Научная статья на тему 'Teachers’ training system of natural and mathematical disciplines of Ukraine in STEM-education'

Teachers’ training system of natural and mathematical disciplines of Ukraine in STEM-education Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Valko Nataliia

The analysis of scientific works and directions of researches of scientists in the context of STEM education are defined. Changes, taking place in future teachers’ curricula and activities that allow teachers to improve their skills and gain knowledge in innovative technologies are analyzed.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Teachers’ training system of natural and mathematical disciplines of Ukraine in STEM-education»


Valko Nataliia,

Associate Professor of the Chair of Informatics, Software Engineering and Economic Cybernetics, PhD (Physical and Mathematical Sciences) Kherson State University E-mail: valko@ksu.ks.ua


Abstract. The analysis of scientific works and directions of researches of scientists in the context of STEM education are defined. Changes, taking place in future teachers' curricula and activities that allow teachers to improve their skills and gain knowledge in innovative technologies are analyzed. Keywords: STEM-education, future teachers, natural and mathematical disciplines.

Problem formulation in general and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks.

Educational reforms in Ukraine require a new approach to teacher's training for both practitioners and future teachers. The community of educators to implement STEM education as an integrated course in Natural Sciences and Mathematics has been formed. In particular, a new specialty "014.15 Secondary education (Natural Sciences)" was added. But the question is the systematic training of future teachers in integrated courses.

Analysis of basic researches and publications. Promoting of education in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM-education) is a promising direction for addressing labor market demands. It creates the conditions for a balanced harmonious formation of science-oriented education based on the modernization of mathematical-natural and humanitarian education profiles. The technologicalization of production processes has increased the interest of scientists in the development of STEM education and increasing of STEM literacy.

The problem of STEM education development, its implementation and theoretical and methodological research in Ukraine has been giving a lot of attention

lately. First of all, it should be noted that the abbreviation "STEM" was first used in native publications since 2015 (issue of "Scientific Notes of the MAN" № 8). Officially, this acronym has appeared in Ukraine since 2016, when the Commission for the Establishment of STEM Education was created by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the corresponding department at the Institute for Modernization of Education Content was established.

A review of the publications identified the areas of researches on the topic that have already been made by scientists. Most of the works are devoted to methodical developments and practical issues of STEM technologies application. Some scientists study the methods of teaching using STEM-education technologies in all levels of education (Bilyk Z. I., Botuzova Y. V., Vostrikova V. V., Dere-za I. S., Kuzmenko O. S., Slipukhina I. A., Sebalo L., Chernetsky I.). The set of general knowledge, built in STEM education, was considered in the works of Balyk N. R., Gribyuk O. O., Kuzmenko O. S., Poli-hun N. I., Sharko V. D., and many others. Problems of STEM education tools and technologies were studied by Morse N. V., Menderecky V. V., Mar-tyniuk O. O., Kushnir N. O., Osipova N. V., Osad-chyi V. V., and others [1-8]. The analysis of scientific


works on STEM-education revealed the process of training of teachers of natural and mathematical disciplines in the field of STEM-education insufficiently explained.

Main research. The purpose of introduction and development of STEM-education in Ukraine is the innovative development of subjects of the natural-mathematical cycle and research work in educational institutions [9]. STEM education is seen as an amalgamation of sciences that promotes the development of innovative technologies and the formation of creative thinking. In the applying of the integrated approach to learning, the formation of key competences, defined in the concept of "the New School" program, implemented in all schools of Ukraine since 2018 is taken place. It also emphasizes an integrated approach to the teaching of disciplines with the use ofengineer-ing tools as the basis of STEM learning [3].

The basis of students' motivation for conscious choice of profession in the fields of natural and mathematical sciences is the formation ofSTEM-literacy of society through integrated study of STEM-disciplines and the use of STEM-competences in future professional activity [6]. Special attention is paid to the curriculum of the specialty "014.15 Secondary education (natural sciences)" of teachers' training for conducting integrated courses in educational institutions. It requires the development ofpractically oriented teaching methods, curricula and programs within the discipline of the training courses. There is a modernization of training programs in technology development.

The issue of science-based methodological learning system is also relevant. An example of the structural-logical scheme of the STEM-education model and the structure of the technical and technological picture of the world, as a means of integrating and systematizing the professional knowledge of different specific pictures of the world, are given in [7].

