TECHNOLOGY FOR DEVELOPING SPEAKING COMPETENCE OF ACADEMIC LYCEUM STUDENTS IN ELT TEACHING Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
speaking competence / communication / communication culture / English language classes / academic lyceum students

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Qobiljon Valiev

Currently, the main task of academic lyceum students in teaching English is to acquire the skills of speaking or participating in speech communication in accordance with the phonetic, grammatical, and lexical norms of the language. Along with orthography, correct pronunciation is also important in mastering language standards in English language teaching. In order to achieve correct and high-quality communication, the student needs to develop his speech, attention, memory, imagination and thinking to the required level during his educational activities. In this article, we will discuss how to develop speaking competence of academic lyceum students in teaching English.

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The European Journal of Education PREMIER

and Applied Psychology 2023, No 4 H

ISSN 2310-5704 ppublishing.org

Section 3. General pedagogy



Qobiljon Valiev 1

1 Namangan State University, Uzbekistan

Cite: Valiev Q. (2023). Technology for Developing Speaking Competence of Academic Lyceum Students in Elt Teaching. European Journal of Education and Applied Psychology 2023, No 4. https://doi.org/10.29013/EJEAP-23-4-20-24


Currently, the main task of academic lyceum students in teaching English is to acquire the skills of speaking or participating in speech communication in accordance with the phonetic, grammatical, and lexical norms of the language. Along with orthography, correct pronunciation is also important in mastering language standards in English language teaching. In order to achieve correct and high-quality communication, the student needs to develop his speech, attention, memory, imagination and thinking to the required level during his educational activities. In this article, we will discuss how to develop speaking competence of academic lyceum students in teaching English.

Keywords: speaking competence, communication, communication culture, English language classes, academic lyceum students


The principles of teaching modern foreign languages have developed in their own way, educational goals have also changed radically, along with imparting knowledge, developing the necessary linguistic skills and competencies and the attitude towards the development of students' speech communication has changed as well in ELT. Naturally, there are several functions of oral speech communication. The most frequently used of them is the conversation of interlocutors with each other. This interaction starts with asking how things are and goes

to a higher level of communication. Another important aspect of communication is that it motivates a person to be active. Especially communication in the educational process creates activity.

Since it is important to be able to communicate in English language teaching, we conducted experiments based on the requirements for students' oral speech competence in our research and used a special methodology that expresses the students' communication skills in the experimental testing of the pedagogical system aimed at teaching the English language to students of the academic lyceum.

Materials and Methods

Currently, the main task of academic lyceum students in teaching English is to acquire the skills of speaking or participating in speech communication in accordance with the phonetic, grammatical, and lexical norms of the language. Along with orthography, correct pronunciation is also important in mastering language standards in English language teaching (Valiev, 2022). Deviation from the norms of pronunciation of the literary language causes many misunderstandings and difficulties in the exchange of ideas.

Correct pronunciation is one of the main aspects that ensure the quality of effective speech communication. It is known that mastering of any subject is done primarily through language. In fact, everyone feels the need to communicate in their native language, whether it's in a family circle or in a public place. And it is a person's behavior and speech culture that causes a certain assessment for that person. Therefore, in the lessons of language teaching in educational institutions, first of all, it is necessary to pay special attention to the competence of students' speech communication. In this regard, it has been emphasized in many studies that it is appropriate to implement competency education.

The process of speech communication is one of the subjects of interest to many people, first of all, it is one of the main objects of study in psychology, linguistics, and also in foreign language teaching methodology (Ha-sanova, 2012). Speech communication occurs directly as a result of live speech performance of people and depends on the number of participants in it - two or more. Communication is interpreted differently in different literature. According to the origin of the word communication, it is taken from the Arabic language, it is determined by the connection with one of the elements ma-, mu-, ta-, and the base means the word communication. For additional information, it can be said that the above adverbs are actually Arabic infinitive adverbs, that is, equivalent to the Uzbek noun of action (infinitive) - moq. However, there is another concept that serves the content of communication, which is communication, many studies have pointed out that these are not the same concept. According

Maksudova (2006), "the concept of dialogue should be distinguished from communication. Communication refers to the exchange of information between living and non-living systems. The exchange of signals between animals, human communication with technical means - all this is communication.

The process of speech communication consists of components such as attention, perception, thinking, memory, language, speech and communication environment (Jalolov, 2012). It is known that thinking cannot develop in isolation from other mental processes. Therefore, along with the development of thinking, the student's skills and abilities related to the types of speech activity also grow. This will develop students' ability to express their thoughts correctly and clearly, and increase their vocabulary.

