TEACHING METHODS IN EDUCATIONAL THEORY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Гуманитарные науки»

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Ключевые слова
teaching methods / teacher and student / goals of teaching / ways of theoretical and practical orientation of educational material. / teaching methods / teacher and student / goals of teaching / ways of theoretical and practical orientation of educational material.

Аннотация научной статьи по Гуманитарные науки, автор научной работы — Turayev U.Ya.

This article discusses the activities of the teacher and student in the educational process, teaching methods, how to organize and conduct the educational process, as well as what actions students should perform in this process.

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This article discusses the activities of the teacher and student in the educational process, teaching methods, how to organize and conduct the educational process, as well as what actions students should perform in this process.


Turayev U. Ya. senior teacher Jizzakh polytechnic institute


Abstract. This article discusses the activities of the teacher and student in the educational process, teaching methods, how to organize and conduct the educational process, as well as what actions students should perform in this process.

Keywords: teaching methods, teacher and student, goals of teaching, ways of theoretical and practical orientation of educational material.

Today, individual education is gaining a special place in the system of educational organization. To get in-depth knowledge of a particular science, subject according to the interest, need, and desire of the student of individual education; It is organized in order to eliminate the situation of lack of mastery in a certain subject or subject, as well as to help students who have been treated in health care institutions for a long time or are under the supervision of medical personnel to fulfill the requirements of the curriculum. Tutoring is becoming increasingly popular as one of the main forms of individual education.

The success of the educational process depends not only on its form, but also on the effectiveness of the methods used.

Teaching (education) methods occupy a central place in the theory of education.

Educational methods mean ways to achieve the goals of teaching and theoretical and practical orientation of educational material.

Teaching methods determine the activities of the teacher and student in the educational process, how to organize and conduct the educational process, and what activities students should perform in this process.

The methods consist of several main groups, each of which is divided into subgroups and separate methods included in them. Educational methods can be divided into the following groups according to the organization of learning activities, transmission of educational information, acceptance, understanding, retention, application of acquired knowledge in practice, formation of practical skills and qualifications:

- verbal (methods of transmitting and receiving educational information through words or oral methods - story, lecture, conversation, etc.);

- methods of visual transmission and reception of educational information (visual methods - visual, demonstration, etc.);

- providing educational information through practical work activities (practical methods - exercises, laboratory experiments, work activities, etc.).

The method of oral presentation is one of the most widely used methods in the school education system, and this method can be used in all classes in all subjects.

This method is recommended by perceiving the information presented directly through the live speech of the teacher, and by this feature it differs from other methods of education and is used in 5 types.

Types of oral presentation method:

a) telling a story;

b) explanation of educational material;

c) lecture;

g) conversation;

d) working with textbooks and books.

Telling a story is a concise, short and coherent statement of evidence, events and events related to the topic being taught by the teacher as a whole or in parts, by means of figurative representation.

Storytelling is widely used in the teaching of social and humanitarian subjects.

It is necessary to pay special attention to the use of visual aids in order to ensure that the students do not become passive listeners during the story, but to increase their activity, draw their attention to the topic, and ensure that they think about events and events.

A lecture is to reveal the true nature of the subject being studied during a one-hour session, to draw scientific conclusions based on the ideas presented in it, and to present knowledge in a certain consistency based on their generalization.

Even if the topic is explained in the course of the lecture, other types of the method of oral presentation of the educational material can be used, in particular, storytelling and explanations.

Terms of organization of the lecture

- the material must serve to fulfill the general tasks facing the educational system;

- during the lecture, introducing the students to the scientific news and discoveries related to the topic;

- correctly determining the educational value of the material, determining the means of educational influence;

- the teacher's speech is considered the only source of knowledge in the presentation, therefore it should be fluent, understandable, expressive;

- students should write down the definitions given by the teacher.

In the course of the lecture, it is necessary to comment on words and phrases unfamiliar to the student, to pay attention to the definition of rules and laws in a simple, concise and understandable way.

Explanation of educational material focuses on revealing the essence of the studied phenomenon, law, rule or action.

The teacher proves the validity of the laws and regulations related to this or that subject of a certain subject by giving evidence and examples.

The interview method is often referred to as the question-and-answer method. Because, on the basis of this method, the organization of the educational process is mainly conducted in the form of questions and answers. The interview method creates a certain activity in students, and in the process of finding an answer to the given question, the student thinks, expresses his personal opinion, and tries to prove it. This improves their thinking skills.

In the course of education, introductory, main and final conversations on the topic being studied are also used. An interview is also organized in order to determine to what extent the students have mastered the new topic.

Working with a textbook or a source (book) is the main type of method of oral presentation of the material and occupies an important place in the practice of higher education institutions.

Working with educational literature is considered a complex psychological process. It refers to the development of conscious perception of the knowledge and information presented by the teacher in the course of education. The use of this method in the educational process helps students to develop the skills of conducting small research.

Work with textbooks and books is carried out in two directions.

Directions of the method of working with the textbook and source (book):

- working with textbooks and educational literature (resources) during the lesson;

- independent work with textbooks and educational literature depending on the subject of the lesson and outside the classroom.

Students of higher education institutions should be taught to use various additional literature, scientific and popular scientific articles, as well as newspaper materials along with textbooks and other educational materials.

The following types of instructional methods are used in education.

Types of instructional method - description; display; excursion.

Demonstrations and tours are important in ensuring that students directly perceive the learning material through clear images.

Demonstration method allows students to mobilize their sense organs -hearing, sight, smell and taste, skin senses to one object individually or several sense organs in one way for the students to master the theoretical knowledge explained by the teacher.

The display method is used in the following two ways according to the nature of the subject.

The main features of the display method:

- revealing (demonstrating) the content of the subject being studied in the main part of the lesson or training using various means;

- use of materials presented in the lesson conducted with other independent education methods.

The tools used in the educational process serve to ensure the effectiveness of education.

A tool is an auxiliary learning material necessary for the successful use of a particular teaching method or methods.

Educational tools consist of equipment, laboratory equipment, information and technical tools (devices), instructional tools, symbols, textbooks, training manuals, radio, television and computer, etc.

The use of teaching aids in the educational process - natural or pictorial demonstration materials (subject, diagram, diagram, photo, definition, rule, formula, etc.)


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