TEACHING PHYSICS IN A TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Suyarova M.X.

This article discusses the subject of physics and its role in the life of future technicians.

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УДК: 13.00.02

Suyarova M.X. senior lecturer Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute Uzbekistan, Jizzakh


Annotation: This article discusses the subject of physics and its role in the life of future technicians.

Key words: physics, teaching, system, education, lecture, equipment.

The higher education system is the main factor in social progress, determining the fate of the country for a great future. One of the basic areas of the system of higher education is technical education. An important issue of the modern education system and improving the quality of training is the training of students in accordance with the requirements of new educational standards and advanced technologies of modern society. Educational activity sets the task of training highly qualified specialists and the formation of responsible, enlightened and active citizens. The target orientation of training can be considered the formation of a knowledgeable, intellectually developed, technologically competent person who confidently owns a mathematical apparatus and computer technologies.

Among the fundamental sciences that determine modern scientific and technological progress, physics has a special role in the preparation of graduates of a technical university, because It is not only a theoretical and experimental science, but also the basis of engineering and technology. The purpose of studying physics at a technical university is to create the basis of the theoretical training of a future engineer and that fundamental component of technical education, which will contribute to the further development of a wide variety of engineering specialties in various fields of technology.

However, it should be noted that "in recent decades, there have been negative trends in reducing the role of fundamental training in engineering education. This is also reflected in the fact that from the late 50s to the beginning of the 90s of the XX century, the volume of the course of physics in technical universities decreased on average by half, in the 90s and subsequent years, its further reduction continued. The restriction of fundamental natural science training in technical universities has led to the fact that disciplines, in particular physics, not only disappear in their philosophical implications, but also lead to a serious decrease in the level of fundamental training of students of technical universities and call into question the status of technical education".

In this regard, a possible option to increase the efficiency of mastering physics in a technical university is to improve the teaching methods of students and select a teaching methodology in which the main attention is paid, firstly, to

"Экономика и социум" №12(67) 2019



the study of basic facts, concepts, laws, theories and methods of physical science and, secondly, a generalization of a wide range of physical phenomena based on theories. The implementation of this technique is possible through the implementation of two ideas that, like the two components of a reinforced concrete structure - reinforcement and mortar, will ensure the strength of the knowledge gained:

The first idea is the generalization of natural science knowledge in each academic discipline (physics, chemistry, mathematics, etc.) separately.

The second idea is the strengthening of intersubject communications, in which all academic disciplines would be perceived as a general natural science direction.

At one time, A. Einstein wrote that the ability to clearly see interconnectedness belongs to the most wonderful sensations in life.

The process of generalization of scientific knowledge involves the unification or grouping of educational material in a discipline course around leading (cross-cutting, that is, permeating the entire course as a whole) ideas or principles. As applied to the course of physics, these are ideas and principles of conservation, relativity, short-range, minimum potential energy, symmetry, superposition, etc.

The generalization of physical knowledge, according to the authors, solves a number of problems:

- presentation of the course of physics as a coherent, logical science;

- activation in this regard of student independence in the analysis of knowledge and their familiarization with the elements of the methodology of cognition;

- a significant reduction in the volume of actual educational material;

- creating a reserve for a deeper study of the fundamental ideas and laws of nature;

- the wider use of the deductive method of cognition and formation among students of sustainable cognitive interests.

As for the second idea, the specificity of training in technical universities is that in addition to studying basic sciences, students also learn the cycle of vocational disciplines. The fundamental mentality of physical education suggests that in higher technical educational institutions, the knowledge formed by students in physics classes is the fundamental basis for studying general technical and special disciplines, and for mastering new equipment and technologies. Therefore, the learning process should be carried out on the basis of interdisciplinary connections of general educational disciplines with general technical and special disciplines, which, ultimately, affects the quality and effectiveness of the assimilation of knowledge and skills. In this case, physical education becomes integral, moreover, the disciplines of the curriculum are united by a common methodology of construction, focused on interdisciplinary communications.

Unfortunately, unlike the learning process in a school where inter-subject relationships are successfully and universally used, the university either pays little

attention to these relationships or they are completely ignored. This neglect can be explained by a number of reasons:

- a large number of different specialties and, in accordance with this, training groups, as well as students studying in them;

- A large number of teachers, and, in connection with this, the "pedagogical isolation" of the departments from each other;

- ignorance and unwillingness of teachers to master at least the basics of other disciplines;

- insufficiency or complete absence of pedagogical literature on the methodology for the implementation of MPS in the university.

The founder of the scientific and methodological development of the theory of intersubject communications can be considered KD Ushinsky (1824-1870), who expressed the idea of the need for a comprehensive study of academic subjects in various types of educational institutions.

The specifics of a technical educational institution suggests that the content of physics teaching technology should be integrative. The knowledge acquired by students should be profile-integrated, i.e. physics course should be integrated with elements of specialized disciplines. The purpose of teaching physics is the formation of a physical and technical base for mastering special knowledge.

Thus, teaching physics at a technical university should be interconnected with special disciplines and be based on the consideration of specific processes and phenomena related to the professional activities of a future specialist.

In this regard, it is obvious that training university students in technical disciplines can be carried out qualitatively if:

- the use of intersubject communications of physics with technical disciplines is implemented as a didactic condition for learning;

- acquired knowledge of physics has a polytechnic orientation;

- The system of teaching physics has a professional focus.

Source used:

1. Yantsen V.N. Interdisciplinary communication on the experience of teaching physics in interaction with chemistry in high school: dis. Cand. ped sciences. - M.: 1969

2. Arkhangelsky S.I. The educational process in higher education, its regular principles and methods: educational-methodical manual. - M .: Higher school, 1980

3. Usova A.B., Zavyalov V.V., Pustilnik I.G. On the relationship of the teaching of physical disciplines in a pedagogical university as a necessary condition for the preparation of a physics teacher at a pedagogical university // Interuniversity collection of scientific papers. - Chelyabinsk: Publishing House of ChSPI, 1981

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