TEACHING METHODS OF VOCABULARY AND TERMINOLOGY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
methodology / English / approach / principles / dictionary / phrase / term / terminology / word combination / idiom.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Z. Khazratova, A. Abduvaitov

Lexicography is a time-consuming process for learners of foreign languages. Students have challenges when attempting to use the words and phrases they have learned in authentic contexts, even though textbooks offer sufficient information for word learning. Thus, the article discusses linguists’ perspectives on vocabulary instruction as well as the methodology used in this process. First, the article discusses the value of vocabulary in connection to grammar, the content of lexical material, terms, phrases, and expressions used in sentences, as well as the opinions of both domestic and foreign linguists. A crucial component of the educational system, foreign language teaching methodology emphasizes the value of considering lexeme linguistic aspects when instructing students.

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1Khazratova Zukhra Mamaraimovna, 2Abduvaitov Alimardon Shoymardon ugli

1English teacher, Uzbekistan State World Languages University, Uzbekistan 2English teacher, Uzbekistan State World Languages University, Uzbekistan https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10732860

Abstract. Lexicography is a time-consuming process for learners of foreign languages. Students have challenges when attempting to use the words and phrases they have learned in authentic contexts, even though textbooks offer sufficient information for word learning. Thus, the article discusses linguists'perspectives on vocabulary instruction as well as the methodology used in this process. First, the article discusses the value of vocabulary in connection to grammar, the content of lexical material, terms, phrases, and expressions used in sentences, as well as the opinions of both domestic and foreign linguists. A crucial component of the educational system, foreign language teaching methodology emphasizes the value of considering lexeme linguistic aspects when instructing students.

Keywords: methodology, English, approach, principles, dictionary, phrase, term, terminology, word combination, idiom.


The Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Science and Scientific Activity "Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 29, 2020 No. PF-6097 tasks provided for by the resolution, including "Development of science until 2030, to ensure the implementation of the "Development Concept" this scientific and practical activity was carried out.

To date, as a result of comprehensive reforms in the field of education, a national system has been created based on modern requirements to improve the quality of education, including the international qualification of teachers of foreign languages. At the same time, in the scientific and qualitative organization of the classes of foreign language teachers, the approaches aimed at forming communicative competencies are being implemented in the educational process. Foreign language learners devote a significant portion of their time to learning the vocabulary of the language they speak. Students struggle to apply the concepts and phrases they have learned in real-world contexts because textbooks do not provide enough information to help them acquire vocabulary. Thus, the study explores vocabulary instruction methods and linguists' perspectives on them. Subsequently, the paper centers on the significance of vocabulary in relation to grammar and the caliber of lexical material, the vocabulary employed in sentences, including words and phrases, and the perspectives of both domestic and foreign linguists.

The purpose of the study. By the present time, the English language is taking the leading places in terms of the level of its use in practice. In science, technology, culture, education, economy and other fields, especially in professional activities, having the skills to use a foreign language freely is one of the requirements of the present time. In language, it is not always possible to express objects, events, and their signs in one word. That's why there is a need to express a specific subject or concept through a new whole word formed from combining two or more terms. A person assimilates the experience of human society through words because thinking occurs with the help of words. Language learners spend a lot of time studying the lexicon of the language they

are learning and like to use dictionaries that contain frequent and common words. However, it does not teach language use because dictionaries do not provide information about language use. Language learning is not just a focus on lexical items, but a careful study of the types of lexical features to be presented and used.


Methods such as the study of scientific-theoretical literature, pedagogical observation during the lesson, comparative analysis of translation methods, questionnaire and test were used. The superiority of vocabulary over grammar. Teachers should always keep in mind that language learning is their learning of meanings. According to M. Halliday, "Language is a product of a social process, and language emerges during communication with others (Halliday M.1978)." Teaching methods are also important to help students communicate with each other through the words they have learned. Linguists emphasize the importance of teaching vocabulary, not grammar, to students in developing authentic English communication skills. Importance of putting lexicons over grammar M. Lewis said that language does not consist of lexicons adapted to grammar, but grammar adapted to lexicons (Lewis V., 1993). In addition, Widdowson states that communicative competence is not related to knowledge of rules, but depends on previously accumulated language skills and knowledge. He argued that rules are regulatory rather than binding and that they have no force without words (Widdowson, H.,1989).

