Научная статья на тему 'Systematic, active and competent approach as the basis of the educational standards of the new generation in literature'

Systematic, active and competent approach as the basis of the educational standards of the new generation in literature Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Kolchikova Natalya Lavrentevna

The article under discussion deals with the use of systematicactive and competent approach (the requirements of the standard of the second generation) at the lessons of literature. Disputable problems are supposed: key competences of school-learners, which should be formulated in the process of studying literature in the course of competent-active approach. Aim: Realization of the requirements of new FSES in literary education. Method or methodology of the working process: Systematic-active and component approaches in education. Results: The working out of methodological basics of literary education. The sphere of application of the results: Literary education.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Systematic, active and competent approach as the basis of the educational standards of the new generation in literature»

DOI: 10.12731/2218-7405-2013-7-25


Kolchikova N.L.

The article under discussion deals with the use of systematic- active and competent approach (the requirements of the standard of the second generation) at the lessons of literature. Disputable problems are supposed: key competences of school-learners, which should be formulated in the process of studying literature in the course of competent-active approach.

Aim: Realization of the requirements of new FSES in literary education. Method or methodology of the working process: Systematic-active and component approaches in education.

Results: The working out of methodological basics of literary education. The sphere of application of the results: Literary education. Keywords: Competence, modernizationn, the reader.


Кольчикова Н.Л.

В статье рассматриваются возможности использования системно-деятельностного и компетентностного подходов (требование стандарта второго поколения) на уроках литературы. Предлагаются дискуссионные вопросы:

ключевые компетенции учащихся, которые должны быть сформированы в процессе изучения литературы в русле компетнтностного и деятельностного подходов.

Цель: Реализация требований новых ФГОС в литературном образовании.

Метод или методология проведения работы: системно-деятельностный и компетентностный подходы в образовании.

Результаты: разработка методологических основ литературного образования

Область применения результатов: литературное образование.

Ключевые слова: компетенция, компетентность, модернизация, читатель.

The process of modernization of the Russian education, which is going on today, the change of its aim orientation - from socialization of a personality to the formulation of a man, who is a bearer of his time and people, have brought to the use of such a category as educated person. In terms of the view to literature as the means of education modern methodology began to advance new approaches to the study of the subject. The tasks of the system of education is not only to pass a certain amount of knowledge to a personality but to teach to obtain this knowledge.

Systematic-active approach, based on theoretical principles of the conceptions of L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontyev, provides that educational activity is interpreted here as sense activity, i.e as mutual activity of equal conscience of the teacher and the learner, directed to creation, but not to the reproduction of the context of the problem or object in question, etc. Teaching-learning process is realized only when there is purposeful and meaningful communication of the teacher and the learner, which is based on mutual confidence and respect to each other. In modern methodology systematic and active approach is hereditarily connected with the competent approach as it presupposes that the aim of education is becoming not merely knowledge and skills, but it also includes certain qualities of a personality. If earlier, while leaving

school, the learner had to possess a certain amount of knowledge, skills and habits, nowadays quite a new category of the results of education is suggested, called "competence". Lately in methodological literature new attempts are being taken how to understand the term "competence" concerning concrete school subjects. Competent and active approaches (V.V. Kraevsky, A.V.Khutorsky) are more meaningful and important to define the contents of literary education in modern schools. In teaching the competent approach is wider than the active one, and the former absorbs the latter. And here the active approach is the main trend in realization of the competent approach.

In general didactic sense competence is a "combination of intercommunicated qualities of a personality (knowledge, skills, habits, and also ways of activity), referring to a certain number of subjects and processes, which are necessary to treat them competently and productively" [6, 60]. "Competence is much wider than the terms "knowledge, skills, habits" as it includes the orientation of a personality, his or her ability to overcome stereotypes, to feel problems, to display shrewdness, flexibility of thinking" [2, 139]. The problem of nature, status, attributes and mechanisms of competence in modern educational science has been regarded lately and is a target for hot disputes. In our opinion, it is important to understand competence as personal opportunity and experience of a specialist, his readiness to accept optimal decisions due to one's knowledge, habits and skills [2, 63].

In didactics there are key, intersubject and subject competences. Key competences deal with traditional division of the contents of education inter general for all the subjects, intersubject competences deal with some circle of subjects, subject competences deal with each subject. Key competences are competences based on value and meaning of the aims and orientation of the learner, his ability to see and understand the surrounding world, to find himself there, to be aware of his role and place, to be able to chose the right directions for his or her actions and behavior and to be able to take decisions, etc.; general-cultural competences presuppose knowledge and experience of activity in the sphere of national and human culture,

spiritual and moral basis of life and man and mankind, separate nations; the experience of exploration by the leaner the map of the world which includes cultural and all human understanding; communicative competences deal with the knowledge of languages, ways of interaction with the surrounding world; habits of group work, etc.

The key competence also include educational-cognitive competences which mean the combination of competences of a learner in the sphere of independent cognitive activity, which includes elements of logical, methodological, all-scientific activity. It also includes ways of organization of aims, plans, analysis, reflexion, etc.; informative competences are habits of activity in terms of information in subjects and educational spheres and the surrounding world. Possession of means of information (television, fax, computer, printer, modem) and of informative technologies; competences of personal selfperfection are aimed at possessing of ways of physical, spiritual and intellectual selfdevelopment which is expressed in non-stop self-knowledge, development of personal qualities and in formation of cultural thinking, etc. [2, 137 - 138].

