TEACHING ENGLISH VOCABULARY FOR YOUNG LEARNERS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Гуманитарные науки»

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Ключевые слова
vocabulary / young learners / teaching methods / media / stimulating experience / activity / principles / learning style. / Словарный запас / учащиеся младшего возраста / методы обучения / средства массовой информации / стимулирующий опыт / деятельность / принципы / стиль обучения

Аннотация научной статьи по Гуманитарные науки, автор научной работы — Gulshan I. Kodirova

The article considers the analysis of teaching vocabulary for young learners. There is also spoken how important of building up a useful vocabulary during the learning of foreign languages at primary level. And it states Methods, techniques in teaching vocabulary and approaches to teaching vocabulary for young learners

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В статье рассматривается анализ преподавания лексики младших учеников. Также говорится о том, насколько важно наращивать полезный словарный запас при изучении иностранных языков на начальном уровне. А также излагаются методы, приемы преподавания лексики и подходы к преподаванию лексики для младших учеников.



Gulshan I. Kodirova

English teacher, Uzbekistan State World Languages University Department of English language teaching methodology and educational technologies e-mail: gulshansharipova1995@gmail.com


The article considers the analysis of teaching vocabulary for young learners. There is also spoken how important of building up a useful vocabulary during the learning of foreign languages at primary level. And it states Methods, techniques in teaching vocabulary and approaches to teaching vocabulary for young learners.

Keywords: vocabulary, young learners, teaching methods, media, stimulating experience, activity, principles, learning style.


В статье рассматривается анализ преподавания лексики младших учеников. Также говорится о том, насколько важно наращивать полезный словарный запас при изучении иностранных языков на начальном уровне. А также излагаются методы, приемы преподавания лексики и подходы к преподаванию лексики для младших учеников.

Ключевые слова: Словарный запас, учащиеся младшего возраста, методы обучения, средства массовой информации, стимулирующий опыт, деятельность, принципы, стиль обучения.


Maqolada kichik yoshdagi o'quvchilariga lug'at o'rgatish tahlili muhokama qilinadi. Shuningdek, u boshlang'ich bosqichda chet tillarini o'rganishda foydali lug'atni shakllantirish qanchalik muhimligi haqida gapiradi. Shuningdek, unda boshlang'ich darajadagi o'quvchilar uchun lug'at o'rgatish usullari, lug'at o'rgatishda har xil yondashuvlar ko'rsatilgan.

Kalit so'zlar: lug'at, yosh o'quvchilar, o'qitish usullari, ommaviy axborot vositalari, rag'batlantiruvchi tajriba, faoliyat, tamoyillar, o'rganish uslubi

Introduction. Teaching English vocabulary to young learners can be both fun


April 26, 2024

and effective. Here are some tips to help you effectively teach vocabulary to young learners. Young learners respond well to visual aids, so use pictures, flashcards, and real objects to help them understand and remember new words. Engage young learners in activities that require them to use the new vocabulary, such as games, songs, and role-plays. This will help them remember the words better. Young learners need to hear and see new words multiple times before they can remember them, so make sure to repeat the vocabulary in different contexts. Simple and clear language should be used when introducing new vocabulary to young learners.


Cameron stated that building up a useful vocabulary is central to the learning of a foreign language at primary level. It means that in English language teaching and learning, vocabulary is very important because vocabulary is the basic lesson for young learners before they start to study about English language further. In addition, Rogers says, "a good vocabulary and a good reading go hand in hand, unless you know the meaning of words, you will have difficulty in understanding what is read." In the other words, if the young learners do not know the meaning of words, they will have difficulty in understanding what they see, read and learn. According to Salmon, there are some points to make the process of teaching English to young learners more enjoyable and stimulating experience for the children as young learners:

a. The activity should be simple enough for the children to understand what is expected from them.

b. The task should be within their abilities. It needs to be achievable but at the same time sufficiently stimulating for them to feel satisfied with their work.

c. The activity of should be largely orally based indeed, with their young children listening activities will take up a large proportion of class time. Meanwhile, Woodland gives some principles in teaching vocabulary that the teacher should pay attention. They are:

a. The aims of teaching vocabulary

The teacher has to decide the goals that the learners supposed to reach. The aims to be clear for the teacher. How many of things listed does the teacher expect the learner to be able to achieve the vocabulary? What kinds of words?

b. The quantity of vocabulary

If there are too many words, the learner may become confused and discouraged.