The above comments indicate the priority of lexis over grammar in foreign language classes. However, we must now turn to the practical application of this idea.

Advantages of terms and phrases. In the science of linguistics, it is important to clearly define the concept of terminology, which deals with the study of terms, and the concept of nomenclature, which is close to it, and to distinguish between them. The word "terminology" is composed of the Latin terminus and the Greek logos, meaning "the science of terms" (Sitkina F., 1988). According to A.A.Reformatsky, the main function of the term is to name things and events, so the noun is based on the term (Reformatskiy A.A., 1986). Also, in his research on technical terminology, R. Doniyorov believes that "only the terms related to the noun family can be the object of terminology (Doniyorov R., 1977)".

Based on the opinion of the above linguists, it can be said that students should have knowledge and skills about the features of terms related to the field, that is the methods of their formation. It can be seen that in the process of teaching terms in English, it is necessary to take into account their linguistic features. Because terms are an integral part of the lexical layer of the language.

One of the important things that teachers should pay attention to is choosing words that are specific to them. For authentic communication, there is a strong argument for teaching lexemes as phrases rather than as single words. When linguists talk about the importance of lexical expressions in second language acquisition, they are divided into two. The first approach is that phrases are important because phrases make up language. The second is that expressions are very important because they are useful for students, that is, they enrich the content of the conversation.

Let's look at the opinions of foreign linguists in this regard. According to Sinclair, the mechanism of language use by native speakers is explained by two different principles: the principle of open choice and the principle of idiom. He argues that although language users use both principles, the principle of idiom prevails (most texts are explained by the principle of idiom)

(Sinclair J., 1991). For this reason, phrases are proposed as necessary components for teaching lexemes. Now let's look at different ways to combine words to form sentences.

Word combinations: According to Sinclair, words should be chosen in pairs and groups, for example, hard work, hard luck, hard facts and so on. As you can see, strong word combinations attract other words. McCarthy argues that languages are full of strong collocations and that these collocations should be the central focus of lexicography (Maccarthy M.,1990). Nattinger notes that word combinations help not only to memorize the words involved but also to determine the semantic areas of the word (Nattinger J., 1988).

It is impossible to teach everything students need to know because the number of lexical items is seemingly infinite. Therefore, it is necessary to choose approaches aimed at improving the effectiveness of vocabulary teaching, and not only by clear methods. A variety of activities should be used to help students develop their learning strategies.


If our teachers do not take into account learners' needs in the process of teaching vocabulary, no matter how modern methods are used, they will not give results. The first task before our teachers is to choose the lexicon based on the students' goals, wishes, their field of activity and the national-cultural characteristics of the language. This method increases enthusiasm for language learning and does not cause difficulties in their practical application. In addition to the general methodology, the vocabulary and phraseology methodology includes the following principles:

- lexis and grammar (comparison of lexical and grammatical meanings of words);

- system (taking into account all elements of the lexical paradigm);

- contextual (considering the word in its syntagmatic combinations in a sufficient context);

- lexical-syntactic (appropriate words and phrases).

All such principles implemented in the educational process provide students with an understanding of the essence of words and phraseology, and the need to consider them in the context in which we can know the semantics of the word.

Lexical and phraseological exercises prepare students to increase their vocabulary, therefore, when studying vocabulary and phraseology, it is effective to study words in specific groups. The following exercises are a good example of this;

• mark (show, underline), for example, polysemantic words (dialect words, phrases);

• choose synonyms of words (antonyms, word combinations);

• find dialectical (related to the profession or field) words in the explanatory dictionary;

• find the meaning of the selected words (shown by the teacher) and use them to make sentences suitable for different situations.

