SYSTEM OF VESSEL VIBRATIONAL DIAGNOSING Текст научной статьи по специальности «Медицинские технологии»

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Аннотация научной статьи по медицинским технологиям, автор научной работы — Kechik D., Kosmach N., Riabtsev P., Tolkach R., Davydov I.

The purpose of the article is to propose the system of vessel diagnosing. Review of the currently used approaches has been conducted. Especial for vessel diagnosing issues were discussed. Diagnosing and maintenance system satisfying according requirements has been proposed. Industry 4.0 approaches and modern digital signal processing techniques have been applied. Future work plan has been proposed.

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UDC 621 DOI 10.52928/2070-1624-2022-38-4-2-5


D. KECHIK, N. KOSMACH, P. RIABTSEV, R. TOLKACH, PhD I. DAVYDOV (Belarussian state university of informatics and radioelectronics, Minsk)

The purpose of the article is to propose the system of vessel diagnosing. Review of the currently used approaches has been conducted. Especial for vessel diagnosing issues were discussed. Diagnosing and maintenance system satisfying according requirements has been proposed. Industry 4.0 approaches and modern digital signal processing techniques have been applied. Future work plan has been proposed.

Keywords: vibrational diagnosing, Industry 4.0, vessel diagnosing.

Introduction. Vessel propulsion set is a complex equipment and requires regular maintenance. Its unexpected failure fraught with high losses. Equipment state assessment relying on vibration signals and predictive maintenance have been shown to be effective in industry. Less works devoted to ship equipment vibrational diagnosing are available. The most commonly used methods for diagnosing of vessel propulsion are [1; 2]:

1. Vibration level monitoring.

2. Octave spectrum levels.

3. Vibration spectrum analysis.

4. Detection of pulses.

Vibration level characterizes general state of equipment and do not allow to identify defect or damaged unit. Octave spectrum analysis is more informative and can be used under conditions of variated or unknown shaft speed. Spectral analysis is widely used for faulty units identification. Pulse detection is usually used for bearing defects identification.

The commonly used in industry signal processing methods are successfully applied for vessel equipment diagnosing, but the equipment exploitation experience has revealed especial requirements for the diagnosing and maintenance system.

Problem formulation. Unlike the factory, vessels aggregate diagnosing is limited due to absence diagnostics specialist onboard, then operative data acquisition and processing is required [1; 2]. Then diagnosing system adjustment is possible for specialist and full amount of needed for maintenance information is available for sheep crew. At the same time, on shore diagnosing and maintenance services obtain this information simultaneously [2].

Exploitation conditions of vessel aggregates makes often convenient spectral analysis difficult. Propeller rotation speed vary due to water flow influence [1; 3; 4]. Speed variation has periodic component conditioned by blades manufacturing tolerances. But speed variation is rarely uniform due to cavitation in water flow. Another reason of non-steady vibration is rapidly changing of load and speed (due to bad weather, for example) [1]. The most dangerous effect is hunting of an alternator set governor. Then propulsion set diagnosing is the most complicated due to strong simultaneous amplitude and angle modulation. Monitoring of aggregates in transient modes (e.g. engine start and stop) is recommended [1]. Shaft frequency vary rapidly in this mode. The solution is application of frequency tracking and signal resampling methods that require installation of additional hardware or high computational resources. Synchronous resampling accuracy is reported to be not enough in many cases [1]. Exploitation of rotary equipment and vehicles experience has shown that speed and load variation affected statistical characteristics of vibration. This effect is also required to be compensated. Especially attention must be paid to preventing of system failures that are usually occur in transient operating modes [1].

Discussed problems require complex solution consisting of application of complicated algorithms of digital signal processing and thus deployment of powerful processing server and convenient off-line access to processing results. The solution must fulfill the requirements to resolve given problems:

- be fully automated from data acquisition to decision making (problem 1);

- update information about technical state of vessel equipment (problem 1);

- be able to conduct complicated DSP (problem 2, 3);

- update the simplest metrics of vibration fast (problem 1).

Development of automatic control systems require their unified integration with each other. The issues of uncompatibility of different systems and data cleanup might be overcame [5].

Purposed solution. To resolve the problems and satisfy the requirements, the comprehensive solution is proposed. The general objective of the proposed system is condition monitoring and prescriptive maintenance

of the ship propulsion system in order to reduce the number of breakdowns, reduce downtime of ships, and increase the efficiency of their use. The architecture of the proposed system for condition monitoring and prescriptive maintenance will consist of 3 main parts:

1. Data acquisition system for the collection and transmission of the marine propulsion units telemetry data.

2. Cloud-based analytical platform for telemetry data processing and diagnostic report generation.

3. User interface for results representation.

Data acquisition system consists of the data transmitter and the number of sensors installed on marine propulsion units. It collects telemetry data on equipment condition (such as vibration, temperature, rotational speed, etc.) by predetermined schedule and transfers it to the cloud-based analytical platform for processing.