April 26, 2024

Tashkent Medical Academy Integration of Science, Education and Practice in Modern Psychology,

Pedagogy: a Problem and Solutions

Toshkent tibbiyot akademiyasi Zamonaviy psixologiya, pedagogikada fan, ta'lim va amaliyot integratsiyasi:


c. The students need

Teacher must select the suitable words according to the topic and students need. The teacher should also create the appropriate environment in which the student could be capable to communicate and internalize the words they need.

d. Frequent exploration and repetition

In learning English vocabulary, young learners need a certain amount practice and repetition to make them understand it.

e. Meaningful presentation

Teacher should have good and clear presentation, so the learners have understanding of the English vocabulary words that are taught.

f. Situation presentation

Teacher should focus on the topic when they teach English vocabulary to young learners. In teaching English vocabulary, teacher should be presented the familiar context to the children.

Teacher should be able to identify the young learner's characteristic and the young learner's needs. Besides, teacher should choose kinds of materials and suitable techniques to the young learners. In order to guide, facilitate and build a conducive condition to the learners, teachers should look for a good way to teach them by considering many factors influencing in teaching. So, the goals of teaching and learning English vocabulary can be successful.

Methods and Approaches to Teaching Vocabulary for Young Learners According to Argyris and Shon there are many different method and approaches how to teach a foreign language, including vocabulary. Here will be mentioned just some of them that can be used in teaching young learners.

a. To help the learners understand it is important to visualize the item and get the pupils to repeat or use the item actively. One good way of doing this is to let them see or perhaps touch the vocabulary item, for instance a house. We need to let them repeat it in different ways and they should be given a chance to listen to the teacher talking about it.

b. A little bit of shocking method is the direct method or the direct approach. The mother tongue is never used, there are no translations. Only target language is used in the classrooms and only complete sentences are used. Culture is considered an important aspect.

c. Suggestopedia is a very successful method in helping learners to memorize words. This method stimulates the learner's brain by music while learning but nowadays teachers seem to be leaving this method.


April 26, 2024

d. What really works especially for young learners is the Total Physical Response method - TPR. Very many children are nowadays very hyper and physically active and to concentrate for a long time can be very difficult for them. Using this method, games, changing topics and using a variety of activities is very appreciated by them. This method is used a lot by teachers.

e. Communicative Language Approach (Teaching) - CLT - stresses the meaning of a language in context. Communicative competence is highly developed here and learners are encouraged to communicate.

The important of vocabulary role in the student's learning is needed to consider because if the vocabulary is not ensured and developed, the vocabulary mastery of the learners will be limited and they will find many difficulties in teaching learning English. We can help the children to understand and make the learning fun.

The Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary There are many techniques to teach English vocabulary to young learners. In order to decide the appropriate and suitable technique and method, the teacher should concern to the young learners learning style. By knowing the learners learning style, the teachers will find the suitable technique and method so that the young learners can get the clear understanding about the vocabulary given. Luckett suggests three categories of children learning style:

a. Visual learners

The visual learners learn everything through seeing. As children, they have their own understanding that comes through hands and eyes and ears.

b. Auditory learners

The auditory learners will learn more easily through verbal lessons and anything that allows them to speak out while learning. These kind of young learners discover information through listening and interpreting information. They also use a music or song to help them memorize words.

c. Kinesthetic learner

The kinesthetic learner will enjoy a hand on approach or being able to move while learning. Children with this kind of learning style have a hard time sitting for long period's time and may become disruptive if they are not allowed to get up quite often during the teaching and learning process.

