Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 8. №11. 2022
https ://www.bulletennauki.ru https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/84
UDC 581.9 https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/84/11
©Mahmudova U., Ganja State University, Ganja, Azerbaijan, ulviyye.terlanli@mail.ru
©Махмудова У. Т., Гянджинский государственный университет, г. Гянджа, Азербайджан, ulviyye.terlanli@mail.ru
Abstract. In the given article, the flora of Ganja city and its surrounding areas was studied, the plants were systematically, biomorphologically, geographically, ecologically, and endemically analyzed. The article also analyzed rare and endangered plants on scientific basis. In the researched region, 68 families, 244 genera, and 441 species of plants were identified. It is reported that the basis of the flora composition of the territories is angiosperms, the leading families of which are Poaceae with 38 genera (15.6%), 63 species (14.3%), Fabaceae 23 genera (9.4%), 48 species (10.9%); Asteraceae is represented by 15 genera (6.6%), 35 species (7.9%). It was determined that the composition of the flora of the study area is dominated by perennial grasses with 194 species (44%).
Аннотация. Изучена флора г. Гянджа и его окрестностей, проведен систематический, биоморфологический, географический, экологический и эндемический анализ растений. Также на научной основе проанализированы редкие и исчезающие растения. В районе исследований выявлено 68 семейств, 244 рода и 441 вид растений. Сообщается, что основу состава флоры составляют покрытосеменные растения, ведущими семействами которых являются Poaceae с 38 родами (15,6%), 63 видами (14,3%), Fabaceae 23 рода (9,4%), 48 видов (10,9%); Asteraceae представлен 15 родами (6,6%), 35 видами (7,9%). Установлено, что в составе флоры исследуемой территории преобладают многолетние травы, насчитывающие 194 вида (44%).
Keywords: flora, ecogeographical analysis, biological analysis, endemism.
Ключевые слова: флора, эколого-географический анализ, биологический анализ, эндемизм.
The city of Ganja and its surroundings belong to the semi-desert, dry steppe climate type with mild winters and hot summers. Soils belonging to this climate have been formed within the geographical boundaries of the area. Soils are irrigated, salty, ordinary gray-brown. In the areas around Ganja, the soil belongs to the chestnut soil type, and the amount of humus in the decay layer is not higher than 3% in these soils, and all layers are low in nitrogen and phosphorus, and rich in potassium and calcium. The research conducted on the vegetation cover of the ecologically polluted
Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 8. №11. 2022
https ://www.bulletennauki.ru https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/84
areas of Ganja city showed that the zoning type of vegetation in the area is desert, semi-desert, meadow, steppe [1, p. 35].
In the study given to investigate the flora of the city of Ganja and its surroundings exposed to anthropogenic pressures, flora was monitored in the polluted areas around Ganja (within a radius of 10 km), its systematic structure, biomorphological analysis, geographical analysis, ecological analysis and endemism were determined.
Material and Methods
The object and materials of the research were the plants, bushes, trees, and the representatives of the cultural plants grown in these areas, such as wheat and corn. Characteristic plants were monitored on the basis of nearly 500 different herbarium materials collected from these areas. Generally accepted geobotanical methods [2-4] were used in the study of the modern vegetation of the area.
During the geobotanical investigations of the vegetation types of Ganja city and its surroundings, the biomorphological analysis of the life forms of the species was determined by referring to the scientific works of a number of botanical scientists [5, p. 146-202]. Biomorphological analysis of the research area by I. G. Serebryakova [6, p. 53-55; 5, p. 146-202] and Ch. Raunkiaer's [5, p. 148-154] classification was considered as the main criterion.
During the study, geographical types, areal classes and types of plants related to the flora of the area were determined by A. A. Grossheim [7, p. 234], Portenier [8, p. 76-84; 9, p. 26-33] and determined according to the last system [10, p. 71-73; 11, p. 23-25].
Experiments and Their Results
The flora and vegetation of Ganja city and surrounding areas (10 km) were investigated and monitored. The physical and chemical properties of the soils in these areas were studied. The climate of the research areas belongs to the temperate, hot, semi-desert, dry steppe climate type. This climate type is very poorly supplied with humidity, summer is very hot, the lowest temperature (+10 °C) occurs in January. Land belonging to the dry (subtropical) steppe bioclimatic zone was formed within the geographical boundary of the territory. Soils are irrigated, salty, ordinary gray-brown. Here there is a mixed terrain broken by shallow ravines. The basis of the water network in the area is the Goshgar river, Ganja River, Kurek river and their tributaries, which take their sources from separate peaks and slopes on the northeastern side of the Small Caucasus. Although these rivers have a constant flow of water in the high and medium mountainous area, they dry up when they enter the lowland zone. The terrain, climate, and humidity of the studied areas, as well as exposure to intense anthropogenic pressures, made it impossible for a rich plant flora to form in these areas.