The quality of a teenager's thinking is evident in factors such as its content, depth, breadth, independence, efficiency, and speed. The meaningfulness of thinking refers to the extent to which reflection, discussion, and understanding of the surrounding events take place in the adolescent's mind. The depth of thinking is understood as the complete reflection of the main laws, properties, qualities of things and events in the material world, and their relationships are fully reflected in the thinking of a teenager. The breadth of thinking depends on its content and depth (Adilova, 2022). If a college student can imagine the most important features of things and events, express his thoughts about the past, present, and future, this can be called creative thinking. The independence of thinking implies the initiative of a teenager, the ability to set new tasks in front of him, to perform them in a rational way without the help of others.

The speed of thinking is determined by the time it takes to answer the question. The speed of a teenager's thinking depends on a number of factors: firstly, the fact that the material necessary for thinking is firmly stored in memory, the ability to recall it quickly, the presence of various emotions, the student's attention and interest, and secondly, the level of knowledge of the teenager, his ability, acquired depends on skills and qualifications.

In addition, the attitude of students to educational subjects depends on the role of

each subject in social life and the methodology of its teaching. In this case, the knowledge acquired in academic lyceum serves as a necessary basis for students to adapt to the conditions of college education. As a result, students begin to understand the material independently, their thinking becomes more and more active, independent, and creative. All this creates important conditions for the formation of logical thinking, the growth of knowledge and mental abilities. In English classes, a special approach should be taken to eliminate such problems, which are often encountered in the speech of academic lyceum students. In the process of working on the texts given for reading in textbooks and educational manuals, serious attention should be paid to this issue in questions and answers. Verbal and non-verbal tools play an important role in communication. Verbal tools include concepts related to words and phrases. Non-verbal means include facial expressions, behavior, tone, eyes, and gestures, which in a certain sense indicate the speaker's emotional state. In particular, through these non-verbal means, it is possible to understand things like joy, happiness, pain, hatred, happiness, sadness, etc.

According to Saidkhanov (2008), "there are different opinions about the use of non-verbal means as a means of communication and the reasons for their use by mankind". Those who express the view that facial expressions and other speech-filling means involved in communication are a natural-biological phenomenon say: "Non-verbal means are an ancient form of communication-interaction between people".

There are the following non-verbal means of communication:

1. Visual tools: 1. Kinesics - hand, head, foot, body movements, stepping; 2. Facial expression, eye expression; 3. Height, posture; 4. Direction of gaze, visual communication; 5. Skin reactions - redness, paleness, sweating;

Non-verbal means of communication serve for the following purposes: 1. To organize and maintain psychological communication, to regulate the process of dealing; 2. Giving the text of the word new colors of meaning to focus the meaning in the desired direction; 3. Helping to reflect feelings and emotions, processes related to the situation; 4. Proxe-

mics (the time and space of establishing communication) - the distance between the interlocutor, the angle of the distance, personal latitudes; 5. Additional means of communication - exaggerating or hiding physical characteristics (gender, age, race); 6. Changing the natural body structure (clothing, hairstyle, cosmetics, glasses, jewelry, tattoos, mustache and beard, small items in the hand).

2. Acoustic tools: 1. Paralinguistic (sound quality, its range, sonority) - height, timbre, tone, pitch; 2. Extralinguistic - pauses in speech, laughter, crying, sighing, coughing, clapping.

3. Tactile tools: Takesika - touch, handshake;

4. Olfactory means: 1. Pleasant, unpleasant smells; 2. Natural and artificial odors emitted by humans (Jalolov, J., and Tojieva, G. 2012).

Results and Discussions

When teaching English, the teacher should not only learn grammatical structures, rules and definitions, mastering theoretical information, but also use its rich possibilities to express thoughts correctly and fluently, relying on the knowledge gained and should pay special attention to improving their skills. In order for the acquired knowledge of the language to pass on to the students, it must be raised to the level of skill through practice, brought to the level of competence by using it in the process of communication.

In order to achieve correct and high-quality communication, it is necessary to develop speech, attention, memory, imagination and thinking from the student during the educational activity. In order to be able to communicate, the student must know the meaning of the word and know how to work on the meaning of the word. In English language classes, the student does not become a ready acquirer of knowledge, knowing the meaning of the words used during the lesson creates the basis for the proper organization of communication. After all, forming the skill of paying attention to the meaning of words serves to fully express the thought. Introduction to the meaning of words in the lesson is carried out through conversation and explanation. According to the recognition of experts, communication activity of students,

which is the leader of educational activities, has a direct impact on the development of the student's personality. The main motivations that determine their success are mainly formed through this communication.

