, the Main Department of the State Fiscal Service in the Kyiv region, the head of the Vasilkovsky Administration, 08600, Vasilkiv, Str. Dekabrystiv, 45, tel.: (050) 352 23 77; e-mail: yurievna@ukr. net

ORCID 0000-0003-4348-3260 Твердохлеб Марина Юривна,

астрантка кафедри парламентаризму та полтичного менеджменту Нащо-нальног академи державного управлт-ня при Президентовi Украгни, Головне управлтня Державног фгскальног служби у Кигвськш областi, начальник Василь-твського управлтня, 08600, м. Васильтв, вул. Декабриатв, 45, тел,: (050) 352 23 77; e-mail: yurievna@ukr.net

ORCID 0000-0003-4348-3260

Твердохлеб Марина Юрьевна,

аспирантка кафедры парламентаризма и политического менеджмента Национальной академии государственного управления при Президенте Украины, Главное управление Государственной фискальной службы в Киевской области, начальник Василь-ковского управления, 08600, г. Васильков, ул. Декабристов, 45, тел.: (050) 352 23 77; e-mail: yurievna@ukr.net

ORCID 0000-0003-4348-3260 DOI https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2019-16-1-199-211


Abstract: In conditions of democratic development of the Ukrainian state, the formation of value-oriented parliamentary activity becomes one of its priorities. For a clearer understanding of the direction vector of parliamentary activity with regard to respect for democratic values is used as an indexing tool measuring the level of value-oriented parliamentary activity. The level of value-oriented focus of parliamentary activity can be determined using an appropriate index, which is needed to establish compliance of parliamentary activity, certain actions of the state legislation. The article substantiates the importance of determining the index of value-oriented parliamentary activity in public administration and

administration to ensure the democratic and humanistic development of Ukraine, raising the level of political culture of parliamentarians and the political maturity of civil society, developing moral leadership in the parliament; the technology of the index value-oriented parliamentary activity on the basis of the indices of the institutional capacity of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the development of democracy and human development. The index of value-oriented parliamentary activity is a reflection of the state of the formation of the political culture of parliamentarians and representatives of civil society, which, in turn, is characterized by compliance with the existing legislation, the requirements of ethical leadership and corporate political responsibility. Together they characterize the political culture, which has three levels of manifestation — cognitive, value-motivational, activity. For this, the author has developed a corresponding technology that includes the following stages: firstly, providing answers to questions posed to each indicator, the experts determine their levels of implementation; secondly using the formula of the arithmetic mean values set the level of implementation of indicators.

Keywords: parliamentary activity, subjects of parliamentary activity, value-oriented parliamentary activity, index of value-oriented parliamentary activity.



Анотащя. В умовах демократичного розвитку Украшсько! держави формування щншсно-орieнтовано! парламентсько1 дiяльностi стае одним з li прюритепв. Для бшьш ч^кого усввдомлення вектору спрямування парламентсько! дiяльностi щодо дотримання демократичних щнностей використано шдексацш як шструмент вимiрювання рiвня щншсно-ор^ ентовано! парламентсько1 дiяльностi. Рiвень щншсно-орieнтовано! спря-мованост парламентсько! дiяльностi може бути визначений за допомогою вщповщного шдексу, який потрiбен для встановлення ввдповвдносп нормам парламентсько! дiяльностi, визначеним чинним законодавством держави. Обгрунтовано важливють визначення iндексу цiннiсно-орieнтованоl парламентсько! дiяльностi в публiчному управлiннi та адмшютруванш за-для забезпечення демократичного й гумашстичного розвитку Украши, шд-вищення рiвня пол^ично! культури парламентарий та пол^ично! зрiлостi громадянського сусшльства, розвитку етичного лiдерства у парламенту розроблено технологiю визначення iндексу цiннiсно-орieнтованоl парламента^' дiяльностi на основi iндексiв шституцшно! спроможностi Верховно! Ради Украши, розвитку демократа та людського розвитку. 1ндекс цiннiсно-орieнтованоl парламентсько! дiяльностi е вiдображенням стану сформованост пол^ично! культури парламентарий та представниив громадянського суспiльства, яка, в свою чергу, характеризуeться дотриман-ням ними чинного законодавства, вимог етичного лвдерства та корпоративно! полггично! ввдповвдальность Разом вони характеризують полггичну культуру, яка маe три рiвнi вияву — когнiтивний, цiннiсно-мотивацiйний,

дiяльнiсний. Для цього розроблено ввдповвдну технологш, яка включае та-кi етапи: по-перше, надае вiдповiдi на поставлен запитання до кожного ш-дикатора, експерти визначають рiвнi 1х реалiзащl; по-друге, застосовуеться формула середнього арифметичного значення, встановлюеться рiвень реа-лiзацil всiх iндикаторiв.