The analytical platform is accountable for detecting defects of the serviced equipment and generating reports with detailed maintenance prescriptions (instructions). The analytical platform consists of the number of algorithms for vibration and telemetry data processing. Conditions of equipment exploitation require application and adaptation of modern DSP algorithms. For example, it has been discussed above that conventional spectral analysis is not effective under conditions of significant speed variation. To overcome this issue, shaft frequency tracking and signal resampling is applied [6]. To reveal modulated and pulse signals produced by bearings and gearings, wavelet analysis [7] and its modifications, such as packet wavelet transform [8], sparse wavelet decomposition [9; 10] are applied. Additional arrangements are speed and load evaluation and their influence on informative features compensation. For example, it has been shown to be effective in statistical measures of vibration trending task [11]. As a consequence, the following data processing algorithms are applied:

- vibration statistics trending (RMS, peak factor, kurtosis, etc.);

- ISO-based analysis (ISO 10816, ISO 7919, ISO 15242, VDI 3834, ISO 1940);

- 1-, '/3-, /-octave spectrum analysis;

- frequency-domain analysis (spectrum and demodulated HF-spectrum);

- time-frequency domain analysis (wavelet analysis, correlogram analysis);

- time-domain analysis (vibration shock pulses recognition & classification);

- time synchronous averaging (TSA);

- order spectrum analysis;

- cepstral domain analysis;

- equipment load operating mode recognition & compensation;

- equipment speed operating mode recognition & compensation;

- shaft rotational speed tracking & signal resampling;

- shaft orbit analysis;

- history data processing (trend analysis, defects verification, prognosis);

- equipment remaining useful life (RUL) estimation & etc.

The algorithms are used to determine the speed operating mode of the marine, estimate and prognosis the technical condition of the propulsion unit, and form a prescription for its maintenance (if it is required).

The user interface in the form of a personal account. The developed system will be also integrated within ERP systems (i.e., MES, CMMS, etc.) to transfer the processing results (orders for maintenance) to them.

The diagnosing and maintenance system diagram is presented on Figure 1. The server-based software conducts processing of vibration, informative features extraction, long term prognosis and maintenance prescriptions. At the same time, vessel technical state and recommendations for ship crew are operatively updated. The system of enterprise equipment maintenance, integrated with context broker and enterprise automated control system has been proposed [12]. The context broker has been shown to be effective for integration unification between diagnosing and control systems. Modified system for marine diagnosis (Figure 2) includes integration with context broker that updates virtual entity of ship aggregates. Each unit state and according recommendations (replace in two month, emergency stop) are updated through broker and consumed by indication and maintenance systems.

Future work plan. The most of assigned tasks can be potentially solved relying on existing methods and frameworks being parts of proposed system. Tasks of system failures prevention and transient mode vibration analysis require new algorithms development.

1. Selection of a vessel and analysis of the kinematic diagram of its propulsion system.

2. Analysis of failures in the ship's propulsion system and justification of the business model of its maintenance.

3. Adaptation of the acquisition system to collect and transfer the data of vibration and rotational speed, justification of the number and characteristics of the sensors for reliable diagnosis.

4. Equipping propulsion units of the vessel with a telemetry data acquisition and transmission system. Deploy cloud storage.

5. Developing a digital twin of the marine propulsion system for vibration-based diagnostics.

6. Preconfiguration of the analytical platform for diagnosing the propulsion system based on the data being taken. Create a preliminary user account to display the processing results.

7. Adaptation of vibration analysis algorithms for fault detection of propulsion system. Research and development of the additional algorithms for the specific operation and maintenance of the propulsion system.

Figure 1. - Cloud-based system for vessel diagnosis

Figure 2. - Modified system for vessel diagnosis

8. Development of an indication system for detected faults (integration with ERP, push-notifications, etc.). Finalization of the user interface and the format of diagnostic reports.

9. Integration of diagnosing, telemetry and indication blocks and automated control systems with context broker.

10. Development of new algorithms of ship vessel diagnosing.

Conclusions. A review of vessel vibrational diagnosing problems and widely used solutions has been presented in this work. System of vessel diagnosing has been proposed. The system is fully automated, it operatively updates information about vessel technical state. Virtual entity metadata, consisting of informative features and diagnostic information, is updated. Automatic decision-making systems, onshore services and vessel state indication blocks receive the updates through context broker.


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