TECHNOLOGY MAKES YOUR WRITING VISIBLE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Galiakberova A.R.

The article reveals the essence of the notion “writing skills, describes the peculiarities of writing skills development. On the basis of analysis of a number educational institutes are highlighted key problems and proposed the ways of their solutions.

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В статье раскрывается сущность понятия “навыков письма”, характеризуется особенности развития навыков письма. На основе анализа деятельности ряда образовательных учреждений выделяются ключевые проблемы и предлагаются конкретные пути их решения.

Текст научной работы на тему «TECHNOLOGY MAKES YOUR WRITING VISIBLE»

Ученый XXI века • 2016 • № 9 (22)

Педагогические науки

UDC 37.013.8


A.R. Galiakberova1


The article reveals the essence of the notion "writing skills, describes the peculiarities of writing skills development. On the basis of analysis of a number educational institutes are highlighted key problems and proposed the ways of their solutions.

Keywords: writing skills, to communicate, speech activity, effectively, manuscript, learning discipline, communication, important.

It is a well-known fact that there are many reasons why we might need or want to improve our writing skills in English. Perhaps we need to reply to emails at work in English or take an English language exam, for example, TOEIC or IELTS. Or maybe we need to write essays in English for university, write letters to English friends or relatives or you might want to start writing a blog in English! Whatever the reason is that you need to improve your English writing skills, you will need to work hard.

Today, when anyone can be their own publisher, we see more and more examples of poor writing skills both in print and on the web. Poor writing skills create poor first impressions and many readers will have an immediate negative reaction if they spot a spelling or grammatical mistake. Writing skills are an important part of communication. Good writing skills allow you to communicate your message with clarity and ease to a far larger audience than through face -to- face or telephone conversations.

I want to note that this very important speech activity as a letter or written language. Recently, this type of activity has been given the attention it deserves. Spoken written language allows you to actually use the foreign language from outside the linguistic environment, communicating with native speakers using the modern means of communication: internet, e-mail, sms, etc. The ability to write personal and official letters, the need to fill out forms, documents, forms motivate students to take an active mastery of written communication in the target language. So what is the letter? and what is the best method to start writing a manuscript? Any method to begin the writing process is acceptable. Some people like creative writing while others prefer mind-mapping. The mind-map technique can be more productive when creating a document structure. However, when you need to tap into the flow of writing, you might prefer using creative writing methods. One technique to help start the momentum of writing is to imagine writing a letter or an e-mail to a friend. Think of what you would say to your friend about your activity and describe the problem that you are having. Telling your story to someone is often easier that writing the manuscript so simply write down what you would tell a friend and work from there. Let's look through the efficient ways to improve students' writing. [1].2

View the improvement of students' writing as your responsibility.

Teaching writing is not only the job of the English department alone. Writing is an essential tool for learning discipline and helping students improve their writing skills is a responsibility for all faculty.

Let students know that you value good writing.

1Галиакберова Альбина Ренатовна - преподаватель, Ферганский политехнический институт, Узбекистан.

2Dubin, F., Course design: Developing programs and materials for language learning. Cambridge.

Stress the importance of clear, thoughtful writing. Faculty who tell students that good writing will be rewarded and poor writing will be penalized who don' receive better essays than instructors who don't make such demands. In the syllabus, on the first day, and throughout the term, remind students that they must make their best effort in expressing themselves on paper. Back up your statements with comments on early assignments that show you really mean it, and your students will respond.

Regularly assign brief writing exercises in your classes.

To vary the pace of a lecture course, ask students to write a few minutes during class. Some mixture of in-class writing, outside writing assignments, and exams with open-ended questions will give students the practice they need to improve their skills.

Provide guidance throughout the writing process.

After you have made the assignment, discuss the value of outlines and, explain how to select and narrow a topic, and critique the first draft, define plagiarism as well.

Don't feel as though you have to read and grade every piece of your students' writing.

Ask students to analyze each other's work during class, or ask them to critique their work in small groups. Students will learn that they are writing in order to think more clearly, not obtain a grade. Keep in mind, you can collect students' papers and skim their work.

Find other faculty members who are trying to use writing more effectively in their courses.

Pool ideas about ways in which writing can help students learn more about the subject matter. See if there is sufficient interest in your discipline to warrant drawing up guidelines. Students welcome handouts that give them specific instructions on how to write papers for a particular course or in a particular subject area.

