Научная статья на тему 'Synonymic and antonymic rows of color naming in lexical entries and mass media'

Synonymic and antonymic rows of color naming in lexical entries and mass media Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Еldzherkieva F.M.

The article discovers the functioning peculiarities of color naming in linguistics in terms of paradigmatic connections presence. The variety of such connections is rather wide but only synonymic and antonymic are discussed in the article through the example of color namings "white" and "black". The article is aimed to introduce the comparative plan of basic color naming using in lexical entries and mass media. To attain this aim the analysis of last decade's modern mass media is held. The author concludes that using synonymic and antonymic variations in color naming stands in stark contrast with lexical entries' examples.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Synonymic and antonymic rows of color naming in lexical entries and mass media»

DOI: 10.18454/RULB.6.33 Эльджеркиева Ф.М.

Ингушский Государственный Университет



Статья раскрывает особенности функционирования цветообозначений в лингвистике с точки зрения наличия парадигматических связей. Спектр подобных связей достаточно широк, но в данной работе рассматриваются только синонимические и антонимические на примере цветообозначений «белый» и черный». Основной целью статьи является представление сравнительного плана употребления базовых цветообозначений в словарных статьях и в средствах массовой информации. Для достижения поставленной цели производится анализ современных интернет-изданий СМИ за последнее десятилетие. Автор приходит к выводу, что использование вариантов синонимов и антонимов в цветообозначениях резко контрастирует с примерами словарных статей.

Ключевые слова: цветообозначение; парадигматические связи; СМИ; словарные статьи; синонимические и антонимические ряды.

Еldzherkieva F.M.

Ingush State University



The article discovers the functioning peculiarities of color naming in linguistics in terms of paradigmatic connections presence. The variety of such connections is rather wide but only synonymic and antonymic are discussed in the article through the example of color namings "white" and "black". The article is aimed to introduce the comparative plan of basic color naming using in lexical entries and mass media. To attain this aim the analysis of last decade's modern mass media is held. The author concludes that using synonymic and antonymic variations in color naming stands in stark contrast with lexical entries' examples.

Keywords: color naming, paradigmatic connections, mass media, lexical entries, synonymic and antonymic rows.

Почта авторов / Author Email: fiere85@mail.ru

One of the issues modern philological science is concerned with is colour naming -there are numerous works and discourse studies dedicated to this topic [7]. Semantic potential of colour naming is very rich due to the variety of information people have about colour as a multidimensional phenomenon; thus, colour becomes an inexhaustible source of connotative components of colour nomination [5, p.79]. In this regard, vocabulary related to colour naming is studied from the point of view of semantic, sociological, psycholinguistic and comparative-historical approaches (Ter-Minasova S., Grigoruk S., Vasilevich A., Wierzbicka A., Frumkin P., Maslova V., Bahilina N. and others).

The relevance of this article is determined by the fact that it considers colour nomination as conceptual and linguistic entity (Knyazev N., Maksimenko I.) characterized by ethnic, logical, anthropological and linguistic connections [4]. In this regard, it is interesting to see how units "white" and "black" are represented in the language in terms of synonymous and antonymous relations in the language system; it is also necessary to identify the peculiarities of these items functioning in lexical entries and media over the past decade.

The objective of the work is to determine the characteristics of synonymous and antonymous ties functioning in colour nomination "white" and "black" in terms of comparative samples for lexical entries and media. The article intends to 1) provide the semantics of colour nomination "white" and "black" in the dictionaries of synonyms and antonyms; 2) determine the peculiarities of colour nomination use in modern Russian mass media.

The material for the article was collected from the Internet editions of "Arguments and Facts", "Gazeta.ru," "Lenta.ru", "Izvestiya", "RIA Novosti", "NG", "Vedomosti" etc. (from September 2006 to April 2016).

Lexical synonymic entries contain the following nominations of colour white: «6enbiH»-"white", «6enocHexHbiH»-"snow-white", «MonoHHbiH»-"milky", «CHerabiH»-"snowy", «MenoBoH»-"chalky", «KHneHHbiH»-"white as foam", «CHexHo-6enbiH»-"cotton white", «6enoKHneHHbiH»-"foam-white", «MonoHHo-SenbiH»-"milky-white", «flHfleHHbiH»-"lily-white", «6enecbiH»-"whitish", «ane6acTpoBbiH»-"alabaster" (poetic), «6negHbiH»-"pale" [9].These synonymous variants have a common integrated characteristic related to white colour. However, «white» is not homogeneous in this realised synonymous row, its characteristic distinctive features extend the functionality features of colour terms use with the semantic component of «white.» Thus, some variant contain the distinctive feature of «bright», which gives rise to such words as «5enoKHneHHbffl»-"foam-white", «6enocHexHbiH»-"show-white" [3, p. 113; 8, p. 90].

