SYNTACTICAL FUNCTIONS OF ATTRIBUTIVE SYNTAGMS IN LINGUISTICS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Anarbekova A.A.

The article deals with the theoretical, comparative analyses of sytagms word combinations, phrases and other combinations in the grammatical contrastive structure of the English and Uzbek languages.

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УДК: 13.00.02

Anarbekova A.A.

student TRCHSPI



Annotation: The article deals with the theoretical, comparative analyses of sytagms word combinations, phrases and other combinations in the grammatical contrastive structure of the English and Uzbek languages.

Key words: Phrase, syntagm, word combinations, theoretical, analyses, contrasive, language, structure, attributive, sentence, different, opinion, scolars, etc.

Syntagm in a broad sense, any sequence of linguistic elements linked by the relationship of dependent member to governing member. This is F. de Saussure's concept of syntagm.

A syntagm may be a sequence of words (external syntagm) or a sequence of morphemes (internal syntagm). For example, dom-ik forms an internal syntagm in which the element dom- ("house") is the dependent member and ik (diminutive suffix) the governing member. This syntagm corresponds to the external syntagm malen'kii dom, in which dom is dependent and malen'kii ("small") is governing.

In a narrower sense, a syntagm is a phrase within a sentence; it may be predicative, attributive, or objective. In this same sense, the sentence is a chain of consecutive syntagms. L. V. Shcherba defined a syntagm as an articulated phonetic unit organized by intonation, expressing a single meaningful whole, and consisting of one or several rhythmic groups. A sentence may be divided into syntagms in various ways, depending on shades of meaning, logical emphasis, or syntactic homonymy. An example is vchera/bylo zharko as contrasted to vchera bylo/zharko ("yesterday/it was hot"—"yesterday it was/hot"). Main types of syntagms types of notional syntagms:

-Predicative (the combination of subject and predicate) SV: We live, The sun is shining

-Objective (VO): Buy clothes; meet friends

-Attributive (AttributeN): old houses; nice thought

- Adverbial (notional word (V,Adj, Adv) + Adv. modifier):very well (Adv+Adv);simply the best (Adv+Adj)

It's the grammar that helps to distinguish the type of the language.

Some scholars regard morphology, the others -syntax as the evidence of the language typological characteristics.

But there is the third approach - i.e. through grammatical means.The grammatical means is the material realization of grammatical meanings (both

relative and derivative).Types:affixation (affiksatsiya), ablaut (ichki fleksiya, reduplication (takror),combining (cno^yneHHa), synthetic stress (urg'u),suppletive forms (orttirma shakllar),functional words (funksional sozlar ),word order(so'z tartibi),

analytical intonation :

-analytic / isolating / root languagesn synthetic / inflectional / inflecting languages

-agglutinating / agglutinative languages (Turkish, Japanese, Swahili): words are built up by stringing forms together, by sequences of morphs

- polysynthetic / incorporating languages(Australian aboriginal languages): long and complex word forms, contains a mixture of agglutinative and inflectional features

Analytic languages:

-analytic / isolating / root languages (English, Chinese, Vietnamese) - all words are invariable

- syntactic relationships are shown by word order

- in order to express person, case, and other categories, the language needs single words

- prepositional phrases and modal verbs are used ^ to the boy, did he arrive?

Synthetic languages:

- synthetic / inflectional / inflecting languages (Czech, Finnish, Latin, Arabic)

- the words typically contain more than one morpheme

- there is no one-to-onecorrespondence between the morphemes and the linear structure of the word

- words are formed by suffixes, declination, conjugation etc.

- forms of person, case, and other categories are compounded in one word

Synthetic languages- are defined as the languages of the 'internal' gramma r

of the word inflectional: most grammatical meanings and most grammatical relations of the words are primarily expressed by inflectional evices.Morphological forms as such can be regarded as synthetic where the base of the word is inseparably connected with its formants, presenting a grammatical category.Analytic languages are defined as being of 'external' grammar of the word.Analytical devices are preferably used for rendering grammatical meanings and relations of the words. Analytical tendency is revealed through the separate expression of main (lexical) and additional (grammatical) meanings of the words. Analytic features are traced in morphological lack of changeability of the word and existence of periphrastic constructions. The words remaining morphologically unchanged convey the grammatical meaning by combining with auxiliary or notional words, word order is strict.Naturally, the elements of synthesis and analysis are found in the languages of both the synthetic and the analytic type.

We can regard a language as having strong / weak analytical features.It is the number of morphemes in an average word that indicates the degree of analysis: 1.78 in English,2.4 in Russian,2.6 in Sanskrit.It is often the case when analytical and

synthetic forms coexist in the language, being synonyms:Many words -More than one morpheme in a word -analytic-synthetic.

The semantic classification of the sentence in english: the semantic classification of simple sentences is based on principal parts semantics. On the basis of subject categorial meaning, sentences are divided into impersonal, e.g.: it drizzles; there is no use crying over spilt milk; and personal; personal sentences are further subdivided into human and non-human. Human sentences are further subdivided into definite, e.g.: i know it; and indefinite, e.g.: one never knows such things for sure. Non-human sentences are further subdivided into animate, e.g.: a cat entered the room; and inanimate, e.g.: the wind opened the door. Impersonal sentences may be further subdivided into factual, e.g.: it drizzles; and perceptional, e.g. It looks like rain.


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