According to the purpose of communication, there are 8 functions: 1. Contact. 2. Establish communication. 3. Exclamation. 4. Coordination. 5. Understanding. 6. Changing the amotive (emotional connection) feeling. 7. Establishing a relationship (awareness of one's place). 8. Exposure (Maksudova, 2006).

Communication is the main factor in the formation and development of every person, it consists in working together and achieving a common goal, establishing interpersonal relations. So, the question arises as to what tasks can be performed for quality implementation of communication in the educational process. For this, in the educational process, it is necessary to teach the guidelines and methods of individual and group work, the teacher should be able to raise the student to the level of the subject, learn the opinions of the parties and guide them. Because "communication is the process of establishing and developing communication required by the need for cooperative activity." This process can be carried out qualitatively through dialogic communication (Jalolov, 2012).

In the process of teaching English, the exchange of information in the process of speech communication is mainly carried out in three forms:

1. Monologue speech;

2. Dialogic speech;

3. Polylogical speech.

It is known that "dialogic speech is a way of discussing the educational topic or problem together with the teacher in a group setting and in cooperation". Therefore, this method not only activates the audience, but also ensures the presence of a creative atmosphere in the audience and the interest of each participant in the exchange of ideas. That is, the listeners turn from the object of the educational process into its subject. In the process of dialogic speech, real conditions are created for the exchange of ideas between the teacher and the students, for mutual discussion of knowledge. But before organizing a dialogical speech, the teacher must take

into account the knowledge and imagination of the audience in this or that respect, otherwise the interaction may turn into an ineffective and meaningless argument.

A polylogue is a discussion within a group. It is used to further increase the activity of listeners or students, to develop their creative abilities. In the process of polylogical speech, each group member has the opportunity to express his opinion on the discussed issue, and the teacher does not directly interfere in the activities of pupils or students as the organizer of this process. This method is useful when the topic of the lesson is more theoretical, and there is a need to derive their practical aspects from new ideas (Adilova, 2022).

The most important psychological feature of dialogic speech is to create a lesson project on the problem and its solution and to announce it to the students. In order to effectively organize the discussion, the teacher should announce the topic of the discussion in advance and the students should search for resources. Discussion is organized through dialogue. The process of organizing dialogic and polylogical speech is the subject of this lesson. That is why it is of great importance to know the ways of its organization from a scientific and practical point of view. It is important for every teacher to know the laws of communication and to put it into practice in English classes.

Therefore, in the process of communication, it is important to develop the student's communicative competence, to accustom the students to work together in the class. Communication is the need of people for cooperative activities, and their joint activity of relationships, interactions, information and information exchange. It is desirable to correctly set the goal and task in the formation of communication. Communication takes place in the educational process, in different situations, through different images and concepts. According to the literature on foreign language teaching methods, communication is divided into the following types according to the content: material communication, cognitive communication, conditional communication, motivational communication.

Material communication means exchanging products and objects of the subject's current needs as a means of meeting current needs.

Cognitive communication is the mutual exchange of knowledge in the process of studying things and events, learning information in the cooperative activity of individuals.

In conditioned communication, psychological and physiological states are exchanged. For example, a doctor can lift a patient's depressed mood or, on the contrary, react to an English girl's crying state with tears, etc.

Motivational communication is explained by the process of exchange of mutual goals, interests, motives and needs for joint action in a certain direction.

The most important factor in the organization of English language classes is motivational communication, in which it is understood that everyone can make the student interested in the lesson, as well as conduct the lesson through the interests and needs of the student. The main primary goal of Uzbek language lessons is to develop speech

and thinking. It is appropriate to use various methods and methods to achieve the goal in a qualitative manner.


In the process of communication, the process of speaking and listening comprehension is also active. Its importance in effective communication is extremely great. Listening comprehension engages and inspires the speaker. Therefore, it is desirable to effectively use interactive methods that raise the student to the level of the subject. If we assume that the two processes involved in the communication process - speaking and listening comprehension - are equally important for active interaction, it will not be difficult to understand the importance of psychological literacy and acquisition of communication techniques by the participants of this process. That's why social psychology pays so much attention to deliberately training people to communicate effectively.


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submitted 22.08.2023; accepted for publication 20.09.2023; published 8.10.2023 © Valiev, Q.

Contact: qobiljonvaliev@mail.ru

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