Many works are devoted to practical application of STEM technologies in educational activity. Positive practical results of STEM learning application are given in [6]. They have developed didactic and meth-

odological materials for conducting field studies in Biology and Chemistry within the framework of classes at the Small Academy of Sciences. In [2], the authors share the experience of using STEM-modeling of physical phenomena in the vocational disciplines of teaching in higher education institutions.

Effective management of the development of professional competencies and the promotion of teachers' STEM competencies require the dissemination of experience and achievements in STEM education:

• development of an innovative technological environment as a basis for research work in order to realize innovative ideas;

• interaction of teachers and students in the issues of conducting research work for the purpose of scientific and methodological development and preparation of personnel reserve;

• organizing and conducting presentation events (festivals, competitions, hackathons, conferences) in order to disseminate innovative experience and realize the motivational component of research activities and attract business investment.

The level of professional skill of scientific and pedagogical workers is the main factor in the introduction of educational innovative forms. Increasing the pace of STEM education should be promoted at all levels.

The development of technologies influences the formation of curricula of educational specialties. Disciplines dedicated to the study of digital technologies have become part of the curriculum of all specialties in the educational field. To teach future teachers, curricula should include integrative disciplines; the use of modern technology in the learning process. The directions of study of students of natural and mathematical disciplines are determined by the curricula of specialties. Disciplines such as 3D modeling and printing, robotics, Internet of things like data analysis and machine learning, robotics

modeling and programming, cloud computing and digital marketing are emerging in curricula.

Training of teachers in the advanced training system in the centers of postgraduate education and higher education institutions, short courses, webinars, conferences, availability of technologies, their number, facilitates their involvement in the use of technologies in their activities. Also, the new teacher's certification system motivates the teacher to acquire new skills, to undergo training and to participate in innovative technology activities.

Conclusions and prospects for further research. Thus, today, a system of teacher training in

the field of STEM education is formed in Ukraine, based on cooperation and interaction at all stages of educational activity. There are educational programs that support the integrated teaching of subjects in the natural and mathematical disciplines, the training of teachers using digital technologies. There has been a development of the advanced training system in short-term courses with innovative learning programs and legislative support. A promising area of further researches is the development of a methodological system of teaching future teachers on the principles of STEM education and innovative teaching methods.


1. Balik N. R., Schmiger G. P. Approaches and features of modern STEM education. Phys. education. 2017.-No. 2.- P. 26-30.

2. Kuzmenko O. S., Dembitska S. V., Formation of STEM competences of students in solving physical problems with the combination of the principle of symmetry in higher technical schools. Collection of scientific works of Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University. Series: Pedagogical. 2017.-Vol. 23.- P. 20-22.

3. Kushnir N., Valko N., Osipova N., Bazanova T. Model of organization of university ecosystem for development of STEM education. Informational Technologies in Education. 2018.- No. 4 (37).- P. 77-92. URL:http://ite.kspu.edu/issue_37/p-77-92.

4. Morse N. V., Gladun M. A., Dzyuba S. M. Formation of key and subject competences of students by robotic means of stem-education. Information technology and training tools. 2018.- T. 65.- No. 3.-P. 37-52.

5. Osadchyi V. V. Online distance learning services for future teachers. Information technology and training tools. 2010.- T. 20.- No. 6.

6. Polihun N., Slipukhina I., Chernetsky I. STEM oriented learning as a pedagogical problem. Pedagogical innovations: ideas, realities, perspectives. 2017.- Vol. 2.- P. 30-35.

7. Trifonova O. M. STEM environment of teaching physical and technical disciplines. Collection of scientific works of Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University. Series: Pedagogical. 2018.- Vol. 24.-P. 37-40.

8. Sharko V. Modernization of the system of teaching STEM students as a methodical problem. Scientific notes of Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University. Series: Problems of Methods of Physical-Mathematical and Technological Education. 2016.- Vol. 10 (3).- P. 160-165.

9. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № . 188 of29.02.2016. "On the establishment of a working group on the implementation of STEM education in Ukraine". [Electronic resource] - Access mode: URL:https://imzo.gov.ua/stem-osvita/normative-rights-zabezpechennya/nakazi-mon-ukrayini

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