Under the term competence the learner usually implies the level of acquired knowledge, skills, abilities, personal initiative, necessary for effective fulfillment of some concrete activity [4, 63]. According to the State standard of secondary education, a school-leaver must possess the following competences: personal, social, intellectual, communicative, all-cultural.

Basic components if the competences, being formulated at the lessons of literature, are those based on value and meaning, connected with the aims of the learner, his ability to understand the surrounding world, to find himself or herself in it; methodological competence is the competence of the learner to realize personal intellectual activity in the frames of scientific methodology. Communicative competence is vitally important (the ability of sufficient communication), all-cultural (knowledge and experience of activity in the sphere of national and all-human culture, the sophistication of the learner to grasp the picture of the world which

extends from all-cultural to all-human understanding of the world); philological competence (S.S. Averintsev, E.A. Bistrova), which consists of linguistic (habits of all-level linguistic analysis) and literary (the ability of aesthetic comprehension and evaluation of works of literature). It is supposed that any school course of literature formulates step by step and successively the complex of reading skills and habits of philological analysis. At the lessons of literature skills to read, to comment, to analyze and interprete a text of emotive prose and poetry are formulated based on theoretical-literary principles. It is necessary to educate such personal qualities as constant necessity in reading which is a process of meaningful activity. As V.V. Kraevsky and A.V. Khutorskoy put it, this competence should be formulated in the process of school literary education [5, 168].

Modern methodological literature gives the following definition of reading competence: "it is the development of psychological system, which contains the leading component, and this component is the ability to convert the context of the text into the personal experience of the reader" [6, 6].

The reading competence is the main factor to formulate educational competence, it defines its moral basis and all-human value; having possessed this competence, the learner will be able to feel oneself in the informative environment and to evaluate it critically.

Thus, systematic and active approach brings to the understanding, in wider sense, the standards of education. Such understanding does not deny the ZUN approach. At the operational and technological level ZUNs play a very important role, nothing can be done without them. Alongside with it, there is one more formula: competence - activity - competence. Competence, as an objective characteristics of reality, must go through activity in order to become competence as a characteristics of a personality. This formula helps to understand what competence is, its basic meaning. It is knowledge in action. And competent approach does not contradict active approach, they are parts of each other.


1. Kraevsky V.V., Khutorskoy A.V. Osnovy obucheniya. Didaktika i metodika [The Basics of education. Didactics and methodology]: textbook for students of higher institutions. M., Izdatelsky tzentr "Akademia", 2007. 352 p.

2. Mizherikov V.A., Ermolenko M.N. Vvedenie v pedagogicheskuyu professiyu. Pedagogicheskoe obshchestvo Rossii [The Introduction into pedagogical profession. Edagogical society of Russia]. M., 1999. 288 p.

3. Rusova N.U. Vnedrenie obshchenauchnoy metodologicheskoy paradigmy v praktiku literaturnogo obrazovaniya [The Application of all-scientific paradygm into practice of literary education]. Filologicheskie traditsii v sovremennom literaturnom i lingvisticheskom obrazovanii [Philological traditions in modern literary and linguistic education]. M., 2005. 204 p.

4. Selevko G.K. Kompetentsii i ikh klassifikatsii [Competences and their classification]. Narodnoe obrazovanie, no. 4 (2004): 139.

5. Obuchenie russkomu yazyku [The Teaching of Russian]: textbook for the students of pedagogical institutions / Ed. E.A. Bistrova. M., 2007. 240 p.

6. Khutorskoy A.V. Klyuchevye kompetentsii kak komponent lichnostno-orientirovannoy paradigmy obrazovaniya [Key competences as a component of personal-oriented paradigm of education]. Narodnoe obrazovanie, no. 4 (2004): 60.

Список литературы

1. Краевский В.В., Хуторской А.В. Основы обучения. Дидактика и методика: учеб. Пособие для студ. высш. учеб. заведений. М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2007. 352 c.

2. Мижериков В.А., Ермоленко М.Н. Введение в педагогическую профессию. Педагогическое общество России. М., 1999. 288 c.

3. Русова Н. Ю. Внедрение общенаучной методологической парадигмы в практику литературного образования // Филологические традиции в современном литературном и лингвистическом образовании. М., 2005. 204 c.

4. Селевко Г. К. Компетенции и их классификации// Народное образование. 2004. №4, С. 139.

5. Обучение русскому языку: Учеб. Пособие для студентов пед.вузов/ Под ред. Е. А. Быстровой. М., 2007. 240 с.

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Kolchikova Natalya Lavrentevna, Associate Professor, Ph.D.

Khakassia State University named after N.F. Katanov 90, Lenin Str., Abakan, Khakassia Republic, 655017, Russia e-mail: pollik21@mail.ru


Кольчикова Наталья Лаврентьевна, доцент кафедры литературы, кандидат педагогических наук

Хакасский государственный университет

ул. Ленина, д. 90, г. Абакан, Республика Хакасия, 655017, Россия

e-mail: pollik21@mail.ru

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