The analysis of dictionaries of synonyms shows that there is one integral colour nomination that combines a set of signs, shades,

tones and the use of the original colour. However, variants are marked by characteristic distinctive features that contribute to the heterogeneity of the scope [8].

The use of synonymous colour terms with the component "white" in the media is characterized by the domination of expressions "pure, of white colour", for example: "On the one hand, the tourism industry is very well developed: white clean beaches, high level of security in the country" [«Gazeta.ru» 03/15/16]. As for dictionary synonyms «молочный» - "milky", «меловой» -"chalky", «снежный» - "snowy", «кипенный» - "white as foam", «белокипенный» - "foam white", «снежно-белый» - "cotton white", «молочно-белый» - "milky white", «лилейный» — "lily white" it should be noted that they are quite rare in the online publications of the media. The abovementioned feature is explained by the fact that the information intended for the general reader should be clear, understandable and unambiguous. Thus, the use of colour variants of «кипенный» - "white as foam" for the person who perceives information will contribute to misunderstanding, because this synonym is unfamiliar, rarely used and outdated. The word «молочный» —

"milky" is also rarely used in media as a synonymous variant of the dominant "white".

The word «алебастровый» - "alabaster" and «белесый» -"whitish" are seldom used as synonyms in colour nomination. There are very few examples of such usage in the media. For example: "Immediately after the turn to Saburovo village there is an immovable whitish veil of smoke" [«Izvestiya» 08/20/10].

The analysis of a synonymic row of colour nomination with the component "white" («белый»-"^^', «белоснежный»-"snow-white", «алебастровый»-"alabaster", «белесый»-"whitish" etc.) based on media showed that it has a single integrated seme (dominant) - white in the lexical meaning of "clean", "of white colour". In addition, online editions seldom use obsolete or vernacular variants, as information rendered in the article should match the parameters of availability, clarity and transparency.

In dictionaries of antonyms the colour term "white" is opposed by the colour term "black". It should be noted that other types of opposition have not been identified. This happens, because the semantics of colour is not fully clarified. Furthermore, latest research, including the present one, only partly covers the need of studying the problems of colour naming [1]. However, many scientists believe that though it is difficult to identify antonyms among them, it is still possible [2].

The main semantic characteristic of antonyms in colour naming paradigm is that they reflect a certain degree of contrast, based on their belonging to different categories: bright - pale, coloured -colourless, light - dark. We recognise the antonymous nomination of "black" and "white" due to the latter category [9]. Antonymous pairs are contrasted with each other no more than with other colours

on the language level: for example, blue, red, green, and so on, but they should be considered antonyms, since there is a scale of gradual transition from white to black. On the text level, in the context, almost all adjectives can become antonyms. This occurs most often when colour naming options are used in one way or another in contrasted meaning.

In general, dictionaries of antonymous colour naming provide only one pair - "white" - "black"; we can also identify the transitional "gray" colour, which unites the existing terms, shades and tones of "white" and "black." As part of the study on colour naming we can trace the change of the antonymous row based on the texts of the media and the materials of modern press.

The analysis of media texts containing contrasted options showed that while lexical entries define one antonymous pair, online publications contain not only "white" - "black" pair, but also "white" - "red", "white" - "green" and many others. Moreover, colour naming is opposed not only based on the category of belonging to light or dark tones, but also based on semantic grounds, thus, they can be arranged both in paired antonyms and in three-fold antonyms ("blue" - "white" - "red", "white" - "yellow" - "red", etc.)

The biggest semantic branch is comprised of the antonymic pair of "black" - "white," which is opposed in terms of "permitted" -"forbidden", skin tone belonging, "righteousness" - "wrongfulness". Let us provide some relevant examples: "In the summer of 2015 the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine has issued white and black lists of

Russian and foreign artists based on their relation to Kyiv" [«Lenta.ru» 28/03/16].

Thus, antonymous pair of "black and white" is represented by a number of opposing semantic components, where the colour term "gray" is used as a transitional one along with a compound "black and white". Note that the last example is also quite often used in media, emphasizing the intermediacy (transition, uncertainty of a situation), for example:

"It cannot be a black and white situation — to cut down or not to cut down [production]. There are a lot of transitional opportunities,» says Horsnell» [«Vedomosti», 11/20/14].

To summarize, it should be noted that the functioning of colour terms in the materials of lexical entries and online editions of media is different. It is reflected in the realisation of synonymous and antonymous ties. While dictionary synonymous variants are common and have a set of different shades and tones, media texts use only those ones that are clear and common. Analysis of antonymous colour naming showed that dictionaries provide only one counterposed pair - "white" - "black", while in the media such pairs are presented better and contrasted not only in terms of colour, but also in terms of semantic attributes. In general, the study of the representation of synonymous and antonymous ties in a paradigm based on colour naming still continues. This is due to the fact that their potential is not fully clarified, and, consequently, human knowledge of the lexicon designating colour, is incomplete.


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