TEACHING CULTURE OF COMMUNICATION IN ENGLISH Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Ismatillayeva D.

This article discusses the teaching of communication culture in English.

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words that were encountered in manuscripts in ancient languages, especially the writings of Greek and Latin classics. A scientist or just a copyist, having determined the meaning of an unfamiliar word, wrote it between the lines or in the margins; A separate such litter is called Glossa. The earliest glosses are known from the deepest antiquity (for example, the Sumerian glosses of 25 c.BC.). From a functional point of view, the so-called metalinguistic function of a language was realized in the glosses, that is, using the language to discuss the language itself, and not the external world. Handwritten glossaries were in constant demand. Many copies were made from them, and later, when books became cheaper with the advent of book printing, dictionaries were among the first printed products.


1. Antipov A.M. The rhythmic system of English speech. M., 1984.

2. Arnold I.V. The style of modern English. (Decoding Stylistics). L., 1973..

3. Bogin G.I. Speaking in a foreign language as one of the objects of teaching practical stylistics in a language university // Inostr. lang in higher. wk 1971.

4. Peshkovsky A.M. Selected Works. M., 1959..

5. Smirnitsky A.I. Lexicology of English. M., 1956..

6. Khaleeva I.I. Fundamentals of the theory of learning to understand foreign language speech. M., 1989.

UDC 378

Ismatillayeva D. Teacher of foreign languages department Namangan Engineering Construction Institute

Uzbekistan, Namangan TEACHING CULTURE OF COMMUNICATION IN ENGLISH Annotation: This article discusses the teaching of communication culture in English.

Key words: language, culture, communication, learning, method, speech.

At the present stage, one of the current areas of methodological research aimed at optimizing the teaching of a foreign language is the search for ways of teaching effective speech communication. The set of knowledge and skills necessary for its implementation, denoted by the term "culture of speech communication", is the subject of purposeful development in the study of a foreign language. The urgency of such an approach to the question becomes especially evident in the context of the continuous expansion of international contacts, when the planned pragmatic effect of a speech statement is often the key to success. The culture of speech communication is given great attention when teaching native and foreign languages. To date, enough material has been accumulated in theory and practice that forms the basis of the concept of teaching communication culture (I.V. Arnold, Yu.A.Belchikov, G.I. Bogin, B.N. Golovin, MD Kuznets, AM Peshkovsky, DE Rosenthal, Yu.S. Sorokin, N.I. Formanovskaya). Scientists note that the culture of verbal communication is a system, between the components /

levels of which there is a close relationship and interdependence. In their opinion, several different methods of teaching individual aspects should be replaced by a single concept of teaching effective foreign language communication, in which all of them would be closely interconnected and subjected to simultaneous purposeful development. With regard to learning a foreign language, this issue has not been studied enough, which is partly explained by the more modest tasks facing learners of a non-native language. At the same time, the lack of due attention to the culture of communication in the practice of teaching leads, on the one hand, to numerous errors in speech errors that disrupt communication, causing the native speakers a reaction known in linguistics as "culture shock", and a significant reduction in the impact of speaking / writing in a foreign language.

Thus, the object of research is the process of learning a foreign language from the point of view of the development of a culture of verbal communication. The subject of the research is stylistic correctness (relevance) and consistency as the most significant characteristics of the utterance, as well as speech etiquette, which acts as one of the most important communication strategies. It is well known that a distinctive feature of the communicative approach to learning a foreign language is the interpretation of the target setting as the development of skills to communicate in this language. In this regard, it was proposed to use the sociolinguistic concept of communicative competence to denote the individual's ability to generate socially acceptable statements. Despite the fact that the thesis about the need to teach communication in the course of a foreign language is not currently disputed by anyone, the importance of improving the effectiveness of foreign language communication is not emphasized enough.

Communicative competence is a necessary, but not yet sufficient prerequisite for effective speech communication. Being formed by a native speaker mainly in the process of socialization, she gives him the opportunity to regulate his speech behavior in accordance with the norms adopted in this linguistic community. At the same time, being the result of a spontaneous process, the considered ability does not allow the speaker in each specific communicative act to fully achieve the planned pragmatic result, i.e. make an impact on the interlocutor. To achieve a planned pragmatic result, the speaker / writer must be able, on the basis of knowledge of the psychological mechanisms of influence, to adequately use the expressive-emotional and / or logical means available in the language. It is known that one of the conditions for effective communication is the maximum consideration of the peculiarities of the partner / communication partners. Having become the object of close attention in ancient Rome and Ancient Greece in the study of oratory, the culture of speech, although it assumed the addressee to be considered, extended mainly to a monologic utterance, which is largely characteristic of the modern interpretation of this phenomenon. It is the notion of the culture of verbal / verbal communication that allows us to take a broader look at ways to optimize communication, since it also includes the interlocutors' knowledge of "speech strategies" or "communication strategies" (J. discarse strategies) J.Gumperz. The culture of communication includes such an