Have a structure for Drafting and Re-Drafting

To start with, your thesis will be very much a work in progress. It is important to remember in the early stages of your writing that you are working on a draft, not the finished thesis. Keep writing even if you know that you can do better-leave the improvements until you come to write the next draft. This will give you time to reflect and think more carefully about anything that you might need to change. [2].1

Instead of re-drafting as you go, why not look to make drafting a process with formal stages and different questions to be addressed at each stage:

-1st Re-Draft -Editing for Academic Rigour

-2 nd Re-Draft -Reducing Redundancy

-3rd Re-Draft -Editing for Consistency

-4th Re-Draft -Signposting and Linking

-5th Re-Draft -Proof Reading

Good writing skills can help us in our life. If you're trying to get a job, good writing skills make you more desirable to the employer. One of the first things an employer looks at is your cover letter or resume. If you have an interesting cover letter it could lead to an interview. I think even if you're just exchanging e-mails. E-mails that are clearly written generally make you seem more intelligent and more responsible. Good writing skills can lead to a monetary value. Lots of people make a living writing. I'm not just talking about people who write books. There are technical writers, copywriters, software writers the list goes on and on. Without good writing skills the world would be in anarchy and chaos. Bad writing skills can lead to misinformation. Bad writing skills can lead to a much needed confidence boost. one of the most important considerations when writing in any style is the purpose of your writing. What's the attended goal of your writing? Is it to argue a point? Is it to describe an event? If you have a purpose in your writing from the start you are more likely to achieve your goal.

Why should writing skills be developed?

Writing is an integral and necessary skill when learning as communication is not only done orally. Writing is necessary if a person is looking to study or work in a particular country. Writing also results in increased practice using the language. Connections can be made between the four key skills in learning a language: reading, writ-

1Gray,W.S.1960. The major aspects of writing. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

YneHbiH XXI BeKa • 2016 • № 9 (22)

ing, listening and speaking. These skills do not exist independently, they are interrelated; improving one will result in improvements in the others. Writing is a manner for students to practice their language skills in a way that promotes noticing; as they write their texts, they are forced to notice certain grammar and vocabulary structures and reflect om why those are used and not others.

Why are writing skills so important?

Though we live in an area where print media is faltering and people hand write and mail letters out of novelty rather than necessity, writing skills are still important. In fact, be argued that they are even more important now than ever. It's always been important for professionals and academics to use proper grammar and communicate well, but now it's increasingly important for more people to have good writing skills. The reasons for that are many, but the two main forces in play are the Internet and a highly competitive job market. Though some see the rise of digital media as the death of writing, the Internet actually makes unprecedented use of text. Newspapers were, of course, written in type, but they didn't allow for the reader interaction that news websites have. And though a resume and cover letter have long been staples of a job search, the ability to make your application packet stand out is a major step in even being considered for a position. [3].1

The importance of writing

Most people never consider the complexity and difficulty of the writing process. In fact, relative to all other academic activities, writing requires more basic skills than perhaps any other.

Even during their earliest handwriting exercises, children must combine complex physical and cognitive processes to render letters precisely and fluidly. As writing tasks become more difficult, students must call on an increasingly wide range of skills to not only write legibly, logically and in an organized way but also to invoke rules of grammar and syntax. This combination of requirements makes writing the most complex and difficult use of language.

It is probably no accident than many adults have chosen jobs that limit the amount of writing they have to do. Unfortunately children have no such luxury. From first grade on, they write nearly every day and they are asked to do more with this skill than with any other except reading. And as children progress through school, writing requirements-from homework assignments and class work to note taking and tests-increase across the curriculum. Even never high-stakes tests are moving towards requiring more answers in the form of short paragraphs and essays.

Writing is the primary basis upon which your work, your learning, and your intellect will be judged-in college, in the workplace, and in the community.

Writing expresses who you are as a person.

Writing is portable and permanent. It makes your thinking visible.

Writing helps you move easily among facts, inferences, and opinions without getting confused-and without confusing your reader.

Writing promotes your ability to explain a complex position to readers, and to yourself.

Writing is an important part of life, whether in the workplace or school, as a hobby or in personal communication. This skill helps the writer express feelings and thoughts to other people in a relatively permanent form. Personal writing builds a connection between the writer and reader in a different way from oral communication, and it helps people to organize their thoughts when seeing them on paper or on a screen.

Professional writing and writing for educational institutes have a different role than personal writing. Formal writing encourages critical thinking in the form of essays, research papers and articles, which helps the writer learn how to interpret the world around him in a meaningful manner. Writing about a topic improves the writer's understanding of the topic, and papers with a slant help the writer understand how to successfully construct professional arguments and debates about a topic.


1Sanders N.M. Classroom questions. New York.

1. Dubin, F., Course design: Developing programs and materials for language learning. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.

2. Gray,W.S.1960. The major aspects of writing. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

3. Sanders N.M. Classroom questions. New York.

4. Murphy,S., and M.A.smith.1992.Looking into portfolios. In portfolios in the writing classroom.

5. Hamp-Lyons,L.(in press). The challenges of second language writing assessment. New York.

© A.R. Galiakberova, 2016

УДК 37.013.8


А.Р. Галиакберова

Аннотация. В статье раскрывается сущность понятия "навыков письма", характеризуется особенности развития навыков письма. На основе анализа деятельности ряда образовательных учреждений выделяются ключевые проблемы и предлагаются конкретные пути их решения.

Ключевые слова: навыки письма, речевая деятельность, продуктивно, рукопись, дисциплина познания, общение, важный.

© А.Р. Галиакберова, 2016

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