Ключовi слова: парламентська дiяльнiсть, суб'екти парламентсько! д^ яльносп, цiннiсно-орiентована парламентська дiяльнiсть, iндекс щншсно-орiентованоl парламентсько! дiяльностi.


Аннотация. В условиях демократического развития Украинского государства формирование ценностно-ориентированной парламентской деятельности становится одним из ее приоритетов. Для более четкого осознания вектора направления парламентской деятельности в отношении соблюдения демократических ценностей использована индексация как инструмент измерения уровня ценностно-ориентированной парламентской деятельности. Уровень ценностно-ориентированной направленности парламентской деятельности может быть определен с помощью соответствующего индекса, который нужен для установления соответствия нормам парламентской деятельности, определенным действующим законодательством государства. Обоснована важность определения индекса ценностно-ориентированной парламентской деятельности в публичном управлении и администрировании для обеспечения демократического и гуманистического развития Украины, повышения уровня политической культуры парламентариев и политической зрелости гражданского общества, развития нравственного лидерства в парламенте; разработана технология определения индекса ценностно-ориентированной парламентской деятельности на основе индексов институциональной способности Верховной Рады Украины, развития демократии и человеческого развития. Индекс ценностно-ориентированной парламентской деятельности является отражением состояния сформированности политической культуры парламентариев и представителей гражданского общества, которая, в свою очередь, характеризуется соблюдением ими действующего законодательства, требований этического лидерства и корпоративной политической ответственности. Вместе они характеризуют политическую культуру, которая имеет три уровня проявления — когнитивный, ценностно-мотивационный, деятельностный. Для этого разработана соответствующая технология, которая включает такие этапы: во-первых, предоставляет ответы на поставленные вопросы к каждому индикатору, эксперты определяют уровни их реализации; во-вторых, применяется формула среднего арифметического значения, устанавливается уровень реализации всех индикаторов.

Ключевые слова: парламентская деятельность, субъекты парламентской деятельности, ценностно-ориентированная парламентская деятельность, индекс ценностно-ориентированной парламентской деятельности.

Problem statement. The ratification of the Association Agreement between Ukraine, on the one hand, and the European Union, the European Atomic Energy Community and their Member States, on the other hand [1], contributed to the development and implementation of 62 reforms and development programs of the state, defined by the Presidential Decree [2], among which the reform of the state power plays an important role. Its main priorities are considered to build a successful European state and formation of a professional civil service, which is run on the outcome [3].

As indicated in the information provided in the Report of the Office of Reforms of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for 2016-2017, Ukraine has increased its performance in a number of global indexes that reflect the progress of certain elements of public administration reform. For example, the United Nations E-Government Survey 2016 increased by 45; The Global Competitiveness Index 2017-2018 by the indicator "Transparency of the formation of state policy" — at 34 positions; ICT Development Index, Global Information Technology Report 2016 — 7 positions; Index of e-Gov-ernment Development (EGDI), UN research 2016 — 25 positions; Global index of open data 2017 — 23 positions [3, p. 14].

Such figures of the indicated indices tell us about positive changes in the reform of the executive branch of state power. Regarding the legislative branch, its reform, in our opinion, somewhat inhibits and is mainly in the interests of the international community and academics, and not civil

society. Thus, within the framework of the USAID International Program, the RADA is currently holding a series of round tables and scientific and practical workshops on reforming the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (hereinafter — the VRU), in particular the formation of a new public service (parliamentary) that will contribute to the development of the Ukrainian Parliament. Its creation will ensure the development of the theory and practice of public administration and administration in the field of parliamentary and will promote the development of value-oriented parliamentary activity, which is characterized by us as a kind of interaction between Parliament and other institutions of the state and society, which they formed, in which the priority is ethical leadership, which unlike personal (charismatic) leadership is characterized by the idea of servant leadership ("servant leadership"), or authentic leadership . The basis of ethical leadership is the moral principles of person, aimed not only at the development of its intellectual abilities, but also on its charity, signs of which are selflessness, that borders on altruism, non-competitiveness, non-exclusivity and targeting [4]. Therefore, in value-oriented parliamentary activity, as a rule, external coercion turns into internal duty, and law — to morality [5] and for all subjects of parliamentary activity, legal norms become values.

