Научная статья на тему 'Teaching translation in universities of economics'

Teaching translation in universities of economics Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
foreign language / written text / phrasal verbs / word combinations / “false friends” of a translator. / иностранный язык / письменный текст / фразеологические глаголы / «ложные дру- зья» переводчиков.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Ulitko E. N.

The article points out the importance of translation skills for a young specialist in order to be successful in his future career. There are certain difficulties in teaching translation in non-linguistic universities. The author considers various methods and approaches how to achieve the translation teaching aims.

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В статье подчёркивается важность навыков перевода с иностранного языка для молодых специалистов, которые хотят быть успешными в своей профессии. При обучении переводу в неязыковых вузах преподаватели сталкиваются с некоторыми трудностями. Автор данной статьи рассматривает различные методы и подходы при обучении переводу, которые помогут достичь поставленных целей.

Текст научной работы на тему «Teaching translation in universities of economics»




УДК: 372.881.111.1

Ulitko E.N.

Plekhanov Russian University of Economics DOI: 10.24411/2520-6990-2020-11403 TEACHING TRANSLATION IN UNIVERSITIES OF ECONOMICS


The article points out the importance of translation skills for a young specialist in order to be successful in his future career. There are certain difficulties in teaching translation in non-linguistic universities. The author considers various methods and approaches how to achieve the translation teaching aims.


В статье подчёркивается важность навыков перевода с иностранного языка для молодых специалистов, которые хотят быть успешными в своей профессии. При обучении переводу в неязыковых вузах преподаватели сталкиваются с некоторыми трудностями. Автор данной статьи рассматривает различные методы и подходы при обучении переводу, которые помогут достичь поставленных целей.

Keywords: foreign language, written text, phrasal verbs, word combinations, "false friends" of a translator.

Ключевые слова: иностранный язык, письменный текст, фразеологические глаголы, «ложные друзья» переводчиков.

In the period of globalization and impetuous development of economic, political and cultural contacts the ability to translate is of great importance for mutual understanding among different nations. The preparation of highly efficient economists is one of the main integral parts of Russia's entering the world economy. Therefore, training specialists who have a good command of economic terms and methods of translation is the most important tasks in teaching foreign languages in Universities.

Translation as a kind of mass media development process has been taking part in the most significant changes in the political, economic and social spheres for a long time. The knowledge of a foreign language has become one of the main requirements which a young specialist has to meet on the labour market.

The importance of a translator's activity has increased considerably recently. Translation is an obligatory requirement in the process of interaction of different language carriers. It is the translation that lends increasing importance to the talks, commercial contracts and agreements [8, С. 158-159]

Translation is often defined as a transmission of the written text with the means of another language. We should take into consideration that a lot of students of Universities of Economics have sufficient knowledge of English Grammar and Vocabulary, but they lack the exact idea of a translator's work and the translation laws. To cover these gaps it's necessary to work out an introductory course aimed at teaching the fundamentals of translation and main points. In particular, it's desirable to explain the structure of a dictionary item and show how to work with it, so that at the final stage students don't get such variants as "I must you 10 dollars" -" Я должен Вам 10 долларов", "surrounding Wednesday" - "окружающая среда", "sausage in-fa-ther-law"- "сосиска в тесте", etc.

When teaching the translation of economic texts we have to face different problems. We can refer to

some of them as translation of phrasal verbs, that is the combination of verbs and prepositions: to call on, to look through, to put off, to draw up, etc.[4, C. 421] The number of such verbs that don't have equivalents in Russian is very big. It's worth noting that word combinations of this type are used very often as they make actions more concrete in a short and precise way. But it's rather difficult to perceive and understand such word combinations. It's necessary to mention a weak elaboration of this problem and issues of teaching the translation of phrasal verbs, and also a low level of command students have when translating texts, including those of economic character. To solve this problem it's essential to provide teaching analyzing peculiarities of phrasal verb translation taking into account their linguistic difficulties and typical mistakes. It's also indispensable to create a system of exercises leading to elaboration of skills of using given word combinations. For this purpose we should give definitions of phrasal verbs and analyze the word combinations which are included in the curriculum. It's a good idea to pick up authentic materials where these word combinations are used. [2, C. 107]

Among the exercises aimed at developing skills of correct usage of phrasal verbs we can distinguish the following: use the correct preposition after certain verbs, complete the sentences with the verbs from the list with the correct prepositions , provide the correct preposition after the verbs to care, to look, to take, etc. [3, C. 103] There are also effective exercises in which you should define in what meaning underlined words are used and to reword some word combinations.

It's worth drawing student's attention to the problem of translation of non-equivalent words and word-combinations. It's possible to define non-equivalent words as foreign words and word-combinations denoting objects, processes and other realities which at the moment don't have equivalents in the language of

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translation [4, С. 420]. The translation of non-equivalent words and word-combinations has certain difficulties as the translator must have encyclopedic knowledge. For example a translator should remember that words and word-combinations of everyday usage often have constant meanings e.g. blue jacket - американский матрос, blue-John - прокисшее молоко, landslide - победа на выборах подавляющим большинством голосов, etc.[4, С. 418]

One of the main tasks of the subject in question is teaching the skill of dealing with "false friends" of a translator, that is with words which have the same spelling and pronunciation but completely different meanings: accurate - точный, complexion - цвет лица, data - данные, etc.

There is a certain difficulty in translating titles which are aimed at attracting the reader's attention. We should take into consideration the fact that language norms are often violated in titles: articles, linking verbs are often absent, correct word order is not given, etc. It is desirable to advise students to start the translation of titles after reading the whole article and understanding its sense.

In teaching the translation it's very good to use multimedia, among which we should distinguish Internet as one of the most efficient means for doing individual tasks [5, С. 15], carrying out presentations in PowerPoint, the usage of interactive board for students' performances. It's possible and necessary to apply computers and software providing the correct translation, that is the translation with full personal participation of students but with a partial usage of computers as an instrument of the translation work.[7, С. 136].

In Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Professional Education there are given requirements to results of learning the main curricula for preparing specialists of economics and cultural competences must be able to work with different sources of information, information resources and technologies, to use the main methods of receiving , keeping, searching, systematiza-tion, processing and transferring the information, to use in professional activity automated information systems, applied in the economy. A student should know functions and concrete possibilities of information searching systems and work in local and global networks.

Recommendations of teachers of English related to the application of computer technologies in order to carry out the correct translation of economic texts from English into Russian can be the following:

- the usage of electronic bilingual and monolingual dictionaries for work in online and offline regimes;

- the search of terms in terminological data bases and its comparison with the context;

- the usage of specialized terminological electronic, general and specialized encyclopedia;

- connection of the program of automated editing or the text editor, etc.[5, С. 14]

Electronic libraries, newspapers and journals, the program Translation Memory will become a good addition to the listed recommendations.


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