Aluminum plant in Ganja city, iron ore metallurgical plant of Dashkasan, Bullur and car factories of Ganja, chemical industry are the main polluters of these areas. Environmental stress in these areas is also related to the intensity of agriculture. Too many pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and various fertilizers are applied to the soil every year. In addition, pastures have been completely destroyed and the structure of the soil has been destroyed in areas engaged in cattle breeding (Shamkir, Samukh cattle breeding). Ganja has a meat and dairy plant, confectionary and candy shops, flour milling and baking enterprises, and the population density is high. Due to the large population and the close connection of the surrounding cities and regions, the environmental pressure of the transport sector in the area is also high. Considering such a high environmental pressure in the surrounding areas of Ganja, we can say that the vegetation in the area is in danger of
Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 8. №11. 2022
https ://www.bulletennauki.ru https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/84
disappearing. Taking these into account, the condition of flora and vegetation in these areas was first clarified in the experiments.
441 plant species belonging to 68 families and 244 genera were identified on the basis of the herbarium specimens collected during the research conducted in 2011-2018 in the city of Ganja and its surrounding areas based on the determinants and based on literature data [12, p. 35-39]. This is 8.8% of the flora of Azerbaijan (out of 5000 plant species), and 6.3% of the Caucasian flora (out of 7000 plant species).
Table 1
Plant Families Genera Species
e % e % e %
•5 . g 'S .g 'S .g
Groups Number According to total number, , Number According to total number, Number According to total number,
Highspores 4 5.9 5 2 8 1.8
Gymnosperms (Gymnospermae) 3 4.4 4 1.6 8 1.8
Angiosperms (Angiospermae): 61 89.7 235 96.3 425 96.4
a) monocots 9 13.2 51 20.9 82 18.6
b) dicots 52 76.5 184 75.4 343 77.8
Total: 68 100 244 99.9 441 100
As can be seen from the Table 1, angiosperms (425 species 96.4%) form the basis of the flora composition of the city of Ganja and its surrounding areas.
Table 2
№ Families Genera Species
Number According to the total number, in % Number According to the total number, in %
1. Polypodiaceae 1 0.41 1 0.22
2. Athyriaceae 1 0.41 1 0.22
3. Aspleniaceae 0.82 5 1.13
4. Equisetaceae 1 0.41 1 0.22
5. Pinaceae 1 0.41 3 0.67
6. Cupressaceae 0.82 3 0.68
7. Ephedraceae 1 0.41 2 0.45
8. Typhaceae 1 0.41 2 0.45
9. Potamogetonaceae 1 0.41 1 0.22
10. Alismataceae 1 0.41 1 0.22
11. Butomaceae 1 0.41 1 0.22
12. Poaceae 38 15.6 63 14.3
Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 8. №11. 2022
https ://www.bulletennauki.ru https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/84
№ Families Genera Species
Number According to the total number, in % Number According to the total number, in %
13. Cyperaceae 5 2.0 10 2.3
14. Araceae 1 0.41 1 0.22
15. Juncaceae 1 0.41 1 0.22
16. Alliaceae 1 0.41 2 0.45
17. Salicaceae 2 0.82 4 0.91
18. Juglandaceae 1 0.41 1 0.22
19. Celtidaceae 1 0.41 2 0.45
20. Moraceae 2 0.82 3 0.68
21. Polygonaceae 4 1.6 8 1.8
22. Chenopodiaceae 7 2.9 14 3.2
23. Amaranthaceae 1 0.41 1 0.22
24. Caryophyllaceae 10 4.1 23 5.2
25. Ceratophyllaceae 1 0.41 1 0.22
26. Ranunculaceae 11 4.5 16 3.6
27. Papaveraceae 4 1.6 9 2.0
28. Brassicaceae 13 5.3 18 4.1
29. Crassulaceae 2 0.82 4 0.91
30. Saxifragaceae 1 0.41 2 0.45
31. Parnassiaceae 1 0.41 1 0.22
32. Grossulariaceae 2 0.82 3 0.68
33. Plantanaceae 1 0.41 1 0.22
34. Rosaceae 14 5.7 27 6.1
35. Fabaceae 23 9.4 48 10.9
36. Geraniaceae 1 0.41 2 0.45
37. Peganaceae 1 0.41 1 0.22
38. Euphorbiaceae 1 0.41 5 1.13
39. Celastraceae 1 0.41 3 0.68
40. Aceraceae 1 0.41 2 0.45
41. Rhamnaceae 1 0.41 2 0.45
42. Vitaceae 1 0.41 1 0.22
43. Tiliaceae 1 0.41 2 0.45
44. Malvaceae 4 1.6 7 1.6
45. Hypericaceae 1 0.41 1 0.22