The level of value-oriented direction of parliamentary activity can be determined by the appropriate index, which is needed to establish compliance with the norms of parliamentary activity, defined by the current legislation of the state.

The analysis of recent researches and publications of national scientists showed that V. Hoshovska [6] L. Danylenko [7] V. Kozakov [8] L. Pashko [9] M. Piren [10] and others were paying attention to value (axi-ological) governance issues.

In the course of the analysis of foreign scientific sources on issues of public administration, it was found that the development of the axiologi-cal approach took place from the middle of the twentieth century in Western science, from the perspective of actual socio-political values and contributed to the emergence of a valuable hierarchy of institutions of state power, their value functions and motives, causal relationships through the definition and development of their powers. The continuation of this area of research in the field of public administration is the definition of the essence and structure of value-oriented parliamentary activity and the development of a technology for defining the Index of Valuable-Oriented Parliamentary Activity (ISSPI).

Formulating the goals of the article. To determine the structure and content of value-oriented parliamentary activity and develop a technology for defining its index.

Presentation of the main research material. The activities of the main subjects of parliamentary activity, to which scientists include political parties and public associations, is determined by us as value-oriented, if it is aimed at achieving the well-being of the state and each of its person. The peculiarity of this type of parliamentary activity is that it is characterized, first of all, by its own values, such as life

aspirations, credo, beliefs that do not require coercion by the state, [4], and secondly, the norms that are binding on each of its subjects.

For subjects of parliamentary activity, legal norms become values. This means that they are complying with the norms of the current legislation, the ability to adhere to the laws and be "mature" individuals, who are characterized, as a rule, ability to independent thinking, responsibility for their own actions, ability to manage their own emotions and time, to work on the result, to build a strong relationship with a partner.

In the conditions of the democratic development of the Ukrainian state, the formation of value-oriented parliamentary activity is becoming one of its priorities. For a clearer understanding of the vector of parliamentary activity in the direction of adhering to democratic values, we use indexation as an instrument for measuring the level of value-oriented parliamentary activity.

The index of institutional capacity of the VRU, established in 2017 by the mission of the ex-head of the European Parliament, Pet Cox, who showed its low level, was placed on the basis of the development of the Index of Valuable-Oriented Parliamentary Activity (IVOPA). To improve it, 52 recommendations were proposed, including requirements for:

• preparation of bills on the principle of the "great twenty" (deputies themselves form a list of 20 priority bills, which they are working on in committees and cast them to vote.);

• the use of world experience in reducing the required minimum of votes

for the adoption of ordinary laws (this practice exists in many countries of the world: in Canada, the lower chamber quorum is 20 (out of a total of 308), in the UK the quorum of the House of Commons is 40 (out of 650), the quorum of the Italian Chamber of Deputies — half of the deputies (630) in Portugal, for the holding of plenary sessions in the Assembly of the Republic a quorum of 1/5 of the total number, etc.);

• holding closed meetings of the Conciliation Council so that the leaders of the factions did not think about the PR of their own political parties, but about the agenda of the VRU);

• the expansion of conditions in the use of electronic document circulation (the possibility to participate in committee meetings in the format of electronic conferences, forums, chats, actively use the system of electronic petitions) [11].

These and other proposals are part of the VRU reform package and have a clear target setting for making concrete changes to various parliamentary instruments and processes.

In developed democracies, different indices are used very actively to make concrete recommendations in the political and managerial field. In addition to the standard indexes, the Democracy Development Index (DDI) [12] and the Human Development Index (HDI) [13] should be included.

The basis for each of these indices is the corresponding characteristics and indicators. Their level is determined by the appropriate measuring scales. For example, 60 indicators of democracy are based on the DDI, grouped into five main categories that characte-

rize the state of democracy within the state. These are: the electoral process and pluralism; government activities; political participation; political culture; civil liberties. An assessment of the level of the specified index is established on the rank scale (or scale of order), which characterizes the type of regime of power — full democracy, lack of democracy, hybrid regime, authoritarian regime.

The basis of the HDI is the state of poverty, literacy, education, life expectancy, health care, social security, longevity, ecology, crime rate, human rights and gross domestic product per capita. According to the United Nations methodology, this index is mathematically calculated as an arithmetic mean based on the three indicated indicators — the expected longevity of the population, the level of education and standard of living. The assessment of this Index is established on an interval (metric) scale.

We base 21 the Index of Valuable-Oriented Parliamentary Activity (IVOPA) on 21 indicators that together characterize the state of formation of the political culture of parliamentarians and civil society and are grouped into three groups that characterize the parliamentary family status (IPFS), their level of political literacy (IPL), and the political maturity of civil society (IPMCS) — see Figure 1.