According to linguists above, another method, i.e. teaching words without translation, is also effective. The process of applying this method is carried out as follows: a new word, picture, or text is broadcasted or shown on an audio tape, and tasks are given with the exercises given above.

Learning lexical materials when working with terms related to different fields is carried out in the following stages:

- getting to know a new word;

- to start using terms (terms) in the speech process (at the initial stage).

At the initial stage, information is given on the form, meaning and application of the term. Uncovering the meaning of the term (systematization) is a traditional method and is not considered a special stage in the methodology. Before studying the terms related to the fields of the language being studied, information about the terms in the mother tongue is given.

For example, it was observed that during training sessions with students studying journalism, comparing them with English and Uzbek terms gives good results. When comparing the terms, the following features were identified:

that the meaning of the term in the Uzbek language is partially the same as in the English language;

the presence of words related to journalism that are not found in the Uzbek language;

the pronunciation of the English word does not correspond to the pronunciation of the word in Uzbek;

differences in the meaning of the terms adopted from the English language into the Uzbek language;

the existence of several component terms in the Uzbek language, like the English language,


The use of the Internet in English classes allows us to effectively solve several didactic problems. For example:

- increase students' mental abilities;

- attracting passive students to work;

- use of modern visual aids in lessons;

- use of previously unavailable materials;

- use of authentic materials;

- teaching students to work independently;

- increase the intensity of the educational process;

- establish live communication with representatives of other countries and cultures;

- formation of language skills (listening, reading, speaking and writing), etc.

Nowadays, the Internet resources and the possibility of using them for organizing the lesson

are unlimited. The global Internet network provides an opportunity for students and teachers located anywhere in the world to get any necessary information: regional geographic materials, news, articles in newspapers and magazines, literature related to the necessary field, etc. The use of the Internet enriches students' intercultural knowledge and skills with the help of foreign friends, experiencing what real communication is in the educational process.

Students have to use the language knowledge and skills they have learned in the process of using various information and resources on the Internet. In such cases, the most important thing they pay attention to is the correct use of words and phrases, terms and idioms. If in the course of the lesson, there are exercises and assignments aimed at developing language skills using the above-mentioned Internet information, there will be no difficulties in using Internet services.


Thus, the need to take into account modern linguistic and didactic achievements in teaching lexicon and terms in English, to teach English terms to students using modern methods, as well as to create textbooks related to the field, serves to increase the quality and efficiency of teaching English terms.

Based on the experience of the higher educational institution, the following should be noted as a conclusion in the teaching of English language terms:

- it is necessary to apply modern methods and approaches to the educational process, taking into account the theoretical opinions of local and foreign linguists;

- when organizing lessons, it is important for teachers to choose vocabulary and terms based on students' needs and to increase their interest in language learning;

- students should have information about the principles that help them understand the meaning of words and phraseology;

- Doing exercises using the Internet and social networks is effective in forming lexical


- When teaching words and terms in English, students' language experiences from Uzbek and English should be taken into account.

In summary, these associative chains are particularly helpful for learning new vocabulary since they help learners retain not only the main idea but also associated notions. This method of presenting words facilitates the most straightforward understanding of lexical units and creates the framework for a blend of deliberate and unintentional memorizing. In addition to reflecting the hierarchy of concept subordination and the order in which concepts derive from one another, these schemes-contexts visually portray the appropriate thematic field in all of the natural linkages between its constituents.


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2. Lewis, V., The lexical approach: the state of EFL and a way forward. Hove: Language teaching publications. 1993. 99.

3. Widdowson, H.G., Knowledge of language and ability for use. Applied linguistics.1989. 10(2), 128-137.

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5. Реформатский А.А., Мысли о терминологии. Современные проблемы русской терминологии. М-1986, 163-198.

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7. Sinclair, J.M., Corpus, concordance, collocation. Oxford University Press, 1991. 112.

8. Maccarthy, M., Vocabulary, Oxford, Oxford University Press. 1990,12.

9. Nattinger, J., Some current trends in vocabulary teaching, Harlow: Longman. 1988. 69.

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