Fisher states that, "In all classroom, there will be students with multiple learning style and students with a variety of major, minor and negative learning style." Here, the teacher should vary their techniques in teaching English vocabulary so that all the young learners with various learning style will understand well about English


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vocabulary given. Fisher also stated that "an effective means of accommodating these learning style is for teachers to change their own style and strategies and provide a variety of activities to meet the needs of different learning styles", then all students will have at least some activities that appeal to them based on their learning styles, and more likely to be successful in these activity.

The Media in Teaching Vocabulary

Media plays an important role in a teaching and learning process. the use of media is very needed to reach the purposes of teaching and learning and it should be various as stated by Alina and Manuela, they say, "the use a variety of teaching aids to explain language meaning and construction, engage students in a topic or as the basic of a whole activity." In addition, Clark, Sanders and Stammen propose, "A medium is any person, material, or event that establishes conditions, which enable learners or students to acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes." While, Cuban defines media as "the tools or the physical things used by a teacher to facilitate the instruction."

The using of media will increase the probability that learners will learn more and the knowledge will retain better in their mind. There are many media that can be used in teaching and learning process, according to Jager and Lokman, the media to teach are classified into six general categories:

a. Picture

Picture consists of photograph of any object or event, which may be larger or smaller than object or event it represents.

b. Audio recording

Recording is made on magnetic tape, discs, motion picture, and soundtrack. These are reproductions of actual event or soundtrack.

c. Motion picture

A motion picture is a moving image in color or black and white produced from live action or from graphic representation.

d. Television

This category includes all types of Audio-Video electronic distribution systems, which eventually appear on television monitor.

e. Real things, simulation, and model

This category includes people, events, objects, and demonstration real things, as constructed with other media, are not substituted for the actual object or event. They are in fact, life itself, often in its natural settings. Simulation is the replication of real situation, which has been designed to be as near the actual event or process as


April 26, 2024

Tashkent Medical Academy Integration of Science, Education and Practice in Modern Psychology,

Pedagogy: a Problem and Solutions

Toshkent tibbiyot akademiyasi Zamonaviy psixologiya, pedagogikada fan, ta'lim va amaliyot integratsiyasi:


possible. Many media, including the computers, tape recordings, and motion pictures can be used for simulation. A model is representation of reality, it is often in scale and may be miniature, exact size or a larger size.


Very young children learn vocabulary items related to the different concepts they are learning. When children learn numbers or colors in their native language, they are adding concepts as well as vocabulary items. If we had to have complete knowledge of words before using them, we would be restricted to very limited vocabulary. Avoiding using complex words or explanations that may confuse them. Young learners should be helped to understand the meaning of new words by linking them to familiar real-life situations or experiences. Regularly review previously learned vocabulary to help young learners retain the words in their long-term memory.


1. Cameron, L. Teaching languages to young learners. - New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001

2. Rogers, T. Language teaching methodology (ERIC Issue Paper). - Washington, DC: ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics, 2001

3. Salmon, P. Psychology for Teachers: an alternative approach. - London: Hutchinson, 2008

4. Woodward, T. Models and metaphors in language teacher training. - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011

5. Argyris, C. and D. A. Shon. Theory in Practice. - San Francisco: Jossey-Bass,


6. Fisher, R. Teaching Children to Learn. 2nd Edition. - London: Nelson Thornes,


7. Fisher, R. Teaching Children to Learn. 2nd Edition. - London: Nelson Thornes, 2005

8. Alina P., & Manuela M. Foreign language teaching via ICT // Journal of Social Informatics, Issue, #12, 2009 -PP.192-195

9. Clark, V. L., Sanders, G. F., & Stammen, R. M. Building a user-friendly environment: The challenge of technology in higher education. // Kappa Omicron Nu Forum. #11 (1), 2009. -PP.43-54

10. Cuban, L. Teachers and machines: The classroom use of technology since 1920.


April 26, 2024

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