46. Tamaricaceae 2 0.82 4 0.91
47. Cistaceae 1 0.41 2 0.45
48. Elaeagnaceae 1 0.41 1 0.22
49. Apiaceae 4 1.6 8 1.8
50. Cornaceae 2 0.82 2 0.45
51. Plumbaginaceae 1 0.41 1 0.22
52. Ebenaceae 1 0.41 2 0.45
53. Gentianaceae 1 0.41 3 0.68
54. Apocynaceae 1 0.41 1 0.22
55. Convolvulaceae 1 0.41 4 0.91
56. Cuscutaceae 1 0.41 2 0.45
® I
Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 8. №11. 2022
https ://www.bulletennauki.ru https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/84
№ Families Genera Species
Number According to the total number, in % Number According to the total number, in %
57. Boraginaceae 4 1.б б 1.4
58. Verbenaceae i 0.41 2 0.45
59. Lamiaceae ii 4.5 21 4.8
б0. Solanaceae б 2.5 9 2.0
б1. Scrophulariaceae 4 1.б 9 2.0
б2. Plantaginaceae i 0.41 4 0.91
бЗ. Sambucaceae i 0.41 2 0.45
б4. Caprifoliaceae i 0.41 3 0.б7
б5. Valerianaceae i 0.41 5 1.12
бб. Dipsacaceae 3 1.2 4 0.91
б7. Cucurbitaceae i 0.41 1 0.22
б8. Asteraceae 15 б.б 35 7.9
Total: 244 100 441 100
The leading families of the flora of Ganja city and its surroundings (Table 2) Poaceae 38 genera (15.6%), 63 species (14.3%), Fabaceae 23 genera (9.4%), 48 species (10.9%); Asteraceae 15 genera (6.6%), 35 species (7.9%) Brassicaceae 13 genera (5.3%), 18 species (4.1%); Rosaceae 14 genera (5.7%), 27 species (6.1%); Lamiaceae 11 genera (4.5%), with 21 species (4.8%); Caryophyllaceae 10 genera (4.1%), with 23 species (5.1%); are represented. Other families consist of 1-5 genera and 1-9 species. Genera with a small number (Juniperus L., Ephedra Tourn. ex L., Cynodon Rich., Bromus L., Hordeum L., Salsola L., Polygonum L., Salsola L., Cydonia Tourn. ex Mill, Peganum L., Tamarix L.) are of great importance in the formation of vegetation type and aspect in the area where they are spread.
As can be seen from Table 3, the number of genera represented by the most species in the study area is 21, and the number of species is 95. This is 21.5% of the flora of Ganja city and its surrounding areas. Other species are united in 220 genera and make up 78.5% of the flora (346 species). Including Astragalus L. (6; 1.4%), Artemisia L. (6; 1.4%), Poa L. (5; 1.12%), Cerastium L., (5; 1.12%), Papaver L. (5; 1.12%), Medicago L. (5; 1.12%), Vicia L. (5; 1.12%), etc. which are the most species in terms of the number of species in the floristic composition and they are outnumbered.
Table 3
№ Genera Number of species In % by number of species
1 Avena L. 4 0.91
2 Poa L. 5 1.12
3 Hordeum L. 4 0.91
4 Cerastium L. 5 1.12
5 Dianthus L. 4 0.91
б Papaver L. 5 1.12
7 Medicago L. 5 1.12
S Melilotus Mill. 4 0.91
Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 8. №11. 2022
https ://www.bulletennauki.ru https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/84
№ Genera Number of species In % by number of species
9 Astragalus L. 6 1.4
10 Vicia L. 5 1.12
11 Euphorbia L. 5 1.12
12 Convolvulus L. 4 0.91
13 Teucrium L. 4 0.91
14 Salvia L. 4 0.91
15 Solanum L. 4 0.91
16 Verbascum L. 4 0.91
17 Plantago L. 4 0.91
18 Valerianella Mill. 5 1.12
19 Artemisia L. 6 1.4
20 Cirsium Mill. 4 0.91
21 Taraxacum F. H. Wigg. 4 0.91
Total: 95 21.5 (of the 441 species)
Biomorphological analysis. Contamination of the research area with various pollutants, as a result, had certain effects on the development and life forms of plants.
From the analysis of the flora of the study area, it was determined that perennial grasses dominate its composition with 194 species (44%) (Table 4). According to the number of species, annual-biennial grasses take the next place with 164 species (36.5%), of which 137 species (31%) are annuals, 21 species (4.8%) are biennials, and 6 species (1.4%) are annual and biennial. In the flora of Ganja city and its surrounding areas, there are trees with 24 species (5.4%), trees and shrubs with 3 species (0.7%), shrubs with 43 species (9.8%), shrubs and trees with 1 species (0.2%), semi-shrubs 11 species (2.5%) and shrubs are represented by 1 species (0.2%).