As can be seen from Fig. 1, the IVO-PA consists of three indicators and is determined by the nominal measuring scale, which has three levels — partial, deep, stable. The highest level of implementation of all indicators corresponds to the consistent level of IVOPA; minimal — partial; mediocre — in-depth.

Index Valuable-Oriented Parliamentary Activity (IVOPA)

Status Indicators:

the family origin of parliamentarians (IPFS) of political literacy of parliamentarians (IPL) of political maturity of civil society (IPMCS)

Levels — partial, deep, steady

Structure of the Index of Valuable-Oriented Parliamentary Activity

The sustainability level of the IVOPA is characterized by systematic compliance with the requirements of the current legislation; the systemic support of the Parliament coming from the families of deputies of previous convocations, politicians, civil servants, heads of state institutions and authorities; professionally trained specialists for public administration; people with experience in the public and / or private institutions, public and / or party organizations. The partial level of the IVOPA is the existing violations of the current legislation and a small number of parliamentarians from the families of deputies of previous convocations, politicians, civil servants, heads of state institutions and authorities. An in-depth level of the IVOPA — a non-systemic violation of the current legislation and the availability of professional training of parliamentarians for parliamentary activity;

The IVOPA is a reflection of the state of formation of the political culture of parliamentarians and representatives of civil society, which, in turn, is characterized by compliance with their

current legislation, the requirements of ethical leadership (or leadership of the ministry) and corporate political responsibility (or the responsibility of those who make political decisions, for those directly or indirectly influencing these decisions). Together they characterize the political culture, which has three levels of manifestation — cognitive, value-motivational, and activity (see Table 1).

Each level of political culture of parliamentarians, as can be seen from Table 1, corresponds to different levels of IVOPA: the maximum (stable) value of this index corresponds to the activity level of the political culture of parliamentarians, which is characterized by the existing formation of civil society and the level of its political development with a well-defined national idea; mediocre (deepened) — the value-motivational level of development of political culture, characterized by the presence of a significant number of politically competent deputies, in which political beliefs were formed on the basis of their knowledge of the political ideal of the individual and the

Table 1

Levels of political culture of parliamentarians and their characteristics

Levels Characterization

Cognitive • is formed as a result of several generations; • is one of the most stable foundations of life, which determines the patterns of political behaviour of parliamentarians; • laws and norms regulating social relations, adopted in accordance with national political traditions, are perceived not as a means of coercion, but as a necessary phenomenon of political life, aimed at achieving the common good

Value-Motivational • is formed as a result of the perception of ethical and normative judgments about political life and political goals, the implementation of which is aimed at political activity; • law and order, stability of the system, social justice, etc are recognized as political values; - political convictions are formed on the basis of representations about the political ideal of the person

Activity • is formed as a result of diverse participation in political activity, caused by political consciousness and level of political development of society; • is manifested in the political behaviour of parliamentarians

desire to be worthy of it; minimal (partial) — cognitive level of political culture of parliamentarians, characterized by the presence of a significant number of deputies in the parliament, from the families of parliamentarians of previous convocations.

Our proposed IVOPA: can be used both for self-assessment of parliamentary activity and external evaluation (audit) by interviewing experts — representatives of public authorities, political scientists, scientists, civil servants, people's deputies, deputies of other levels, etc.

To do this, we have developed an appropriate technology for the definition of the IVOPA, which includes the following steps:

Step 1. By answering the questions put to each indicator, experts determine the levels of their implementation using Table 2 (see Table 2).

Step 2. Applying the formula to the arithmetic mean, set the level of implementation of all indicators or the level of IVOPA. At the same time, take into account that all partial results give a generalized partial result (level); all steel — steady; different results — partial, or deepened.

As a result of the application of our proposed technology for defining the level of implementation of IVOPA: it was established that the level of family origin of parliamentarians (IPFS) in the VRU of eighth convocation is partial; level of political literacy of parlia-

Table 2

Technology for the identification of IVOPA

Indicator Discussion Questions

1 2

there is a significant number of deputies in Parliament who come from families of parliamentarians from previous convocations 1. Does the electoral law provide transparent transparency in the financing of the election campaign? 2. Is there a clear and transparent control over the activities of the election commission? 3. Are there any conditions that ensure compliance with the ethics of relations between parliamentarians? 4. Are there MPs in the Parliament from families of parliamentarians of previous convocations or representatives of other organs of government? How many of them (in relative units of measurement)? 5. Is there created image of the politician, that is a model for the majority in Parliament? 6. Are there individuals in the Parliament who respect law above all? How it manifests itself. Give examples. 7. Are there MPs who have not abandoned business? 8. How are issues with systemic violators of parliamentary discipline resolved? Give examples.