essential component as a culture of thinking that promotes an adequate orientation of the subject of speech in the given conditions of communication and allows him to apply the laws of correct thinking to achieve the goals of communication. If communicative competence is formed by a native speaker in the process of socialization, rhetorical competence and, more broadly, the culture of verbal communication is always a subject of special development (in a number of countries there is currently growing interest in rhetoric as a way to optimize communication, the art of verbal communication).

In the United States, for example, the teaching of rhetoric is a compulsory subject in curricula designed for students who specialize in areas such as pedagogy, law, and management. As we noted above, the culture of verbal communication is a multifaceted phenomenon that can be represented in the form of certain levels. The first includes highly-developed cognitive processes, primarily thinking. To the second - a set of linguistic and non-linguistic knowledge. The knowledge base includes such components as: 1) language knowledge: a) knowledge of the language; b) knowledge of the principles of speech communication; 2) extra-linguistic knowledge: a) about the context and situation, knowledge about the addressee (including knowledge of the goals and plans set by the addressee, his ideas about the speaker and the environment, etc.); general background knowledge (that is, knowledge of the world). This also includes the knowledge of psychological mechanisms of influence on the addressee. The third level is the culture of speech, which is the sum of skills and abilities that provide such characteristics of the utterance as consistency, expressiveness, stylistic adequacy, etc. At the same level are the skills of both correct / normative and expressive use of non-verbal means of communication. And finally, the fourth level, which includes the ability to plan and manage discourse in order to implement speech influence on the addressee.In contrast to the rather widespread opinion in the methodology of teaching a foreign language that the goal of achieving a culture of communication is justified only in a language university, a number of scientists believe that it is possible for any in-depth study of a foreign language.

This is explained by the fact that with intercultural, as well as with intercultural communication, the speaker / writer often seeks to achieve a certain pragmatic effect, which is possible only with a sufficiently high degree of development of his communication culture. It plays a particularly large role in cases where people speaking or writing in a non-native language use it to achieve socially significant goals in such areas as diplomacy, international public, economic, and scientific activities. It should be noted that in any of the above areas there are their own specific norms of behavior, including speech, which should ideally lead to their study, description and development on this basis of professionally oriented teaching of the culture of foreign language communication.


1. Kostomarov V.G., Leontiev A.A. Some theoretical questions of the culture of speech // Vopr. linguistics. 1966. No. 5.139

2. Faenova M.O. On the stylistic characteristics of the oral speech of students of a language university // Questions of methodology and psychology of teaching foreign languages. Moscow, 1977 (Collection of scientific papers. Tr. / Mosk. State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages. M. Torez. Issue 121).

3. Schweitzer A.D., Nikolsky L.B. Introduction to sociolinguistics. M., 1978.

4. Shcherba L.V. Language system and speech activity. L., 1974.26. Gumpers J.J. Discourse Strategies. Cambridge. 1982

5. Jespersen O. Mankind, Nation and Individual from a Linguistic Point of View. Ldn, 1946.

UDC 376.5252

Karimov D.R.

Namangan Engineering Construction Institute


Annotation: This article deals with investment issues as the main structural elements of the market

Keywords: investment, innovation, capital, technology, currency, market reforms

Scientific and technological progress has an impact on economic growth and the welfare of the population. The key to improving the quality of products and services, saving labor and material costs, increasing labor productivity, improving the organization of production and improving its efficiency are the achievements of science and technology.

It is generally accepted that there are two levels of analysis of economic phenomena: at the micro and macro levels. In connection with the fact that this chapter will deal with economic growth, it is necessary to describe what indicators are used to calculate economic growth at the macro level, since this level is the main one in the study of economic growth. At the level of the economy as a whole, economic growth is calculated on the basis of such indicators as GDP and GNP. Due to the fact that the essence and the difference between these indicators are well known, in the author's opinion, a detailed analysis in their relation within the framework of this work is not necessary. To measure the quality of economic growth, indicators such as the standard of living of the population, the ratio of leisure and working time, the level of education in the country, the availability of programs for the development of skills and retraining of personnel, the health of the nation, and much more are also used.

It should be noted that the concepts of economic development and economic growth should be distinguished. Economic development is a broader concept than economic growth. First, development can occur in the absence of growth, in

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