Table 4
Life forms Number of species Total number of species, in %
Trees 24 5.4
Trees and shrubs 3 0.7
Shrubs 43 9.8
Shrubs and trees 1 0.2
Semishrubs 11 2.5
Bushes 1 0.2
Perennial herbs 194 44
Annual-biennial herbs 6 1.4
Biennial 21 4.8
Annual 137 31
Total: 441 100
A biomorphological analysis of higher plants spreading in the study area was carried out (Table 5).
As can be seen from the Table 5, when the types of flora are analyzed by life forms, 215 (48.7%) hemicryptophytes make up more species; therophytes are represented by 137 species (31.1%) and cryptophytes by 10 species (2.3%), phanerophytes by 64 species (14.5%) and chamaephytes by 15 species (3.4%).
Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 8. №11. 2022
https ://www.bulletennauki.ru https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/84
Table 5
Life forms Number of species Total number of species, in %
Phanerophytes 64 14,5
Chamaephytes 15 3,4
Hemicryptophytes 215 48,7
Cryptophytes 10 2,3
Therophytes 137 31,1
Total: 441 100.0
Geographical analysis. The flora of Azerbaijan stands out from other regions due to its species diversity in the flora of the Caucasus. During the research, the geographical types of plants, areal classes and were determined [11, p. 71-73].
Table 6 as can be seen, in the formation of species in the flora of the city of Ganja and its surroundings, the ancient Mediterranean (35.8% with 158 species), the boreal (33.1% with 146 species) and the Caucasus (16.3% with 72 species) areal types. species are dominant. Other areal types with fewer species: adventive 11 species with 2.5%, Ancient (III period forest) areal type with 13 species with 3%, steppe with 26 species with 5.9%, desert with 7 species with 1.6% are represented. The areal type of 7 species (1.6%) has not been determined. It should also be noted that from the analysis of the species distributed in the research area according to geographical elements, it became clear that the species included in the Ancient Mediterranean areal type have a special role in the formation of the flora.
Table 6
Areal types Number of species Total number, in %
Ancient (III period forest) 13 3
Boreal 146 33,1
Steppe 26 5,9
Xerophyte (Ancient Mediterranean) 158 35,8
The Caucasus 72 16,3
Adventive 11 2,5
Desert 7 1,6
Cosmopolitan 1 0,2
Undefined 7 1,6
Total: 441 100
1. 441 species including 68 families and 244 genera have been identified for Ganja city and its surroundings. Poaceae (63), Fabaceae (48), Asteraceae (35), Rosaceae (27), Caryophyllaceae (23), Lamiaceae (21), Brassicaceae (18) families dominate the flora of the areas which are under the effects of anthropogenic pollution.
2. In the flora of the study area, there are 194 types of perennial grasses (44%), annual and biennial grasses with 164 species (36.5%), trees with 24 species (5.4%), trees and shrubs with
Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 8. №11. 2022
https ://www.bulletennauki.ru https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/84
3 species (0.7%), shrubs with 43 species (9.7%), shrubs and trees with 1 species (0.2%), semi-shrubs with 11 species (2.5%), shrubs with 1 species (0.2%) represented, and respectively 229 types (51.9%) of hemicryptophytes, 123 types (27.9%) of therophytes, 10 species (2.3%) cryptophytes, 64 species (14.5%) phanerophytes and 15 species (3.4%) are chamaephytes. Chamaephytes and Cryptophytes are exposed to strong pollution around the city.
3. Classification of the flora of the polluted area of Ganja city by areal type Mediterranean Sea (158 species 35.8%), Boreal (146 species 33.1%), Caucasus (72 species 16.3%), Adventive (11 species 2.5%), Ancient (III period forest) (13 species 2.9%), steppe (26 species 5.9%), desert (7 species 1, 6%) was analyzed according to the area type. 7 types (1.6%) have not been determined. The specific role of species included in the ancient Mediterranean areal type in the formation of the flora is a property.
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Ссылка для цитирования:
Mahmudova U. Systematic Structure, Biomorphology and Geographical Analysis of the Flora of Ganja City and Its Surroundings // Бюллетень науки и практики. 2022. Т. 8. №11. С. 83-91. https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/84/11
Cite as (APA):
Mahmudova, U. (2022). Systematic Structure, Biomorphology and Geographical Analysis of the Flora of Ganja City and Its Surroundings. Bulletin of Science and Practice, 5(11), 83-91. https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/84/11