Implementation level

Partial Deepend Sustainable

• electoral legislation does not provide for a transparent, accessible and accountable system for funding election campaigns; • there is no continuity in the parliament; • there is a number of deputies who systematically violate laws; • there is a number of deputies who violate the ethics of relations; • there is a divergence in the views of deputies on the pattern of model behaviour of parliamentarians; • there are systemic offenders of discipline that do not have any punishment for it. • electoral legislation does not provide for a transparent, accessible and accountable system for funding election campaigns; • there is a partial continuity in the parliament; • there is a number of deputies who partially violate laws; • the available number of deputies adhere to the ethics of relations; • the majority of deputies have not formed a clear understanding of the model behaviour of parliamentarians; • there are violators of parliamentary discipline, which bear political responsibility for this. • election legislation provides for a transparent, accessible and accountable system for financing election campaigns; • there is a high continuity in the parliament; • there is an overwhelming majority of deputies who respect the laws and support bills aimed at the general good in the state; • the majority of deputies adhere to the ethics of relations; • the majority of deputies formed a clear understanding of the model behaviour of parliamentarians; • practically does not violate the rules of parliamentary activity.

Indicator Discussion Questions

1 2

there is significant number of politically literate MPs in which political views are based on their knowledge of the political ideal of personality and desire to be worthy of it 9. Are there legislative requirements for the level of political literacy of parliamentarians? 10. What is the relative number of parliamentarians who have previous experience in political activity? 11. What relative number of deputies has experience in NGOs? 12. What ideological advantages are formed in the Parliament — democratic, based on the principle of private property, social democratic, nationalistic, etc.? Name them 13. What is more based behaviour of parliamentarians — on emotion or theoretical knowledge and facts? Give examples. 14. Are there parliamentarians for whom the legal norm is a value, their life orientation? 15. Are there parliamentarians who systematically carry out charitable activities?

Implementation level

Partial Deepend Sustainable

• there is no legal requirement for political literacy of parliamentarians; • there is no experience of work of parliamentarians in political parties and public organizations; • practically no experience of charitable activity; • there are no clearly defined political priorities; • vivid emotional actions of parliamentarians; • available populism. • there is no legal requirement for political literacy of parliamentarians; • lack of experience of parliamentarians in political parties and NGOs; • there is no systematic experience of charitable activity; • there are no clearly defined political priorities; • emotional actions of parliamentarians are available. • legitimate requirement for political literacy of parliamentarians; • available experience in political parties and public organizations; • available systemic experience of charitable work; • clearly defined political priorities; • the work of parliamentarians is based mainly on theoretical knowledge and facts, and not on emotions.

Indicator Discussion Questions

there is formation of civil society and the level of its political development with a clearly defined national idea 16. Are public organizations (NGOs) effective in the state? 17. Is the value of citizens formed to be a member of any NGO? 18. Is there a value to citizens hold their own NGO?

1 2

19. Which NGOs have more influence on public policy — those that are self-financed or receiving grants? 20. What are the prevailing NGOs in society — those that are nationally oriented, professional, or in interests, etc.? 21. Is there a majority in Parliament representatives with experience in NGO?

Implementation level

Partial Deepend Sustainable

• the state registered a relatively small number of NGO; • a small number of NGOs direct their activities to protect national interests; • most NGOs are supported by grants; • less than 50% of parliamentarians have experience in NGOs. • a sufficient number of NGOs are registered in the state; • existing NGOs that defend national interests; • most NGOs are supported by grants; • there is a number of parliamentarians who have experience working in the NGO. • a sufficient number of NGOs are registered in the state; • the national NGOs prevail; • the majority of citizens — are members of the NGOs, which they hold on their own; • a significant number of MPs has experience in NGOs.

mentarians (IPL) — in-depth; the level of political maturity of civil society (IPMCS) is a partial one. The average level of IVOPA is partial and therefore needs to be developed, in particular, by indicators of political literacy of parliamentarians and the political maturity of civil society.

Conclusions and perspectives of further research. Determining the level of implementation of the IVOPA promotes a deeper understanding of the state of parliamentary activity in the state, its value orientation, the level of political culture and corporate responsibility of parliamentarians and civil society. The change in its meaning implies a change in the rates of DDI and HDI. Therefore, it is debilitating to take into account the indicators of the IVOPA when forming the lists of candidates for parliamentary position.


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